Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 993: Forced work

Li Yuanshan hurriedly stretched his hands behind his back, soothing his pain with the mana in his body, and said, "The disciple knows that Master should not be angry. [((Eight

Yun Zhongzi glanced at him, and sighed in his mouth, "It's all dragging you down for my teacher. If I hadn't been wounded and I've fallen into the wilderness, you should now be a disciple of Zongmen Xi."

"The disciples can have today. It ’s all given by the Master. I am so grateful. I hope that the Master will never say so again. The disciples will feed you to take the medicine and relieve the pain in the body."

Yun Zhongzi nodded. After taking the elixir, his face became better and his spirit improved a lot. He said, "Yuanshan, have you been practicing well recently?"

"I have encountered some bottlenecks recently, but my disciples have already raised their eyebrows, and they must be able to break through soon. By then, the disciples should be able to break through without falling into the realm."

"Good! Good! You must remember that Yuanshan practice is extremely precious. As long as you focus on it, it will become a great tool in the future!" Yun Zhongzi nodded with consolation for over thirty years. The fall is so fast, even among Zongmen's disciples, that it is fast. Coupled with the difficulty of the exercises and the delay needed to take care of him, Li Yuanshan's progress is already amazing.

"Yes, Master." Li Yuanshan spoke respectfully, but there was a hint of worry in his face.

This failed to conceal Yun Zhongzi's eyes, and his expression sank, and he said, "However, Uncle Qi is pressing on the practice of practice, and you must ignore him. If he wants to press again, you will let He came to find his husband! "

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, "but you have to be careful yourself, even though your uncle Qi dares not to embarrass you positively, but he is afraid he will have a secret means."

Li Yuanshan said: "Master, rest assured, disciples understand that they will be more careful on weekdays. Today, disciples still have to do their homework, so they will not disturb the master's cultivation. When the regular meeting of tomorrow's ancestors, they will come again Go. "

After being promised, he respectfully saluted before turning away.

Yun Zhongzi looked at his back, and sighed slightly in his mouth, revealing a deep worry in his eyes.

Noon the next day.

The regular meeting of Qi Baishan ancestors will be convened every few years. The suzerain and the elders of the sect will discuss the issues during the two sessions.

Yun Zhongzi was dropped due to injury and was removed from the position of Elder Zongmen, but because of his seniority, he still had a place at the regular meeting. Li Yuanshan stood behind him and kept quiet.

Most monks don't delay too much time in the tedious matters so as not to miss the practice. Therefore, the regular meetings of sects have been very fast. The day can be ended in two hours. Today, the regular meeting is nearing its end after a decision has been reached on Zongmen's recent income and expenditure and his disciples Xiu Xiu for promotion.

The head of Qi Baishan said faintly, "You elders have other matters to discuss, otherwise this regular meeting will end."

"Sovereign Lord, while today's Zongmen regular meeting, here is something to raise." Elder Qi suddenly spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

Shangrao's eyes flickered slightly, and his eyelids were slightly lower. "Elders please tell me."

Elder Qi scolded the old guy in disguise, but he was still indifferent, and arched his hands, saying, "Presumably all the elders should know that my elder Qi Baishan Yun Neutron was seriously injured and repaired in his early years. Falling and destroying the realm, and exempting the elder. For 30 years, Yun neutron was hurt, and he took a lot of precious elixir from Zongmen Treasury, but he repaired it but fell to the ancient realm. I am Qi Baishanli Soon, there is a huge gap between the ancestors and the surrounding ancestors. The reason why the exhibitions can go hand in hand with the surrounding ancestors is because of the contribution and withdrawal system formulated by the ancestors. Disciples need to make contributions to the ancestors in order to redeem them. Kind of treasure. But Yun Neutron has continuously consumed Zongmen's treasures without any contribution, and in his current situation, this seat thinks that he cannot afford to repay the treasures taken from Zongmen's warehouse. Therefore, this seat proposes today, Order Yun Zhongzi to return the Zongmen depleted treasures in the near future, or he will be expelled from the Zongmen to maintain the basic purpose of the Zongmen. If not, how will many disciples in the gate be convinced! "

His voice dropped, and the whole hall suddenly fell silent.

Several elders looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of hotness in their hearts.

After a short breath, the silence was broken.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"



The elders of Zongmen have spoken one after another, except for the elder Li Shan, who has some friendship with Yun Zhongzi, and the rest have expressed their opinions.

Shangrao nodded and said, "Since the elders have discussed it together, naturally this case has no objections."

As the words fell, he turned to Yun Neutron, "Yun Yun, can you be convinced?"

There was no light in the temple, but they all came together.

Yun Neutron coughed, his face rose with dark red blood, struggling to get up, and arched his hand, saying, "Zongzhu Mingjian! When the old man went to the place to investigate, he was wounded, causing his wounds to be repaired as a fall. The door was damaged, and the Sovereign and the elders really wanted to be so unforgiving! "There was a deep anger in his voice!

"If it weren't for the damage to Zongmen, how can you, in the past few years, have Yun Yunzi take a lot of elixir from Zongmen's warehouse! Zongmen has done everything to you, and you must continue to use this as an excuse." Elder Qi He sneered and said, "Repay the treasures of Zongmen, or be expelled from the portal, you choose!"

"Qi Xiao! Although the old man had some relationship with you in the past, now he has reached such a point, is it that you really have to kill everything! The old man is sick and weak now, how to repay the ancestral thing!" Yun Zhongzi snarled in his breath.

Qi Xiao sneered and said, "This seat is for the sake of the public, all I want is the interests of the ancestors, and there is absolutely no selfishness. But since you are so open, Yun Zhongzi will give you a chance. Your disciple Li Yuanshan The practice is not Qi Yunshan's thing, and its grade should be much higher than that practiced by my disciples. I have already mentioned to you that you donated this practice to the gate, but you refused it. I wonder if you will change your mind today. As long as you promise to surrender the exercises, this seat guarantees that the treasures you owe to Zongmen will be written off and that you will be given all you need to heal your injuries in the future. The right is to give you the gift of the exercises. "

Yun Zhongzi's face suddenly became extremely angry. "It turned out that you are doing it for my disciples today. The old man has already said that Li Yuanshan passed on the practice to a certain senior and passed it on to me. In practice, is the monarch and the elders not afraid that this will cause trouble for me Qi Baishan? "

"Huh! If you said that the seniors really cared about Li Yuanshan so much, wouldn't they have been exposed for 30 years. Today, you still want to use this excuse to try to evade the matter! Yun neutron! This seat and the suzerain, etc. People will not persecute you. Now you either choose to surrender the exercises or be expelled from the sect, and make a decision! "Qi Xiao scolded sharply, and his eyes were cold.

"In the past few years, the old man has indeed taken a lot of elixir from the ancestral gate, but in recent years, the number has gradually decreased. The old man is willing to stop taking medicine from now, and asked the suzerain to read the old feelings of previous years and leave a way for the old man." Yun Zhongzi now State, if you lose Qi Baishan's sanctuary, you will not be able to survive in the cultivation world. I am afraid that you will die in a few days.

Shangrao was embarrassed, and Shen said, "It's not the case's cruelty, but the rules are so, the elders have agreed, and the case can't help it."

Yun Zhongzi smiled horribly. He was silent for a long time, and slowly said: "Okay ... since Zong Men can not tolerate the old man, the old man is leaving, just hoping that after the old man leaves, you will not continue to force Yuan Shan to take his tricks. "

Shangrao's face sank slightly, and said, "Yunzhong, this sect advises you to think twice before you regret it."

"The old man's intentions have been determined. After the suzerain's consent, he left the ancestral gate on his own, and has nothing to do with Qi Baishan afterwards!" Yun Zhongzi's face was bitter, but his words were firm!

Li Yuanshan's face rose red, he knelt down in front of Yun Zhongzi, "Master! Disciples must not watch you die! Don't stick to it anymore, let us hand over the exercises!"

"Stop! I promised that senior for the teacher that he would never learn the exercises privately, nor would he give it to Zongmen. Do you want to make the teacher the unbelieving person before he dies! "

"Master, even if you would rather die than hand in the exercises, can the disciples really keep it? Master, why do n’t you understand that you and I are guilty of it, even if you die, they want to practice , I will also find a way to take away from the disciples! If you don't hand it over again, you and I will die! "

If the cloud neutron was struck by lightning, his face turned pale and his body was soft to the ground. How can he not know these things, but he has been reluctant to think about it, but now he is broken by Li Yuanshan, and his heart suddenly develops despair.

Brothers Qi Baishan, such as Shangrao and Qi Xiao, were gloomy and heart-burning. What Li Yuanshan said was equivalent to tearing off the last piece of concealer on their faces, which reflected the strange eyes of the disciples. Hot and full of shame.

However, they must get the exercises!

Qi Xiao drank lowly: "Deliver it or not, decide that you and your apprentices will not play a sad drama anymore!"

Li Yuanshan lifted up, he slowly said: "Come! Let's do it!"

"But this method is given by my mysterious predecessor to me to practice magical powers. If you forcibly obtain it today, you will definitely offend that predecessor. If his predecessor returns, he will cause a terrible disaster for Qi Baishan. The elder must not regret it! "

While talking, he glanced around, and the faces of those he saw changed slightly. But soon, a hint of fear in their hearts was suppressed by Western greed, looking at a jade bamboo slip taken out of Li Yuanshan, the eyes of Shangrao, Qi Xiao and others became hot!

"for you all!"

Li Yuanshan threw his hands up and Yu Jian left.

A joy in Shangrao's heart, he hurriedly reached out a move, and he would take this jade Jane into his hands.

But at this moment, a mighty coercion of mountains and oceans suddenly descended from the clouds, directly covering the entire gate of Qi Baishan. Under this coercion, with the exception of Yun Zhongzi and Li Yuanshan, all monks were unable to move for a moment when their bodies were stiff.

"I do n’t give you what you give me. Who dare to take it!"

A faint voice came, a figure ignored Qi Baishan Huzong's large array, directly tore the space, and came forward!

Black and black eyes, hitting the blue robe, the cold flashes in the eyes!


[There is a chapter after 12 o'clock. 】

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