King Xu Yan nodded, "You can rest assured, although I have some regrets in my heart, I can clearly distinguish the righteousness. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W.81ZW.COM However, this person Xiao Chen is the most powerful in the thousands of years. Those who have the opportunity to break through Hongmeng, if you give him some time, there will even be the Ninth Empire in the Great Thousand Realms. But now ... alas, it is indeed a pity. "

"Well, these things are not you and I can intervene." King Yinyue changed the subject and said, "This time, Xiao Chen is fierce and bad. He asked you and me to continue, should he continue?"

"Naturally! If the king answers, he will never break his word. Even if Xiao Chen scorns, I will also fulfill my promise."

"I knew you would be like this, but in the past few years, you and I have moved around to find the power, but still found nothing. I am a vast territory of Chu. Every year, I have risen from the small thousand realms, and I do n’t know how many blood monks I want to find a woman Difficult. It is more likely that she has been ridiculed in these thousands of years, and where do you and I go to find. "

King Xu Yan frowned. He got up and took two steps, his face suddenly changed. "Yinyue, in order to add royal blood thousands of years ago, has the Imperial Palace summoned countless pure blood nuns from the small world, for the concubine concubine? Standby? "

"Yeah! How did I forget about this! Xiao Chen did say that his sister Yiyi was called into the Great Thousand Realms. This may not be possible!" King Yinyue said: "Wait a minute, I will order someone to go immediately Check to see if Yu Ji is among the women summoned by the Emperor Palace from the Thousand Realms. "

She summoned a servant of the royal palace and gave a brief command. The servant of the creation, respectfully, turned around and hurried away.

"I have asked him to go to the palace to look up the roster of the person responsible for the incident. No accidents will soon have results." Speaking of this, King Yinyue frowned suddenly, "but I hope this girl is not among them. The gloom in the harem should be clear to you. The women who were called into the imperial palace at that time are still intact today. I am afraid there are few people. "

King Xu Yan frowned: "I'll do my best in this matter. If that's the case, I can only blame her for her bad life."

King Yinyue nodded.

The servants of the Royal Mansion returned after half an hour, respectfully saying, "The King Huiyu and King Yinyue, when the imperial palace called the Netherworld to rise to the nuns, there was indeed one named Yu Ji."

A delight in Wang Xu's heart, he said, "Where is she now?"

"Henan Tingxuan."


Called into the women's practice since childhood, the practice is low, the blood is thin, there is no helplessness in the world, and the natural status is low. After rounds of screening, most of them were reduced to slavery in the palace. Only the best of them could be selected as palace servants. Since then, they have become Chuhuang women and have the qualifications to serve the emperor.

However, the identity of the palace concubine is the lowest-ranking concubine in the harem. It can only be equipped with two female concubines, a waiter, and the hospitalization is also simple and remote. Since the selection booklet was sealed, two of them entered the palace of the harem. Two of them won the emperor's joy and were promoted to the position of wife, and one of them was very blessed, and she successfully conceived the royal blood. According to the Taiji diagnosis, she was a dragon. Son, its status has soared! As long as the production is successful, a noble position must be in the bag. If the prince can teach, the future concubine is not impossible.

So self-explanatory.

But if there are people who have scenery, naturally there are people who are disappointed, and the most disappointed one obviously belongs to Yunan Tingxuan.

The luck of this Yu Gongzhen was not good. After he was booked, he was seriously ill for no reason and could not sleep, so he missed the period when the Emperor Chu paid attention to the new Jin Gong, and he was forgotten in the corner. See Shengyan. It is said that the two sister-in-laws next to Yu Gongxu were also called by Xiaoqianjie to call for nuns. Because of the lack of consciousness in the heart, they secretly poisoned her and ruined her chance to fly into the sky. But this is only a rumor and has not been verified so far.

The southern Henan Pavilion is just an inconspicuous place in the remote corner of the imperial palace. Coupled with the fact that the master must not be a little bit of grace, naturally it will not attract people's attention, and no one will embarrass Yu Gong who is not a pet. Although life is hard, A little, but it's still peaceful.

Yu Ji sat down against the wooden fence and looked at the flowers and plants in the courtyard, slightly surprised. Due to years of disrepair, the new paint on the wooden rails has fallen off and is mottled. The clothes on her body were also distributed in the palace many years ago. As she gradually lost the possibility of favor, the various offerings in the House of Government over the years began to become scarce, and the amount was less than half of the quota.

But Yu Ji didn't care, she just wanted to live a quiet life in this deep palace, and now this life is exactly what she wanted. Suddenly there was a sound of scolding and crying outside the courtyard, Yu Ji frowned, and got up and went out.

"Things that don't open your eyes! Don't look at who is passing by. If you collide with Mrs. Ting's dragon tire and kill you, you won't be able to make up for it!" Severely struck the face of the kneeling palace woman and knocked her directly to the ground.

On the cheek of a car, a woman in a palace costume looks indifferent, with a chill between her eyebrows.

"Who's residence is here, why hasn't this story been heard?" The woman in the palace dress is only a wife, claiming that the palace has clearly passed. This is a felony of the harem. She dare to be so presumptuous, obviously relying on her belly. Dragon tire.

The white-faced waiter hurried down and said with a smile: "My wife's identity is gold and expensive, how come I usually come to such a remote place? This is the residence of Tingxuan in Henan Province, the new Jin Yugong. I've never been here before, and I don't know how far away you are from your wife.

"Yu Gongyu? But that Yu Ji." There was a trace of disgust in Mrs. Ting's eyes. "With her, she can be compared with this palace!"

"Yes, yes! Madam is right. Seeing the broken mouth of the slave is really incapable of speaking. What is this Yu Gongyu? He doesn't even match our wife's shoes. How can they be compared with his wife? Slap two slaps into his face while talking.

"Okay, don't betray yourself in front of this palace. This little girl just smashed into this palace, but she almost shocked the dragon. In case of a mistake, it would be cheap to kill her. This way I do n’t know the rules, How can I be on duty in the palace, relaying the order of the palace, and sending her to the labor room. "Madam Ting said lightly, but there was a faint flash of light in her eyes.

The labor room is the place where the maid and the attendant are punished for making mistakes. The hardship is more enduring torture. Most of the maids and attendants who died in the house died in it.

The seemingly understatement of punishment has almost killed the maiden's life.

"Mrs. spares your life! Madam spares your life! Slaves never dare!" The palace girl was so frightened that her face was full of despair.

In the sound of "squeak", the gate of Tingxuan in the south of Henan was suddenly opened, and Yu Ji stepped forward, converging and saluting, saying: "Chen Ye, see Madam Ting."

Mrs. Ting laughed: "Yu Gong was just here. This palace is going to help you to discipline your minions and send them to the labor room for business. Presumably you should have no opinion."

Yu Jidao: "It is the blessing of this slave to be disciplined by his wife, but she has been serving ministers for many years. If you change someone else, you will not be used to it. Please also be magnanimous. Do n’t want to have general knowledge with her. She will be severely punished, and she will never repeat it in the future. "

"Yu Gongyi means that this palace is narrow-minded and deliberately embarrassed the maid." Mrs. Ting's face became somber. "But since Yu Gongyi spoke, this palace will give you a face and spare this. Slavery is fine, but the master needs punishment. "

"I don't know how Mrs. Ting wants to punish the courtiers?" Yu Ji frowned slightly. She had offended Mrs. Ting for helping a soaring woman in the past. She didn't want her to be remembered to this day. It is obviously a deliberate embarrassment today.

"It's very simple. If you applaud twenty, this palace will spare her." Mrs. Ting sneered. "But you need Mrs. to do it yourself. You can't use repair as a resistance to avoid damaging the dragon!"

Don't worry about it. With a slap of twenty, a face is not yet beaten.

Yu Ji's face changed, and she said, "Did Mrs. Ting really want to fight hard, you and I are from the small thousand realms, why bother each other!"

"What are you, dare to slander this palace for no reason!" Mrs. Ting's face was gloomy. "Come here! Give me this pair of masters and servants and take them to the labor room. If anyone asks, Say it means the main palace! "

"Yes, ma'am!" Bailian yelled sharply: "What are you still doing? Didn't hear your wife's order, get out of them!"

Several court guards hesitated slightly, or respectfully, and strode towards this place.

Yu Ji Qiao's face was white, and she did not expect that she was reluctant to provoke right and wrong, and ended up still like this. She secretly laughed bitterly, thinking that if she didn't fight for favor, she wouldn't be harmed by anyone. It seemed she was thinking too simple. In the face of the guard she was afraid to resist, otherwise Mrs. Ting would not have any trouble even if she was killed on the spot.

An unloved palace prince was nothing in the imperial palace. He died when he died.

But when these guards were about to shoot, there was a sudden surge of power in the void, hitting them directly!

A cold hum came from the rear, "I don't know if you are a slave, you are the master of the palace, no matter how low you are, you dare to act on the master, who gave you such courage!"

At this moment, it was King Yinyue and King Xu Xi who came under the guidance of the palace attendants and stopped the guards.

An exclamation from Tingfu's population, but it was the strength of the **** that flew the guard, which spread to her car seat, causing a sloshing. When she stopped, she turned to look at the two, and screamed, "You are Who would dare to shoot at this palace! Come, immediately take them down and drag them down! "

But the court guards all turned pale and didn't dare to move.

Yinyue Wang Qiao's face was shameless, sneer.

King Xu Yan frowned slightly, and he glanced at Yu Ji to make sure she was okay.

From beginning to end, the two never looked at Mrs. Ting at all! The monks of the creation world, especially King Yinyue, came from the royal family. The King Xu's combat power is amazing. The two have a respected status in Chu, and even the Emperor Chu will treat each other with courtesy. With a lady of her own, even if she is pregnant with dragons, if she really talks about status, she can't compare to them! After all, there is not only one prince, but not many of them can become talented.


[There is a chapter after 12 o'clock. 】

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