Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 969: Rush to Dawei

"Treasure from a vein of magic machine!" Quan whispered. Although his face was still calm, his eyes gradually brightened, showing a trace of heat.

Shenjizi was excited for a while and gave a deep gift. He never reported a star chart coordinate directly.

Xiao Chen waved his sleeves, and a roll of the complete star map of Daqianjie suddenly appeared. Quan's eyes were cast, but after finding this coordinate, the two brows couldn't help but wrinkled at the same time.

Because the place marked by coordinates is in the border of Great Wei!

"Divine machine, are you sure that the treasure is here?" Xiao Chen said slowly.

Shenji nodded, and said respectfully, "Chen is sure."

Quan reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. "Although there are some troubles, this one must go."

Xiao Chen's face was firm and he said, "This is nature!" Even in the borders of the Great Wei Dynasty, the fairy crystals and refined fairy guard materials stored in the treasures of the **** machine were enough to let them take the risk!

"Taking the practice of you and me as you enter the territory of the Great Wei, it is very likely to cause fluctuations in the national Wei of the Great Wei, and Wei Huang will certainly be aware of it at the time. But this is not an unsolved solution. I can take a shot and leave you and me alone. Shield. But the treasures must not be known in advance, otherwise Dawei will rob them at all costs. So God machine now you need to tell us how the God machine vein hides the treasure, if you will Will its opening attract the attention of the great Weiqiang? "Quan Shen said.

Shenji Zi arched his hand and said, "Back to the State of the Nation, at that time, my **** machine collapsed at any cost, folding the star space, and swallowing a small spiritual star. It was originally intended to be used as a family, but it was not used. The clan has already had an accident. All the precious materials that have been hoarded will be on this star of cultivation! If you have a complete opening method, you can enter it silently, but in the catastrophe of the year, the **** machine is strong The person is almost dead, and the opening method is missing. Now I have some methods in my hand. Although I can open the treasure, it will cause the entire folding space to collapse. The hidden cultivation star will be exposed to the world. Such a momentum will inevitably lead to Come to the great power of Wei Kingdom to pay attention. "

Spring's eyes flashed coldly, "Since there is no way to accomplish this silently, then make the matter bigger before opening the treasure, and those who have the power to stop you and me from collecting the treasure will be led away. When the treasure opens, even if They noticed that it was too late to stop. "The words fell, and he turned to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen thoughtfully, saying: "The thing that attracts the attention of Wei Guoqiang is naturally the most suitable for my king. I think that the emperor Wei and the great monk who stepped into the sky in Dawei should really want to kill him."

"Things can be a bit dangerous, but they are worthwhile compared to the expected gains."

"It doesn't matter. The king is not trying to fight them for you. After the matter is resolved, the king can naturally retreat easily, so things are decided like this."

"Okay, I'll be ready now, I'll get out after I block you and me!"


Yan and Wei are enemies of generations. Despite the turbulent years in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, although there has not been a large-scale war yet, small-scale frontier stars have lived. Over the years, the number of casualties caused has reached an extremely alarming level! The hatred between the monks of the two countries has penetrated into the blood of the soul, passed on forever and ever, and it will not dissipate until the blood of one side is completely extinct.

On the borders between the two countries, where the clashes are most frequent and fierce, the cultivation star has been completely destroyed in countless killings, collapsing into pieces or huge, or fragmentary star fragments, scattered in the star field. And these fragments are mostly dark red, which is dyed by the spilled blood water year after year! The thick evil spirit filled the entire space, and it seemed to be able to hear a sound of despair, or savage, or crazy roaring into the ears. This is the roar of hundreds of millions of souls behind and broken broken souls! When the monks enter this kind of environment and are infected by evil spirits, they will become unwieldy and aggressive, murderous!

Countless fragmented armor shards and weapon wrecks float quietly in the star field, adding to this brutal battlefield battlefield, adding a bit of tragic momentum

A group of monks scolded by Wei Guo, proceeded cautiously in this star field, they are the most elite soldiers in the army. Long-term killing can resist the erosion of evil spirits by the evil spirit, keep their consciousness, and complete the task of detecting enemy situation.

Suddenly, the scout team leader frowned, a hint of confusion appeared on his face. Walking in the dark all year round, he cultivated his sensitivity to the dangerous atmosphere. At this time, he felt a little uneasy, but never noticed anything wrong.

He raised his hand slightly, trying to lead His Majesty's scout to leave, but his eyes suddenly widened, showing endless fear! The surrounding space suddenly bended without warning, as if held by an invisible palm, and twisted hard!

Dozens of blood flowers bloomed quietly, and no sound was heard from beginning to end.

At this time, the space not far away was torn apart silently, and three figures stepped forward one after another. As a man struck a blue robe, his look was calm, his eyes were full of calmness, and his powerful heart was not spotted due to the killing.

Because they are monks of the fire race!

This man is naturally Xiao Chen.

Quan frowned, and said, "After entering Dawei, you'd better press the hatred in your heart for a while and don't expose it before the appointed time."

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "You can rest assured that the king has his own measure, and will not be as fast as it is, and it will break the business. As for the fire clan, one day, the king will completely erase this blood from the great realm. . "His voice was calm, but the cold cold intentions revealed in the front of the language were as substantive.

Quan Mou, he sensed a strong and almost unshakable faith from Xiao Chen's mind, this kind of belief is almost an oath-like existence, if it can not be broken, it will even prevent him from climbing to the top of the avenue! That being the case, kill it if you want to kill it.

"You and I will be separated here ... be careful!"

Xiao Chen flashed a little surprise in his eyes. The guy Quan was always cold and indifferent. He did not expect to be able to say such a word, and a slight smile appeared on his face, saying: "Same." He turned around and stepped forward, his figure disappeared into the space directly.

Quan watched his figure disappear, and said lightly, "This time in the Wei Dynasty, Xiao Chen assumed most of the vicious risks. You and I acted secretly, but relatively safer. The reason why this book agreed with him Go on a risk because the income is enough for him to gain real self-protection power. Therefore, you better be convinced that the treasure of the magic machine is truly as you say, you can get enough harvest, otherwise I will make you sad. "

His voice was very flat, but Shenjizi's body was tense suddenly. Uncontrollable mind gave birth to a chill, hurriedly low, respectfully said. He didn't say much, because any guarantee is illusory, and only by successfully opening the treasure can it prove that it's all worth it.

"Let's go."

There was a faint golden light on the fingertips of Quan, a few pens in the void, and the immortal text appeared directly into the space. The next moment the space ripples rose, and in a circle of waves, a pale golden portal emerged from it. He reached out and pushed, the portal opened and the two men walked directly into it.


Distant Chu State. As one of the four nations in the Daqian Realm, Dachu has the most expansive territory. With its strong national strength, it is the only country in the eight countries that can compete with Daqin without falling into the wind. The domestic folk customs are sturdy and advocating powerful forces! The physical strength is the most obvious manifestation of the monks in Chu Kingdom, because the blood of ancient deities is flowing in their bodies!

Badu, the imperial city of Chu. New Dongshan Palace. It was announced that Chu Huang's new title, Dongshan Wang, was a monk with the blood of the Great Chu clan in his body. Due to the recent cultivation, he was able to seize the king. The territory is the Dongshan Starfield, one of the largest starfields in the eastern part of Dachu. It is bordered by the wild starfield in the east and Datang in the north. It needs to withstand threats from both sides. But the true king of the Great Chu Dongshan is the powerful fairy king that was taken away by the great Chu Hongmeng from the fragments of ancient fairyland! This man was brought into Nanlishan, the Holy Land of Dachu. For unknown reasons, he could be released from custody a hundred years later, and turned into Dachu King!

At the moment, in the study room of Dongshan King's Mansion, after agreeing to go to the territory, His Majesty and others respectfully retreated. After sitting quietly at the desk, Wang Dongshan was slightly lower, as if he was lost in thought, and the study room was quiet.

Suddenly, he slowly raised his eyes, and a faint golden light appeared in his eyes. A layer of grid shadows appeared from his eyes, like a town, locking all the golden light to the bottom of his eyes! This person's body was trembling slightly, his forehead was bruised, and obviously he was suffering great pain! In the process, the golden light in his eyes became more and more prosperous!

After lasting a moment, Dongshan King suddenly groaned, and in his eyes the golden light disappeared and everything was calm. His face became extremely pale, and his mouth gasped, but a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Bear bear, you want to erase all the memories of the king and the gods. You may have thought of me too much!"

"The great Lord of the Immortal Realm, his subordinates will be quietly preparing everything in the Daqian Realm. When the time is ripe, they will hold sacrifice and welcome you back to this world!"

"The lost ancient fairyland will rise again because of your return! Any betrayal or violation of your rules will be completely wiped out!"


Great Qin.

The Kingdom of the Golden Pagoda in the fairyland era, the rumored bliss world, has now become the territory of the corpses. The pale daylight fell on the sky, but did not bring any temperature. A gorgeous flower grew on the ground, exuding a faint fragrance. This kind of flower is named corpse orchid, which only grows in the area that is shrouded in strong corpse all year round. The fragrance emitted is not harmful to the corpse, but it is the most terrifying poison to the soul!

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