Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 960: Memory recovery

The thunder, tyrannical and domineering, brave and unyielding, is the power of the world to gangsters. However, in addition to the talent attributes, there is also a crucial point, that is, fast! What people say is that speed is like electricity, and wind and electricity are all described by lightning as an unparalleled degree. Bayi Middle School W). ] 8> 1? Z] W]. } COM

Thunder Dragon is the ruler of the Thunder of Heaven and Earth, acting by the power of Thunder. It is enough to catch most of the monks in the world, and it is better than the creation of the Xeon. Because time is very urgent and Xiao Chen is more anxious, so along the way, even if the momentum is huge, even if he knows that it will cause a lot of trouble to put himself in a very passive situation, he still does not hesitate to make a choice!

Because he couldn't imagine, what would happen to him if he lost them?

Xiao Chen came all the way to control the dragon. After the Torch Festival, the four nations finally arrived on the day of their wedding. And time is just right. If he slows down a little bit more, the monks in the Four Kingdoms will leave. Even if he wants to recover, the four women will each return to one side, who will he recover and give up?

His eyes glanced down, watching the four shadows, his heart trembled slightly, and then he was grateful, his eyes gradually softened. Although their breath has changed greatly, their temperament is completely different from before, but that essential breath still cannot hide his eyes.

They are what he is looking for, to take away, to protect, his woman!

This time, he did not allow anyone to block.

no way!

"Dongyan King!"

The Shikoku marrying monks looked at Lei Long, his face changed greatly, his mouth whispered, and his face was dimmed in the severe contraction of his pupils. Xiao Chen betrayed Da Yan violently. This matter is well known to the world. The Emperor Yan took Xiao Chen's life to save the face of the big Yan, and opened a high enough chip. This harvest is naturally eye-catching, but the strength revealed by Xiao Chen, But it can scare off the enthusiasm in the hearts of most wrongdoers.

In the endless army, the king of the south of Dayan Town was arrogantly killed, and no one dared to stop!

What a terrible power this is!

The face of the Great Swallow's Royal Master Wanbei became extremely ugly in an instant, his next step was taken, the breath of the Creator Xeon burst out, his eyes were cold like arrows, "Xiao Chen! Your big swallow is rebellious. Dare to appear in front of Ben Yu, and today I do n’t want to retreat from all my body! Dear friends, my lord of the Great Swallow ’s Lord has been laid down. Anyone who kills Xiao Chen will receive a generous reward! The king would like to invite you to join hands to kill this person ! "

"This matter, the king is willing to take action!" King Daqin Luosha said lightly, his eyes appeared bloody, a trace of corpse pervaded the whole body, and it was extremely cold and exuding a strong decaying air.

Chi Lian Wang gave a sneer, and Martian breath was coming out of his mouth and nose. The rich sulfur smell was extremely pungent, and the whole body space was red. It seemed to be burning! Although he did not speak, this performance was enough to show his attitude.

Between the corpse, the fire, and Xiao Chen, it can be considered a grudge! Coupled with some information from the fragments of the ancient fairyland, the heart of the two families to kill Xiao Chen is even heavier! This opportunity, even if they take some risks, they will never miss it!

However, King Lingnan of Datang frowned slightly. He never expressed his attitude for a while, and seemed to hesitate in his heart.

At this time, the surrounding space of the Qianyuan Dao Palace was fragmented, and the monks had not left the country to be attracted by the movement. Out of the air, his eyes converged on Xiao Chen, many of them hot. Because Xiao Chen was so famous that before the situation was clear, they were still thinking about it, but once he fell into the slump, they would never mind falling down the rocks and placing Xiao Chen in a place where he would not be buried, so as to share Yan Huang's weight. reward.

But among them, there are also preemptive shooters!

Da Zhao Tianlu Wang's face was sinking in water, and his body's aura flashed directly into the field. He said lightly: "Cut Xiao Chen down and count as one of the king."

In a short period of time, four creators of the Xeon World have decided to join forces, and there are many others around the corner waiting for the opportunity! The dangerous situation is unimaginable!

But at this time, Xiao Chen did not look at them at all, and now in his eyes, all he saw were the four beautiful shadows and nothing else. There was a faint smile on his face, gentle and pure, stepping into the void, and whispering softly: "Ziyan, Yuewu, Xiaoyi, Qingmei, I'll take you away."

On the ground, Yan Ziqiao's face instantly showed confusion. She looked at Yun Xiao's figure coming from the footsteps, and Thunder shone behind him, drawing a clearer outline, gradually overlapping with the blurry figure in her mind!

Her beautiful eyes suddenly widened, revealing shock!


This is her demon!

But now, he turned into a person and came to control the dragon! How is this going! The two obviously met for the first time, but gave her a very familiar feeling, an inexplicable closeness instantly gave birth to her trembling slightly!

Who is he?

Who is calling in your mouth?

Who will he take away?

Yan Zi's heart suddenly became confused. She stared at him stepping on her feet, thinking hard, but couldn't find him in the memory until Yuan Shen suddenly stung, and her brow angle wrinkled slightly.

At the same time, Wu Yue, Yi Xiao, Mei Qing, three girls, behaved like her. They had a strange sense of familiarity with the man in front of them, but there was no trace there, and there was a shock and confusion in their hearts.

The smile on Xiao Chen's face gradually dissipated. He looked at the four women, and his body stopped stiffening.

His lips were trembling slightly, and he whispered, "You guys ... don't you remember me?" He said, his voice was hoarse and scary, and the panic and anger in his heart made his chest's chest burn with hot flames. Burn it!

He couldn't imagine, if Ziyan really forgot him, what would he do?

For a brief silence, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, and a roar like a wounded beast, "Qian Yuanzi! The king will kill you!"

He never dropped his voice, suddenly raised his hand, and grasped the ground fiercely!

Resentment shot, this catch, he repaired as many bursts as possible, without any reservation! There is a sudden force of power in the void, and the space is directly twisted and twisted under this power, which is enough to smash any creature!

Qianyuanzi's face remained unchanged. The old man looked calm from the beginning to the end, which seemed to have been expected now! He drank in his mouth, and there was a mighty breath pouring out. The strength of this breath actually climbed to the peak of the creation Xeon in one fell swoop, but the distance was just a step away!

How can this practice be done by the Uighur Masters, the hidden power of this weird can be appalling! He fluttered his sleeves, and a rippling ripple appeared in the space around him, pulsing towards the surroundings.

The confrontation between the two peaks of creation and the ultimate strength of the world shattered the space completely. The whole space was exposed to a dark background. Near the countless disciples of Qian Yuanzi, there was no resistance at all in the aftermath of this terror confrontation. Force, beheaded to death!

But this strange man never looked at the slightest bit, and didn't even frown. He drank suddenly in his mouth, "Idiot! The demon is right in front of him, and he will not be shot to kill him, but when will he wait!"

This roar seemed to have a certain magical power, and fell into the ears of the four girls of Yan Zi, and it was like a thunderous roaring soup, and it seemed that millions of people were roaring at the same time in their ears.

"Kill the demon!"

"Kill the demon!"


There was a flash of rivalry in their eyes, but they were quickly pressed down, flashed in their hands, took out their long swords, and drank from the shadows. The long swords were ahead, and the cold and cold lights appeared on the sword tips.

When Xiao Chen saw the four women approaching, she was in a hurry to converge her body breath, otherwise, even if the four women created the world, she would be killed by his external forces.





The four muffled sounds came almost at the same time, this is the sound of the sharp sword stabbing into the flesh!

Xiao Chen recovered all the power and could no longer resist the four sword awns. The icy sword tip tore his flesh and blood and fell deeply into his body. The severe pain made his face pale instantly, and a drop of blood leaked from the wound. Out, Yin Hong drew a trace of faint gold, and fell down along the sword body.

He looked at the four faces in front of him, barely showing a smile on his face, his eyes were as gentle as before, without any change.

The four women, Yan Zi, Wu Yue, Yi Xiao, and Mei Qing, looked at the people in shock, and they did not understand why he suddenly had to consolidate all his powers and make himself easily injured. Based on his cultivation, it is easy to resist them and even kill them!

Looking at the long sword submerged in his body, their sword-holding hands and his pale face, somehow, a deep sorrow suddenly appeared in the hearts of the four women, and tears appeared in the eyes, sliding down both cheeks , Cold.

Blood and water continued to spread along the sword, and at this moment it became more scarlet.

"Don't cry, this little injury doesn't matter at all. I deserve this sword. After all, I didn't take good care of you. Today, I will take you away, and you and me will never be separated again." Xiao Chen Speaking, there was a weakness in the tone. On the blade of the flesh, a ray of toxin was spreading wildly at an alarming degree, and the severe pain brought by him made him endlessly tormented! The blood flowing from the wound soon turned into pure black, with a slightly sweet fishy smell.

In Jinshen Space, the golden seal releases dazzling golden light, but the strong poison is so strong that even the power of the golden seal cannot dispel it. It can only barely protect Xiao Chen's Yuanshen and the viscera, so that the toxin must not invade to protect his life .

The sword's blood was red and gold, infected with ink-like black blood. Soon the black blood flowed through the hilt and touched the hand holding the sword.

Black blood stained with white and pink fingertips, and the color difference between the two has formed a strong visual impact at this moment! At this time, the four women of Yan Zi were suddenly stiffened, contaminated with Xiao Chen's blood, and there was a light noise in their Yuanshen, as if there was something, which suddenly broke at this moment. Countless memory pictures swarmed out of the seal, allowing them to retrieve their lost memories!

The encounters in the realm of the world know each other and Xu Xiangshou.

Xiao Qian Jie's first departure and Cone Heartache.

After entering the Daqian Realm, the identity of the memory was completely tampered with.


Although the pictures were a little messy and incomplete, they reminded them of the most important man in their life. He was right in front of them, but they held the sword and pierced his body fiercely!

The memory overlaps with the eyes, making the four women's bodies tremble suddenly, letting off their hands like an electric shock, looking at the man who was pale and bloodless in front of him, and whose eyes were still gentle, a sudden burst of blood spit from his mouth.

"Fu Jun!" Exclaimed with a cry, and tears burst into their eyes. "Sorry, I'm sorry Fu Jun! How could this be, how can this be!" The four women were guilty, with deep pain in their eyes. His face was pale!


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