Immortal is fixed, with one finger, the fairy king is sealed!

After doing this, he kept at his fingertips, a few strokes of empty sketches, golden immortal texts emerged, and the majestic and noble breath came to his face. The supreme breath was trembling! Xiao Chen waved his sleeves, Xianwen shot out, and went straight to the king of Xian to shoot down. [八 [[一 [(<< 中 < 文 [

"Immortal, grab! Strip the immortal king!"

The fear of the immortal king was even more terrifying, but he was fixed on the strength of immortality, and he couldn't escape for a while. He watched as he seized Xianwen into his body. His breath became weak and his face became pale, giving people A feeling of extreme weakness! The golden gilt seal of the Chinese artifact is a masterpiece of gold. A layer of golden light covers the whole body of the fairy king to counteract the power of fairy art.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't give it a chance to break free. He pointed to the storage and abstained from flashing light. The figures of four yellow armor immortal guards appeared in an instant, in silence, with a fierce and violent sword rising up, swept forward, Haotang turns like a river, and the momentum is infinite!

The blade is cut, shaking the golden light of the immortal king like a wave of water!

The bottom of Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply. He stepped hard under his feet, and the figure of Thunder Dragon sank down suddenly. The scales of his body shattered a few pieces. In its pain and roar, Xiao Chen's figure burst out. Purple The Yuanshoujia emerged from the flesh, holding a black sword, and in the roar of the immortal king, chopped it down with a golden square hand to him!


This is the sound of the black sword slashing the robe into the flesh, and the sword's edge immediately transmitted a strong blocking force.

Xiao Chen yelled, the remaining mana gushing out in the body, the black sword fell, the pale golden blood flower bloomed in the void, and the hand of the immortal king holding the seal was cut off!

After beating the hand of the fairy king, he roared sharply in his mouth, "Boom!"

The voice didn't fall, and the violent atmosphere fluctuated in the four Huangjiaxianwei at the same time. The figure suddenly shattered, and the terror of the heart was swept out, turning the whole space into the territory of death. The violent and devastating self-destructive power is enough to tear everything up!

The immortal king cried out, his body flew far behind under the impact of self-explosive force, and lost the golden square seal of the Chinese weapon. His amazing coercion greatly declined! His face was pale and messy, and a stream of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Immortal settled down!

Immortal robs the body of the exorcist!

With the help of four yellow armor immortal guards, the golden square seal guarding power of shaking the national weapon is cut!

Break the hand of the fairy king with the sharpness of the black sword!

In the end, Xianwei blew himself up and wounded the fairy king!

Everything happened in an instant, and they were interlocked. With the help of the golden seal, Xiao Chen burst out of the power expected by the immortal king and instantly changed the situation!

Xian Wei blew himself up, killing the enemy regardless of me, Xiao Chen's body was directly smashed into the air, even if there was a Ziyuan Beast Armor to offset most of the power, but a little force penetrated at this moment, his internal injury was aggravated instantly, his nose There was blood flowing from time to time.

But at this moment, he didn't have any pause, and even healed the impact force to make himself more severely wounded. Xiao Chen has long noticed that the immortal king is extremely weak. The reason why he can exhale such powerful power is to rely on the power of Chinese tools! As long as the national weapon is taken away, his power will inevitably be greatly reduced. Only then will he be able to save his life!

After some tricks, he tried his best to cut off the hand of the fairy king, causing the national weapon to fall. Naturally, he couldn't give the fairy king a chance to take it away again!

The immortal king saw Xiao Chen's actions, and immediately realized his mind. A furious roar ran out in his mouth, and he reached out with his palm intact, and his fingertips showed a faint golden light, and he wanted to take back the artifact.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen turned around fiercely, his fingertips burst out with a strong and dazzling golden aura, and a powerful breath came out of it. He painted in the void, but simply fell down, the immortal text was not completed, but the horrible killing breath has filled the world!

Void condenses white murderous force, tearing the chaotic time and space power!

The pupil of the fairy king contracted violently, sensing the breath released by Xiao Chen, and the name of a horrible fairy art jumped directly into his mind.

Immortal, extinction!

The use of immortality to destroy immortals, immortal text can be used to kill the immortals of the world, even if the immortal realm exists, you can also kill it! Only one person mastered this fairyland in the fairyland period, and that was the master of the fairyland!

The strong breath of death made the king's body suddenly tense, and there was no time to think about it. The body had made a subconscious retreat, and even forgot to collect the national weapon. The figure screamed and ran away backwards!

For any monk in the fairyland, the master of the fairyland is the greatest horror in the world!

But Xiao Chen's fall did not continue. A lot of blood spewed out of his mouth, and the golden light on his fingertips dim directly. With his cultivation now, even with the help of the golden seal, he was not qualified to complete the immortal art. Forcing a shot will naturally be backfired by supernatural powers! If most of this anti-phasing force was offset by the golden seal, this force alone would be enough to smash Xiao Chen and fall into a state of utter danger.

Although he was not dead at this moment, Xiao Chen's internal injuries were extremely serious! He yelled in his mouth, pressed down on his pain with his strong will, and looked uncertain in his crying blood.

Starting with the national instruments, the golden light instantly became a masterpiece, and the destruction and fluctuation of the atmosphere burst instantly, only to be swept out. Can completely destroy Xiao Chen!

But at this time, in the space of Yuanshen, a breath of fluctuations in the golden seal came out, and instantly came through Xiao Chen's flesh. The destruction of the breath of the Chinese device trembled, and then disappeared, and he did not dare to resist Xiao Chen anymore. In the breath of the golden seal, Xiao Chen could even sense the awe and obedience of the Chinese device! But at this time, he had no time to think much, and his hand flashed a little, and he directly put the national utensils into his storage.

"No!" The immortal king's eyes spit fire, he has returned to God, feeling that the induction with the national weapon was cut off by students, and in his anger, he could not help but give birth to a thick fear and fear. . Being able to take national weapons is enough to prove that Xiao Chen has some powerful power in his hands! Therefore, for a time, the immortal king did not dare to shoot again, forcing him into despair, so as not to lead him to desperate shots and end up with both defeats!

Suddenly, outside of the Forbidden City, the ancient fragments of the ancient fairyland that entered the world of thousands suddenly collapsed, and a few terror breaths suddenly came. Although not yet appeared, Qi Qi has completely locked the fairy king!

The immortal king's face changed suddenly, but the figure did not dare to move arrogantly. In his current state, after losing the national weapon, his power was weak, and he no longer had the power of vertical and horizontal power!

Xiao Chen's heart was loose. He knew as early as after the departure of the King of Heaven, the King of Corpses, and the King of Fire, once the outside world knew about the epigenetic matters of the ancient fairyland fragments, there would inevitably be an invader who stepped on the sky. That has put things under control.

Although countries from all over the world haven't dispatched the strongholds to take part in the battle for national wares, they must have sent someone secretly just in case, and now they have finally arrived.

However, when Xiao Chen's heart was slightly loose, his heart suddenly shrank fiercely, and a strong crisis suddenly lifted him, and he saw a crimson flame that incinerated the force of time and space and swept at him!

Before it has fallen, the hot wave of power has put him in the sea of ​​fire!

This flame must be shot by the monk who stepped on the sky, enough to incinerate him into ashes instantly!

His eyebrows were trembling and trembling, his hand flashed a little, and the compass rose in his hands for many days. But at this moment, a sudden humming came from the ear, the blue water gushing from the void, every drop of water was crystal clear, like pearls.

Water spray and flame meet, the extreme attributes of power, allowing the two to utter a fierce confrontation in an instant! But everything is quiet, water waves and flames dissipate quickly. Only the chaotic space-time power annihilated in the surrounding area of ​​one hundred feet can prove the killing between the two. What amazing power can be destroyed, even the power of time and space can be destroyed!

The light stepped forward, and his figure stood directly in front of Xiao Chen, whispering coldly: "It's too cold, and it's too much for you to take the opportunity to shoot at my juniors."

His voice didn't fall, and a man in a red robe stepped out not far from him. He looked at the middle-aged man, his face was cold, and the flames of his family's eyebrows were raging and burning. The flame was a faint golden color! At this moment, I heard a sneer and said, "What is the meaning of this light, will this block be shot at a creationist monk! This flame is just an unintentional dissipation of power from this block. Does this block still rush when it is on its way? It ’s not a joke to be careful to converge on your strength! Blame it, just blame this junior's bad luck! ”Huoliang opened his eyes, glanced at Xiao Chen, indifferent, but he did not look at him at all !!

The light was angry and smiled, "Okay! Good! Good! Good one unintentional! That's the case, when this seat is free, you must come to your place in Dawei unintentionally, if you hurt your family The younger generation must not blame this unintentional loss! "

Huoliang's face changed, and his eyes were completely gloomy. He didn't know the relationship between the light and Xiao Chen, and naturally he couldn't understand why he had such an overwhelming reaction. Will I be afraid of you? If you dare to step into the territory of my great Wei, this seat will let you come and go! "

Xiao Chen suddenly said, "Elder Light, since the younger is okay, you don't need to be angry about what is happening today. As for this grievance, in the future, the younger self will come to an end, and please rest assured."

His voice was calm, but his voice was strong and confident!

The light nodded slightly, and as he knew about Xiao Chen, he naturally knew that what he said was certain. Today, the fire is going to kill him, and he will inevitably pay the price he deserves! Then he snorted and turned away.

Huoliang's face sank, his eyes glanced coldly over Xiao Chen's face, "A junior junior, dare to brag about the relationship with this seat, I don't know what to do!"

Xiao Chen's face was calm, he was slightly low, and he was not angry at all, and remained silent. It is not that there is no resentment in the heart, but that there is indeed no strength to compete with him today. If so, it is not stupid to know how to advance.

Forbearance today, just for the future!

Nodded in the light, admiring Xiao Chen's performance secretly, the rarest thing in this world is not a **** one, regardless of life and death, the rare thing is to judge the situation.

When you enter, go forward bravely, without fear or retreat; when you retreat, you are silent, patient, calm, and not angry.

How can the road of the strong be smooth, I don't know if it can be used to fight the brave, it is difficult to become a big weapon!


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