The **** of fire and the king of corpses were gloomy and couldn't take a step forward, standing side by side with the king of heaven. Bayi Middle School W). ] 8> 1? Z] W]. } The two of them had great grudges with Xiao Chen, and even if they didn't make up their minds, they would not miss the opportunity to deal with him. The horror of Xiao Chen's display of power has far exceeded the expectations of the two. With his personal strength, he will soon compete with it. Naturally, he must use the power of everyone to put him to death!

King Li Guang and King Bingce followed closely behind, and in addition to King Xu and King Yinyue, the five had already expressed their attitudes.

"King Xu! Now we haven't shot yet, but when will we!" Growled Wang Tiantian.

King Xu Yan shook his head slightly, arched his hands at Xiao Chen, and said, "King Dong Yan, I'm sorry today!" The words fell, he and King Yinyue took a step forward, his breath burst into the air.

Seven Kings Qiqi has firmly locked Xiao Chen, maybe the next moment, a magical power will be shot, tearing the sky!

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly swept around. He was calm and did not show any fear, and sneered. "It seems that all the Taoists have already made up their minds and want to join forces against the king. I don't want the king to compete in the national weapons Zhong took the first move, or had the idea of ​​beheading the king and sharing the treasures. In that case, if you want to come, you will not change your mind easily, and the king will not say much again. Then look at who can behead today "King!" The voice didn't fall, his hand flashed a little, and four Huangjia Xianwei appeared instantly.

The horrific killing intention, which is almost condensed into a substance, suddenly fell, and the temperature of the entire space seemed to drop below the freezing point in an instant! The tragic situation is soaring into the sky, and the ultimate killing atmosphere makes people feel like being on the battlefield of Shura!

The long sword came out of the sheath, and four Huang Jiaxianwei guarded Xiao Chen directly, sweeping coldly to the surroundings.

Xiao Chen lifted up, and said lightly: "Whoever wants to kill the king, they can do it. Maybe the king will be ridiculed today, but before death, it should not be difficult to pull three or two people to be buried with the king." The more calm his voice was , The more frightening!

After the King of Heaven was slightly stunned, his eyes were suddenly grievous, and he screamed, "It's you! The person who broke hands was you!" Now he can't wait to tear Xiao Chensheng to pieces, but he feels the horror breath released by the four Huangjia Xianwei , But did not dare to move half a step.

The pupils of the God of Fire and the King of Corpses shrank violently, and looked at Xiao Chen with a blind eye, and set off a stormy sea in their hearts!

Huang Jiaxianwei!

In the hands of Xiao Chen, he actually had four Huangjia Xianwei! how can that be!

They are naturally clear about the power of Fairy Fairy, but Xian Wei is not subject to any monks. Once they meet, they can only be killed by Fairy except for destroying them. There is no third possibility. The eight empires have exhausted countless efforts, and have not completely captured any even the lowest-order Qingjia Xianwei.

Xiao Chen can actually do it!

Although unwilling to believe, what I saw was not to be questioned. For a while, their eyes flashed. If they really wanted to kill Xiao Chen today, they might not be better off with his desperate counterattack. The words of pulling three or two back before death are obviously threatening them, and the most important point is that Xiao Chen is now qualified to do this!

They want to kill Xiao Chen, but they don't want to make fun of their lives!

King Xu Yan glanced deeply at Xiao Chen. He did not have any hesitation. He stepped back at the same time as Yinyue Wang without a trace, and said, "King Dongyan, the two kings will quit today."

Seeing this, King Li Guang and King Bingce both hesitated slightly and then backed down. The two were extremely slow, for fear of causing Xiao Chen to misunderstand, the next moment will usher in an overwhelming magical attack. The deterrent power brought by the four amazing Huangjia Xianwei is beyond doubt!

The God of Fire suddenly opened his mouth and said coldly: "Dongyan King, Ben Wang and others can give up for a while, but you need to be frank. After entering the palace, did you find the national weapon?"

The eyes of several people gathered in an instant. If Xiao Chen had obtained the national weapon, things would be a surprise again.

Xiao Chen heard a sneer and said, "If the king has already taken the national weapon into his hands and has already pulled away, why should he stay here. Furthermore, the national weapon is precious. Once it is born, the wind will rush and the whole ancient fairyland will be fragmented. I am afraid that all of them can be clearly sensed. How can you hide them? "

What he said was true, and everyone nodded secretly, and his heart was slightly loose, and he couldn't help thinking a little bit more about the embarrassment.

After a brief silence, the King of Fire and the King of Corpses sighed at the same time. It seems that this time, taking advantage of Xiao Chen's calculations, it will be defeated again. The two were helpless, but still took a few steps back to show their attitude.

At this moment, there is only one King of Heaven, his eyes spitting fire, glaring at Xiao Chen. But no matter how angry he is, when the King Xu, Yinyue, and others have stepped back, they must not dare to embarrass him alone, or else they will really die for themselves! The person took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the wrathful anger, and slowly spoke to Xiao Chen, "Dongyan King, the previous shot was indeed the wrong king, but Daoyou also tried to **** the treasure from the king's hands. Even if you and I are evenly balanced? Everything has been uncovered before, and Wang promises that he will never take the initiative to embarrass Dong Yan. "

Xiao Chen said faintly, saying: "It is natural that King Mi Tian can think like this."

The King of Heaven almost hated a good bite, but on the surface, he still barely smiled, hesitating, and said, "My King wants to make a deal with King Dong Yan in exchange for the treasures in his hands. Only the thing that was collected. As long as it is owned by the king, although the king Dongyan speaks, the king has nothing to say. "

"It is not necessary for King Mi to say more about this. The treasure king is useful and never deals with people."

"King Dongyan can think about it, he is really sincere!"

"King of Heaven, since the King can take the thing to collect it, naturally knows its purpose, you still don't have to waste your time, the King of Time will never give it to you." Xiao Chen said, and he was lucky in his heart. Extinguished.

The face of the King of Heaven became extremely ugly, and speaking of such a point, naturally there was no need to continue to waste saliva. He looked at Xiao Chen fiercely and nodded resentfully: "Good! Very good! King Dongyan, the king remembered this!"

Xiao Chen sneered at the corner of his mouth, "The King advised King Tian to forget it, and don't provoke him again, otherwise the King will make you come back forever!"

"The grievances between the two Taoists can be dealt with in the future. You and I will now take a look first, what is hidden in this vortex formed by the power of chaotic time and space." The dead king said with a deep voice.

King Tiantian hummed coldly, turning his face somberly, and did not continue to talk about the matter.

King Xu Yan groaned a little, and said, "Dongyan King, you haven't been here for a short time. Have you seen anything?"

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, still faintly said: "There seems to be some treasures in the vortex, but the king is not clear. What is it, it is up to you friends to see for yourself." He has already seized four treasures from the vortex. Not surprisingly, the sand of time is enough to help the space to consolidate the origin of time. In addition to the many fairy crystals harvested before, even if there is no harvest in this trip, it is enough.

King Xu Ji nodded, he just asked casually to resolve the tense atmosphere at the moment, and did not think that he could really learn the news from Xiao Chen's mouth. In all fairness, even he would not share his knowledge with others.

Several people kept a watchful eye on Xiao Chen and the four Huang Jiaxianwei, stepped closer to the vortex, feeling the air of chaos coming from their faces, and their faces were all dignified with long drums and their robes hunting.

Suddenly, in the eyes of several people, a square-shaped golden square mark in the depth of the vortex flashed. Although it was only a moment, but the touch of gold made their bodies stiff instantly!

Xiao Chen's heart beat suddenly and violently, and it was not real to see it in a flash, but the image of the golden square seal was deeply imprinted into his mind instantly, allowing him to have a thought directly in his heart.


The golden square seal is the national treasure that they are looking for!

The idea came out of nowhere, but he believed inexplicably!


[Continue the code word, and there are updates at night, it should be after 12 o'clock. 】

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