Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 937: Xianjing

On the ruined and rotten main road of the palace, Xiao Chen stepped forward. He stepped on the ground, leaving clear footprints on the thick layer of dust, and faint footsteps. Eight [一〔中?? <文 W] W] W?. ] 8) 1) ZW. The four yellow armored fairy guards of COM each occupy a corner, with sharp eyes sweeping around the periphery like a knife. A thick layer of blood scabs condensed on their bodies, which are easily shattered under the horrible killing intent and turned into dark red powder. After the frenzied killing, not only did Xianwei not weaken due to power loss, but his aura was slightly stronger than before. Especially the almost condensed and substantive killing intent, the stronger in the killing, like the **** Shura with haunting smoke, the aura is terrifying!

At this moment, Xiao Chen slowly raised his eyes, looking forward, his eyes filled with cold light.

By his side, the four Huang Jiaxian guards sensed the icy cold aura coming from their masters, their eyes gradually brightened, a trace of tragic aura slowly broke out, and a blade of blade light on the long knife continued to vomit.



This is the sound of footsteps landing on the ground, neatly and uniformly, like a large army advancing, from far and near, it seems that there are thousands of horses and horses swept in. Before you can see the source of the sound, there is already a breath of invisible coercion. , Shrouded the entire space.

Xiao Chen stopped, his eyes narrowed slightly, and at the end of his sight, a celestial guard appeared. They walked in silence, the long sword in their hands slowly unsheathed, and the neat sound of unsheathing made the world Suddenly gave birth to endless killing aura.

The long sword was raised, and there was a cold light, and the terrifying murderous intent that made people palpable, Xiao Chen had been locked!

They are the fairy guards who guard the palace and kill any outsiders who break into the palace! Spiritual light began to emerge from the Azure Armor Immortal Guards, their speed slowly increased, becoming faster and faster, and they shot like an arrow.

Xiao Chen raised his hand, waved forward, and whispered, "Kill them all!"

The four Huang Jiaxian guards roared at the same time, and the substantive killing intent swept out like a tide, and a gust of wind was set off in the void, and a touch of pale murderous aura quickly condensed in the void, just like a blade, whistling in the void.

The two collided momentarily, and accompanied by the sound of a long knife cutting heavy objects to the ground! With Xiao Chen as the center, the land with a radius of one hundred meters suddenly turned into Asura Purgatory, and any Celestial Guard that broke into it was instantly beheaded!

There was no painful roar and dying howl, and no drop of blood splashed out. The only sound in the entire killing field was the sound of a long knife cutting and a knife breaking through the air, but it was in this strange silence that let That pale blade light seemed even more tragic!

The strength of the immortal guard puppets is that they can only be killed if they are completely smashed, otherwise they can continue to fight even if their bodies are broken. Therefore, after the four Huangjiaxian Guardian Blades swept past, only fragments were left over and over, each of which was no more than a foot in size!

Xiao Chen shot one after another, suppressing them with the power of chaos, crushing all the large celestial guards in the envelope, killing them to death, never giving them any chance to resist. He seems to be calm and calm, and his momentum is not as good as the surging sword light of the four Huang Jiaxian guards, but he caused more killings than the four Huang Jiaxian guards combined! It is precisely because he took the initiative to roll forward and clear a passable road, he can continue to advance in the rush of the Qingjia Xianwei!

Suddenly, the roar blasted in his ears, Xiao Chen suddenly turned, two yellow armored fairy guards appeared in his line of sight, their bodies leaped high, and the long swords in their hands slashed down, seeming to gather all the power in this knife. In the split!

Two pale blade lights shot out, the speed was as fast as thunder, although it was only more than ten feet in size, but before it fell, one could clearly sense the terrifying power contained in it! That unrelenting and tragic aura made Xiao Chen's mind slightly dreadful! One hand in the sleeve of the robe was instantly lifted, and a sudden grip toward the void, the entire space was completely suppressed under this grip, turned into an invisible imprisonment, and sealed everything that exists in it!

The two white swordsmen were immediately sealed like fish swimming in the ice, but they did not fall silent, but struggled and trembled frantically, as if they were about to break free!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly changed, but before he could react, the two sword lights in the closed town collapsed directly, and the violent and terrifying power instantly spewed out, mixed with countless small sword lights, and it skyrocketed. The power of the emptiness is torn apart!

His face suddenly turned pale, with a low snort but never backed away, he waved his sleeves in front of him, blocked all the power that swept through the collapse of the blade, reached out his hand, and shouted: "Kill them!"

The two Huangjiaxian guards around him roared and slammed their feet to the ground next step, and the figure suddenly rose up into the sky like a sharp arrow. The long sword went up from the bottom, and the fierce sword glow was like a sky-defying torrent from a crack in the earth. Go straight to the two shot Huang Jiaxianwei to cut down!


The sword glow shrouded the two yellow armored fairy guards and shredded them into sky fragments! When they attacked Xiao Chen, they slashed, and they had poured all the strength in their bodies. Since they failed to kill Xiao Chen, they would naturally be unable to escape to death! But before the death of the two Huangjiaxian Guards, there was a roar at the same time, sad and tragic!

After this roar came out, the Blue Armored Immortal Guards who swarmed and killed completely fell into a frenzy, and the aura in their bodies skyrocketed all the way! This kind of aggressive action can make Xianwei explode a powerful force far away in a short time, but it will cause great damage to Xianwei itself, and most of it will cause irreparable damage or even direct destruction afterwards. However, at this time, the madness of the Qingjia Xianwei greatly increased the pressure on Xiao Chen and the four Huangjia Xianwei. Under the suicide attack, the power of the Qingjia Xianwei's attack was infinitely close to the power of the Huangjia Xianwei. , And even the pace of their advancement was curbed.

The earth shattered in sorrow, and cracks appeared in the battlefield, spreading quickly to the surrounding area, and the rotten and dilapidated Wang Gongyu collapsed with the sound of "boom", arousing dust in the sky and covering the sky...

When the fight gradually disappeared, the heaven and the earth returned to peace again, and all that was left was a slightly rapid gasp.

Hundreds of miles around, there are countless pieces of blue armor immortal guards piled up on the ground. Although there is no blood gushing out of the messy limbs, the eyes will still have a strong impact force, making the body cold, and a complete awe in the heart. . The front part of the palace, which has lost the protection of the prohibition and has been eroded in the years, has been destroyed in the fight. In the scene of destruction, only five figures are still standing.

Xiao Chen's face was pale, and his eyes were dark, but his expression was still calm until now, without showing any fear or shrinking.

The four Huangjiaxian Guards stood silently on the side. There were many damages in their armor. They looked embarrassed to the extreme, but their breath was like an out-of-the-sheathed killing knife. Although their breath was much weaker, it was even more dangerous. a feeling of!

After waiting quietly for a long while, the attack that Xiao Chen expected did not survive, and his brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly. After entering the palace, he felt a sense of being peeped in his heart. In the previous killings, this sense of prying became stronger and stronger. He originally thought that when the killing was over, there would be a real attack, but In the end, it was calm, and the feeling of peeping was gradually fading, and it was obvious that the secretly peeping had already left.

He carried it around and swept it around. In this rotten palace, there must be other dangers hidden, but it has not yet exploded. But he has absolute self-confidence in his heart, no matter when, as long as the hidden danger appears, he can crush his life!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's thinking was interrupted.

Four Huang Jiaxian guards knelt down on one knee at the same time, and said respectfully: "Master, please allow us to absorb our strength and replenish the loss." To everyone, they are tireless killing machines, but in front of Xiao Chen, there are But they are just awe and respectful, with an extremely submissive expression.

"How to absorb the power?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly, reached out and touched one of the immortal guards, and said: "You will answer."

"Yes, Master." The immortal guard who was spotted was slightly lower, and said: "When the immortal guard is made, a piece of immortal crystal will be placed in the body as a source of strength. Although the immortal crystal hidden in the body of the blue armor immortal guard is of low grade, But it can also provide us with strength, and even after absorbing their fairy crystals, it can make our ranks possible to improve."

"You mean, the fairy crystals you need are hidden in the fragments of the Azure Armored Immortal Guards?"

"Yes Master."

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Then go and absorb their fairy crystal power!"


The four Huangjia Xianwei got up at the same time, without saying a word, they could easily find the fragments of the Qingjia Xianwei hiding the fairy crystal, smash it with one punch, and then take out a thumb-sized, cylindrical spar. Swallow the entrance.

This thing is the fairy crystal they said.

Xiao Chen suddenly said, "Send some fairy crystals to this king."

Soon, the four Huangjia Immortal Guards each sent a good-quality fairy crystal. After Xiao Chen asked them to continue devouring the fairy crystal, he began to look down at the things in his hand. This is a kind of lens similar to Yuanjing, with a very light texture, four pieces in the hand, but no weight is felt. But with a little sense, you can perceive the powerful force contained in it. Just by looking closely, you can see that small cracks have appeared inside these crystals, which are obviously damaged.

"Xianjing is a unique treasure in the immortal world. Its ranks are divided into upper, middle and lower grades. When in good condition, it can automatically absorb the heaven and earth energy to replenish the loss. It is the core thing to refine the fairy guard. If you want to refine the fairy guard, you must You have an immortal crystal. The immortal crystal in your hand is only inferior and can be used to refine the Azure Armored Immortal Guard, but it has now been destroyed. Although it still contains power, it can no longer be used." Quan's consciousness fluctuations came from the primordial spirit space, "If you want me to refining the Immortal Guard, you'd better search for it here, there may be some Immortal Crystals left here. And the repair of the Golden Armor Immortal Guards also requires Immortal Crystals."

Soon he added another sentence, "The top grade fairy crystal."

A different color flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, "Quan, do you see something?"

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