Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 831: Sin City

He would not accept this situation! Instead of living in such a humble manner, it is better to return to the city of sin, perhaps he still has a chance to stand up. Bayi Middle School (text W) W> W}. 81ZW. Only he knows about the fact that Suan Chang-kun has been accepted by his father to inherit hereditary elders. As long as he doesn't say it, he can gather a lot of help around him, and it may not be impossible to fight!

Taking a deep breath, Chan Chang Gong suppressed the fluctuating mood, and said lightly, "Send someone to find those caravans and get my goods back. Leave them alone. There will be opportunities in the future. In addition, Uncle Gui, please go to the nearest The Cultivation Star purchases an Astral Ship, and after we pause for a while, we will return to the Sin Star."


The one-eyed old man ordered the matter down, and the remaining cultivators were ordered to control the escape.

After arranging the affairs around him, Su Chang Gong took a deep breath, suppressed all his emotions, and strode to Wu Min's side, and said, "I want to see Master Liuyun."


"Master Liuyun, the juniors will no longer go in circles in front of you. The matter of my leaving the Sin City has been known. Now my whereabouts are no longer safe. I hope that the lord can send Chang Gong back to the Sin City. The juniors will definitely thank you. "Xuan Changgong stood down and said respectfully, knowing he couldn't hide it from Xiao Chen, he simply said it directly. Naturally, he didn't speak recklessly, but had his own plan. Since Xiao Chen had already taken action to rescue him, he wanted something, and would never watch him be killed, otherwise his actions would be meaningless. Even so, the request to invite Xiao Chen to send him back to the City of Sin seems reckless, but it is reasonable to calculate it carefully. After all, as Xiao Chen's identity, what he values ​​is nothing more than the background behind him, and what he asks for must also be related to this. , And will not refuse his request in this way.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on him, and he said lightly, "You are very smart."

"Thank you for your praise, the younger generation is also forced to be helpless. If there is no adult protection, maybe I will not be able to return to the city of sin alive." Xuan Changgong smiled bitterly, he did not understand Xiao Chen's meaning, and was extremely careful when speaking.

"I agreed to your request. I can tell you honestly that my original goal this time is the Star of Sin. In return for saving your life, I hope I can join the City of Sin as soon as possible." Xiao Chen groaned slightly. With the help of Xuan Changgong's hands, it is better to tell him earlier about some things. The more intentionally concealed, the more misunderstandings it will cause.

Xuan Chang Gong was in a daze. He never thought that this was what Xiao Chen asked for. He was not eager to speak, and after a little hesitation, he said: "With the cultivation of an adult, you will be welcome everywhere, so why join in the evil? city."

"I offended an enemy. I am not his opponent at the moment. I joined Sin City to seek refuge." Xiao Chen said lightly, but there was already a slight impatience between his brows, "Success or failure, can you tell?"

"Master Liuyun, don't worry, the younger father is one of the hereditary elders of the Blood Fiend Sect. When we return to the City of Sin, I will recommend an adult to my father. This should be done soon." Xuan Chang said respectfully. , Xiao Chen's frankness made the doubts that arose in his heart instantly disappear, and everything has a reasonable explanation.

Xiao Chen nodded, and there was a slight smile on his face, "Then you should handle the things in your hands, and when everything is in order, you and I will go to the Sin City immediately." Speaking of this, he paused slightly and said: " What happened today is no stranger to the Soochow Caravan. I don’t hope that there will be other things that will affect them in the future."

Xuan Changgong understood what he meant, and said, "My lord, don't worry. Today's affairs are the internal affairs of my family. Now it is over for the time being. No one will find trouble with the Soochow caravan because of this. The adults have already spoken, and the juniors have also There is one thing that needs to bother you. Please don’t mention anything that happened in Broken Galaxy. It’s just to help me when I was chased and killed. I ask the adults to agree."

Xiao Chen nodded, he had no intention to intervene in the affairs of the family, so naturally he had no objection.

Xuan Changgong thanked him and retreated, saying that he would personally come and ask Xiao Chen to leave after the matter was settled.


The blood evil sect cultivator handled things very quickly, and the cargo on the several Astral ships was all packed, and the brand-new Astral Ship purchased by the one-eyed old man was docked not far away.

Under the guidance of Fang Shihai, Xuan Changgong came to invite him in person. Xiao Chen didn't need to clean up, just got up and left in the crowd. As he left the Soochow Caravan Caravan, Wu Min suddenly fell to his knees. "Thank you, Master Liuyun, for asking me, Master Liuyun is going well!"

Upon seeing this, the caravan cultivators knelt down, "The kindness of Master Liuyun, the younger generation and others will remember it in their hearts."

Xiao Chen glanced over them, nodded but didn't say much, his feet took the next step, turned into a shocking rainbow and went straight to the starship of the blood evil sect, and Changgong and others hurriedly followed behind.

After a few breaths, the still starship gradually increased, whizzing away in the direction of the evil star.

Wu Min was on the deck, looking at the flying starship, and couldn't help but whispered, "If Master Liuyun could stay, that would be great."

Fang Shihai shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "Min'er, the vision of the adults is completely different from you and me. Our small caravan simply cannot accommodate him. What the adults need is a broader world!"


After leaving Broken Galaxy, the Blood Fiend Sect cultivator was really nervous for a while. After the last interception, they were obviously more cautious. But all the way, it was calm and calm. Even if there were unopened bandits who stepped forward to make trouble, once they knew the name of Sin City, they all turned pale in fright, and ran away after apologizing.

After Xiao Chen boarded the ship, he declared a retreat, and no one was allowed to disturb him if there was nothing important. He did this because he didn't want to have too much contact with Xuan Changgong. This person's city is extremely deep, and if he has too much contact with him, he will be aware of something wrong. Taking advantage of this period of time, he entered the dojo to recover the loss of his body, and the remaining time was used to stabilize the surge of cultivation so as not to leave hidden dangers.

Now that he has found the opportunity to enter the City of Sin, he will not be afraid of being chased by the Divine Machine Sect as long as this is done. Even if Wei Zheng is chasing him, he has the power to protect himself with the power of the City of Sin.

After traveling quietly for more than a month, the Astral Ship finally entered the range of the Sinful Star. After the blood evil sect sign was hung, the blood evil cultivator on the Astral Ship was completely relieved, and everyone smiled. This time It is a blessing to be able to come back alive when I go out.

Xuan Changgong came to see him, but knocked on the door and no one answered in the room. After waiting for a while, the door opened. He stepped out, his expression respectful and not impatient. This person's attitude towards Xiao Chen has not changed since he came to Sin Star.

"Master Liuyun, the evil star has arrived."

Xiao Chen's eyes lit up. After waiting for so long, after several twists and turns, he finally arrived. He stood up and said, "This is the first time this constellation has come to the star of sin. You accompany me to see if it is What does it look like?"


Xuan Changgong led Xiao Chen to the deck. The two stood on the bow, and a huge cultivation star appeared in the line of sight, and the bright aura was clearly visible even in the star field. And as the Ocean Star ship approached, the outline of a huge floating city gradually became clear.

"Master Liuyun, this is the city of sin!" Su Chang Gong said lightly, but there was an unconcealable pride in his words.

Xiao Chen stared at it, and saw that this sin city was built on a suspended large 6, with four majestic peaks rising up from the ground, each occupying a corner. The peak was like four pillars of heaven when submerged in the cloud and mist, along with a majestic and luxurious palace. Built on the mountain, it stretches to the end.


[Today's update is complete, you will see you tomorrow. 】

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