Wu Changgong's face changed, and he stepped back at the same time as the monks around him, looking at Xiao Chen's gaze, already frightened. 〔< 〔八 (一 [(小 [说 网 W? WW.81ZW.COM They had never seen how Xiao Chen arrived before, and he had already arrived with a flash of the figure in front of him. He took a hand and wiped out the monk he shot !!

Such a powerful means will shock them in an instant!

Who would have thought that in such a small caravan starship, such a powerful man was still hidden!

However, after the initial panic, Wu Changgong soon realized the vitality among them. His face showed respectfulness and bowed down to Xiao Chen, saying, "The younger blood sect Zongjia Wuchang Gong, see adult, today In desperate circumstances, if adults can help, Chang Gong will not die, and they will thank the adults in the future. "

Xiao Xing was apparently on the Pingxing ship, so the choice to save them was made by him. If so, it shows that he intends to get involved in today's affairs. With this thought in mind, Tong Chang was grateful and excited.

On the verge of death and desperation, suddenly the situation was ups and downs, and the situation was ups and downs, even if his heart was somber, he couldn't help showing longing and unhappiness.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on him, his face indifferent.

Wu Changgong's face gradually turned pale. Now his life and death are all in Xiao Chen's thoughts. If he shot, he might save his life, if he stood by, maybe the next moment would be the period of his death. Time passed, but for him it was extremely long.

"Okay." When Chen Chang's heart was almost unbearable in the torment, Xiao Chen suddenly said, and should deal with the matter.

Xi Changgong inhaled deeply and bowed his hand. "The grace of adults to help each other, Chang Gong will not forget, but in the future, if you have orders, you must go all out!" Xiao Chen's shot was naturally demanding, which was in his mind. Be clear, or else someone else has no relationship with him for no reason, why bother to take the trouble. Wu Changgong is a smart man, and he has already expressed his attitude when he spoke.

Xiao Chen gave a secret praise in his heart, and was very satisfied with his performance, but his face was not revealed. He turned to look at Mr. Ping Xingwai Wai Mo, and said lightly, "This seat is protected by Ping Changgong today, you can go."

He spoke softly, his voice calm.

Wu Changgong's eyes suddenly turned into a shock to Xiao Chen. The simple words contained an extremely powerful will. It seems that Mr. Mo is just an ordinary cat and dog, but he can be expelled at will.

This is Mr. Mo of the Blood Shazong, the strongest man around Da Shao, the existence of the King of Creation!

Although Xiao Chen showed amazing power before, these people still held a wait-and-see attitude to whether he could defeat Mr. Mo.

Unlike Xuan Changgong, the monks of the Soochow Caravan have experienced the two things of Yuan Yuanzong and Dong Chenzong, and the awe of Lord Liuyun has been deeply imprinted into the bone marrow. In their opinion, Lord Liuyun is already the most pinnacle existence in the world, and there is no difficulty to restrain him. Since the adult speaks naturally, he has full confidence. The middle-aged scholar-like monk is best to leave with interest and obedience, otherwise the thunder of the adult must be waiting for him, and he will end up in an extremely miserable time.

Mr. Mo's face became extremely stiff for a moment, and he shot a sharp coldness in his eyes! So far, he has been scorned in the evil star domain, and he has been so scorned, especially the eyes of the Soochow caravan monk, which has seriously hurt the pride in Mr. Mo's heart! At this moment he made up his mind that he would not let anyone on the star ship! He will use blood and death to let them know their stupidity, and repent in fear and trembling until they die!

He nodded slowly, "Since you want to die, I will complete you." The voice dropped, he reached out and waved forward, the scarlet three-finger ghost claws appeared suddenly, scattered red evil spirits, and went straight to the starship torn off!

"Ghost Blood Claw!" Wu Changgong exclaimed, expressing fear in his eyes. "Master, be careful, this is one of the top magical powers of my uncle's family. It is extremely powerful and has a strong corrosive power. He lived! "He finally understood why Mr. Mo was so desperate for Xun Changjun that he dared to teach Mr. Mo the secret of his family's secret. As long as he can leave alive today, this matter alone will make him unable to eat. !!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed fiercely. He wanted to join the city of evil with the help of Chang Changgong's line, and he had to show enough power. This was a good target for Mr. Mo. He murmured in his mouth, and his foot stepped forward, and the figure left the starship directly, and fisted toward the grasping ghost claws!

Seeing Xiao Chen's shot, Tong Changgong's face was instantly frozen, and he had already spoken to remind the Nether Blood Claw of its strength attributes. The adult was still hard-headed. He doesn't care if Xiao Chen eats or loses, but the key is that he now rests all his hopes on Xiao Chen. If something goes wrong, he will not escape. Thinking of this, Wu Changgong's face suddenly smiled bitterly.

But the next moment, he couldn't help but suddenly become rigid, and his eyes were full of shock!

In the loud noise, Xiao Chen's body shook slightly, but the ghostly blood claws blocking him in front of him had been crushed by the strength of Hao Hao Tang Tang, which was shattered into blood mist and enveloped his whole body Inside, a violent cry burst out from the blood mist during a tumultuous tumbling.

Wu Changjun didn't expect Xiao Chen's punch to be so horrible, he directly smashed the **** claws of the ghost, and saw that he was wrapped in blood mist, and he couldn't help but feel nervous. But just as his thoughts turned, the rolling blood mist was ripped from it! The appearance of Xiao Chen appeared, his face was the same as before, and no damage was found on his robe. It was easy to destroy this magical power!

Seeing Xiao Chen's mighty shot, Wu Changjun knew that today's calamity might be spent. He was excited, took a deep breath, and then calmed down. Thinking of Xiao Chen's shot before, he turned to Fang Shihai and said, "Is the master a physical training?" There was still an incredible feeling in his heart, after all, in the Sin Sin In China, there is very little physical training, and there are very few physical training capable of practicing this powerful state. In Sin City, there are also several strong bodybuilders, but their power is not at the same level as Xiao Chen's exposure at this moment.

Fang Shihai's eyes glowed. This was also the first time he saw an adult's shot. It was impossible to imagine what a terrible power hidden in the adult's extraordinary physical body. He heard the words a little low salute, and nodded: "Liyun An adult is indeed a strong bodybuilder! "

Although Xi Changjun had speculated for a long time, his heart still couldn't help but a shock. He looked a little more awe in Xiao Chen's eyes.

Cultivation of the creation of the kingdom of the king, this class of strong must be the peak of the existence of the king of the kingdom, and even have the qualification to fight the peak of the world! Regardless of the power on either side, this strong man will get the respect and courtesy he deserves.

At this moment, Xiao Chen destroyed the ghostly blood claw supernatural powers, his eyes moved coldly, his feet continued to move forward.

Mr. Mo's face changed drastically. Looking at Xiao Chen, the pupils in his eyes could not help but contract sharply! Xiao Chen dare to intervene in this matter, Mr. Mo had expected that he must have some means, but never thought that he was actually a strong physical training! Seeing Xiao Chen approaching, he waved a **** hand, and stepped on the ground next step, trying to step back. The consequences of being approached by such a strong physique are clear to him.

However, previously he relied on cultivation to entrust him, he was not far from the Starship, but now Xiao Chen violently tore the nether blood claws and approached. The distance between the two was very close. Now he wants to retreat, but it is too late !!

Xiao Chen snarled in his mouth, stretched out his hand and tore it in front of him, and the blood rush that swept up was caught in his hands like a real object, and he tore directly to both sides! Seeing that Mr. Mo was about to leave, he sneered, and his big hand opened forward and grabbed him fiercely, "If you want to leave, leave this seat for me!"

Suddenly the vastness of the sky melted out from all directions, suppressing Mr. Mo directly! There was a little panic in his eyes, a roar in his mouth, his blood bursting out of his body, and it turned into a **** hand tearing frantically around him, and the force of the town was torn by countless **** hands, Suddenly several tears were ripped open.

Mr. Mo was very happy, but at this moment he did not wait for him to run away. Xiao Chen's figure had arrived, and his big hand stretched out and shot at the top of his head! This palm shot is based on the horrific body cultivation shown by Xiao Chen, which is enough to kill the person directly!


[There are still two chapters in old time. If you go to bed early, you can read it tomorrow. 】

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