


One by one, the big slaps continued to be slapped, which was the result of Xiao Chen's reduced strength, otherwise the scum of the cultivation base that was barely in the creation realm could be directly smashed with a single palm drop. Eight W]. ] 81ZW. COM

After another slap in the face, Zhang He suddenly calmed down and stopped struggling. His eyes were red and he stared at Xiao Chen, "You must die in pain." His voice became very strange because of leaking teeth and swollen cheeks. But that bitterness is so direct and strong.

Xiao Chen looked straight into his eyes, his gaze calm, without the slightest discoloration, "Since I dare to attack you, I have to rely on the background behind you. You'd better do what I said, otherwise I will kill. you."

Zhang He's body suddenly trembled slightly, and he realized that all his resentment and appraisal were easily shattered by this sentence, because he suddenly realized that the monk in front of him really dared to kill him!

The sudden change has attracted all the Dongchen Sect monks at the anchorage of the Star Ship, but it was frightened by Xiao Chen that nearly a thousand Dongchen Sect monks had been destroyed before, and no one dared to step forward to stop them, but they faced the Zongmen. The message for help has been out, and the sect assistance will come soon. The cultivators of the caravan (commercial group) from all sides cautiously gathered in the distance, watching what was happening in the field, secretly smacked in their hearts, I don’t know who this cultivator is, dare to be so tough on the territory of Dongchen Sect!

Lin Zimu stood in the crowd with the monk behind him. He didn't want to be involved too much in this matter. Now that Zhang He suddenly fell silent, he felt a bad feeling in his heart, and secretly said that he should go.

At this moment, he heard Zhang He's voice, "Lin Zimu had a feast with him, and I designed Fang Shihai to vent his anger for him."

Lin Zimu cursed secretly and confessed to him when he was frightened, but he didn't stop for a while, instead he moved faster. But at this moment, his body suddenly stiffened, because he sensed that a sharp gaze fell on his back, and then Xiao Chen's faint voice came from his ear, "You come here by yourself, or let me take it and invite you over. ."

Lin Zimu was silent for a few breaths, and then slowly turned away. Since Xiao Chen had already noticed his existence, he naturally had no possibility of leaving. He led the monk behind him to not far from Xiao Chen, respectfully saluted, and said, "Junior Lin Zimu, see the lord." His first sentence indicated his identity, as long as Xiao Chen had heard of the Lin family business group. You should know the strength of the Lin family, and dare not do anything to her.

But his plan fell on Xiao Chen, but it was destined to be meaningless. Not to mention that Xiao Chen didn't know the well-known Lin family business group, even if he knew it, he wouldn't see the Lin family in his eyes.

Xiao Chen looked at Lin Zimu, who was neither humble nor overbearing in front of him, and said lightly: "What he said is true? You are secretly agitating about this."

Lin Zimu was stunned, and quickly realized that what Xiao Chen said was what Zhang He said. He was slightly silent and said, "Yes." Now that the matter has been provoked, it is useless no matter how he evades responsibility, and it will still happen if he fails to handle it. Therefore, Zhang He's figure was angered and affected the relationship between the Lin family and the sky star Zhang Yun. After weighing, he simply admitted the matter.

"Very good." Xiao Chen nodded, and left Zhang He aside. Without warning, he stretched out his hand and slapped him. Lin Zimu's whole body was beaten up, his cheeks quickly swelled, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his neatly combed head was slightly messy.

The cultivators around Lin Zimu roared one after another. When they hadn't taken any action, they were interrupted by a cold voice, "Stop!" Lin Zimu slowly got up, his face remained calm, and his eyes looked at Xiao Chen, "The juniors don't know this. The Ocean Star Ship is an adult who sits in town and makes a bold move. It is not an exaggeration to receive your slap, but my father always spoils me and will never bear to watch me suffer the slightest grievance. Today’s matter, my Lin family will definitely give Your lord asks for an argument."

"Since I dare to hit you, I am naturally not afraid of your Lin family. Today's slap is just a disciplinary punishment. You'd better pray that Alchemy and the others are okay, otherwise you will be in trouble." Xiao Chen frowned and said lightly.

Along the way, he was treated carefully by the alchemist as a guest. Now that the Soochow Caravan is in trouble, Xiao Chen will naturally not stand idly by.

Lin Zimu nodded, "If you want to settle the account with this book, your lord, let's think about how to get through the current level first." He stepped back to the side, and from the sky star, a large swath of light whizzed out.

For a monk, his face was gloomy and his eyes faintly anxious, this person is the elder Zhang Yun of Dongchen Sect! He heard that Zhang He was being held in his hands, and he rushed to him as soon as he got a reply for fear that he would be hurt.

The gaze fell on Zhang He, and when he saw that he was safe and sound, he could randomly see that his face was swollen like a pig's head, and the blood-red palm prints were clearly visible, and his heart "rising" gave rise to raging anger!

"Zhang Teng, who hit you?" Although it was just some skin trauma, it has completely aroused Zhang Yun's killing intent! Slap his son in the face in front of everyone, isn't it just slapping him in the face naked! No matter who it is, it must pay the price today!

"It's him, my father takes revenge for me!" Zhang Teng stretched out his hand and pointed at Xiao Chen. Seeing his father arrived with a large number of monks from the sect, his fear of Xiao Chen disappeared instantly, and his eyes slowly became full of resentment.

Zhang Yun's gaze fell on Xiao Chen, and he slowly said, "In my Dongchen sect, there are not many people who dare to act so arrogantly. Which force are you a monk. If you have enough background, the old man will let you go, otherwise Save your life."

In fact, he had already focused his attention on Xiao Chen from the very beginning, because the monk in the field, he was the only one who gave him an unpredictable feeling. But from beginning to end, Xiao Chen was extremely calm, so calm that he didn't even show any panic or fear because of his appearance. It was precisely because of this calm that Zhang Yun did not explode in an instant, but instead resisted the anger of the sky and asked.

The monks who can get to Zhang Yun's level are all the roles of Ruyuan in the city mansion. In addition, Zhang He was not killed, but suffered some skin injuries. For this matter, he did not want to cause trouble. After all, who I don't know if Xiao Chen has a background he can't afford.

Xiao Chen shook his head, "There is no sect or faction in this seat, no background for you to consider, and fellow Taoists don't need to be so cautious. If you want to calm down, let Alchemy and the others go, you and I will expose this matter. I want to do it. , I will accompany you too."

A fierce light flashed in Zhang Yun's eyes, "If this is the case, then you can blame Zhang for being cruel. To protect my Dongchen Sect's face today, you don't want to leave alive."

"Then it depends on whether you have such means." A large number of Dongchenzong cultivators rushed to the rear and occupied a large area of ​​stars. Xiao Chen glanced over them with a calm expression. At the level of his cultivation, unless he resists or is hit from the front, a large number of cultivators will not be able to cause harm to him at all if they join forces. Just dodge can make these people useless! After all, although the combined attack technique is powerful, it is too clumsy for the real strong. They have enough reflexes to avoid them in advance, and are not enough to pose a threat to them.

The situation suddenly became tense, Zhang He looked at Xiao Chen with bitter eyes, a fight is about to explode!

But at this moment, a piece of aura suddenly appeared in the depths of the star field, and then it increased extremely rapidly, and after the first piece of aura, the second and third pieces followed...this It was a caravan of astonishing scale, and there were as many as seven astronaut ships, roaring towards the stars.

Lin Zimu looked at the swiftly approaching Starship, with a slight excitement in his heart, his eyes swept over Xiao Chen, and a bit of evil flashed in his eyes!

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