Xiao Chen nodded slightly, "I had already made a decision in my mind, but your performance made me hesitate a little bit. { W?.] 8? 1> ZW.COM I’m not sure, is it good or bad for you to lead you on the road of monasticism? If you choose to follow the road of monasticism, your future life may not be as peaceful as it is now. You may encounter A lot of trouble, it is possible to guard against others every day, even to learn to calculate, learn to become ruthless."

"I don't want you to regret today's choice in the future, so I give you the right to choose. Whether you want to become a monk is up to you."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm, but his face was full of solemnity.

There was a bit of confusion in Xiaohua's eyes, she seemed to know how to open her mouth, "Why do you need to learn to beware and calculate when you set foot on roads? Can we not get along with each other?"

Faced with the girl’s questioning, Xiao Chen pondered for a long time before slowly speaking, “Because people will have **** in the world, and the stronger the power, the greater the sex, and they will want more. At this time, there will be many disputes. Sometimes, it is not something you can avoid if you want to avoid it. Faced with calculations and killings from all sides, if you want to continue to live, you can only let yourself not Is stronger, more indifferent, and more cruel."

The girl was low, and she began to remain silent for a long time. Just when Xiao Chen thought she had chosen to retreat, Xiao Hua suddenly raised her face, and a happy smile appeared on Qiao's face, as if she had figured it out.

"Brother Xiao, I decided to learn from you and become a monk!"

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and said, "Xiao Hua, can you tell me your reason?"

"Big Brother Xiao, you said that people will become more and more greedy after they set foot in the Taoism, but I believe that it is only an acquired influence, and they themselves are still good. I don't care what others do, as long as I do myself is enough. I will Live like now, live happily every day, and treat everyone around you sincerely, so that even Xiaobai, Dahei, Erzhan will not hurt me. Could anyone still want to make me fail? And wait for me to become A cultivator can have better medical skills, not only to heal Dahei, but also to save other people. It’s like the spirit pill that Big Brother Xiao you just gave me. I’m really not hungry anymore. And I feel that my body is full of power. If I can refine this kind of pill, it will definitely save a lot of people who don’t have food when the mountain is covered by heavy snow. That’s how I know Dahei and Erzhang." The girl smiled, her face filled with heart-warming smiles.

Xiao Chen sighed slightly as she looked at her now. People's hearts are complicated. Sometimes, they might not be as simple as these simple-minded beasts. Now that Xiao Hua made a choice, he would not intervene.

"Okay, now that you think it over, tonight I will teach you how to practice the law and formally lead you into the path of cultivation." Yuluo, he reached out and pointed out, falling on the girl's smooth brows, and said in a deep voice: "Little flower, Close your eyes and confine your mind, and accept the content of my brand into your soul. In the future, this will be your cultivation method."

The girl hurriedly closed her eyes, her mind was pure, but she catered to the innocent heart needed for cultivating, and quickly entered the state of concentration.

The exercise that Xiao Chen bestowed on her was "Shui Liuli". He had already secretly checked Xiao Hua’s physique, the first-class cultivation physique, and was naturally close to water spiritual power. This exercise was obtained from Wei Sha’s storage ring. I don't know where he came from, but it is a real masterpiece. Starting from the basics, the monks can directly practice to the creation realm, and there are no restrictions on cultivation, which is very suitable for Xiaohua. Leaving "Shui Liuli", Xiao Chen pondered a little, still leaving the basic matters in the realm of cultivation in her soul, and noted the existence of the Sin Star Territory and the wider world outside.

After doing this, he injected a bit of strength into the girl's body to help her probably take control, before slowly opening his eyes. With the power he left behind, after Xiao Hua completely absorbed it, he could quickly pass the initial realm of cultivation and directly condense the Nascent Soul. As for the higher realm, he is now seriously injured and unable to take action. Moreover, if he is too strong to improve in a short period of time, if no one is around to give pointers, it will inevitably cause unstable foundation and affect future growth potential.

Xiao Chen slowly closed his hands, his face was slightly pale, and couldn't help shaking his head. Although the injury in his body is barely suppressed now, once he uses the strength in his body, the injury will be shaken. Fortunately, only a small amount of power was aroused, and his face quickly returned to calm. After feeling for a while, he was sure that the girl did not go into a diversion in her practice. Xiao Chen closed his eyes and slowly ran the mana in his body to repair the injuries in his body.

Xiaobai ate and drank enough to wash away the bloodstains all over his body and wandered back to the courtyard. Although he didn't know what the girl was doing, his instinct told him that it was best not to disturb it now. After hesitating a little, it lay down on the ground carefully, its eyes swept across the surrounding area, and it actually started to practice the protection method.

Without a word for a night, Xiao Chen opened his eyes at sunrise in the early morning. He let out a sullen breath and a rosy color flashed across his face. But overnight, his internal injuries were only slightly stabilized, and he did not know how far he was from complete recovery. He looked at the white tiger, this guy kept it all night, and now he is still a dedicated posture, obviously extremely loyal to the girl. It has almost evolved into a monster, and coupled with its natural uniqueness as a white tiger, once it steps on to build a road, its length will be amazing. Even if no one interferes, it will open up its mind in a hundred years at most, and naturally begin to master the magical cultivation technique and set foot on the road.

"Well, you have a part in saving this seat. Since I have completed Xiaohua, I will do you again." Xiao Chen whispered, with a gleam in his hand, he directly took out an elixir and threw it in his hand. Beside Bai Hu, "Swallow this spirit pill, refine and absorb the power of the medicine, you can truly unlock your mind and become a demon body! In the future, if someone wants to harm Xiao Hua, you will rely on you to protect her."

Bai Hu seemed to understand what Xiao Chen had said, lying on the ground with his forelimbs together, knocking again and again, seeming to be thankful and as though guaranteeing, only then opened his mouth and inhaled the pill into his mouth, and a little light suddenly appeared on its white fur. It gradually enveloped its body, like a huge eggshell. A very different breath continued to emerge from it, merged into the void, and quickly spread around it.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly. It seemed that he still underestimated the power contained in this white tiger's bloodline. From this point of view, it would be able to complete a leap in three days at most and transform into a demon tiger.

But at this moment, his eyes flashed, and he saw all the black bears, brown bears, three silver wolves, and the black eagle in the mountains and forests. In addition to them, there were several other beasts that were almost turned into monsters. They looked at the dome that the white tiger had transformed, and their eyes were full of longing and envy. But these big guys did not continue to step forward. They squatted outside the courtyard one by one, looking coldly at the depths of the mountains and forests, frightening the beasts that secretly coveted.

These guys actually came to protect Baihu and Xiaohua.

Xiao Chen retracted his gaze and looked at the girl's ruddy face in the morning sun. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile. In this world, she is the only one who can make these crude beasts do so.

After a while, Xiaohua’s long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes opened slowly, and her lustrous luster flashed past, her pretty face became more rosy, and she absorbed the mana that Xiao Chen had left in her overnight. Obviously got a lot of benefits.

She blinked in surprise, and slowly got up. She found that she had sat withered for the whole night without any discomfort in her body. Not only did she not feel tired, but she even felt full of strength.

"Big Brother Xiao, is this the benefit of cultivation? It's amazing!"

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded, "This is just the beginning. As your cultivation level improves, you will be able to realize more and more benefits."

Xiao Hua nodded, but at this moment her eyes fell on the giant egg that was faintly aura outside the courtyard, and she exclaimed. "This is Xiao Bai... how did it become like this?"

"The white tiger is about to transform into a demon, so I helped it. After it comes out of it, it can evolve into a demon tiger and formally embark on the road of cultivation, and it will be good for you to be with you in the future. "Xiao Chen said lightly, as soon as he entered the main road, it was difficult to find a new friend who could be trusted.

"Great, this way, Xiaobai can be with me in the future!" The girl cheered, her face suddenly showing a bit of twitching, "Actually...when I decided to become a monk, I have already decided to bring Xiaobai to practice together."

Xiao Chen smiled and shook his head. He could naturally see the intimacy between Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai, but the smile on his face quickly faded away, and he was a little pondered, saying: "Xiao Hua, I will teach you the law and guide you into the path. , But you have to promise me two things."

The girl's pretty face tightened, she did not speak, but nodded vigorously.

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