However, at this moment, a blood talisman emerged directly from Wei Sha's collapsed body, and instantaneously lased. ([Eight? <<<< A Chinese << 网 W] W] W). } 8} 1) ZW. Com

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, and the black sword in his hand stepped forward and cut off instantly!


The black sword cut off smoothly, the blood amulet was divided into two, Xiao Chen's heart was slightly loose. It was not the first time that he had seen this kind of restraint in advance in order to find a murderer. He had prepared in his heart, so it was considered a worry-free.

But when Xiao Chen relaxed, the broken blood talisman fused again, although the color was much dimmed, the degree suddenly skyrocketed. Xiao Chen was startled, seeing the bloodline approach, and reached out to block in front of him.

The blood veins fell on his hands, Xiao Chen felt only a slight numbness in his palm, and then another coldness spread directly, making him stiff. He looked back at the clear blood lines on his palm, his face suddenly becoming extremely ugly! He had a defense in his mind, but he had not been calculated, and was invaded by this rune!


Shenji Zong did not participate in the battle for Zongmen's territory, but opened the large and small Shenji Pavilions throughout the evil star domain. This sect rarely embarrasses other forces, but its occasional power is enough to shake the entire evil star field!

It's just that Shenjizong's business is spread across all sides, but its real gate is rarely known.

This is a true star that does not exist on any star map. The thick nebula provides a natural barrier, and the layout of the day after tomorrow hides it perfectly. This is where the gate of the Sect of God Machine is located. Only disciples who are really related can enter.

The towering sacred mountain towers into the clouds. It is the highest mountain on the Xiuzhen Star. The rolling temples are built all the way up from the foot of the mountain. Only those with extraordinary status in the case are eligible to enter the sacred mountain. The higher the status, the closer the temple is to the top of the mountain.

Second only to the location of the monarch to ask Tiangong, it is a temple dedicated to Wei Zheng. At this moment he crossed his knees on the futon, and was playing against an ordinary monk. The two set off very slowly, often only half a day later.

On the chessboard, black and white puppies staggered and hung together, and the two were pressing hard, and no one wanted to step back half a step.

Wei Zheng was sandwiching a chess piece and was about to lose it after a long pause of contemplation, but at this moment his body suddenly stiffened, and the chess piece in his hand broke instantly.

The frown on the monk Yi said slightly, "Wei Zheng, what happened?"

Wei Zhenglai slowly said, "Weixa was killed."

The monk Yi stopped silent, and slowly put down the **** in his hand, and said, "Go, come back earlier, and don't miss the time you and me agreed."

Wei Zheng nodded, straightened up and walked out.

The next moment, a terrifying rainbow rose into the sky and broke into the nebula directly, tearing all obstacles in front of it! Wei Sha's face was calm, but his eyes were like eternal cold ice, cold and dead, without any temperature.

Wei Sha is dead.

Thinking of this, he suddenly frowned, thinking what he should do, and then he had a decision ... Anyone related to this matter must die!


There was a dead silence on the treasure ship of Shenji. The old man Peng and the old man with smiles were all pale. They watched Wei Sha die, and also destined to end their misery soon. The anger of Master Wei Zheng will burn everyone to ashes!

"Blood Rune is left by Master Wei Zheng. As long as it is invaded by the rune, it will leave a breath on you, even if the palm is cut off, the breath cannot be lifted." Peng old man whispered, "Xiao Chen, in the future You will inevitably be chased by Lord Wei Sha, endlessly. "

The old monster was affected by Wei Sha's death. When all thoughts were gray, he let go of his fear of Xiao Chen. At the moment, the chill in the calm voice was enough to make people scared!

Xiao Chen frowned, but never waited for him to speak. The storage ring left after Wei Sha's death suddenly flashed, and a stone tower appeared directly, about the size of a hundred feet. The tower was dark and dense, and it was dense and dense!

This stone tower is owned by Wei Sha. The sense of breath is much stronger than all stone towers of Xiao Chen. Obviously, it has swallowed other stone towers in the hands of Shao Zun!

But after today, all this will belong to Xiao Chen!

After all the stone towers of Weisha appeared, Xiao Chen's storage flashed aura, and the stone towers in his hands appeared directly in the void, and a swallowing force burst directly from it, covering all the stone towers of Weisha. Overwhelmed by this swallowing power, the Weisha Stone Tower suddenly trembled, and the dense and thick tower body gradually blurred and continued to atomize, and finally turned into a mass of black energy slowly turning. Under the attraction of the swallowing power, a trace of peeling continued. Devoured by Xiao Chen Stone Tower!

After swallowing the power of the Weisha Stone Tower's atomization, the breath of all the stone towers in Xiao Chen suddenly strengthened with a slow but firm degree. It's just that the power of the two stone towers is too different. Even if Wei Sha is dead, all of his stone towers did not resist Xiao Chen's stone tower, and the degree is still slow. It takes a lot of time to complete it.

Xiao Chen inhaled slowly, pressing down the fear of blood amulets in her heart, looking up at the stone tower that was being swallowed above her head, her brows could not help wrinkling slightly. The powerful force exchanged for the extreme "Broken Element", after being severely depleted with Wei Sha, has gradually developed a sense of weakness in his body. Obviously, his state at this moment cannot be maintained for too long. When the surge of power in the body disappears, Xiao Chen will enter a state of complete weakness. Even if the ghost of the dragon in the golden seal can provide him with supplementary power, during this period, a period of weakness is inevitable. The best choice for this matter is to leave immediately and leave here before the weakness arrives, but Stone Tower's ongoing devour can only wait here.

Slightly groaned, his gaze swept around, and he said lightly, "I don't want to embarrass the God Machine Sect, but we must kill Wei Sha as a last resort. Today, I will let you off once. amnesty!"

Waving his hand to take away Wei Sha's storage, he stepped forward, his figure left the treasure ship of God's Machine, and appeared again not far from the stone tower. He sat down on his knees, covering the whole body of the purple yuan beast disappeared into the body and disappeared, showing a pale face, the majestic pressure rising from the sky gradually converged, and eventually disappeared.

The space became quiet for a while.

On the treasure ship of the magic machine, the monks who had escaped from the calamity had rejoicing in their hearts, but they looked at Xiao Chen, and soon they had other thoughts in their hearts. Judging by Xiao Chen's acting methods, it is definitely not a benevolent person. Is it true that he just let them go because he does not want to be the enemy of Shenji Zong, or is his state today not enough to support him to continue shooting? The sudden surge of Xiao Chen ’s power is obviously obtained through some mysterious potential skills, and such overbearing means often have a very heavy backwash or side effects. Once the period of strength soars, the monk ’s own state will fall into a trough, You can't save one for ten, and you have to take very serious injuries.

Countless monks converged not far from the stone tower, looking at Xiao Chen's pale and weak breath, an idea in his heart became stronger and stronger, his eyes gradually became hot, and his breath was slightly sharp.

Comparable to the monk at the peak of creation, if he can beheaded and killed in his weakest state, he will definitely gain great fortune! This is obviously a great temptation for the monks in the Sin Sin Domain! If it wasn't for Xiao Chen's explosive power that had completely deterred them, now I'm afraid that someone can't help but take the lead.

The old man Peng and the old man smiling at each other looked at each other, and they saw each other hesitantly. For them, the opportunity treasures obtained by beheading Xiao Chen are still second. If he can be killed, even if he is revenge on Weisha, then they may have the opportunity to sacrifice their powers and escape the punishment of Master Wei Zheng responsibility. Otherwise, even if Xiao Chen is not a killer today, the two of them will not escape Master Wei Zheng in the future! As soon as he thought about it, the eyes of the two old monsters shone brightly, and a decision had been made in their hearts.

"Sovereign?" Xi Dongshui whispered, his eyes filled with excitement.

Cationic frowns, one or two low thoughts, before slowly shaking his head.

Xi Dongshui's eyes flashed a bit of disappointment, but he didn't dare to disobey the cation decision. He kept his mouth shut, but he was totally unwilling. Because of Xiao Chen, Shuiyangzong lost his face before, and now it is because of the assassination between Weisha and him that completely destroyed the entire Dongguo City! Now that he has the opportunity to remove him, if he misses it, I am afraid that there will be no such opportunity in the future.

Cation can guess Xi Dongshui's thoughts. He also had the idea of ​​shooting, but he was forced to suppress it. Although Xiao Chen was weak at the moment, for some reason, his eyes fell on him, and there was still a little unease in his heart.

Things are not as simple as they seem.

This weird gaze swept around, and as far as he could see, a pair of greedy and hot eyes, he kept silent about it. But this does not mean that he has given up the opportunity to compete for Xiao Chen. With these people exploring the road, if the fact is that he thinks more, Cation will naturally take the snatch. Regarding his cultivation, no matter who gets it first, he will be sure to get a cup. Otherwise, you can get out of the way and protect yourself.

Well-planned, this is the case.

Time passed by little by little. In the short silence, the agitation in the hearts of many monks became stronger and stronger! But at this moment, no one has taken the lead. The monk did not dare to be that early bird, otherwise he would have to die without a burial ground even if he had gained. But those who are qualified to shoot are waiting for the existence of the first pathfinder.

The old man Peng and the old man who laughed at him laughed at these old immortals and were cunning, making it clear that they had a contempt for Xiao Chen, but they held back one by one and did not want to be the stone who asked for directions. Although they saw this, they had no choice. If Xiao Chen does not die today, they will surely escape!

The two looked at each other and saw the decision in each other's heart. Today, the pathfinder must be done by the two of them. As long as Xiao Chen shows a trace of indifference or exhaustion, the secretly enduring old immortals will inevitably join the siege.

The next moment, the old man Peng and the old man with a smile laughed and took the next step, leaving the magic treasure ship, the figure appeared in the void, his face looked cold and cold to Xiao Chen's eyes! Although they didn't say much, the looming anger outside the body was enough to show their choice.

Opportunity strikes. Since they want to have income, they naturally have to bear the due risk. Xiao Chen's state at this moment is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for them. If he succeeds, he may be able to save his life, even if he really makes a mistake in judgment, at most he will die.

For an instant, an infinite number of lights came together, waiting for the next result.

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