The power of Jiuyou Huangquan's magical powers is closely related to the number of ghosts in the yellow spring water. The collapse of the ghosts and dissipated, undoubtedly greatly weakened the power of Jiuyou Huangquan in an instant, and the tumbling dark clouds also became thinner in an instant. ?Eight Z} W>. }C)O)M

Wei Sha was frightened and angry. He never thought that Xiao Chen would deliberately show weakness and use this method to break his magical powers! But there was no time to remedy him at this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and the black and white waves changed their previous slump, roaring like a dragon, crushing the wave of Huangquan, which was greatly reduced in strength, and swallowed it at Wei Sha!

Kill you while you are sick!

The opportunity will soon pass, Xiao Chen will naturally take it!

Jiuyou Huangquan collapsed without warning. As the black and white waves swept across, Wei Sha's expression became extremely ugly. His hand flashed with aura, and a piece of withered yellow talisman paper appeared directly in his hand, without fire spontaneously, instantly turning into ashes!

In the next moment, a **** and white wave is near!

Wei Sha's face was as sinking as water, and his face was still calm. When the rushing waves approached him, an invisible force cut through it, flowing quietly from both sides, no matter how hard he struggled and shaken, he could not cause any harm to him.

His eyes fell on Xiao Chen, still cold and murderous, but he was already a little more afraid! Regardless of whether he is willing to admit it or not, Xiao Chen is now fighting him head-on, even threatening his qualifications!

But the more so, the more murderous in his heart! With Xiao Chen's current explosive power, if he was single-minded to escape, Wei Sha was not sure to keep him. But he has been taught by his brother since he was a child. Any enemy who threatens him cannot allow them to survive in this world! Only the dead are safe! The greater the threat, the sooner it must be removed, at all costs!

Thinking of this, Wei Sha's eyes grew colder!

He let out a low yell in his mouth, and his feet took the next step. The figure turned into a stream of light, walking between the black and white waves, heading straight for Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, looking at Wei Sha, who was approaching, he stepped forward, with one palm out of the sleeve of his robe, and pointed it down! From his fingertips, a crystal finger appeared directly, and howl shot out and disappeared.

And at this moment, Wei Sha suddenly raised his eyes with tyranny! A layer of leather armor appeared directly, covering his entire body, and then he did not have any resistance, relying on the leather armor on his body to block the power of Xiao Chen's finger! With this time, Wei Sha had escaped from the black and white wave and approached Xiao Chen. There was a madness on his face, and he roared ferociously, "Xiao Chen, this seat made you die today, so you don't want to live!"

"Die me!"

Before the roar fell, a black bead flashed in his hand, and a black bead appeared directly, with a little force, the black bead shattered directly, and a terrifying power fluctuation came instantly!

"Die! Die!"

Wei Sha's face was distorted, and his eyes were filled with excitement. He looked at Xiao Chen, as if he had already seen how he was blown into a ball of dust, and his body and spirit were destroyed! The next moment, a sudden black thunder swallowed Wei Sha and Xiao Chen.

Within a hundred feet of a radius, it has already turned into a black thunder pond, and the palpitating destructive force surges to the sky and sweeps the wasteland!

"Robbery leather armor, Soul Destroying Thunderball." Old man Peng's face instantly stiffened. He did not expect that Wei Sha actually had these two treasures in his hands, and he would kill Xiao Chen in such a nearly self-destructive method. ! However, with the guardian of the Destroyed Leather Armor, although he would inevitably suffer some injuries, his life would not be threatened.

The smiled old man whispered: "As expected to be the younger brother of Master Wei Zheng, his behavior is indeed somewhat similar to that of an adult. At all costs, kill the existence that threatens you! Although this method is a bit extreme, there will be no accidents. Under the power of Soul Extinguishing Thunder Orb, Xiao Chen will undoubtedly die."

Old man Peng nodded, and the power released by the explosion of the Soul Extinguishing Thunder Orb at close range was enough to easily obliterate any cultivator below the Creator of the Strongest. Xiao Chen had no reason to fall into it.

Outside Wei Yuanxing, Cationic said in a low voice, "It's over."

Xi Dongshui hesitated slightly and said, "Sect Master, can Black Thunder kill Xiao Chen?"

"This is Soul Destroying Thunder Orb." Cationic said lightly.

The surrounding monks, whenever they heard what he said, their faces stiffened slightly, and then they showed endless panic. Soul-killing Thunder Orbs are rarely seen in the Sin Star Territory, but most of the monks here are qualified to know its power, which can severely damage the treasures of the world's most powerful, and it is enough to obliterate any cultivator at the peak of creation, there is no doubt!

Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng, and Bao Yu were hidden among the cultivators of Dong Guocheng. They looked to the ground and couldn't help showing a bit of worry. They are not good people, but they also know how to get the reward. Xiao Chen could have killed them directly, but in the end he let them go, so that they would have no worries in the future. But today’s matter is definitely not that they are qualified to intervene. They can only hope that Master Xiao Chen can survive this catastrophe smoothly!

In the eyes of countless monks, the black thunder pond that was raging for a long time finally exhausted its strength and warmed up, and the pure black gradually faded.

Wei Sha's face was pale, with a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth, he was obviously injured, and even the leather armor on his body was slightly damaged. Many places were scorched by lightning, but his heart was full of joy! Losing a lot of treasures to kill Xiao Chen, this is worth it in his opinion! Eliminating the threat, thinking that he would be able to harvest a stone tower again, his eyes felt a little hot. But soon his face was weak and he noticed something wrong. According to his experience, if Xiao Chen died, the black tower in his hand would appear and be swallowed by him. Didn't he bring the stone tower with him? Thinking of this, Wei Sha's face suddenly became gloomy. It was not that he did not think that Xiao Chen might survive, but this thought flashed in his mind, the soul-killing thunder orb exploded, and the monks of the realm below the strongest creation must die. This point Wei Zheng is handing the soul-killing thunder orb. He had already said it very clearly.

But at this moment, the faint sound of footsteps came from the black thunder pool that had not yet dissipated in front of him, and a figure gradually appeared.

Wei Sha's body suddenly stiffened and turned suddenly, his pupils shrank violently, revealing incredible meaning!

not dead!

This is impossible!

Xiao Chen stepped out of the black thunder, and every step he fell, the thunder would tremble slightly and make a faint sound. The purple beast armor wrapped his whole body inside, and he was baptized by the black thunder pond, but he was not damaged at all.

He stepped forward, wearing leather armor and holding a black sword!

A chill suddenly formed in Wei Sha's heart, which quickly rose and spread wildly to his entire body with an astonishing degree, causing his blood to almost freeze, and the soul trembling! This is an experience he has never had before, on the verge of life and death, perhaps the next moment of falling, he will enter the darkness of eternal light!

He is scared!

Seeing Xiao Chen stepping out of the black thunder pool formed by Soul Extinguishing Thunder Orb, he finally felt that things were not in his grasp. Wei Sha began to regret, regretting why he wanted to go to Shuiyangzong on a whim, and regretting why he was eager to provoke Xiao Chen. The aura flashed from his body, he wanted to turn around and escape! At this moment, what Wei Sha was thinking about was no longer **** Xiao Chen, but how to save his life! He was domineering and arrogant all his life. It was because he had a big brother. He was the only one who killed others and never threatened him. So he didn't know that the feeling of being close to death was so scary and desperate.

Wei Sha didn't want to die.

But soon he realized that death or immortality is not something he can decide whether he wants or doesn't want to.

Wei Sha planned to kill, but he didn't know that the man who was calculated by him was also calculating him secretly.

"Now you want to leave, don't you think it's a bit late?" Wei Sha suddenly stiffened with a low groan! Where his body was, the entire space suddenly condensed, and an invisible seal suddenly fell. He felt that he could break it, but it took time. Although there is only one breath, it is too long for him!

Xiao Chen lifted, the black sword raised, and the black sword fell.

Wei Sha's eyes widened, and a burst of blood spurted out of his mouth. He didn't know how to break free from the suppression of Xiao Chen's Primordial Chaos, but now he wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

During the life and death crisis, Wei Sha subconsciously made a decision. The light flashed in his hand and took out a blood sword. He let out a frantic growl and pierced Xiao Chen in the chest! The blood sword in his hand is also a fierce soldier. It is extremely sharp and poisonous. Once it is pierced into the flesh and blood, the cultivator at the Peak of Creation will die!

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