Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 799: Stop talking and

Not far away, the cationic figure appeared directly, and his face became extremely ugly, but he still did not give up his shot. Every monk at the peak of creation had many cards in his hands! I saw him wielding his sleeves, and a whirlwind suddenly appeared in the void, mentioning the crazy skyrocketing with an amazing degree, but in a short period of time, it has turned into a hundred-foot high-diameter nearly one-hundred feet. Amazing devouring power! If he had not consciously suppressed the fighting range within a certain range, and let this whirlwind rag, I am afraid that the entire Dongguo City would be destroyed by it!

The building's aura of light flashing out within the enveloping force area immediately extinguished, crashing and collapsing, turning into a fragment of the sky and being swallowed by a roaring whirlwind, the ground trembled violently, and pieces of mud burst into the sky. <? Bayi. 8] 1] ZW. Com

Xiao Chen instantly understood the cation's plan. The old man saw that Xiao Chen had a weapon in his hand and could not kill him with ordinary magical powers, so he summoned the whirlwind, and wanted to hang him by the power of the whirlwind tearing!

Wind is an invisible force. Even if it is cut, it has no effect. It can reduce the black sword power in Xiao Chen's hands to the minimum. The whirlwind evoked by the cationic repair, the invisible engulfing force swallowed Xiao Chen. The black sword in his hand could cut through one layer, but could not cut off the innumerable layers of engulfing force, and was swallowed in the struggle.

Once in the whirlwind, the cutting force brought by the high-rotational wind suddenly reached an astonishing level. The powerful force was like an invisible blade that swept from all directions, and it was continuous and could not be resisted. Xiao Chen's exposed flesh and blood was suddenly cut into small cracks, but no drop of blood flowed out because of the strong power between the flesh and blood. Fortunately, he had anticipated this. He had closed his eyes immediately after entering the whirlwind, his mind moved slightly, and the Yuanyuan Beast Jia's body suddenly stretched out. He covered his entire body, including the eyes, without any exposure. Place.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Subtle and dense collision sounds kept coming, and Ziyuan Beast Armor was smashed into shallow pits of various sizes, but even if the external whirlwind raged, it could not cause any damage to it, even if it was transmitted through leather armor. Under Xiao Chen's powerful body, it would be easily offset, and he could not be damaged at all.

Resources Leather armor is like a barrier, blocking all attacks!

Cationic then noticed Xiao Chen's leather armor and looked at it intact in the whirlwind. I wonder if this thing is like a black sword, it is a great treasure!

He groaned slightly, suddenly reached out, and dropped to Xiao Chen.

This finger fell, and there was a fingerprint imprinted into the whirlwind silently and quickly, and lightning went straight to Xiao Chen! The power of this finger was fully integrated into the whirlwind, and the monks at ordinary times could not discern the difference between the two.

But when the fingerprints were close to Xiao Chen, he suddenly turned and turned, and the black sword in his hand was cut off without warning. The fingerprints were cut away instantly, and the whole was cut from one to two and was directly broken. The counter-shock force transmitted from this supernatural power was largely offset by the Ziyuan Beast Armor, and the rest were easily resolved by Xiao Chen.

The black sword in his hand pointed obliquely, thinking about where the cations were. Although he didn't speak, he had already expressed his meaning.

Cation was silent. He looked at Xiao Chen, who was safe and sound in the whirlwind, and a helplessness gradually developed in his eyes. He cultivated a lot higher than Xiao Chen, but in his hand he had two things, Yuanyuan Beast Armor and Black Sword. One of them was extremely defensive and the other was extremely attacking, which gave him the power to fight with the monks at the peak of creation. Cation has exhausted his means and cannot kill him at all! If he gets rid of him, Shuiyangzong will inevitably have an extra enemy! Apart from him, Shuiyang Zong is no one at all, and Xiao Chen has no intention to go alone. If he really ignores all the crazy revenge, Shuiyang Zong will definitely pay a great price!

In the Sin Sin domain, Zongmen offended the lone strong and was harassed for more than a thousand years. Any monk who left Zongmen's premises would be intercepted by him, but repeated siege but no gain, leading to Zongmen's centrifugal departure Eventually collapsed and disintegrated.

Cation began to have some headaches. He didn't want to provoke such an enemy for the Shuiyangzong, otherwise his hard-earned foundation would really hurt his vitality and even slump!

After seeing the power that Xiao Chen possessed, this weird idea changed, the weak were slain, but the strong had the qualifications to make people pay attention to, and even change their original intentions.

Xiao Chen has this qualification.

The cation was a little worried, and a decision had been made in his heart. He waved his sleeves, and the whirlwind raging in the heavens and the earth dissipated. Since it is certain that Xiao Chen cannot be killed, it is better to stop early, otherwise the longer the delay, the deeper the resentment between each other.

Xiao Chen's figure appeared, and the purple beast armor covering his whole body slowly contracted, exposing above his head, looking at the cation, and speaking lightly, "Why? Cation Taoist reluctant to continue shooting?"

Cation's eyes narrowed and said, "The old man admits that you are really very capable. Although the old man cannot kill you, if you are trapped by a whirlwind and assemble the iron feather guard, you may not be able to leave you."

Xiao Chen's mouth slightly tilted, and he whispered: "That's the case, can you try it?"

Cation lifted, the two eyes met in the void, no one flinched, there was a touch of cold mang.

After counting the interest, the old man laughed a long time and broke the silence between the two people. "Xiao Chendao, my husband admits that you have the qualifications to make me face up. You and I have revealed this matter today, and I wo n’t be embarrassed after that. ,how is it?"

Xiao Chen had already guessed the idea of ​​cation. He first entered the evil star domain, and did not want to expose all his hole cards. He nodded slightly and said, "Xiao had no intention to provoke right and wrong. Since the suzerain was willing to stop, naturally again It's better. "Shui Yangzong has a willingness to rest, and naturally he will not let go, because after all, there is no resentment between the two sides.

"Ha ha ha ha! Okay, the old man and Xiao Chen Daoyou don't even know each other. After ten days, it will be the old man's birthday party. If Daoyou still stays here, please come and have a drink." Cation is also The character who could afford to put it down had a decision in his mind, and he had put down all the unhappiness before.

Xiao did not rush to refuse, Chen Chen groaned a little, and said, "Xiao can't guarantee this. If there is time, he may disturb him."

"Then that's a word!" Cation said with a smile.

Xiao Chen thought for a moment, and whispered, saying, "The cation lord, these three people have something to do with me. I hope that in the area of ​​Shuiyang sect in the future, no one will embarrass them?"

He stretched out a hand, and it was Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng, and Bao Yu, all of whom were instantly grateful.

Cationic's gaze swept away. He naturally wouldn't take this little thing seriously and nodded and promised, "Xiao Chen Daoyou, the old man still has some things to deal with. Let's take a step and say goodbye." As the words fell, the old man turned and left directly. Go and disappear instantly.

Xi Dongshui's face was stiff. When he saw Xiao Chen's eyes looking at him, an embarrassed smile appeared on his face, and he turned and led the monk behind him to leave quickly.

Xiao Chen naturally did not intend to settle accounts with him afterwards. Looking back, although his power against the cation was controlled within a certain range, the Fangyuan Qianli City was turned into a ruin. Fortunately, the surrounding monks had already retreated and did not cause any damage. Too much accidental injury.

In countless shocking and awesome eyes, Xiao Chenyin went to the Ziyuan Beast Armor, rolled up his sleeves, and danced with the three of them. He stepped forward and screamed away in the package of Lingguang, without a trace.

When both Shuiyangzong and Xiao Chen left, the monk looked at each other suddenly, and a sudden noise burst into the sky.

Soon after, the news that the powerful men and the Crest of World Creation appeared on Wei Yuanxing's sphere of influence in the Shuiyang sect, and the two sides of the World War I shook hands and concluded, spreading to the entire evil star domain with an amazing degree.

That strong man is called Xiao Chen!

A piece of leather armor and a black sword.

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