Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 789: Refining treasure

"Yes, sir.? Bayi Chinese? W) W> W).] 8] 1] Z] W〉.) C) O> M]" The three men saluted respectfully, and soon assigned Yuan Jing to Wujiao. Under the leadership, Xiao Chen entered the practice secret room used by Hong Dachuan.

"Hong Dachuan had the highest status among the four of us before, and this secret room is the best. I hope the adults are satisfied." Wu Jiao salutes respectfully. Through the loose collar on the chest, you can see large white skin, and two The ditch is deep and bottomless.

Xiao Chen glanced away without a pause, looked around the room, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, you go out, don't come to disturb if there is nothing."

Wu Jiao was a little disappointed in her eyes. She glanced at Xiao Chen with a bit of resentment, but she was very good at not being annoying. Then she gave a gift to Yingying, leaving her seductive waist. It's just that she's contrived, and she's destined to be disappointed.

Xiao Chen waved his sleeves, and Shimen, the secret room, suddenly fell. His Yuanshen broke out of the body, and swept through it carefully. He didn't notice anything wrong, so he waved the cloth to ban it and cut off everything here. Be careful to live long, especially in places like the Sin Sin. Even with Xiao Chen's current practice, if he is blind and arrogant, he may overturn in a gutter by accident.

After doing this, he took out the left eyebrow dojo, and the next step came out and disappeared.

In the Dharma Cultivation Chamber, Xiao Chen appeared and went directly into the Ascension Elementary Array, using the power of Yuan Jing to recover the loss in the body. As for the ghost of the dragon in Yuanshen, less than half of it has been lost in the dragon pool before, and the remaining power is less than the crisis, Xiao Chen will not use it. The matrix method runs, and the thick, thick, and almost pure power is drawn from Yuan Jing, and infused into his body.

Time passed little by little in his cultivation injury, and the operation of the formation method lasted for half a month before stopping. When the last pure mana was sucked into the body, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and his spirit flashed With the passing of its rosy face, the power lost when entering the evil star domain has now recovered.

Leaving Shengling Jiyuan array, crossed his knees on the futon, Xiao Chen flashed aura in his hand, and a storage ring lay quietly in the palm of his hand. This ring was the one that was given to him in the carriage that day. The most important thing when you first enter the evil star domain is to let your strength reach the peak and strongest state. The treasure entrusted to him by light is naturally the best choice to increase his strength in a short time.

Divided a trace of consciousness into the storage ring, and immediately saw what was placed in it.

A piece of leather armor of unknown material, a slightly narrow sword body, a long black sword, and two jade jade bottles, one of which is used to replenish the lost medicine, and the other is used to repair internal injuries. In addition, it is Yuan Jing piled up into mountains. Roughly looking, I am afraid that it is no less than tens of millions.

Xiao Chen was silently grateful. The light was obviously fully prepared. The medicine and Yuanjing were exactly what Xiao Chen lacked now. As for the leather armor and the black sword, although I do not know the grade, but the light shot, according to his cultivation, naturally there is no ordinary quality.

Yuan Jing and Dan Yao were included in their storage ring, while Xiao Chen took out the leather armor and black sword and placed them in front of him. When it comes to treasures, the higher the grade, the more difficult it is to fully refine them. In order to enhance strength, it is urgent to control these two things.

The leather armor and the black sword each wrapped a layer of power to completely isolate the treasure's own breath. This power should be the hand of light. Xiao Chen first took the leather armor in his hand. The object was lavender, the size of a palm, but it covered the whole body. But now isolated by the power of light, he could not directly touch the leather armor. Slightly groaning, Xiao Chen discovered a mana in his body and met the power left by the external light of the leather armor. The two directly merged together, allowing his power to easily penetrate into the leather armor.

The leather armor in his hand directly melted into the flesh and disappeared, while at the same time, a piece of information was directly imprinted in his Yuanshen.

"The Purple Yuan Beast Armor is made from the skin of the above ancient fierce beast. It incorporates the fierce beast element god, so that the leather armor has the ability to automatically repair and grow automatically. It has a strong defense force. It summoned. "

Xiao Chen's eyes opened, his eyes showing joy. With the Ziyuan Beast Armor, coupled with his physical strength, the two are superimposed. I am afraid that the monk at the peak of creation cannot cause him much damage, and his defense strength has increased, which is equivalent to more when facing danger. A bit of life-saving grasp.

To kill, do defense first.

Since his defense strength has risen at this moment, he naturally has to increase his attack power.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the Black Sword, with a little expectation in his eyes. Good treasures can greatly increase the monk's strength, just as the shop of the day gave him the qualification to fight in a higher order in Xiao Chen's hands. He reached out and took the black sword in his hand, mobilized his strength, and smoothly entered the black sword.

"The black sword, an ancient treasure obtained from the ancient immortal realm, cannot be used to infuse mana, cannot release sword awns, has an unclear and hard texture, and is extremely sharp. It can easily tear any defense means, and the magic shield can be cut with one sword."

Due to the light, Xiao Chen can easily get two pieces of treasure recognition, but just want to really complete the mastery, take care of yourself, and it takes a period of slowly nurturing to achieve it.

Fortunately, the time flow in the dojo was thirty times, so that he did not lack time to cherish.

Xiao Chen took a slow breath, closed her eyes and sat down on her knees in the training room, warming her leather armor and black sword.


"Hong Tong led the battle fiercely, and even the seven cities of the Unnamed Sect will be rewarded by the Sovereign!"

"According to the accumulated merits of the commander Hong, I am afraid that I will be promoted soon and become my elder of Shuiyangzong."

"In the future, I will wait for the leader to be out, and I will also ask the commander Hong to take care of him."


In the big account, Hong Dawei accepted the congratulations of his colleagues, and listened to their sincere or fake congratulations and envy, nodding slightly on his face. But no one knows that just three days ago, he had already exchanged a bottle of blood **** fluid with his master for his credit. With the help of this object, Dachuan may be able to successfully break through to the creation world this time.

The thought of this made Hong Dawei's smile even heavier.


For half a year, Xiao Chen's eyes slowly opened. He got up, his mind moved slightly, and a layer of leather armor suddenly appeared, covering his entire body in an instant. The delicate texture spreads throughout the armor, and a trace of purple awns flow through it.

Holding the black sword, Xiao Chen sensed his state, nodded slightly, and showed satisfaction. In half a year, the two treasures were completely mastered, or it was because of the help of light that the most time-consuming part of getting treasure recognition was saved, otherwise it would take at least several years to do it. Right now, he has not improved a little bit, but his self-preservation strength has improved a lot.

It is determined that the two treasures have been completely controlled by his hands. Xiao Chen put the black armor into the storage ring, and the black armor disappeared into the flesh and disappeared. The refining treasure was in his hand, and his body was recovered. Xiao Chen had reached the peak and groaned a little. He was not in a hurry to leave, but rummaged in his storage ring.

Previously, the light reminded him that although the left eyebrow dojo is precious, the grade is too low, and it may be destroyed by accident. If you want to use it safely, it is best to add a layer of protection outside it so that you can use it with confidence. Xiao Chen didn't forget this, but now he was looking for something that could provide an extra layer of protection for the dojo.

As time passed, his frown could not help but frown slightly. Xiao Chen's storage ring is piled with countless treasures, which is in line with the treasures that provide extra protection for the dojo, but the quality cannot meet Xiao Chen's needs. Based on his current practice, he is not afraid to let go of the peak of World War I, and his vision has naturally improved a lot. He hopes to find a safe enough protection treasure for Zuomei Dojo. After all, he will certainly not be the weak monk in the future.

After half an hour, Xiao Chen lifted helplessly and sighed in his mouth. He didn't have any in his storage ring. It seemed that he could only go outside to find it. Thirty times the time flow of the dojo is precious to him. Only by completely eliminating the hidden dangers of the use of the dojo can he be completely free from worries.

Stepping out, his figure disappeared and disappeared again, appearing again, already in the cultivation secret room.

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