Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 783: From thistle

"See Lord!"

Taking six leaders such as Ganoderma lucidum, monks in the dojo salute at the same time. ({Bayi [[Fiction [{? 网 {W> WW.81ZW.COM

Xiao Chen pulled them up, turned to the light, and arched, "Elders, they are all my confidante monks brought by me from a small age of the world. This time I entered the evil star domain. I do not want them to be suspected with me, please also The elders take care of them for now. "

"Yes." The light nodded slightly, but his eyes fell on the field of Xiao Chen's hands, showing his admiration. "The mustard field that blesses the origin of time is afraid that it has at least thirty times the flow of time. Unfortunately, the treasure's own grade is too high. Lower. "

Since Xiao Chen took out the object, he did not want to hide the light. He nodded after hearing the words, "It is indeed thirty times the flow of time. This object was obtained by chance when I was in the realm of the world. . "

"You have this thing in hand, and the self-protection method can be increased a lot, but it is best to add an extra layer of protection to the outside when you use it, otherwise it will be easy to be destroyed." The look of the light has returned to calmness, blessing the source of time Although the treasure is precious, as far as he is concerned, it is not the first time he has seen it. Naturally, he will not be too shocked.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly.

"Well, time has been delayed for a long time. In order to avoid Yan Huang's doubts, we should go back. You, my subordinates, I will be properly placed in the mustard world, you can rest assured." The light fell, but I saw one in the courtyard. The woman stepped forward, saluting Xiao Chen, and said, "Sir, Shu Bo is not fully recovered now, but it is inseparable from my care. I also ask the adult to allow me to stay in the dojo to take care of Shu Bo." This opening woman is naturally Ganoderma lucidum .

The light fell on her, and a little doubt appeared in her eyes. The woman's cultivation was nothing in his eyes, but he faintly gave him a strange feeling, but she had no sense of it, but it was strange.

Xiao Chen didn't notice the different color on the light face, he groaned a little, still nodded, Shu Bo's injury was really inseparable from Lingzhi's care.

Ganoderma showed joy in Xiao Chenzhao's hands, and the light flickered a little, and he disappeared into the dojo again.

The light frowned slightly, but never said a word. The remaining dojo monks in the Xuezang yard were taken away by him.

Xiao Chen turned around and took a lap here, and stepped out. "Elder, things are arranged properly, let's go."


"Your Majesty, you are ready. The Star Ship will be out in the afternoon today." His Highness, dressed in the armour of General Dayan Monk, stood respectfully.

The Emperor Yan nodded slightly, and there was also a passage to the evil star domain in Dayan, which was nearly a month away from thistle. Although the most elite Guardian guards have been arranged, he hesitated slightly, and still whispered, "Shadow Three, you follow the star ship together and secretly monitor Xiao Chen's actions. If he has any wrongdoings, he will directly shoot It kills. "

There was a squirm in the black shadow, and then it rose up, gradually forming a figure, saluting Yan Huang, "Yes." The voice was hoarse and slightly harsh.

His Royal Highness Yu Linjun is the absolute confidant of Yan Huang, trusted, and naturally knows the existence of the twelve shadows around His Majesty. They are the shadows of the Lords of the Great Swallows. They are constantly eliminated. They live in the dark and follow their Majesty. They have been inherited to this day. There are unfathomable practices. The dispatch of Yingshang three shots is enough to prove that His Majesty valued this matter.

"There must be no mistakes in this matter, you should leave immediately, ready to go." Yan Huang waved his hand, the shadow of the three figures melted away, and once again turned into a pool of black shadows, quickly walked behind the generals of the Royal Forest Army, and his The shadows blended perfectly and nothing was revealed.

The general arched his hands and stepped back two steps before turning away.


"Master Xiao Chen, the hour has come and you should leave."

Xi Nuange was pushed away, Xiao Chen stepped out, looking at the bright scenery in front of him, without any fear or anxiety, nodded slightly, turned and followed behind the waiter, and stepped on the prepared carriage. Leaving Dayyan Emperor Palace, the frame rose into the sky, and went straight to the stars without alarming anyone. And in the star field, there is already a star ship staring with a touch of aura waiting.

The starship is a little smaller, but the atmosphere is more sensitive than that used by the Rongguo mission before. The disciplined monk of the Imperial Forest stands on the deck.

The carriage stopped, Xiao Chen pushed out the door, and the general Yu Linjun was already in charge. He slightly arched his hand and said, "Guo Gong, please board the ship." His face was stiff, and there was a hint of coldness between the words, but he behaved. Not polite yet.

Xiao Chen glanced at the huge incomparable thistle, and strode toward the star ship.

A moment later, Pingxing's ship was banned from all opening, suddenly bursting into eye-catching light, the hull slowly started to move faster and faster, adding to an astonishing point in a very short period of time, whistling towards the depths of the star field.


Great Yan Emperor Palace.

The cold poison in Chengcheng ’s body has undergone special medical treatments, coupled with tailor-made exercises to guide her cultivation. The cold poison that has troubled her in the body has disappeared, and her physique has been transformed into the body of the mysterious girl. . When she met with how to face Yan Huang, the master of the big swallow, she was destined to escape the man, but she suddenly heard a news, such as thunderstorm, making Cheng Chengjiao stiff, her face turned pale.

Rongguo Qingyun made a terrible mistake and was exiled from the evil galaxy by Yan Huang.

Sincerely do not know where the evil galaxy is, but subconsciously understand that this is by no means good. At this moment she was waiting for the news, and the woman had left to inquire about her. Time passed by bit by bit, and she gradually felt cold, thinking about the figure in her memory. At this time, the possible suffering may make her heart slashed and chaotic.

The woman walked back hurriedly, her face slightly gloomy, her gaze sweeping slightly in the temple, she waved her hand, and said, "Go down."

Cheng Chengfang was so anxious that when the maid in the temple stepped down, she could not bear it anymore, and said quickly, "Aunt Yun, how is he?"

The woman opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to tell the lady the news, but her appearance fell into the eyes, and she had made Cheng Cheng in his heart, her face pale and without any trace of blood.

"Aunt Yun, tell me."

"Miss, things are not so good, you must not be excited after you hear them." The woman knows her temperament. If she does not tell her, things will get worse, "Qing Yungong was exiled by the Emperor Yan from the evil star domain, and There, it is one of the Jedi in the Great Thousand Realms, and any monk who enters it will not be able to come back alive. "

When Chengcheng shook her body, the woman hugged her directly and said anxiously, "Miss, you can't be too excited in your current state, otherwise the chill that has just been untied will stagnate and explode again, you should take care of your body."

"I want to save him! I want to save him!" Chengcheng suddenly struggled, "I asked to see your Majesty, Aunt Yun, you'll freshen up for me soon, I'm going to see Yan Huang immediately! Anyway, I must ask His Majesty to forgive him ! "

"Miss, it's too late for you to go now. The star ship that escorted the father-in-law was out in the afternoon." The woman gritted her teeth. She had to let the lady know that there was no room for reversal in this matter, otherwise she would be certain Will continue to save Xiao Chen. The end result, not only could not save him, but also buried his own life.

Chengcheng's body suddenly froze, her complexion suddenly turned red, and a burst of blood spurted against her, which reddened the robes in front of her. The whole person seemed to have lost all vitality, her face was pale, her eyes were dull, like a delicate The flowers withered in an instant and tended to wither.

"Miss! You can't do this. If Guogong is here, he certainly doesn't want to see you hurt him!" The woman hugged her tightly in her arms, feeling the girl's cold body, and her heart was gradually flustered. "Taiyi, hurry up!"

Outside the hall, there was a messy panic footsteps of the niece, but at this moment, Chengcheng suddenly lifted up and said: "Give me all out, no one is allowed to come in!" The voice was calm, but he had an unquestionable will.

The maidservants outside the palace looked at each other and still did not dare to disobey the orders of the nobles, but listening to the movement of the palace, they dare to delay, and quietly sent someone to call for a doctor, and in the event of an accident, they could be promptly diagnosed.

"Aunt Yun, help me prepare a dress. I want to freshen up." Chengcheng whispered, her voice was calm, but her face was scary,

The woman's heart trembled, but she didn't dare to show the slightest difference in her face. She turned and backed out, reached out to call a niece, and whispered two words. When this was done, the woman instructed people to prepare hot water for the gentleman to freshen up, and hurriedly returned to the temple.


[The chapters that come out all night, I thought about putting them up early, now I have something to go to bed, and I continue to code at night, and I ask you Daoyou monthly tickets, thank you! 】

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