Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 779: Zhongyan Youhong

"Master Guangzhao has helped me many times. The kindness Xiao Chen remembers in my heart and I dare not forget it.

What he said was from his heart.

The light shook his head and said, "Some things, I didn't want to let you know too soon, so as not to be exposed, but not good. But you have broken all the layout of this seat, and you can only advance in advance. Tell you. "

"Xiao Chen, are you from Doronaga?"

Xiao Chen's body suddenly tightened, and she suddenly lifted her eyes, expressing shock.

Although he did not answer, the light had already seen everything from his reaction, and the blood-line induction, he could not go wrong at all, welcoming Xiao Chen's shocked eyes, he slowly spoke, "This seat Also from the Dorona Naga. "

Before the light opened, Xiao Chen had this kind of speculation in his heart, but when he really heard what he said, he couldn't help but be shocked. But soon he thought of the picture in which the golden light ball of Yuanshen shattered and merged into his Yuanshen. A name instantly appeared in his mind, "Yan Guangyu?"

The light changed, and his eyes instantly fell on Xiao Chen's face, with a sense of excitement. "How do you know my name? Xiao Chen, did you know what happened to my Dorona Naga?"

Xiao Chen didn't expect that things would change in this way. The light is actually a Dorona Naga leftover, and this can also explain why when he was facing him, that closeness came to him. This is how The mutual attraction between blood vessels. He was slightly silent, welcoming the excited eyes, and nodded slightly, "Master Illumination, I have some things here, you are also qualified to know, after reading, you will understand everything." After the words fell, he reached out and pointed out , A slightly shining light group appeared, condensing all the pictures he got.

The light group fell into the palm of the light, smoothly blending into his body and disappearing. He closed his eyes slightly, receiving everything from the light group, his body trembled slightly, and his eyes opened suddenly after half a ring, and his eyes were slightly red, "It's them! It really is them! I have doubts already, Song Guoduo Ronagar has always been careful, how could she be detected and besieged! Damn it, **** it all! "

"Adults calm down. Now that you know who the dark hands are in the dark, naturally you will find them in the future when they are liquidated. But now I still ask adults to forbear, otherwise you will be aware of this and you and I will not escape. There is really no hope of rising. "Xiao Chen saw the surrounding space tremble slightly as the lighting mood fluctuated, and hurriedly took a step forward, whispering.

The light was breathing quickly, and at first he heard that the mood was too undulating, but he did not lose his mind. He nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and pressed down his heart slowly. As Xiao Chen said, they still don't have the strength to contend with the unifying pulse of Dayyan right now.

"Be assured, I have endured these years, and will not be impulsive. But when you and I have enough power, I will definitely make Zhong Yan a pulse to pay the due price!" But at this moment he groaned slightly, saluting to Xiao Chen suddenly, saying, "Zuo Yan's son Yan Guangyu, see the clan master."

Xiao Chen was startled, and then he waved his hands again and again, saying, "Master, it doesn't have to be this way, Xiao Chen, He De, how can he be the head of Zuo Yan clan."

"Master Father's order, who can unlock the light regiment and let the hatred of Zuo Yan's veins be seen in the sky, is my Zuo Yan clan." The light slowly said, "Master Father's order, I dare not violate anything."

"Xiao Chen, starting today, you are my Zuo Yan Yimai Patriarch. In the future, I will assist you with all my strengths. I will restore Zuo Yan Yi Mai and return to the bloodline revenge as soon as possible! His attitude is quite firm, and he waved his hand slightly, signaled Xiao Chen didn't have to make any further excuses, saying, "The Emperor Yan has sent you into the Holy Land, but she must not agree. The blood relationship between you and me can be concealed from Yan Huang, but it is absolutely impossible to conceal the old ghost in the Holy Land. With his cultivation, you can certainly see through it. Then you and I will have the scourge of death! "

Xiao Chen was shocked by the words, and put down the matter for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Master, there is no place in the holy place ... is there a monk Hongmeng?" Since entering Daqian Realm, he has not heard of any monk from Hongmeng Realm. This kind of existence is the supreme existence of the world from the world. However, there must be Hongmeng in the great empire, otherwise how to deter all parties and maintain the national tripod!

"The patriarch later said that my light is that the tribe's etiquette cannot be abolished." The light slightly arched his hand before slowly opening his mouth. "The holy land is the root of the big swallows. The previous swallow emperor must not hold the swallows for more than 100,000 years. Dive up, no longer ask about the world. The Lord of Zhongyan is already a strong companion with my father. The first emperor of Dayan has already set foot in Hongmen countless years ago. If it were not his existence, why would I Nian has been reluctant to keep track of what happened to my Dorona Naga at that time. "

Speaking of this, he noticed the change of Xiao Chen's expression and sneered. "The patriarch rest assured that this old ghost will not be able to retreat all year round. He will never leave the holy place halfway until Da Yan lives or dies. As long as you do not enter the holy place, He will not shoot until he is aware of your threat. Over the years, due to the fetters in my heart, I am always trapped in the second step. Now I have found the black hand behind the scenes, and the obstacles to the avenue climbing have been loosened. It will not take long for me to set foot in the first place. In three steps, the distance from Hongmeng is enough to protect the patriarch.

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted. Although he knew that the illumination was extremely strong, he never thought that he was so powerful.

Above the creation of the world, there are three steps to the sky. After passing through, it is the state of prosperity on the top of the road! In his current state, I don't know how far it is from this level.

The light saw his look change, and slightly shook his head and fell on Xiao Chen. "The patriarch does not need to be discouraged. As your reincarnation body, plus the blood of my Great Swallow Emperor born in the body, the degree of cultivation must be amazing, and the achievements will be limitless in the future. "After the blood relationship between him and Xiao Chen was made clear, he felt a little closer naturally. After all, in this vast realm, only he and Xiao Chen, two Zuo Yan and Yiren, survived. Although Xiao Chen was appointed as the patriarch, he was still a junior in the light, and unconsciously brought the elders to be gentle when watching his juniors.

"In the future, I will call Lord Guangzhao Elder, and you call me Xiao Chen, otherwise my heart will be uneasy." Xiao Chen reverently spoke, maintaining sufficient respect for the lighting, "It's just the reincarnation body said by the elders. What is it? Something happened? "He already had some speculations in his mind. It must be that he was in the hunting galaxy, and the golden one pointed his hand and killed the beast dragon.

Guangguang nodded in his heart, and was quite satisfied with Xiao Chen's respect. Although he took Xiao Chen as the patriarch, he obeyed the order of his dead father. After all, with his current practice, it is Zuo Yan who is the most deserved and most powerful. . Regarding Xiao Chen's inquiry, he explained briefly, saying that for the heart of An Xiaochen, "You can rest assured that although the reincarnation body of Hongmeng will carry the cultivation insights and main memories of the previous life, it will still be based on the thoughts of your life. Lord. That is to say, you are still you, and will not be infected by memory and become others. Now you have not accepted the inheritance from the reincarnation. After you cultivate to a certain level in the future, you can naturally open it. "


[Tomorrow will be 17 and 21. 】

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