Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 769: Lake array

Yan Mingyue knew that this was the solicitation of Emperor Yan from Xiao Chen. The ancestors of Gray Crow and Gray Crow could only enjoy it by following Xiao Chen. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W}. ] 8] 1? ZW. COM only solicited Xiao Chen from his Majesty, and it seemed to be moving the idea of ​​love. If Xiao Chen leaves nothing behind, and if he still leaves, he will be troublesome. Thinking of this, he was slightly lower, and his eyes flashed a little worried.

The gray crow's ancestors turned slightly, and they had already reacted, and looked at Xiao Chen a little more enviously. Allowing Emperor Yan to pay so much attention, coupled with Xiao Chen's forced repairs, it is only a matter of time before Feng Gong worships the king.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, but his thoughts had turned elsewhere. From this tea and pastry, we can see that as the owner of Dayan, the endless monastic resources that the Emperor Yan can enjoy, coupled with the blessing of Dayyan, can't accomplish the avenue!

This is the benefit of the kingdom of God.

If one day, he can also have such an endlessly vast kingdom of God, why worry that he cannot climb to the top of the avenue!

Thought of this, his mind was a little grateful, and Xiao Chen kept silent for a moment.

Yan Mingyue and Grey Crow ancestors only spoke silently when they were thinking about responding to the Emperor Yan's solicitation, exhausted their refreshments, and ignored jokes. After all, this kind of opportunity to enjoy royal tribute is rare Naturally cannot be wasted.

Time passed by little by little, Xiao Chen's face suddenly changed, showing respectfulness, and he got up and strode out of the hall. Yan Mingyue and the Grey Crow ancestors twitched slightly, then returned to God and hurriedly followed him.

At this moment, Yan Huang's car had traveled outside Donghua Hall.

One hundred and eight people carried the drunk driver who was used by the dynasty, ranking among the highest ranks of honor and honor. The Emperor Yan wore a large Yantianzi court suit and sat on the draught driver, with the same magnificence as the ancient emperor. , Own control of the world!

"See Your Majesty!"

Xiao Chen and the three respectfully salute and wish to worship.

Yan Huang turned to look, with a slight smile on her face, and fluttered her sleeves and said, "Exempt, get up." This sleeve seemed unusual, but it suddenly gave birth to an invisible force, holding up the three bodies. . Although mild, it reveals a sense of uprightness, and Hao Tang cannot resist.

Xiao Chen's heart was a little stunned, although Yan Huangping's breath was not ordinary in the daytime, but as the master of Dayan, would he be a mediocre generation. Today is just doing things by hand, but showing unfathomable cultivation. But he didn't show anything on his face, but a little more respectful.

Yan Mingyue and the Grey Crow ancestors did not dare to look at the driver for the slightest, so as not to collide, and it was inevitable to face the Lord of the Great Swallow.

Yan Huang glanced at Xiao Chen, and was quite satisfied with his respectfulness. He stepped down and drove towards Donghua Hall.

The three of Xiao Chen followed.

"Just stay here for a while, and then go to change a suit, and then send you to Shenglong Pond." Yan Huang said lightly, and his own palace led him to the apse to change clothes and refresh.

The three Xiao Chen stayed in the front hall and stood respectfully. After a while, the Emperor Yan returned under the support of Gongzhen, and the gorgeous dress of Yan Tianzi had been replaced, but the Tian Zi uniform was still unpretentious, and he stepped onto the seat and looked down. "You three Don't be restrained, sit. "He smiled mildly as he spoke.

The Emperor Yan spoke, and her will naturally couldn't be contested. Xiao Chen thanked them and turned around in the falling seat, all with their backs straight and slightly lower.

"Hehe, this three of you hunting galaxy are among the top three. In addition to the chance of Shenglongchi, I naturally have other rewards. When you leave Shenglongchi, they will be combined. As long as you treat me big Yan in the future Do your best, you must not reward! "

Yan Mingyue and the Grey Crow ancestors were instantly excited. "Thank Your Majesty!" It is not difficult to see the importance of the words from the words of the Emperor Yan, so they will have a splendid future in the future.

Xiao Chen stood up with the two to thank him, his face was not different.

Although Yan Huang's remarks did not address Xiao Chen, he had already included him, indicating his solicitation attitude. Yan Yan looked at his reaction in the dark, seeing that Xiao Chen was not unwilling, and it was only a little safe. Today is just a tentative test for Xiao Chen. Since he is not resisting this, Yan Huang is naturally rejoicing, and he has already figured out when he will formally decide to take Xiao Chen into his hands. However, this matter should not be rushed, and the reward about Xiao Chen also needs to be considered before it can be finally decided.

The reincarnation of Hongmeng is enough to get the absolute attention of the Emperor Yan.

"The chance for Shenglongchi is ahead, presumably you can't wait any longer, I won't continue to delay time." Yan Huang got up, "Let's go, take you to Shenglongchi."

Xiao Chen retreated to one side and followed behind Yan Huang, leaving Donghua Temple and heading deep into the imperial palace.

The Emperor Yan strode forward, her expression was naturally dull, and the attendant palace Gong who followed him had already stopped. Shenglongchi is a great place for the big swallows. No one shall approach unless led by the Emperor Yan.

Xiao Chen and the three respectfully followed.

Along the way, the imperial palace was built with beautiful scenery, but Xiao Chen didn't mean much to appreciate. He was more sensitive to monks than ordinary monks and could naturally perceive many hidden atmospheres. With the continuous deepening, the guards became more and more stringent, and even a few powerful breaths were hidden in the dark. With Xiao Chen's current practice, the body couldn't help but feel a little stiff after sensing these breaths. tyrannical.

In front of it is a small stretch of interconnected lake, naturally dotted in the courtyard hall, the water quality is clear and transparent, and the beautiful blue halo is refracted under the blue sky. It looks like a beautiful sapphire from high altitude. At this moment, Yan Huang took the three of Xiao Chen to one of the small lakes. A black wooden boat had been waiting by the lake, and a ferryman was waiting to put it on, but his body in a robe was upright like a sword, respectfully saluting Yan Huang.

Emperor Yan nodded slightly, stepped onto the wooden boat, and turned to the three of Xiao Chen, and said, "After boarding the wooden boat, converge on your own breath, don't try to peep, otherwise I won't be able to protect you."

Xiao Chen's heart moved, together with Yan Mingyue and the Grey Crow ancestors, they said respectfully, carefully boarded the wooden boat.

In the hands of the ferryman, the wood pulp reached the reefs on the shore of the lake, and the canoe broke through the water and walked slowly towards the lake.

The Emperor Yan stood on the bow of the boat with his hands on his shoulders, and didn't say much. Because of his warning, Yan Mingyue and Grey Crow ancestors tightly converged on their own breath, their bodies were slightly tight, and their eyes were tense. From the words of Emperor Yan, it is not difficult for them to hear that at this moment they should be in some powerful formations. Although they have not sensed anything wrong, they have no intention to try.

Xiao Chen was slightly low, he also converged his own breath, but the golden primordial spirit gave him the ability to sense danger, but he could not converge, so he could clearly sense the horror hidden in this humble lake!

The entire small lake is a burst. Every drop of water in the lake, every swimming fish, every aquatic weed, and every grain of sand are part of this array. It flows naturally and invisible, but it can make the whole big The array's breath was perfectly contained, without revealing anything. But if any force that does not belong to this large array appears in the formation, it will cause the large array to run, release the power of the front, and wipe the opposite force from the array.

Xiao Chen can sense the large array hidden in the small lake and knows its horror, but he cannot tell exactly how horrible it is. But one thing Xiao Chen knew was that if he showed a little breath in this lake, I'm afraid it would be wiped away in a flash.

Thinking of this, his body was slightly tense.

This terrorist formation should be built for the protection of Shenglongchi. Now that they have entered it, it is presumed that Shenglongchi is coming.

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