Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 767: Rescue Shubo

"This ... Thank you for the reward of Guo Gong. Although Xuangui has not yet been favored, the favor in the palace is the only one. How can a minion be of any help? I can only see if there is a chance to remind me. Mysterious people have some trivial matters. Bayi Chinese Network (W> W] W).> 8? 1> ZW.COM "Received Xiao Chen's reward. Turn around and leave.

Xiao Chen arched his hands faintly. Based on his current situation, this is all he can do for Chengcheng.

Yan Mingyue shook her head and opened her mouth to persuade, but thinking that after all, Xiao Chen is still an envoy of Rongguo now, and it ’s reasonable to ask my close staff to help me to brush mysterious people.

"Well, you should know that I have no intention of others, how to behave in my own heart." Xiao Chen smiled and said, "It is you, I am afraid that I came here directly after seeing the imperial list. Someone has come to me now. There is a declaration here, and there must have been a ceremony of ceremonies to your mansion, so don't hurry back to pick up the decree. "

When Yan Mingyue patted his thigh, he was excited and went straight to the pilgrimage palace. Now, when he heard that he dared to delay, he bowed to Xiao Chen and turned away.

When Yan Mingyue left, Xiao Chen turned around and returned to the Xuezangyuan, waved his hand and opened the ban. Now that the water of the Aoki Shinsen is in hand, it is time to heal Shu Bo. The longer the delay, the worse the injury of Shu Bo.

Return to the secret room for cultivation, take out the dojo again, and Xiao Chen enters it.

On the first floor of the Zuomei Dojo, the figure of Xiao Chen appeared under the body of Shu Bo, and the layer of deadness enveloping on the locust tree became thicker, and the trunk branches gradually dried up, giving it a bit more decay. Apparently this time, Shu Bo's injuries are getting worse.

Gaze swept away, Xiao Chen reached out his hand and made a swipe in the space in front of him, tearing a crack to reveal the figure of Ganoderma.

"Brother Xiao Chen, have you got Aoki Shenquan?" Lingzhi stepped forward with surprise on his face.

Xiao Chen nodded, flashing aura in his hand, and took out the jade bottle containing the water of the Aoki God Spring. He said, "Lingzhi, the water of the Aoki God Spring is already available. How should I use it to heal Shubo?"

"Great!" Ganoderma lucidus flushed slightly with excitement, took out a jade bottle backhand, and said, "Shu Bo's injury worsens severely. If the water of Aoki Shenquan drops directly, the bursting Aoki tree can't be absorbed. It will become a poison that will make Shubo's life come to an end in an instant. I have already prepared the diluted spiritual fluid. Brother Xiao Chen, you can drop a drop of Qingmu Shenquan water into this jade bottle. Only after dilution can you make Shubo one by one. Absorption can also push the power of Aoki's water to the extreme. "

Fortunately, Xiao Chen secretly said that if he hadn't found Ganoderma lucidum cautiously and used the water of the Aoki God Spring, he would have hurt Shubo. While turning his thoughts, he waved and opened the jade bottle to seal the town. There was suddenly a pure Aoki spiritual power spreading out. Just inhaling a breath made people refreshed, such as exposure to the inaccessible ancient forest, revealing a Vigorous. A drop of viscous greenwood-colored translucent greenwood Shenquan dripped into the jade bottle.

Ganoderma lucidum shakes his hand slightly, and from time to time he is accompanied by a decree to allow the power contained in the water of the Aoki Spring to disperse quickly, and Xiao Chen re-seals the jade bottle to prevent the medicine from dispersing.

After a while, Ganoderma lucidum nodded slowly and stopped the movements on her hand, saying, "Okay." The words falling on her face could not help but show anticipation and nervousness, although the water in the Aoki Shenquan was extremely effective in the classic records, But she was able to cure Shu Bo, and she was not completely sure.

In Xiao Chen's eyes, Ganoderma lucidum walked to the underside of the tree sapwood, poured out some water from the Aoki Shenquan diluted with the bottle, and dripped on the naked thick root system. The pale green spirit fluid fell and touched the slightly dry bark, and it was directly sucked into it without a drop. Strands of green diffused instantly from this root system, spreading quickly to the entire locust tree. This green color is the plant vitality contained in the water of the Aoki God Spring, which can repair any injuries, and has endless benefits for the plant and spirit. Whether or not Shu Bo can be cured depends on whether the vitality of the plants and trees has taken effect.

Xiao Chen and Ganoderma lucidum fell tightly on the locust tree. Seeing that greens spread from the root system to the entire locust tree, a little vitality slowly spread out, dissipating the shrouded death. The dry branches and branches of the trunk were gradually showing a bit of anger.

"Brother Xiao Chen, Shu Bo is saved!" Ganoderma suddenly turned and hugged Xiao Chen, his face was full of joy, but his eyes were already red, and the water was rolling out. In this world, there are only two relatives in Ganoderma lucidum. One is Shu Bo and the other is Xiao Chen. In Ganoderma's mind, she has long regarded Shu Bo as her grandfather. When Shu Bo was injured and fell asleep, she was extremely scared, fearing that she would lose the vital relatives around her, and she always endured the severe torment.

Xiao Chen was relieved, with a smile on his face. He could feel the joy of Ganoderma lucidum, reached out and held her in his arms, and said silently: "Shu Bo, Xiao Chen has never broken faith with you, and you will wake up soon Come on. "The more he smiled, the milder he thought.

After a while, he felt that Lingzhi Jiao's body moved slightly in his arms, and then released his hands.

Lingzhi stepped back two steps, blushed slightly, revealing a girl's unique shyness, looked up and looked at Xiao Chen carefully, and saw that he was not dissatisfied with his actions, so he felt relieved, only to see Xiao Chen Zheng smiled slightly to her, but the blush on her face became a little richer.

Xiao Chen "haha" chuckled, looking at Ganoderma shyly as if looking for a place to drill into, and his whole heart suddenly became extremely relaxed. But after all, I could n’t bear to look at Lingzhi's helplessness and said, “Well, I still have a lot of things to deal with outside. I ca n’t stay in the dojo for a long time. In the future, Shu Bo will also take care of Lingzhi. There are two Dripping the water of the Qingmu Shenquan, you stay together to heal Shu Bo, you must let Shu Bo wake up as soon as possible. "

Ganoderma murmured slightly, his head was slightly lower, and he carefully reached out to take the jade bottle.

Xiao Chen smiled and shook his head slightly, never stopped again, turned around and stepped forward, his figure disappeared.

Ganoderma slowly lifted it, watching Xiao Chen leave for a moment, thinking that she had flung into the arms of Brother Xiao Chen before, and her slightly calm red rose suddenly rose again, but the feeling of warmth can be trusted, that's nice.

Silently stood for a while, and then Ganoderma's mood slowly calmed down. He slowly depressed the emotions in his heart. Qiao's face didn't feel a little dark, but it soon dissipated. She didn't want to embarrass Xiao Chen because of her feelings. It was enough to be able to follow him and look at him from afar.

Now, the most important thing is to treat Shu Bo.

Ganoderma converged, carefully inspected Shu Bo's state at the moment, and turned and hurriedly left. Now that there is the water of Aoki Shenquan, but if you want to recover Shu Bo as soon as possible, you need to use some other drugs together.


The will of the Emperor Yan was promulgated, which naturally set off a wave again in Jidu. Qing Yungong's Xiao Chen's name also rose up again because of this, becoming the longest name in the mouth of monk Jidu, who mentioned it with awe in awe. Because of his amazing performance of the hunting galaxy, he has robbed everyone of the limelight. The gray ancestor of the second place and Yan Mingyue of the third place have not received much attention.

Those who are on the list are naturally happy, and those who are off the list are not without rewards. According to the ranking of the hunting galaxy and the monks, there are people who are happy and worrying for a while.

But Yan Huang's purpose of recruiting monks has been achieved.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and now it is the time for Yan Huang to enter the palace and enter the dragon pond.

The door of the Xuezhangyuan opened, Xiao Chen stepped forward, Yan Mingyue was already waiting outside, and her face had unstoppable excitement.

"It's still a while before the palace door opens. Why is Brother Yan so anxious that now that the place of Shenglongchi has been given to you, it's yours, and no one can compete with you." Xiao Chen shook his head slightly.

Yan Mingyue smiled "Haha" and didn't care about Xiao Chen's opening. She said, "It's too unexpected that this opportunity is too big. It made me suffer, I didn't get it in my hands for a moment, I always felt a bit untrue, and I asked Xiao Xiong a lot be magnanimous."

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