Xiao Chen converged, and Yan Mingyue found a quiet place to converge, and stood quietly, waiting for the stars to open. <[? 八 {{一 中文 网 (<[

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly raised his gaze and looked deep into the stars, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he kept silent.

Yan Mingyue noticed his performance, and looked in the direction of Xiao Chen, but there was no difference at all. After ten or more breaths, he was doubting in his heart, and saw that an aura of light suddenly appeared at the end of the line of sight. That mighty coercion.

Monk of Creation World!

Taking his current practice in the creation world is enough to sense the practice of this person.

Yan Mingyue's face changed slightly, but his heart had already set off a rough sea. He was not shocked by the person who repaired it, but Xiao Chen had already sensed the person's arrival before the dozens of breaths. What kind of realm does this need to be achieved? Do it. No wonder he glanced down and lowered his head. The monk who created the vassal kingdom now has no need of attention in Xiao Chen's eyes. Thinking that he was not a false world, Xiao Chen had reached the point where he could ignore the creation of the kingdom, and Yan Mingyue could not help but smile a little bit.

Xiao Chen noticed a change in his look, and it was not difficult to figure out the joints, and he groaned a little, saying, "Do n’t guess wildly, I can show this person in advance, just because Yuan Shen has cultivated some kind of magical power. It is not to the point that the monk of the King of Genesis can be killed at will. "

"It can't be erased at will, the underlying meaning is that it can be erased." Yan Mingyue touched her nose and said, "Brother Xiao, I feel that I have been hit hard by your side. How do you think you should compensate me?"

Xiao Chen cursed with a grin and entered the hunting galaxy. He even gained the fortune of Tianda. He was naturally in a good mood.

The sudden advent of the creation and kingship atmosphere immediately attracted the attention of all the monks here, and their eyes gathered, showing all respect and awe, as well as extreme precautions.

The caller converges, but he is a dry old man, wearing a gray robe, his face is slightly gloomy.

"Gray ancestor, I didn't expect him to come to join the hunt for galaxies."

"Well, by this weird method, I am afraid that there are a lot of gains in the hunting galaxy, and I am afraid that he will occupy one of the three Shenglongchi places."

"This old ghost must have hidden his tracks into the hunting galaxy. So careful and cautious, obviously he does not want to produce branches. It seems that the Grey Raven ancestors are determined to earn the place in Shenglongchi."

The ancestor of the gray crow is obviously quite famous in Dayan. At this moment, he has been recognized by many monks in the surroundings, whispering, his eyes are more awed.

"The number of places in Shenglongchi depends on the hunting ranks. Although the gray crow ancestors are strong, if they are unlucky, they may not be eligible for Shenglongchi." A creator monk murmured, apparently speaking to Gray Raven ancestors were a little dissatisfied with such a might.

His voice was not high, and it was very difficult to distinguish between the vocals, but he had not escaped the ancestor of the Grey Raven. The old man suddenly turned, looking at the man, a strange sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

The monk's face changed, and it instantly turned pale, and a moan in his mouth, a stream of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, his eyes full of fear and panic. The gray crow ancestor did not do anything, and only one gaze caused him to be wounded. The power gap between them was inestimable. The three monks around this man's face changed greatly, but he gritted his teeth and still kept him behind. He stared at the grey crow ancestors. The surrounding monks stepped back, apparently unwilling to be caught in the pond fish.

The ancestor of Grey Raven sneered, but never tangled with the three again, his eyes swept around, and he avoided the monks with his eyes. This weird stepped forward and directly chose a place to stand. Although he didn't speak, the cold breath on his body changed the surrounding monks' faces, and they started to retreat outward.

Xiao Chen's face was calm and he kept silent. Although he didn't want to show the eye-catching attention, he didn't keep his low profile to be popular. Xiao Chen didn't move, and Yan Mingyue was standing securely. He couldn't wait for the bully gray crow ancestor to come to trouble, so that his place in Shenglongchi would be nailed down.

The surrounding monks retreated, Xiao Chen and the two remained motionless, and appeared together in the open space with the Grey Crow ancestors. The monks who hadn't paid attention to the two bodies at the moment also cast their surprise eyes. I don't know where these two men came from, so dare not to give the gray crow ancestors the face.

If everyone else retreats, you and the two will not retreat, is it clear that you will not look at the gray crow ancestors!

The ancestor of the gray crow was obviously not an open-minded one, his eyes flashed coldly, and he squinted to look at the two. Yan Mingyue's virtual world creation is not worth a glance in his eyes. Naturally, he glanced briefly at Xiao Chen. He sneered even more on his face, and Fang Yu wanted to expel the two with his sleeves. The action was abrupt, and his eyes fell on Xiao Chen again, and he gradually developed a bit of dignity, raised his palm and slowly lowered it. Slightly groaned, the old man closed his eyes and chose the default of Xiao Chen and the two.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and then they came back. It turned out that people were so quiet and low-key. There was also a real strong person sitting in the town. No wonder they didn't dare to show their ancestors. For a time, many eyes gathered on Xiao Chen, a little more awe than before.

But at this moment, things changed again. I saw the grey crow ancestor who had just closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at Xiao Chen again. A layer of sweat was born on the nose, and his eyes gradually grew awe. Meaning. The old man opened his mouth, seeing that Xiao Chen was slightly low, and he ignored him. He was slightly relieved, and hurriedly gave a gift. Then he turned around and did not go to another place, leaving Xiao Chen far away. Where they are.

This scene fell into the eyes of many monks, and immediately made them tremble in their hearts! Grey crow ancestors are notoriously narrow-minded and must report (cough, this word is yazibibao, pity I used it wrong for a long time, covering my face with tears and running), how could this suddenly turn around. There is only one explanation for all of this. This person is truly a hidden power. Standing here can say nothing to scare the old ancestors of gray crows. It is just that the gray crow ancestor Xiuwei is already a king of creation, and who can scare him back? Thinking of this, the awe in the eyes of the surrounding monks grew stronger, and the monks who had already retreated backed away again, leaving a larger open space.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with a little surprise, but he didn't breathe out of his body, but he didn't know where the gray crow ancestors saw something wrong, and was frightened to retreat. Now feeling the awe of the eyes gathered around him, after the ancestor of the gray crow, even if he does not want to attract the attention of others. He frowned slightly and closed his eyes with a slight groan and ignored it.

The gray crow ancestors retired to Xu Yuan, only to find a place to stand, carefully converged their breath, lowered his eyebrows and no longer had the slightest arrogance. He has a narrow-minded and cold temperament, and naturally became friends with many enemies after he practiced. He was able to practice safely until the creation of the kingdom of Kingship and survive to this day, because the ancestor of the gray crow is a gray crow, and he is extremely sensitive to danger Of induction. Xiao Chen ’s breath had not condensed, but the evil spirit on his body could not be completely dissipated in a short time. This evil spirit is contaminated after killing, and the stronger the cut-off spirit, the heavier the evil spirit.

Such a monk may not be able to detect this, but the ancestor of the gray crow can feel it clearly. Before he saw Xiao Chen's expression was calm and not hypocrisy, he had a suspicion in his heart, and then he closed it. Induction, but this induction almost scared the gray crow ancestors! The unwillingness of the rising sky, large and small circling up like a dragon, must be condemned to kill the real top barbarian and even fierce beasts! The evil spirit was so strong that it was apparently only recently killed. Is it possible for a monk to slay such a peerless beast? The gray crow ancestors dared to stay long, and hurriedly saluted before leaving. Now seeing that Xiao Chen didn't care about him, the old man was relieved. Naturally, how low-key and how low-key, I look forward to leaving the hunting galaxy array, so as not to attract Xiao Chen's attention again, he was destroyed by hand.

After the ancestor of the Grey Raven, everything became calm, 66 monks came to control the light in succession, and there were also several creation kings, but they were quite low-key and no incidents occurred. As more and more monks converged, whispering noises gradually emerged, filling the entire space. Only compared with the time of entry, the number of returning monks has dropped by more than 30%, but all of them survived are the strong ones who have survived the killing and elimination.

Suddenly, the void trembled slightly, and as the water was wavy, a golden gate slowly emerged.

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