Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 751: Can't believe

Using the origin of chaos to suppress space, even crickets can't escape from him, let alone this red sleeve. Bayi (Chinese 1? Z} W]. > C> OM The entire space suddenly freezes, and the mighty force suppresses it down, making this red-sleeved Jiao body suddenly stiff, unable to move for a bit, panic, and panic in his eyes.

Raising her eyes and looking at Xiao Chen, feeling the unconcealed icy killing in it, Red Sleeve was suddenly shrouded in the fear of death, and screamed, "Xiao Chen, my teacher rejoices that the ancestor is the most powerful creation. If you dare to kill me, my teacher will definitely come to take your life in the future! "

Rejoicing ancestors, is the master of the rejoicing Dao Palace, the creation of the world ’s most powerful man, is also a well-known strong man in the kingdom of Yan, although he has not served in the chapel, he is also the same as the Duke of Huanxi and the Duke The position, only under the throne, respected status!

Hongxiong's fame is far-reaching, but very few people know that she was born in the Daoxian Palace and enjoyed the favor of the old ancestor.

Now that there is a difference between life and death, Red Sleeve is already frightened, knowing that this is her last chance. If she does not say her origin again, she may be killed immediately.

Xiao Chen moved slightly, his eyebrows frowned instantly.

The creation of the Xeon is simple, five words, but it represents absolute power!

There are very few people who have set foot in Hongmeng. There are very few people in the thousands of realms. Most of them are not seeing the dragons. They retreat all year round and work **** the avenues in order to reach the peak one day. They have the real power to destroy the world, but they will not interfere in the matter of the Thousand Realms at will, it is a shocking peak! The creation Xeons are the strongest monks walking in the world of the Thousand Realms, each of them is a well-known generation, even in the presence of the Emperor Yan, the Creation Xeon can get the due respect and courtesy, because any A creator Xeon has the opportunity to set foot in the straits of prosperity!

This threat of power, even with Xiao Chen's current practice, has to be dealt with cautiously, and now he is not qualified to confront the Xeon of Creation.

The hesitation on her face seemed to Red Sleeve to be her hope of survival, and she hurriedly said, "Xiao Chen, my friend, as long as you promised to let me go, you and I will resent all the grievances. The slave family will never swear by You're in trouble. "

Xiao Chen looked at Red Sleeve. Her sweet body outside was like a pink skull to him. She couldn't give him a bit of a different color. She was silent and shaking her head slowly. "I can't believe you." The opportunity for this woman to speak, her hands shook suddenly, and the ups and downs of majestic strength suddenly appeared, violently strangling to this woman.


With a muffled sound, Red Sleeve hit hardly without any countervailing power, the flesh had collapsed and was broken into powder, and Yuan Shen was torn apart.

Xiao Chen was expressionless, but at this moment he understated and obliterated a monk at the peak of the creation kingship! He had no hesitation or anxiety about killing Red Sleeve. As Xiao Chen said, how can a woman with a vicious heart like a red sleeve like a viper, let go of all her hatred? Instead of letting her go, and revenge in the future or go to the happy ancestor to ask him for trouble, it would be better to just kill her cleanly.

When he cut off the puppet, he had already angered the puppet ancestor, but now how can this ancestor add joy?

The red sleeved ghost appeared in Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space, and Li Xiao struggled, engulfing in the golden light package.

Now that things have been done, there is no need to keep thinking about it. The future will be dealt with later. Xiao Chen depressed her thoughts and turned to look at the ancient ten-headed snake corpse with a smile on her mouth. Although this ancient ten-eyed snake has not evolved into a ferocious beast, its strength is not under the ordinary ferocious beast. If it is not a coincidence, even the monk at the peak of creation may not be able to kill it. , Presumably this hunting ranking, it must be him! The water of the Aoki God Spring was the thing he must have obtained this time. When the matter was completed, Shu Bo was saved, and his mind was slightly relieved when he thought about it.

The robe sleeve flickered with a flash of light, and the huge body of the ancient ten-eyed snake thousands of miles has been collected into the storage ring by Xiao Chen, exposing deep trenches on the ground and yellow sand stained with red blood. Xiao Chen groaned slightly and reached out to the ground. During the tremor of the sand, a drop of blood was separated out and condensed into a slack of blood which was collected by him in a jade bottle.

The beast is full of treasures, and the realm between flesh and blood contains powerful power. Besides, it is a beast-killer who is comparable to a fierce beast like the ancient ten-eyed snake, and the blood is naturally very powerful. If other wild beasts devoured the blood of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, they would be able to absorb its power, and then their strength would increase greatly.

Xiaoxue fell asleep after being inherited by the Dragon Clan left by the Dragon Emperor in Xiaoqianjie. Presumably when he woke up, his strength would surely increase. Xiao Chen could successfully devour the Dragon Emperor back then, thanks to the help of little blood, and the body of this ancient ten-eyed snake was what Xiao Chen prepared for it. It is said that the ancient ten-headed snake-like nature of the peak state eats dragon hunting, but it is one of the dragon nemesis. If the small blood can swallow its entire body, it will definitely reap great benefits.

After doing this, some matters will come to an end, but there are still some issues that need to be dealt with before the shot is taken to tear the kingdom of death.

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the fragmented array, his brows frowned slightly.

Monks such as Yu Wentuo sensed Xiao Chen's gaze, his face was pale, and his eyes were frightened. They witnessed Xiao Chen's beheading of the humpbacked old man and Red Sleeve. The best choice is naturally to kill them to prevent the news from causing trouble.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't wait to make a decision. His face suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned to look at the sky in the distance.

The next moment, the sky of the ancient kingdom of the death of the ten-headed snake suddenly collapsed!


Outside the hunting galaxy, the star field is dead and silent.

When the Genesis Kings forces fight in the hunting galaxy, the large array of hunting galaxies will automatically touch and condense the star clouds, and the situation in the combat range will be clearly displayed by projection. Therefore, the fight between Xiao Chen and Yun was carried out under the attention of countless monks. The horrific behavior revealed by the two, and the result of the killing, made the monks outside the hunting galaxy silent for a long time, and their hearts were shaken.

Each of the monks in the creation world is famous, and their status is extremely respected. It is extremely difficult to see each other during the day, not to mention the life and death of such a strong class.

But they haven't waited for them to react from the shock of the mind, including Xiao Chen, all the monks in the entire star domain suddenly disappeared.

Sudden change of events unexpectedly exceeded all monks' expectations.

Yan Huang's face was gloomy, and his eyes fell on the stars clouds, Pei Ran rushed out of him, permeating the whole space.

Le Yi stood behind the master of the big swallow, slightly lowered, and frowned tightly.

"Teacher, in your opinion, what's going on?" Yan Huang whispered, her voice flat.

However, as the Great Yan Emperor, Le Yi had a deep understanding of the Emperor Yan. He had heard the coldness in his calm voice at this moment, and he was unconscious. Slightly groaned before he slowly opened his mouth. "Under the bait, the hunting galaxy array will automatically operate only after it senses the power of the creation of the royal kingdom. Now Xiao Chen and others are weird and disappear, but the projection of the star cloud cluster is If it does not disappear, it means that there is still the power of creating the realm to seal the king's realm here, but it has not been manifested, so I can't see it through the picture and shadow. "Speaking of this, Le Yi paused before continuing to speak. "If Ruochen's guess is correct, Xiao Chen and others suddenly disappeared. They should be forcibly absorbed into the kingdom of God, and that kingdom of God is hidden in the matrix projection area. Because of the existence of this kingdom of God's breath, it was starred. The feeling of the large array has maintained the existence of the star cloud cluster. "

Le Yi explained naturally that it wasn't just speaking out, but the speculation he was most likely to get close to the facts after thinking about it. However, Xiao Chen and others can be swallowed into the kingdom of God instantly and silently, which shows that the shooters are better than them.

"The teacher said that it was possible that He guessed. Although some strong men were hidden in the hunting galaxy, no monks from the peak of creation and above were shot. Only in the hunting galaxy can this be done. The strong one. "Yan Huang slowly spoke, and afterwards, her face couldn't help getting more gloomy, and her eyes were cold and dazzling.

Le Yi nodded sternly, saying, "Your Majesty said well, and Chen also believed that this matter should be done by the brute beasts."

"Teacher, it seems that my big Yan has been too gentle with these old guys these years, so that they dare to hunt down the monks and value the monks." Yan Huang said calmly, and said lightly. Accompany the puppet, and clear up the hunting galaxy to let them know what the price will be after touching the taboo. "


[Codeword card, the update is delayed until now, and apologize to all of you. The update at 1 o'clock tomorrow will be postponed until 17:00. The update at 21:00 remains unchanged. Please forgive me. 】

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