The old man with a hump back gave a low drink. When the ancient ten-headed snake probed his head, his rigid, immobile body suddenly recovered his freedom, and he stepped on the fragmented disk with his feet, and his figure shot backwards. Bayi [. 81ZW. However, COM has obviously paid a lot of money to achieve this. His pale complexion is even worse, and there is no trace of blood on white.

He looked up at the huge serpent head that was approaching aggressively, his pupils contracted violently, and fear appeared deep in the eyes. Although he barely broke away from the strange repression of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake's eyes and blood, he was wounded after suffering the collapse of the formation and back bite. Nowadays, the circulation of the mana in his body is not round, so how dare he shook the ancient Ten-eyed Snake. Although this brute was also wounded, the physical strength is far from that of a monk, and he still retains a very strong power. It is not difficult to kill him!

The eyes were swept away, and the figure of the blue robe sitting cross-legged behind him was clearly seen. The old man with a humpback flashed sharply, and the probe reached out and grabbed his shoulder. With a little force, he wanted to throw him out. The practice is that the physical temptation is stronger than the ancient Ten-eyed Snake than he is, and it will inevitably attract the attention of the Ancient Ten-eyed Snake, and earn him some time to escape.

The dead friend is not dead, and he also blame him for his cruelty!

But the next moment, the face of the old man with a humpback changed. Xiao Chen's body turned into a rock. Even if he suddenly exerted his strength, he could not throw him out. Instead, under the shock of strength, his chest became **** and his face turned dark again. .


Xiao Chen closed her eyes and suddenly opened them, her dark eyes shone with cold light in the depths, revealing a touch of cold mockery.

He hasn't shot at this old immortal, and doesn't want him to hit his head with a crooked head. Since it's delivered to the door, why not be polite! The dead soul of the monk who created the world was also a great complement to him!

One hand stretched out and grabbed the old man's arm, and the other palm shot directly at his chest.

The old man with a humpback hurriedly raised his hand in order to stop Xiao Chen from taking a shot, but a snapping sound of crackling bones came from the palm of his hand. Xiao Chen smashed the bones of his palm directly and pressed it onto his chest. The entire chest of the hump-backed man was deeply sunken in the sound of a frightening bone fracture, and the internal organs were shattered instantly. At the same time, a force spewed out of Xiao Chen's palm, swept away into the old immortal body, and killed all vitality.

The old man with humpback flashed the color of resentment and despair, his body trembled slightly, his neck was crooked, and the divine light in the eyes of the enlarged pupil disappeared quickly, but it was already buried in Xiao Chen's hands. This man created the world kingship, and was considered to be a strong man in the Daqian Realm. However, because of the serious trauma, he ended up being easily wiped out by Xiao Chen.

There was a flash of aura in his hand, and this old undead body was stored separately by Xiao Chen in the storage ring. The physical body of the monk who created the king of the world was a great supplement to the ancient ten-eyed snake, and he would naturally not leave it behind.

In the Yuanshen space, the old humpback ghost appeared, struggling a little under the golden seal and being engulfed.

Xiao Chen stood up, looking calm and calm, looking at the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, calm and calm, but in his heart, it was murderous! This wild animal is now in its weakest state, and it is the best opportunity to kill it. Only by killing it and letting this side of the kingdom of God enter the state of no-owner, can he tear the kingdom of God away and leave!

This ancient ten-eyed snake must die!

The ancient ten-eyed snake fired its head to stop moving, and ten eyes showed a dreadful color at the same time. The reptile in front of it was not powerful in its induction, but gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, making it afraid to continue to approach.

The bright red tongue protruded from his mouth, and the wild beast opened a threatening roar. The giant tail seemed to fall to Xiao Chen, but its whole figure suddenly reversed its direction and went straight to one side to swallow it.

Now its power is weak. When it eats a few prey, the power can quickly recover, and then it will swallow the only prey that threatens it!

"Xiao Chendaoyou help me!" Red sleeve exclaimed, Qiao's face was just scared, pitiful and pitiful, which gave birth to the heart to protect her.

Xiao Chen heard his words flicker, his eyes were cold, and he didn't stop the action of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, but his eyes were a bit ridiculous. "When is the red sleeve Taoist ready to hide, is this a trivial matter, Xiaomou still needs to make a shot. "When he first saw this woman, he felt that something was wrong in his telepathy. On the surface, the old man with a humpback was the strongest among a group of monks, but this red sleeve gave He had a vague sense of seeing through.

This woman is hidden, there must be hidden means! Xiao Chen was obviously not the only one who was fighting for Weng Meng to collect fishing ideas. At this moment it was time to force her to reveal her real power, how could he intervene. The ancient ten-eyed snake was an excellent choice to devour others to restore its strength first, but it seemed to choose the wrong target. Whether it is the Red Sleeve or the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, they are all Xiao Chen's enemies. Now let them fight against each other.

"Hee hee, Xiao Chen Daoyou, you have a hard heart, but the slave family really likes it." Red sleeve suddenly laughed, her stalemate was unable to move, and now she had recovered as before, with the black sword behind him Xiu, at this moment there is already a force for action. At this moment, she had a pretty face, but her watery eyes were cold and without any temperature. "Acheng, give me the ancient ten-eyed snake, and you will kill him." The killing, but it still looks like a flower. , But the more so, the more frightening.

The pink aura flashed slightly, the red sleeved Jiao body went straight to the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, the veil rippling in the wind, the Jiao body was looming, and it was charming and tempting. But at this moment, the breath in her body was raised with an astonishing degree. The old man with a humpback, for example, was not far away from the breakthrough of the crown of creation and promotion to the peak of creation.

This woman really hides very deeply.

The ancient ten-eyed snake roared angrily, although it was still atrocious and powerful, it showed a faint horror. Now its strength has been weakened to the bottom valley, and the ten-blooded blood show is a great loss of vitality. In the face of the red sleeve, there is no certainty to win. But at this moment, it is still not waiting for it to give up. The red sleeves laughed, and the pink ribbon formed by several magical powers appeared directly, binding the ancient ten-eyed snake. "Little guy, where do you want to go, obediently Stay! "

The ancient ten-eyed snake eyes saw no hope of escaping, but completely aroused its fierceness, shook its head and opened its **** mouth and went straight to the red sleeves.

The two instantly fought together.

Although the ancient ten-eyed snake was weak, Red Sleeve was also wounded by the formation backlash. Although she was deeply hidden, it was not easy to kill the barbaric king at this moment.

At this moment, the black-sworded sword repairer behind the red sleeves slowly raised his eyes to Xiao Chen at this moment. There was no fear in his eyes, and some were only firm and persistent, and fully obedient to the command of the master!

Draw out the long sword in his hand, obliquely point in the air to Xiao Chen, a pure and powerful sword burst from his body, weak at first, and then blasted in an amazing way!

Create world, create world, create king!

The black sword repair the whole body into a magic sword between heaven and earth, in a violent way, wantonly released his own power. However, his surge of power is not a release of hidden power, but a power exchanged for burning. Similar to "Broken Element", but more powerful and domineering than "Broken Element", it can burn everything in a very short time in exchange for the most terrifying power. Once this process is carried out, it cannot be stopped and irreversible, until the last trace of strength of the monk is exhausted and it completely disappears in the heavens and the earth.

Ah Cheng turned slightly, looking at the red sleeves competing with the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, with a rare tenderness in his eyes.

He knew that Yu Wentuo was telling the truth. He was just a puppet controlled by Red Sleeve and left to her mercy. He knew this a long time ago, but he didn't feel disgusted with it, because he loved his master deeply, even if it was just a plaything in her hands, even if he could only watch her and one man after another overnight. Huan, but as long as she can stay with her, Ah Cheng is satisfied.

Even if the host asked him to slay Xiao Chen today, the profound implication was to let him destroy himself, and Ah Cheng was not unwilling. A deep look at Red Sleeve seemed to imprint her look into her mind, and Ah Cheng turned around, leaving a hint of warmth in her eyes, leaving only indifference and icy killing.

At the same time, the shocking sword outside his body has also reached the peak!

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