Xiao Chen is still in a coma, but Yan Mingyue is experiencing an extremely strange event. The injuries and even the loss of strength in his body are recovering with an amazing degree. [?Eight

The way to determine his own cause was bound to be futile. He simply gave up the plan, but his eyes fell on him tightly. I just hoped that he would wake up early and find out before the Great Qin Emperor Corps and the Heavenly Burning King had arrived Madam, otherwise it will be too late.

In the Yuanshen space that Yan Mingyue cannot enter, the assassination of gold seals and cotton-like black energy groups has entered the stage of white fever. The rich golden light floods the entire Yuanshen space, but the black cotton-like power is also dozens of pieces, and the number is still increasing with a stable degree. Under the union, it can even compete with the golden seal. , A large amount of pure light and gold power intertwined with black awns, absorbed by Xiao Chen Yuanshen.

It is precisely because of this continuous replenishment that Xiao Chen's power can be restored quickly, and the power needed after the "Broken Element" is added, eliminating the possibility of repair and reduction.

The golden Yuanshen has almost completely recovered, and the whole body is filled with a faint golden light. If this degree of devouring power continues, it may not take long for his Yuanshen to wake up.


"Here! They're right in front!" The king of heaven burned his teeth and cut his face, his face full of scowl. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you still can't escape their palms. This time, see where you are going!

The black coffin remained silent, but suddenly there was a sharp killing, which was enough to show the mind of the emperor's body at this moment.

Both the external flame and the corpse gas were flourishing at the same time, and the degree was a little faster.


A black ocean.

In this extremely incomparable cultivation star, in the bitter cold place where the temperature is extremely low, the ocean has not frozen, even if the seawater in it is not rippled at all, it is strange and peaceful.

But on this vast black earth, there is such a huge black ocean without any ripples. It is like a huge mirror inlaid on this earth. It looks a bit silent in this way. Shocking beauty.

Chengcheng stood on the edge of the undulating black ocean on this side, looked down at his fuzzy figure reflected in the black sea water, reached out his hand slightly, and stirred up a faint ripple, although the ripple soon returned to calmness, But she still had a happy smile on her face.

Being able to die here also seems to be an excellent destination.

They are far away now, presumably dying now, and they should never be seen again.

The smile on Chengcheng's face was a little heavier, and he looked up at the black sky slightly, then looked at the black ground, then suddenly turned around and looked at the end of the sight. The two figures finally appeared.

I've been waiting for you for a long time, only now, really slow!

Although there is only one weak girl in me, the magical fighting method must not cause you any harm, but you have been chasing and killing all the way, forcing Ms. Ben to lose her way. I will finally avenge you a little. It should not be excessive.

Presumably, when you have worked hard, but you are alone, you must be disappointed. And I will make a self-judgment in front of you, I wonder if you will feel more depressed.

Although I really want to see your face afterwards, but now, I don't have enough time.

The corner of Chengcheng's mouth slightly lifted, his hand raised, and there was a faint aura, and he shot to the top of his head. She had already seen the anger on their faces, and she was really angry ...

It only takes a moment, she can end her life, a figure appears in her mind, she slowly closes her eyes and groans in her heart, "In the next life, I will find you."

But at this moment Cheng Cheng never appeared. From the piece of sea water she stirred, a black object like cotton wool slowly rose up, and when she touched her body, she directly disappeared into it.

So her action came to an abrupt halt, and her palm stayed only a tiny distance away from her heavenly spirit, but Chengcheng had lost control of her body at this moment.

The bodies of the Emperor Qin and the King of the Burning Heaven have already whistled in the aura of light, and the anger in their faces has not yet disappeared.

There is only one target!

And almost watched her commit suicide in front of the two. If she really did this successfully, I am afraid that the Emperor's Corpse and the Heavenly Burning King would really spit blood. Although I don't know why she suddenly didn't move, for the sake of insurance, the king of the sky still shot instantly and sealed the girl's body directly.

"How could you be alone and say, where are the other two?"

Chengcheng's eyes were full of anxiety, but his body remained motionless.

"She seems to be imprisoned by some force." Emperor Daqin's corpse slowly spoke, a ray of corpse gas was found out, and integrated into Chengcheng's body. But the next moment, a shock and a low drink suddenly came out of the black coffin, and along the ray of corpse, a trace of black suddenly spread. Fortunately, the Qin Emperor's corpse responded extremely quickly, and instantly cut off the connection with that corpse. The black power had not spread out, and it slowly disappeared into the girl's body.

"This weird power!" The voice of Da Qin Emperor's corpse was dignified, "This corpse's qi had just entered, and was directly entangled by this black force, spreading towards me. Although there was only an instant connection with me, But it scared me! This black power is absolutely no small matter! "

"You and I saw with her own eyes that she wanted to end herself, but stagnate in an instant, it must be the one that was subdued by this black power. It seems that this **** of spirituality has hidden the danger you and I have never seen. "The king of the sky slowly opened his mouth, glanced at the girl, and sneered." The king originally wanted to taste the taste of the Yanhuang woman before you died, but now that I can't touch you, I have to give you a good deal. "

"The Emperor Corpse, unless you and I am a Dajin, you will never be able to leave the **** of self-cultivation at your feet. Even so, there is no longer a need to guide you and me. Kill this woman and complete you and me Mission, and then come to explore this cultivation star, how about? As for Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue, with their cultivation, in this dangerous cultivation star, it must be a lifetime of nine deaths! As long as you cannot leave this star, even they Fortunately, I will be found by you and me one day. It is still a dead letter. "

The Emperor's Corpse was slightly silent, slowly speaking, "OK."


In Yuanshen space, the golden seal releases the richer the golden light, and the amount of black cotton-like power is increasing, there are more than a hundred flowers, which stretches into an incomparable darkness, releasing the rich black mansions, which is crazy with golden light Fight.

But at this moment, the closed eyes of Xiao Chen's golden Yuanshen suddenly opened!

What kind of eyes are these, cold and calm, without any mood swings, like the gods above, looking down at everything in the world. It seemed to him that all existence was meaningless.

It was such a look that fell at this moment, but let the golden seal tremble slightly, and the black cotton-like energy mass was as if deterred by a great deterrence, and suddenly wanted to escape, but the golden Yuan Shen only With a faint hum, these black cotton-like energies seemed to be absolutely suppressed, and they could no longer move.


Under Yan Mingyue's eager gaze, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, but the eyes were so strange to Yan Mingyue, and even made his heart stop beating at this instant, and the blood was almost frozen into ice. !!

He even had an intuition that only a slight change in his gaze was needed to put him to death!

Fortunately, Xiao Chen's eyes only passed over him, then he turned to look in one direction, the next step was taken, and the figure disappeared instantly!

Yan Mingyue's pressure suddenly disappeared, her face was pale, her mouth was breathing heavily, and her robe was wet with cold sweat! He just couldn't believe that horror feeling just came from Xiao Chen.

An indifferent gaze, like a **** looking down at a mortal, changes his mind, and can destroy everything in this world!

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