Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 661: Black flop

After a few breaths, the light flashed, and three figures appeared directly outside. ?

Yan Mingyue's face was slightly white, and she fully controlled Yinyue Liushuo to counteract the traction suction sent by Xiu Zhenxing, coupled with the power backlash at the moment of collision, which caused him great damage to his body, and suffered some injuries.

Cheng Cheng hugged Xiao Chen and let his arm rest on his shoulder. Yan Mingyue reached out and supported his other arm. He lifted the Yinyue Shuttle slightly, and his face couldn't help but change slightly.

This dark star was shrouded in an extremely powerful pressure. Based on his cultivation, he was absolutely suppressed under this coercion, and he could not even fly into flight. Fortunately, there has been no crisis at this moment, otherwise the current state of the three of them will be extremely dangerous.

Looking away, there is a stretch of mountains in the distance, the same darkness, but a bare one, without the slightest breath of life, or even the existence of any plant.

This true star is actually a dead star.

Yan Mingyue frowned slightly. Now she fell on this cultivation star. It seemed to be entering a Jedi. She could not resist the suction to fly off the ground. Naturally she could not leave this cultivation star, which is equivalent to being trapped here.

But now is not the time to ponder the matter, and can only wait for Xiao Chen to wake up, and then slowly figure it out.

Maybe he will do it.

Unconsciously, Yan Mingyue also had great confidence in Xiao Chen's ability.

"Ma'am, let's go to that mountain and try to dig a cave house as a place of stay."

Cheng Cheng nodded, and the two of them stood Xiao Chen walking towards the Black Mountains step by step.

In a short distance, they actually walked for a while before passing by, breathing slightly, giving birth to a feeling of tiredness. On this planet, their power was suppressed and became mortal.

Put down Xiao Chen leaning on the rock and take good care of him sincerely, Yan Mingyue took out a treasure from his hand and stroked it on the rock, but it could not cause any damage at all.

Everything seems to be extremely **** this black star.

Yan Mingyue frowned. "There should be no danger here. Madam is here to take care of Xiao Chen Daoyou. I'll walk along the mountains to see if I can find a place to dig a cave."

"Master Yan, let's go."

Yan Mingyue slightly arched his hand, holding a long sword, and walked along the mountain wall to the distance, occasionally piercing the mountain stone with a long sword to determine its hardness.

Chengcheng watched him slowly go away, turned a corner, and disappeared into sight. She reached out and lifted Xiao Chen's body, letting his head rest on his lap, looked down at his pale complexion, and stretched out his hand to touch his face slowly.

"Xiao Chen, thank you for letting me feel a touch of warmth after I entered Daqianjie. I originally thought that if you like me, I will accompany you for the rest of my life. But the facts show that I do not have this blessing." Chengcheng whispered, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "But being able to walk this way with you, although it is not long, but it has been extra for me, so I am very satisfied, although I want this forever Staying with you, even if it ’s such a relationship now, but in the end, it can only be imagined. I have dragged you to the present, hurting you badly, and can no longer stay with you. "

"But during this time, I was very happy. A peaceful life on that cultivation star was the best memory of my life. Thank you."

Chengcheng's face was a little ruddy, his eyes flickered a little, and eventually it was slightly low. Long eyelashes trembled slightly, and he leaned down slowly. Sakura's lips fell gently on his face, then he got up and opened his mouth in a low voice. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to, but now you haven't answered at all, this girl will be your default."

A slight smile appeared on the girl's face, carefully lifted him, leaned gently against the stone wall, slowly got up, his eyes fell on him, and he whispered, "If I have the next life, I hope to be with you Together. "

In a word, Chengcheng took a black sable fur cape from the storage ring. This was made by her in Houfu. She thought she had no chance and now gave it to him.

Squeeze the lips, apply a little force, and the lips appear pale white. She turned suddenly and walked towards the depths of the black earth. He resisted the urge to look back at him, and sincerely told himself in his heart that only by leaving him can he save his life without having to scoff with her.

Xiao Chen can break through the meteorite stream into this black star field, and the corpse of Emperor Qin is as good as King of the Sky. If she stays on, she will be the source of devastation ... sincerely don't do this, she would rather choose to walk away.

She raised her head, trying hard not to cry, but couldn't let the tears overflowing in her eyes back, only to drop down the corner of the eye ...

Yan Mingyue searched for a circle, and there was no hiding place where he could dig a cave house, but when he turned around, his wife had disappeared.

He stood under the mountain wall, looking around only a black, but could not see her figure. Turning to look at the sable fur cloak on Xiao Chen's body, with Yan Mingyue's mind, it is not difficult to think of the key.

Madam chose to leave to protect Xiao Chen.

He suddenly felt a little bitter in his heart, and sat down leaning against the mountain wall, watching this black star of lifeless self-cultivation, and renewed regret in his heart.

Was he really doing something wrong at the beginning?


Primordial Space.

After Xiao Chen's "Broken Yuan" was not supplemented with sufficient strength, the idea fell into silence, Yuan Shen was in a coma, and faint, except for a faint golden light that kept flashing, maintaining that the existence of Yuan Shen had not collapsed.

But at this moment, in Yuanshen space, a mass of black energy suddenly appeared like cotton wool, slowly drifting, and flew towards Yuan Chen in the coma of Xiao Chen.

Do n’t wait for this black cotton-like energy to approach, the golden seal appears directly, and the golden light in Yuan Shen space suddenly becomes a masterpiece! The rich golden light swelled like a water wave and fell like a wave, swept away towards the black cotton-like energy.

A faint layer of black awns suddenly emerged from this cotton-like energy, this is a touch of extreme black, with this whole black sky, and the black cultivating star underneath presents the exact same color.

Bathed in golden light, this faint layer of black mansions actually resisted the seal from the golden seal. Two completely different lights, madly stabbed and entangled on the edge of the encounter.

Gold is magnificent and dazzling.

Heimang is deep and heavy, weird and mysterious.

The two kinds of light fight together, a ray of gold and a ray of black are entangled into a ball, and the unique strength of the two shows a slowly merging situation in the crazy engulfing of each other. Gold and black gradually merge, and the color gradually fades. Into a ray of pale white with a touch of fluorescent energy. Lost all the imprints of the golden seal and cotton-like black energy, condensed into a brand-new power, floating quietly in the golden light, until it fell on the Yuan Shen who was stunned by Xiao Chen.

This ray of new power, which combines the power of the golden seal and the strange black cotton-like energy, easily merged into his primordial spirit, turning it into a pure power, nourishing his weak and weak primordial spirit. Although this strand of strength is very little, it is extremely pure, which makes the flickering golden awn on Xiao Chen Yuanshen instantly become much richer.

Although still in a coma, after consuming this ray of energy, Xiao Chen's Yuan Shen subconsciously produced a swallowing force to supplement the weak consciousness, and a weak suction slowly spread out from it.

The strands of newborn white energy wandering in Yuanshen's space slowly gathered to his Yuanshen under this weak suction.

At this moment, in Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space, when the first cotton fluffy black energy mass has not been completely consumed, another second cotton fluffy energy appears directly.

Jinyin was indifferent, and there was no fear of one enemy and two. The killing of the two forces became more intense, and the number of new ecological fusion forces naturally increased rapidly in a short period of time. In the dazzling yoyo, as many as possible to enter Xiao Chen's Yuan Shen, and then through Yuan Shen, slowly enter his physical body ...


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