Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 654: Chase away [1]

When the Sun Star returned, he could still feel his weakness, and his body had also become aging due to the prohibition. [八 [[一 [(<< 中 < 文 [

As a teacher's disciple, his status in the Yan Kingdom is quite high, and his vision is naturally uncommonly comparable to that of a monk.

But not long with Xiao Chen, Yan Mingyue has been shaken and hit too many times.

Not by himself, but the scenes of life in front of him are far beyond his limit!

Chengcheng is a little low, so that people can't see the expression on her face at the moment, but what emerges in her mind is that calm and calm face, and that fierce and powerful punch, which broke the whole Stars.

Seeing him hurt, she was in pain, and watching him return safely, she rejoiced. Watching him return to nothingness, all that remained in her heart was a touch of pride and pride.

Although he had never promised her anything or had anything to do with her, he couldn't prevent her from developing such an inexplicable but justifiable emotion.

She just wants to be proud, to be proud, at least before she can reach Yan Kingdom, she can still preserve such a little power.

There was silence in the room, but the silence was quickly broken.

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, her face suddenly gloomy, and she said in a deep voice, "Be careful, we've been caught up!" In the chaotic starry burial ground, the creators of the world can't use the power of Yuanshen. However, two breaths of creation were approaching, which made his heart tremble, but there was no strangeness on his face.

Yan Mingyue was startled, "Who is this?"

"Two creation worlds, one for the corpse and one for the fire." Xiao Chen flashed a fierce look in his eyes, and Shen said, "Be careful, I will throw them away."

As the words fell, the direction of the Silver Moon Flow Shuttle changed instantly, and howling went straight to a cloud of dust.

In such a dark place, there are often many crises. Xiao Chen usually controls Yinyue Liushuo to avoid it, but now he has to deliberately enter it in order to get rid of the two people behind him.

Although he will take some risks, he has the benefit of the Yuanshen. He can dodge in advance before encountering danger, and he can use the hidden crisis to prevent the approach of the Incense King and the Great Qin Emperor's Corpse. It would be better to stay away.

call out!

A flash of silver light had penetrated into the dark clouds.


call out!

The redness caused the arrow to change suddenly, similarly, and the corpse of the King of Heaven and the Black Coffin was a little shocked. Could Xiao Chen and others notice their pursuit and dodge? But the thought only flashed slightly, and they were let go.

In the chaotic starry burial ground, with their cultivation as their primary power, Yuan Chen could not use this power. How could Xiao Chen do this? Sudden change of direction may be to avoid the danger ahead, or to be cautious.

However, watching the arrow penetrate into the extremely dark, dusty clouds full of howling wind and unknown danger, the two still couldn't help but a slight discoloration.

Xiao Chen and others did not take the road of safety and actually got into this cloud, which is quite strange. But at this moment the Emperor's Corpse and the Heavenly Burning King could not think too much, and immediately after Ling Ling, the roar rushed into the clouds.

The clouds are made up of grains of dust, but there are also pieces of rubble hidden in them. The small ones are as large as a cherry and the largest are not as large as a walnut. They may be preserved after being blown by the wind for hundreds of millions of years. Objects, wrapped in howling wind in this dark cloud, flow at an amazing degree. Although it is small, if it is not badly hit directly on the flesh, the weaker flesh will be directly pierced and terrified.

The body of the black coffin was billowing, and a flame of red flame was born outside the burning king, and it was less than a moment into the dark cloud. They had been attacked by several gravels. Although they could not break the defense of the two, the force was overbearing. The impact force, however, caused a momentary pause in their advancement.

The most critical point is the crimson arrow. After entering the clouds, the object burns faster and faster, I am afraid that it cannot support it for too long.

This made the emperor's corpse and the Heavenly Burning King sink in their hearts, and their faces were dignified.


Yinyue Liushuo whistled forward in the clouds, and Xiao Chen's insightful exploration was enough to avoid all the pebbled stones.

After entering the clouds, he controlled the Silvermoon Shuttle to whistle deep into the nebula. But the rear pursuit still hasn't escaped, and the distance between the two sides is being shortened with a very fast degree. According to this trend, it will not take too long to be able to catch up with them.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned, and the consciousness whistled in the clouds, but at this moment, his consciousness was suddenly attacked and directly torn. But before that, he had seen the thing that attacked his consciousness.

This is the size of a rice grain, and the weird monster like a black stone comes up when the body curls up. Before shooting, it can perfectly cover its own breath without spilling. The amount is dense and incalculable. It is gathered into a mass like ordinary rubble in this dust cloud, and it is absolutely impossible to think of its true face until it is close.

When Xiao Chen's heart moved, the cold light in her eyes flashed firmness, her mind moved slightly, and the direction of the Yinyue Liushu's forward direction changed instantly. She went straight to the "crushed stone" composed of the rice-size monster. Just before approaching this "crushed stone", he dexterously controlled the Silver Moon Stream Shuttle to avoid the attack of two pieces of gravel, bypassed a safety arc outside the detection range of the monster, and then restored to the previous and "crushed stone" again. The lines on the same straight line whistled.

Crimson Lingfu made two changes in direction in a short period of time, which made the Emperor Corpse and the Heavenly Burning King more and more suspicious, but according to estimates, they are not far away from Xiao Chen and others. If it goes well, they will be caught soon!

At that time, the two powerful kings of Genesis will let them know the end after completely offending them!

A piece of "crushed stone" blocked in front, but never whistled in the howling wind like ordinary gravel, but floated slowly up and down like floating in water.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

To be cautious, with a wave of the sleeve of the flaming king, a red flame suddenly appeared, wrapping the gravel directly inside. Even the hard gravel that was left in the wind after being torn down in the wind, could not withstand the hot heat of the flames, and was instantly incinerated into ashes.

But this time, things are far from his expectations.

The piece of "crushed stone" was directly wrapped in the flame, but there was no change. Instead, it was a flame he extinguished, which extinguished extremely quickly. Taking the burning of King Tian as the source and the origin of the fire tribe, a fire-powered supernatural power can shock the sky, even the flames of random shots are not trivial, but they can't refine a piece of gravel.

But the next moment, the King of the Burning Heaven and the Black Coffin Emperor couldn't help but whispered together, all of which were furious.

I saw that piece of "crushed stone", which suddenly spread out in the life of "Buzz" at this moment, and turned into black stones of the size of countless rice grains, radiating towards them. Before approaching, the black stone body stretched out and turned into a fierce monster!

Unexpectedly, the King of the Burning Heavens fell into the siege of the monster directly, and the flame guard of the body was torn apart. Dozens of monsters directly penetrated into his flesh, and opened his mouth to devour madly. His body was visible to the naked eye. Fast growing, from rice grain size to mung bean size, still growing.

During the snoring, the burning of the King of Heaven suddenly changed, and the flame guard of the outer body suddenly flourished. The flames of the flames expanded to ten feet in size, and all the monsters in the body resisted. However, in the crimson flame, this dark monster did not receive any damage, but opened its mouth wide, madly devouring the power contained in the flame.

Swallow Spirit Beast!

One of the ancient extinct monsters, sexual delight devoured the heaven and earth aura, was completely immune to monks' magical powers, strong physical body, water and fire invasion, but another well-known evil in ancient times, and was wiped out.

In this dark cloud, there is the existence of a swallowing beast. Although it is only a young child, it is tricky enough!

The King of the Burning Heaven remembered the identity of the soul-stealing beast, his pupils contracted slightly, and he stretched out with one hand without hesitation. He inserted it into his flesh instantly, took out the soul-stealing beast that was being swallowed, and squeezed it with a strong grip. The blood flowed out, stained his robe red, and the wound healed quickly under peristalsis.

"It's a swallowing beast. Don't entangle, hurry up!"

In the low drink, the light of Emperor Tian flashed a little, and a huge sword burning with flames appeared directly in his hand. He slashed it and smashed countless soul-stealing beasts. He shot continuously to break the soul-stealing beast. Kill, the figure whistled without a pause.

The black coffin of the Emperor Qin Emperor's body was full of swallowing beasts, densely layered one after another, but at this moment, a light gray cloud suddenly floated out of it. "Pata" fell down, the body quickly decayed into pus.

The poison of the emperor corpse is naturally a great killer for this larva of the swallowing beast.

The black coffin rushed out immediately, followed by the burning king.

The rear swallowing spirit beast chased wildly, but because he couldn't catch up with the two, he had to stop, re-condensed into a "crushed stone" in the "humming" sound, and floated in the squall wind.


King Fen Tian looked dignified. "I didn't expect that there was a soul swallowing beast. The chaotic starry burial ground is indeed a well-known fierce land in the Great Thousand Realms, and there are so many ancient monsters."

The black coffin was silent, and the hoarse voice of the emperor's body came from Shaoqi, "Doesn't it feel strange to you to burn the king? The target in front of you suddenly turned twice in a small range. If this seat is not wrong, it is to avoid swallowing the soul. Beasts, but they can guarantee you and I just happen to meet this kind of monster. "

The look of the King of Heaven was changed, and his eyes were shocked. "The emperor's corpse means that someone in the front target can use the power of the gods in the chaotic starry burial ground!"

"This is only the speculation of this seat, maybe just a coincidence. But after you and I approached, suddenly turned and rushed into this cloud of dust. Is this also a coincidence? Also, I manually destroyed you and I arranged the cardinal star array. He is How did you and me appear in advance, but avoided our investigation? Could it be a coincidence? "The emperor's corpse in the black coffin said lightly." If these are coincidences, don't you think that it is too absurd to burn the Heavenly King? "

The burning of the King of Heaven did not think much after being furious, it does not mean that he is a weak-minded generation, otherwise how can he achieve the creation of the King Xiuwei. At this moment, reminded by the emperor's corpse, the joints had been figured out in an instant, and his expression suddenly became gloomy, with a pause and a little joy.

"What does Emperor Corpse mean?"

"Catch them, you and I will be able to retreat from the chaotic starry burial ground." The Emperor's corpse spoke lightly, but there was a trace of hotness in the voice that was difficult to hide. Being able to use Primal Power in the Chaos Starry Burial Ground naturally identifies the direction. As long as this person is captured in their hands, and their cultivation is the most likely way to escape.

"The Emperor's corpse said extremely well." The King of Heaven burned slowly, his gaze looking deep into the clouds in front of him, and two faint flames burned under his eyes. "

"That should be it!"

call out!

After the crimson order, the black coffin and the king of the sky burned forward.


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