Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 651: Cardinal Star Formation

A touch of silver light penetrated the thick dim zone condensed by dust, far away from the dark area formed by the strange black hole in front, and whistled along a meteorite belt. ((? 八 [一 中? 文 <网 <[W? W) W]. 8} 1] Z} W]. ] Despite the constant crisis on the road, this silver light can always avoid it for a long time in advance, pass in the safest way, and fly in the predetermined direction.

In the inner space of Yinyue Liushuo, Xiao Chen sat down with her eyes closed, took control of the entire treasure, and came out with a powerful god, like an invisible tentacle. The detection range is always centered on Yinyue Liushuo. Maintaining a spherical space with a sufficient safety radius, the breath fluctuations from all directions are closely detected so that in the event of an accident, it can respond in the shortest time.

It's just that this detection method is extremely heavy to Yuan Shen, and the chaotic power raging in the chaotic starry burial ground. Although Xiao Chen's consciousness can resist, the loss will increase a lot, plus the consciousness lost in accident, Yuan Shen The degree of wear is horrible. Every two hours, it is necessary to swallow a tonic **** to restore Yuanshen. But even so, the complement of Primal Power is still far behind the loss.

When the loss of the power of the Yuanshen reaches half, Xiao Chen will choose to pause forward, looking for a temporary and safe place to replenish the Yuanshen in his body, and then continue on the road.

Yan Ming sat on the floor with her back against the corner, holding a jade pot in her hand, seemingly lazy, but her eyes were bright and clear, and occasionally her gaze was flashing.

In the chaotic starry burial ground, there are too many unpredictable crises. Even if Xiao Chen controls the advance, they have a great advantage over ordinary monks, but if they are relaxed, they may not be able to leave safely.

Sincerely leaning on the soft couch, holding a roll of jade bamboo roll, he was attentive, and slightly exposing a jade-like white and delicate powder neck, and the long eyelashes trembled from time to time. The pale cyan skirt naturally hangs down, without the need for deliberate contrition, it can outline the slightly thin but perfect body.

A beautiful pair of books is quietly reading!

It's just a pity that the two men here have closed their eyes and were distracted, while one looked away and did not dare to fall on the girl at all, wasting the beauty at the moment.

At this moment, Xiao Chen closed her eyes and slowly opened them.

Yan Mingyue stood up and sincerely put down Jade Jane in her hand, got up and poured a pot of tea, and quietly handed it out. The three of them got together for a while, and doing these things at the moment seemed so natural. Even Yan Mingyue didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Thanks, Xiao Chen turned to the tea cup and took a sip. The fragrance of the tea was slightly shocking. The spiritual power contained in the tea was spread out, nourishing his tired mind.

"Pause here first and continue on the road when I recover." In other words, he did not delay any more, took out the tonic Dan Yang and swallowed it, and began to close his eyes and concentrate on refining the power of the medicine, but still left a trace Consciousness senses external changes.

You can get thirty times the time flow in the dojo, but it is not easy to use in front of the two. Although it is a bit slower, it can only be so for safety reasons.

Three days later, Xiao Chen's eyes opened again, and after consuming eleven tonic gods, Yuanshen finally recovered. His strength actually improved a little, and he became more and more refined, making him nod slightly.

Although it is only a slight progress, monks have started from dripping water, and they can converge into the ocean as they move forward.

Although the sand grains are small, they are piled up hundreds of thousands of times and can also condense into mountains.

The so-called journey of thousands of miles accumulates in pacing, and the magnificent peaks start from the dust, which is exactly the reason.

"Well, let's go out."

Once recovered, Xiao Chen didn't delay in the slightest, and the consciousness burst out, and the silver light flickered slightly, leaving the docked meteorite and whistling away.

Chaos Starfield Burial Ground, such a fierce place, if it can leave, the sooner the better.

But after half an hour, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, and the light of God flashed.

Yan Ming lifted her face, her face turned into a dignity instantly, and she said in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Although Chengcheng didn't say much, there was anxiety in his eyes.

"The monks chased from behind entered the chaotic starry burial ground with us." Xiao Chen slowly opened her eyes, her eyes converged, and she calmed down. "Not only the fire tribe, but also the corpse monks, now they seem to have Teamed up. "

Yan Mingyue's posture changed slightly, and then he snorted, saying, "These people are really haunted, but this time, they are afraid they will be miscalculated!" Xiao Chen can use the power of Yuanshen in the chaotic star burial ground, The biggest variable! In this way, they have taken the absolute initiative. Even if there are creation monks in the corpse and fire clan, they can't get them because they can't detect their whereabouts.

As long as they avoid it silently, they can leave in peace, leaving them to struggle in this chaotic starry burial ground ... Whether they can leave alive depends on their own luck!

Xiao Chen was silent, and slowly shook his head after half a ring. "Their actions are too bizarre. I think we better go and see."


"They moved."


Move the stars, use the monk's power to move the stars, change the star position.

It is exactly what the corpse and fire monks are doing now.

The king of the sky burned nearly a hundred monks of two races and shot them together. The congregation turned into a driving force, smashing the fixed trajectory of the stars and pushing it slowly in a certain direction.

The stars are running, because they attract and repel each other, each has its own fixed trajectory, which moves the whole body. Although it promotes the position of one star, it is extremely difficult to compete with the suction and repulsion of all the surrounding stars.

If it is not in the chaotic starry burial ground, the instability of the starry sky is chaotic, which makes the mutual checks and balances of the stars not stable. !!

Shaking the trajectory of the stars with human power, this has exceeded the imagination of ordinary monks. This is the power of the gods!

The King of the Burning Heavens looked dignified, carefully controlled the gathered power, and manipulated the stars to think of the planned position, moving slowly. To be perfect, you need the stars to appear where they should be, with no slight deviation.

All right!

right here!

Move this Yinyue star to its proper position, and the entire formation has been completely completed.

But at this moment, there was a sudden force of shock.


The whole star is shaking slightly!

With a roar of ignorance in the mouth of the King of Heaven, Genesis King Wang Xiu retains nothing, and integrates all powers as many as possible, not to promote, but to help this star stabilize its current position and resist the repulsion and attraction of other stars.

Only through this barrier can a new balance be formed between the surrounding stars, and the matter of moving stars can really be accomplished.

The shocking force that filled the starry sky changed from strength to weakness, and eventually dissipated slowly.

A new balance between the stars has been formed.

The King of the Burning Heavens face was pale, and the monks of the two races were breathless, sweat soaked in their clothes, but their faces showed ecstasy.


After the big battle, they have a chance to leave here alive!

Among the stars, the seven stars are in a strange arrangement. Five are in a line, and two of them are perfectly symmetrical with the third star in the center. If they are connected vertically, they will become a standard cross. .


"Cross?" Yan Mingyue's expression suddenly froze, and she was shocked in her eyes. "Tell me the attributes and arrangement of these seven stars, fast!"

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy. From Yan Mingyue's look, he had smelled an extremely dangerous breath. The wave in the robe sleeve gradually turned into a transparent space, and he could clearly see the situation outside.

There is no need for telepathy, and you can see directly with your eyes. Among the distant star fields, seven stars are arranged in a cross.

"Jin Shui Mu Huo Tu, the five elements are bounded!"

"The sun and the moon hang on the side, Yin and Yang play the magic!"

The blood on Yan Mingyue's face faded instantly, "Cardinal Star array ..."

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on his face instantly, "Cardinal Star Formation? What effect does this formation have?"

But after waiting for Yan Mingyue to explain, Chengcheng has said softly. Identifies the eight parties. By the power of the twins of yin and yang, it is possible to perform changes in natural machineries and make accurate predictions. This array is called the cardinal star. "

The girl lifted, with a bit of bitterness hanging from the corner of her mouth, and raised the bamboo roll in Yangxian's hand. "I just saw what I just saw above. I wonder if it is correct?"

Yan Mingyue nodded, only to feel the whole mouth bitter.

The Cardinal Star Array has been formed. As soon as the large array is started and the power of the stars is triggered, the corpse and fire monks can instantly reverse the status of both parties.

At that time, it will be the end of death!

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted slightly, suddenly looking up at the cross-shaped cardinal star array, Shen Shen said, "Be sure to stop them from starting a large array!"

"There is no way." Yan Mingyue's face was bitter. "Unless you can start the formation, when the monks in the main formation merge the power of the stars, forcibly move one of the seven stars, and urge the formation to fight back, you can completely destroy the seven stars. Sever the possibility of a cardinal star array. But with your strength, even if you can get close, you can't change the trajectory of the stars. "

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, his eyes flickered quickly, his thoughts turned madly, and he whispered in his mouth, "No! There must be a way! There must be!"

He already knows the effectiveness of the Cardinal Star Array, and if successfully completed by monks and fire monks, they will have nothing to hide!

Even if you flee now, in the situation where the location is determined, in the face of the frenzied siege of monks of both ethnic groups, it is difficult to escape.

The only turning point today is the destruction of the two groups to activate the Cardinal Star Formation!

But as Yan Mingyue said, they don't have enough power to interfere with all this.

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, forcing himself to suppress all the restlessness in his heart. Panic was useless, calmly responded, and perhaps he could find a glimmer of vitality.

You cannot shake the stars with your own strength, so you can only borrow power from the outside. He manipulated and changed the perspective of Yinyue Liushuo and expanded the scope of his eyes. After a moment, his eyes suddenly lighted up!

"We're going here!"

Xiao Chen reached out and pointed at a crimson sun star, with crazy flames jumping in his eyes.

Yan Mingyue looked along his direction, his face was shocked, his eyes flashed, and his heart quickly deduced the feasibility of the matter. After a while, he turned into a sigh. , The power is unstable, if it can be caused to explode in advance, the terrifying force generated by the destruction of the Sun Star can indeed destroy the cardinal star array ... but, you and I also do not have the power to induce the destruction of the Sun Star.

"How can you know if you don't try it?" Xiao Chen whispered, his face returned to calm, but the two flames in his eyes became stronger. "Since they arrived earlier, Xiao will never let them start the cardinal star array smoothly."

Yan Mingyue felt a little tremor in her heart. She looked up at the monk in front of her, and she suddenly understood something, why he could have what he is today in just over ten thousand years.

Perhaps this powerful mentality that he has never given up when and where he is now is the main reason why he can sing along and rise fast.

Yan Mingyue writhed in her heart, her face calmed down, and she said quietly, "Okay! Then try it, you will be very happy, but you will not die!"

Chengcheng looked at the only man in his eyes, and a little fascination rose up in the eyes. In desperation, he persisted and could do this. It was indeed the man she liked!

In the starry sky, the silver awn flickered slightly, and changed its direction silently, bypassing a safe distance enough, and galloping towards the crimson sun star that could be obliquely hanging.


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