Killing for life, although it can get amazing improvement, but it brings the killing karma which is unstable and heavy. Eight [One? Novel? Network W] W) W). } 81ZW. Com can only suppress the counterattack of internal strength by practicing with an absolutely powerful state of mind.

Just like the Great Qin Wu Anhou, his state of mind was unbelievably tough and unbelievable. He carried a long knife and killed a family member with his own hands. With a firm state of mind, the suppression of Xiu was counterattacked.

In the Daqian Realm, there are not a few who can kill their loved ones and seek repair as a breakthrough, but how many people have a strong mentality as Wu Anhou?

At least Xiao Chen is not one of them.

Now that the hidden dangers of killing and seeking for exchange for cultivation have gradually exploded, although he now has a successful cultivation of creations and an extremely powerful combat force, he almost cut off the possibility of promotion to the world, which is not enough to constitute a hidden danger.

That being the case, Rong Guozhu naturally felt safe.

Such a person can use it to rest assured that it will never affect his rule.

Dingguo Hulei's eyes flashed a little sneer, drinking low and not speaking. In the Daming Palace, he was the second person to faintly feel the agitation in Xiao Chen's body, and naturally he could reach a conclusion almost the same as that of Rong Guozhu.

"I thought it would be a very strong opponent, and I didn't want to be a short-lived generation."

"Qing Yunhou, World War I will be fair and fair, but if it falls, I am afraid that it will rise faster than its rise. Hey, kill and seek, be a killer!"

On the side of Rong Guozhu, the graceful dignified queen dared not look straight at her, slightly frowning her good-looking eyebrows, then stretched out, calm, as if she had never done this.

Xiao Chen took a seat and looked slightly gloomy, but sneered in his heart.

Passing the third avatar to pass the restlessness, coupled with his deliberate actions since then, has unexpected effects. In this way, Rong Guozhu's precautions against him should be put down for a while, which is naturally a good thing for him.

After all, Xiao Chen still has no strength to compete with Rong Guozhu.

The ambassador continued to help Dachenghou, and the banquet continued, but everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Chen unconsciously. At the moment, under the crown of the duke, his brows were slightly frowned, and his face was cold, for him Adding a little bit of astonishment.

Rong Guozhu only said that he had noticed something wrong with his body, and he had a heavier smile on his face. He often toasted and drank, and a luncheon was not dissipated until sunset and dusk.

Xiao Chen left the Daming Palace, never talked to anyone, and led the Guards and the generals of the Xiaozi Department in a hurry.

When the duke was closed, the duke's mansion was given. Nakagyo was originally a country of great power and wealth, and many large houses were completely preserved without the damage of the war. They can be rewarded with a little repair.

On the banquet, Rong Guozhu has personally consecrated the mansion for San Gong, and Xiao Chen Qingyun Mansion is in Dongcheng. This is the built house, which can be completed as long as the plaque is placed. Now it is ready.

Xiao Chen led the Guards Hao Hao Tang Tang back to the Duke's Mansion, and directly ordered the declaration of retreat. No matter what, nothing should be disturbed.

The Guards took over the guards of the mansion, and the Duke ’s mansion was widened. For a moment, the aura of light rose into the sky!


The royal palace.

The master of the kingdom of Lao leaned on the soft couch, and the jade cup contained warm body spirits made by the court's master, and the light amber juice was light and strong, fresh and natural. At the same time, when you taste delicious, there will be a warm current rising from the abdomen, flowing along the meridians, and blending between flesh and blood.

The effect of warming the body fluid is to quench the body and comb the mana. Just a bite of soup, the benefits brought by it are worthy of the ordinary monk's monthly hardship. Long-term drinking can also slowly improve the physique, so that the degree of cultivation continues to increase. .

With a faint smile on his face, he spoke softly.

The queen was sitting opposite, with a little less honorable glory when she was in the main hall, a little more tenderness between her brows and eyes, a soft whisper, and a soft and tender voice. "The lord is in a good mood today, but there is a happy event?"

Rong Guozhu lifted his eyes, glanced over the queen, and smiled: "With your intelligence, you will not see the solitude of the lonely heart. Now that the country is calm and the country is stable, the lone king can save a lot of effort and focus. I practiced by myself. "

After the expansion of the kingdom of God, the human heart of the Lao Galaxy has gradually stabilized, and the power of existing beliefs has gradually emerged, merging with the beliefs of the Rongguo Galaxy, and its number has soared nearly double compared with the previous one. Under the blessing of this strong belief, Rong Guozhu's cultivation in the bottleneck can be broken. Today, Xiao Chenxiu is a hidden danger, which makes Rong Guozhu's heart more stable, letting go of his mind, and being happy physically and mentally.

The queen nodded, "Qing Yungong's practice should be the way of killing and seeking the way. The landlord really does not need to guard against him. It is difficult for him to protect himself in the future, and he cannot be a person who shakes his country."

Speaking of which, her eyes flickered slightly, and she said faintly, "It is the thunder of the Dingguo public, and it seems that she has made some progress in her cultivation. I am afraid that she is not far away from entering the realm of creation. I do n’t know if the owner can make arrangements?"

Rong Guozhu's face was slightly distressed, he put the Jade Cup on the case, and he was silent for a while before he slowly spoke. "The solitary king will not allow the creation of a military general in the world. If Hulei goes smoothly, the solitary will give a reward and recover the military power. , Let him be a laid-back father, focusing on cultivation in the future. "Yu Luo, his eyes fell on the queen, watching the look on her face change.

"The emperor's thinking is clear. Only in this way can the Ding Guogong be preserved as much as possible, so that the kingdom is stable without accidents and turmoil." The queen seemed to be unaware, frowned slightly, and nodded. The surrender of military power is not something that has to take place. The head of state also needs to be a bit more prepared so that he can calmly cope with the unexpected situation. "

Rong Guozhu's expression was slightly relaxed, his eyes moved away from the queen's face, and a bit of smile reappeared at the corner of his mouth. "Queen rest assured, Hu Lei, if he remembers his friendship with the solitary king and queen, he should not have two hearts. I think he can figure this out. "

The queen nodded gently.

"Queen, the night is dark, so I will stay with you today, okay?" Gaze fell on the body of the queen under the parcel, and Rong Guozhu's eyes felt a little more heat.

"The lord of the country intends, and the court officials naturally rejoice." The queen grandma was slightly lower, and a hint of ruddy appeared on the pretty face, spreading above the neck, turning into the color of temptation.

Since the wedding, the two have been close to each other only a few times. With the state of mind of Rong Guo, at this moment, they are also enthusiastically enthusiastically. They stretched out the hand of the queen and took a walk towards the bedroom deep in the mantle.

The queen was low, as if she was following with coquettishness, and Lianbu moved lightly, but no one appeared. In the slightly lowered eyes, only the disgust and coldness permeated at the moment.


Dingguo Government.

As the person with the highest status in the three public schools of Rongguo Middle School, Marshal Hulei's mansion naturally has a higher specification, and the momentum after renovation is extraordinary.

In the study, Marshal Hulei was seated high, and the military division and several henchmen would sit on both sides.

"The Qingyun public repair has achieved the creation's perfection, and the strength of the combat force can directly defeat Dacheng Hou! This person will become an enemy in the future, and the commander still needs to take precautions as soon as possible." His face was heavy.

"That's right, Qing Yungong had to defend."

Marshal Hu Lei shook his head slightly, his mouth faintly sneered, "Xiao Chen cultivates and seeks for survival. Although the cultivation is fast, he has already laid the root of the evil, and his body's breath is floating. I am afraid that it is not far from the fall, it is not a concern."

The generals immediately rejoiced when they heard the words.

The military division sat down quietly, because he had a good word for Xiao Chen at the beginning, but now he is inevitably angered by the commander. Although he didn't say it clearly, he could feel the alienation clearly when he was alienated. remain silent. But at this moment, he hesitated a little bit, and still arched his hand. "Master, Xiao Chen digs the grave by himself, naturally it is not a concern, but the subordinate wants to ask, the master has been gradually deepened. How long? By that time, will the lord of the country tolerate the commander to continue to hold heavy troops. "

"Although it is not imminent, it is better for the coach to arrange it early."

As the words fell, the study room became quiet for an instant.

Hulai's face became extremely gloomy for a moment, his eyes fell on the military division, and he nodded slowly after half a moment, saying: "The military division has said well, the coach is not far from breaking through the world of creation. If no accident, three It is bound to go smoothly in a hundred years. "

"At that time, the coach will take the initiative to resign from the landlord, surrender all military power, and practice with peace of mind."

The military officer arched his hand. "The commander is wise, since his mind has already been decided, there is no need to remind his subordinates." He was slightly relieved in his heart, knowing that he finally seized the opportunity, and through this opening, the commander let him recover some points in his heart. Trust, you only need to slowly figure it out in the future, and you can recover as before. Quietly speaking at the moment.

"Well, this coach is a little bit distressed today, you go down." Marshal Hu Lei waved his hand, the military officer and others got up to salute respectfully, turned and retreated.

The quietness of the study was restored. Hushuai sat behind the desk but did not intend to get up and leave, and frowned slightly, as if waiting for some news.

A moment later, a relative asked for instructions and quickly stepped into the study, gave Yu Jian both hands, and left directly after saluting.

Marshal Hu Lei divided a trace of insight into Yujian, which contained only one sentence: the landlord stayed at the queen tonight.


With tight hands, Yu Jian was instantly crushed and turned into powder.


The war subsided, and as the new capital of Rongguo, China Capital gradually became lively.

Countless caravans gathered with the special treasures of their planets and died. They dumped a lot of money in the capital of the king, and then purchased a large number of various treasures of cultivation, which were scarcely cultivated in the true world.

Taking the risk of crossing the star field, buying low and selling high, and hitting regional spreads to make huge profits are the hardest and hardest of these business groups, and the biggest motivation for traveling around the galaxies all year round.

A large caravan paid sufficient respect to the city gate guards, and the shopkeeper accompanied the smiling face to please the generals. The caravan just checked it and was released.

Out of the city gate, the shopkeeper cursed in a low voice. If it was not in the capital, would he, in his capacity, look at this small gatekeeper. Turned around and hurriedly got into the carriage, ordered to speed up, and hurried to the assembly point earlier.

There are many dangers in the star field, and there is a desperate monk roaring like a star thief. If you are traveling alone, you do n’t want to go through smoothly.

But at this time, the treasurer did not show up, and one of his newly hired caravan guards has now quietly left the caravan.


Leng Twelve drove Wuguang away, went directly into an unmanned mountain, waved his hand to open a simple stone house, and walked into it.

The ethereal light flashed, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared directly.

"Guo Gong." Leng Zhuang respectfully saluted, took out his left eyebrow, and gave it with his hands.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, "Twelve, you will be waiting for me here. If nothing else happens, within one month, this official will return."


After a few breaths, a terrifying rainbow rose from here and went straight to the immortal.


[Last night I didn't finish this chapter until 1:30, I got up early today and still got stuck. I just wrote and modified it and uploaded it directly. It's more than half an hour late. Please don't blame everyone. 】

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