Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 621: World War I

Rong Guozhu ordered the relocation of Wangding County, the capital, and the name was Zhongjing!

After one month, everything was completed, and the first congress was grandly held after the relocation of the capital. Bayi Chinese Network (W> W] W). 〉 8? 1> ZW. Com

Civil and military officials, dressed in the hall, and salute the Lord Rong, who is on the throne, and said, "See the Lord!"

The light gold high platform, the steps on both sides are topped, and the two bronze statues of the crane in front are independent. There is a faint fumes between the mouth and nose, calming and calming.

Today's Rong Guozhu, the weather is different from before. Sitting high on the throne, there is a posture of dragons and tigers. The invisible coercion covers the palace, which makes people feel in awe.

This is the performance of annexing the National Galaxy, the National Games rose, and blessing itself. In the future, if you fully grasp the Lao National Galaxy, you will be able to learn the beliefs of hundreds of millions of people, and it will have an extremely horrible increase in Xiu Wei.

The benefits of increasing the territory and expanding the kingdom of God have just emerged.

"Zhu Qing is flat!"

Rong Guozhu's sleeves opened, and the royal robe worn on his body was more exquisite and gorgeous. The embroidered **** had double horns. If it was not without feet, it would be the real dragon! In the Daqian Realm, only those who can wear dragons and crowns can wear the emperor of the eight empires or the prince. Although the lords of the vassals are the supreme nation, they still belong to the courtiers and are not allowed to wear dragon suits. Today, Rong Guozhuang wears a grade that can only be used by the superior vassal kingdom.

"Xie Guozhuo!"

His Royal Highness stood up, the duke marquis seated, and the rest stood on both sides.

Rong Guozhu's eyes glanced, seeing the Baiguan gathered in all faces, happy, but he didn't feel more happy, but he didn't show the slightest bit in his face. He coughed slowly and said slowly. Minister, you have to send troops to defend the Emperor Yan's magnificence. Now you have leveled up your country and suppressed the chaos! The lone king has written to His Majesty Yan Emperor. There is no king in a day, otherwise there will be troubles, which is not good for Cang Sheng, and it is not Yan Emperor who wants to see it. Therefore, he will be in charge of the land of Laos, and wait for Yan Emperor to order him. Serve. "

A faint voice echoed in the hall. Although everyone knows that Lao Country has been incorporated into the territory of Rong Country, it is absolutely impossible to give it to others, otherwise why did Rong Country Lord kill the Lao Country owner after he conquered Tianyuan Uranus. But for Gu Quanyan's face, this is a piece of chess that is a step backward. Only after the emperor Yan officially appoints Rong Guozhu to take charge of the national galaxy, can it be regarded as a final success.

His Highness naturally understood that at the same time, he said, "The Lord, the Lord, lives for the people, it is a great merit!"

Rong Guozhu nodded slightly, his face was astonished, and he said in a deep voice, "The battle of the country is extremely dangerous. It is related to the country and the country, and he loses all by accident. Today the solitary king can sit here and take charge of the territory of the country. His Royal Highness Zhu Qing contributed a lot! "

"Today's move to the capital is complete, the Fan Dynasty will naturally discuss rewards for merit, so that the merit can be rewarded!"

The dignitaries were shocked in their hearts, their backs could not help being slightly straight, and expectations came into their hearts. The scene has been said, and then the substantive things. Being able to enter the temple is the reward for those who are successful in the war.

It's about the future of one's own body, who can take it easy.

This is the ** of the DPRK!

The purpose of the booklet has been drawn up. Rong Guozhu slightly raised his hand. Naturally, the assistants around him held the two-foot booklet forward, and two officers behind him carried the tray, and there were many booklet orders on it.

Emperor's purpose, three feet wide, can be white, three-color, five-color, seven-color, gold, depending on the identity of the person.

The king is a book order, two feet wide, which can be white, three-color, or five-color, depending on the object to determine the level.

Although there may not be too much restraint in what is usually said in the mouth, it is the order that must be in compliance with the rules. And today, the Angel of the Emperor Yan is also in the palace, and sits under the lord of the state to watch the ceremony. Of course, you must be more careful to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

The first attendant to pick up was the white book, with both hands open and screaming.

"Zheng Wupin defended Jiang Cai assisted in breaking the Heishui County's capital, and in accordance with the decree of the master of the country, he was promoted to Sipindu Division and won the title of Changming County."

"Thanks to the Lord!" A general at the end of Baiguan turned red and fell on his knees, and naturally, the attendant handed him the white book order.

"Zheng Huan defends Cai Huan to help break Yunyang County's meritorious service, respect the decree of the master of the country, promote the Sipindu Division, and win the land of Xingyuanyang County!"


The attendants continued to read the order of the country's main book, arranged according to the size of the merit.

This is a carnival feast in which the winners divide their interests. The losers will be forgotten, and flesh and blood will become the foundation for the winners.

Xiao Chen stood quietly, feeling the joy in the temple, but the thoughts in his heart were the billions of soldiers killed in the battle of the army, and more innocent monks buried in the battlefield.

One will succeed!

So to be lonely, to be the Supreme King, how many souls have to be ridiculed to achieve this goal.

With a slight sigh, Xiao Chen slowly shook his head.

Under the heaven, souls are struggling. If you want to be a man and climb the top of the road, you need to smash all the way, hold the vast territory, and control the power of life and death!

This is the rule of humanity reproduced under heaven. If you want to become a god, you must have the help of humanity.

The only thing that can be done is that after becoming a prince, all the chaos in the heavens and the earth will be killed, and the humane will be calm and peaceful.

In the silence, during the Rong State Book Closing Ceremony, Xiao Chen's state of mind was sublimated again, a little bit of confusion and anxiety slowly dissipated, his mind returned to calmness, the more clear and transparent, the thoughts flowed round, and there was no stagnation.

At this moment, time had passed by silently in his thoughts, and the order books piled up on the tray had been read out.

His Royal Highness received a reward for each of his officials. Only three of them were outside, namely Hulei Marshal, Wuyihou and Xiao Chen.

Countless lights came together, full of awe and envy.

On the case of King Rongguo, three five-color book orders were neatly placed. At this moment, all of them were taken out and handed over to the waiter.

"Wuyihou stepped forward to listen to the seal!"

The waiter looked stunned, a little more solemn than before, and a slightly sharp voice rang through the hall instantly.

"The minister is here!"

Wu Yihou was out of line, respectfully saluting, calm and secure, and this mentality alone is far from being comparable.

"Wuyi Hou marched on the battlefield, as the general of the country, repeatedly made great achievements, sealed Wuyi Gong, and gave three Xiu Zhenxing, which is ten out of ten. Be humble and respectful, and live up to Wang En!"

"Thanks to Lord Ron!"

Wu Yihou ordered the five-color order and saluted again before returning to his seat.

"Ding Jungong came forward to hear the seal!"

Marshal Hu Lei got up, bowed his fists, saluted, and said in a low voice, "Chen is here!"

"The Dingjun Gong is loyal to the king and unites the army. The cracking ground is the pillar of the army. The Dingguo is sealed, he is given the title of Taifu, and he is awarded five true stars. Effectiveness, the social security agency Taiping! "

"Thanks to Lord Ron!"

Marshal Hulei was originally the title of the Grand Duke, and the title of the knight could not be promoted, but the title was set as the country, but it was extremely honorable! Taking the title of a prince, although it is a civil official's dereliction of duty, but in the end, it is a civil official who ranks in the same position and has 15 fidelity stars as the fiefdom. It is clear that Rong Guozhu's attention and attention to him.

At this point, the last person in the hall has not been sealed, and only the last volume of the five-color book order is left in the case of King Rong Guo.

Rong Guozhu took a deep look at Xiao Chen and saw that his highness was slightly low and calm in His Royal Highness, and he paused slightly, and then handed the order to the waiter slowly.

The attendant bent down and took down his hands. When he stood up and opened his hands, his eyes couldn't help but instantly enlarged, his face turned slightly red.

"The Chief of the San Barracks, Xiao Chen, came forward and listened!"

His Royal Highness, Xiao Chen has no knighthood and stands among the generals. At this moment, he stepped forward and said respectfully.

Countless lights come together in an instant.

"The casualty barracks commanded the governor Xiao Chenwen to order to join the army. In the battlefield, he killed the enemy with ingenuity and ingenuity. He broke through the Dushan county and passed through immortals. Great achievements! Today's special booklet is named Qingyun Gong. Twelve stars of Chinese realism are given. They should perform their duties and be loyal to the country! "

"Thanks to Lord Ron!"

Xiao Chen respectfully salutes, holding the five-color book order in his hands, and instantly becomes the focus of all sights in the hall.

Shocked envy is naturally indispensable.

World War I sealed off!

Pingbu Qingyun!

Although Xiao Chen Gongxun was expected to be blessed and the book must be extremely heavy, at this moment, the birth of the third national father of Rong Guo has caused a strange sense of unrealism to everyone in the hall!

But the Lord is up, the order is down, everything is a foregone conclusion!

Xiao Chen, it really won the favor of the landlord ... It could be directly enshrined as the Duke, and there are twelve Chinese-made Xiuzhen stars as its territory. Its status is even higher than that of Wuyi Gong. Since then, there are more than 10,000 people under one person!

Xiao Chen returned, with a little surprise in his heart. He thought that the Rongguo would enclose his marquis. After all, despite his meritorious deeds, Xiao Chen had no foundation in Rongguo. The comet-like rise in a short period of time represented that he still lacked sufficient prestige and directly Feng Gong is indeed a great gift.

Due to the large number of rewards, it started in the morning and was close to noon when it was finished.

"Zhu Qing ’s own **** will lead you to the dressing area, change to the new-grade clothes, and then come to attend the celebration feast prepared by the lonely king at noon today."

"Noah! The officials wait for the time being!"

His Royal Highness, everyone salutes respectfully, and when they withdraw, they are Dingguo, Wuyi, and Qingyun. The others follow each other according to their rank.

"The slaves have seen Qing Yungong. Please go with the slaves to the dressing area." The three men went out, and each of the court attendants in official clothes greeted them, bowing slightly, with a careful smile on their faces.

This is the privilege of the three officials, and other ministers can only be led away by ordinary court attendants.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, slightly arched to Ding Guogong and Wu Yigong, turned around and followed behind the waiter and left.

Although the three were not happy, at the moment, the apparent harmony in the main palace of Rong Guo still needed to be maintained.

Wang Ding County is a major place in the kingdom of the kingdom. In the early years, the palace of the kingdom of the kingdom was built. Today, the palace room is expanded and built on the basis of this palace. Just to match the identity of Rong Guozhu today, the specifications have been improved a lot. The palace was built up and down with the terrain, and walking in it gave people a sense of being in a puzzle and finding no direction.

The tower is soaring, covering the sky, as it is now.

Because of being in the palace, in order to prevent accidents, Xiao Chen never searched with divine knowledge, followed the zigzag behind him for a moment, and walked to a palace.


[The first one, asking for a monthly ticket with a throat! 】

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