Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 618: Corps Assassin

Slightly silent, Xiao Chen suddenly raised his hand slightly while marching, and said, "I would like to walk alone for a while, you stop here. ([Eight? <<<< 中文 中文 << 网 W] W] W).} 8} 1) QW.COM "

The five leaders of Inquisition, Dieshan, Suwon, Moge, and Wanzuo hesitated slightly, still dare not to disobey the will of the governor, respectfully said. However, he had already signaled that the detectives in the army should spread out and be careful to protect the safety of the governor.

Xiao Chen dismounted and walked.

Now that you don't think you have a chance, I'll give it to you and see if you can't help it.


Killing motion.

Two steps.

Murderous tremor.

Three steps.

Murderous Gathering.


Seven steps.

Killing the strings.

Xiao Chen looked up at the sky, but there was nothing strange on his face, but in his heart he quietly sensed the change in the secret assassin's murderous power.

He can be sure that as long as he takes another step forward, the hidden person will swell the killer!

Xiao Chen originally meant to lead it out and use the power of the Guards to siege the assassins here. But at this moment, he changed his mind, turned without hesitation, and walked towards the Guard.

The ray of murder behind him, after a little hesitation, slowly dispersed.

Sure enough, be careful!

Xiao Chen turned around and said lightly, "Let's go and return to the camp."

Three hundred thousand guards followed.

Xiao Chengao sat on horseback, but his heart was sneer.


In the seventh step, because of the tautness and concentration of the killer, he felt a slight corpse. It was precisely because of this corpse qi that made Xiao Chen think a little, and she let go of her original plan.

The Da Qin Corps really did not give up on him!

But this time, it may be because of your shot that helped me through this difficult time, maybe it is another great feat.

The interest rate time, Xiao Chen has a mind in mind.


Xiao Chen and his party entered the camp of the Xiaozi Department, and a figure gradually thickened from a distance, the figure slowly emerged.

His complexion was pale and his eyes were gloomy. The corpse frowned slightly, looking at the camp of Xiao Zibu, and could not help but feel a little uneasy.

Just behave like that, is this Xiao Chen already aware of his whereabouts?


Heiyu's corpse had a little suspicion, and was quickly suppressed by his trust in his professional methods. With his current assassination methods, monks below the world of creation could hardly be noticed, and he was full of confidence.

Maybe, just by chance.

The black moon corpse emperor can't help but feel a little dull, this Xiao Chen is a bit lucky, only as long as he takes a step forward, he will inevitably swell a sudden killer! By his means, with all his strength, he will inevitably be able to kill him directly in place, and then leave easily to complete the order of the Emperor Corpse.

Such a good opportunity is a little bit biased, thinking that Xiao Chen has more protection in his daily life, but when he goes out, there must be 300,000 guards to follow, so that he assassinates the strong and can't find the slightest shot. opportunity.

But as the assassin walking in the dark, the Dark Moon Corpse naturally has the patience of an ordinary monk, who can control his change of mind, so that he is always awake and not affected by the slightest influence.

Today ’s opportunity is gone, he can continue to wait, the patient hunter will always find the perfect opportunity, and then ... one shot will kill!


The Angel of the Emperor Yan is indeed a character who will enjoy. He has never shown any modest humility when receiving courtesy and courtesy in Rongguo. Since entering Wangding County, he has been led by Rongguo officials to play around.

For a time, the streets, alleys, beautiful scenery, wind and moon places everywhere, leaving the angel's tracks, so happy.

Rongguo officials cursed in their hearts, but on the surface they also had to accompany a smiley face. According to the order of the lord, all requirements for this angel must be satisfied as much as possible, and they must be satisfied.

In this way, the gold signboard of Yan Mingyue Angel is naturally unimpeded, eating the best Rongguo food, drinking the best Rongguo wine, playing the most beautiful Rongguo nun ... In the end, it ’s still the cost Rong State Treasury.

I have to say that the prestige of the Emperor Yanhuang got the best performance at this time.

However, there are no fewer secretive pointers, sneer and ridicule, gritted teeth and so on, but this Yan Mingyue can be regarded as a wonderful person, ignore these negative effects, and did not mention when to leave, like It's a bit uncomfortable.


There was news that the kingdom would send an envoy to Wangding County to meet the angel of the Yan Dynasty.

Naturally, they will not come to discuss with Rong Guo how to rebuild the relationship between the two countries in the shortest possible time after the war, but rather simply bring a generous gift directly to the angel and transfer it to Yan Tianzi. Shows the surrender and gratitude of Laos. As for whether any of them took the opportunity to seduce angels in order to return to the dynasty, they could say a few words of good for the country and cling to the meaning of Yan Huang's thigh completely, then only they knew it.

This is a matter of human nature, after all, if Yan Tianzi hadn't intervened, Lao Guo would have died now.

And this kind of sounding reason, no matter how disgusting Rong Guo is, there is no excuse for blocking. It would be better to be generous. After the relevant officials asked, Rong Guozhu waved his hand and allowed it.

One month later, envoys of the kingdom of the kingdom from Uranus entered into Wangding County.

The ambassadorial mission of the Lao State was huge, consisting of tens of thousands of people, and brought countless treasures as a tribute to the Yan Dynasty.

Regarding the indifference and even hostility of Rongguo's reception officials, the ambassador never took it to heart. He settled directly to meet the angels and offered a lot of treasures. At the moment, he was flattering and flattering.

It is said that until late at night, after the angels hinted several times, the embassy of the State did not reluctantly leave, and agreed to visit again in the future.


"Dadu Governor, his subordinates have found out that at noon today, Yan Mingyue will be invited to the Liu Yan Museum in the city to listen to music at noon." Leng Twelve stood slightly lower, respectfully.

Don't think that in the Great Thousand Realms, apart from war, it is boring cultivation. As a large upper class with a long life and no need to worry about cultivation, how to seek pleasure is also a very important thing.

Greenhouse, opera, dog walking, cockfighting.

These ordinary worlds have everything in the thousands of realms, and they are more beautiful and complete than countless others.

Take this tune, for example, a singer who has cultivated the origin of sound, perfect control of himself, and years of hard work, how can its sound quality be comparable to the so-called everyone in the ordinary world.

Xiao Chen listened calmly, groaned slightly, and said lightly, "This angel is a wonderful person, but I'm curious, why does he depend on leaving the country? Why can he be dispatched by the Emperor Yan?" Xiao Chen would be really incompetent. If he really wanted to have fun, Xiao Chen would not believe it.

He shook his head slightly, and pressed down the confusion in his heart. He secretly said, "No matter what you do, this Governor should make good use of your identity as an angel. I hope you can help this Governor a lot."

This turned to Leng Twelve. "Have things been arranged properly?"

"Everything has been arranged properly. Most of the supervisors have booked a seat at Liuyan Hall at noon. It is said that this is a new official who has a good voice and should now be out." Leng twelve whispered.

"Don't let the governor's guests wait for a long time, then come out."

Xiao Chen stepped forward, went out of the barracks, looked up at the sky, and sensed a moment of entanglement of killing at that moment, his heart sneered slightly.

After waiting so long, I finally waited for this opportunity.

The corpse assassin in the dark, some of you today should not worry when you are playing.

Governor Xiao Da went to Liu Yan Museum to listen to the drama. He took the 300,000 guards to control Lu Guang and soared into the sky.

The destination arrived soon, but encountered some trouble. When security cannot be guaranteed on weekdays, Xiao Chen must be close to the 300,000 guards, but now he is going to the theater to listen to the drama, which is not good to bring in.

The owner of the Liu Yan Museum knows the status of this rising nation, how dare he offend, but there are more people in the yard who dare not offend, how dare he really let the 300,000 menacing soldiers in, otherwise I do n’t need to sing this play, I was sweating and my face was white.

"Yo! It was Governor Xiao Dadu, and you have come to the theater today?" But at this moment, I saw several monks coming. One of them wore a gorgeous purple robe and started to speak. Most of them mocked, "It's just that I brought 300,000 relatives to listen to the show. This is the first time I will see it. This one has gained insight. Is Governor Da Xiao really so worried that there will be assassins in the dark, so afraid? It's very different from the general of our army. "

Xiao Chen must bring in a pro army when he goes in and out. It is already a well-known thing. Several people around him couldn't help laughing.

These people are absolute relatives promoted by Marshal Hu Lei in the army. After Abate's death, the confrontation and hostility between Xiao Chen and Marshal Hu Lei have been doomed. If they face Wuyi, they will be deterred by Marquis. Maybe he didn't dare to presumptuously, but he had much less scruples about Xiao Chen. Even if the meritorious power is great, the reward is less than one day, it is not counted. And now that the Yan dynasty has taken the shot, the annexation of the kingdom by the landlord has been blocked, and it is unknown whether Governor Xiao's feats are still valid, and why should they be in awe.

Xiao Chen's face turned red instantly, and he groaned. He waved his hand for a moment of silence, leaving the Guards out, and strode toward the museum alone.

Behind him, there were unscrupulous laughs from several puppet generals.


The ecstasy of the Dark Moon Emperor was ecstatic. He never thought of the opportunity he was waiting for, even today!

It seems that Xiao Chen has gradually relaxed his vigilance over the past few days, and has been ridiculed by others. Only when he is angry will he leave the pro-arms to act alone. If this opportunity is missed again, it will really take five thunder and lightning!

The personnel in the Liuyan Museum were mixed, and the defense was extremely low. It was easy to sneak into it by his means. Looking for an opportunity to kill Xiao Chen and making confusion was enough to let him leave. At that time, he performed a secret technique and went directly into the ground. Even if the Rong Guozhu took the shot himself, he would never dream of finding him!

Not to be missed.

No shot at this moment, but when!

There was a trace of bloodthirsty sneer in the corner of the black moon corpse emperor, and he touched the Liuyan Museum silently.


According to the meaning of the embassy of the State of the State, it is intended to entrust the entire Liu Yan Museum to entertain the angels today, but how can it be that the power and wealth of the country do not sell the face of the ambassador even in a foreign country, even if it gives Yuanyuan, Liu The owner of the tobacco hall wanted to continue his business, and when he looked hot, he did not dare to reach out.

After some disputes, it was fortunate that today was used to entertain the special envoy of the Emperor Yan, without looking at the monk's face and looking at the Buddha's face, and no one wanted to make things too bad. The best stands on the ground floor.

Xiao Chen entered the Liu Yan Museum without any effort. At a glance, he saw Yan Mingyue on the second floor stand. The angel man stayed in the "remote" place of Rongguo for more than a month. Instead of feeling vicissitudes, Yue Bai became clear, and even his body was slightly blessed. Obviously, this month's service was extremely thoughtful and proper.

Leaning on the second-floor seat at this moment, there was one to talk to the envoys of the State of Puppetry, and a series of mischievous and touted, was really happy.

There are also many guests from other stands. It is not unusual for people to be able to enter the Liuyan Hall. Most of them have some identity background. Among them are some Rongguo officials and generals. Although they knew Yan Mingyue's identity, According to the will of the Emperor Yan, the angel who broke the cause of the expansion of Rongguo really did not have much favor. Most of them only gave a slight salute, and which one would really rely on the past carefully.

Although the angel has a distinguished status and represents the identity of the Emperor Yan to a certain extent, it is impossible to stay in Rongguo after all. Now it is natural to be tied up, but the angel has enough to pat his **** and leave, and the owner can still tolerate it. they?

After all, it is Rongguo, and some ideas are still not good.

But Xiao Chen was obviously a person without this consciousness. When he entered the Liuyan Museum, he shone in front of him and strode toward the second floor, Yan Mingyue, causing countless people in the Guo Kingdom to frown and secretly sneer.

It is said that Xiao Chen still has the blood of the Yan royal family, and he can be regarded as a distant branch of the clan. Now that he can't get a show in Rong country, he is going to please the angel. Is it possible to return to the Yan Dynasty?

Thinking about it this way, the faces of the people were even more ugly, and some of the original low-talking voices in the Liuyan Museum suddenly quieted down, and an infinite number of lights came together.

Xiao Chen didn't seem to notice it at all, nor did he see the ugly face of the envoys of the kingdom, and he had already arched his hands. "The angel came from afar, and the governor never personally entertained him. It's really guilt! Guilt!"

The corpse's assassin brother has already followed in, afraid that it is looking for a chance to start, Xiao Chen does not want to delay too long, so as to avoid an accident.

"Huh! Governor Da Xiao is afraid that he is in the wrong place. Today is our ambassador to entertain the angels. We do not welcome others to disturb, please administer Dadu elsewhere." Fleece sleeve opening.

It is said that this is the brother-in-law of the Kingdom of Lu, who is under the title of the father of the country, and is now heavily dependent on the new leader of the country. He is regarded as an absolute important person in the country. Sincerity.

Regarding Xiao Chen, the culprit that led to the defeat of the country and the sacrifice of the country owner, Ding Guogong naturally had no good impression, and he was directly expelled.

The members of the embassy of the neighboring Laos also glared at Xiao Chen. If it is not right now, I am afraid that they will start immediately. He will be cramped for 300 rounds with this guy who deserves to die!

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