Rong Guozhu's face changed drastically, and he roared for a shot, but it was beyond his reach. <[? 八 {{一 中文 网 (<[

Xiao Chen only had time to shrink his pupils, but did not make a slight reaction. The lord's dead soul had rushed into his body instantly, and flew into Xiao Chen Yuanshen. He wanted to tear his life apart before he was willing to dissipate.

This is no longer an ordinary wraith, but a resentment formed by the creation of a world-class powerhouse, with great resentment! It will not dissipate naturally between heaven and earth like an ordinary soul. Although there is no sage, it still keeps the last obsession in the heart. It is sure to kill the person who hates the most to dispel the hatred. In the last thought of the lord of the kingdom, it was because Xiao Chen dying of the country would be defeated, and everything was worshipped by him. The goal of the grievance is naturally him!

In the Yuanshen space, the lord of the kingdom was full of black spirits, and screamed at Xiao Chen Yuanshen. He was so outrageous that the whole Yuanshen space impacted was violent and fierce, and there was even a sense of fragmentation.

Once Yuanshen Space collapses, Xiao Chen will definitely fall!

The ancient light of the Bodhi tree flashed wildly, and a blue flame shot in the eyes of the black ghost, but it could not stop it at all.

Suddenly, the golden seal in Yuanshen appeared directly, the layers of texture grew fast, and the dazzling golden aura burst out, which suddenly suppressed the entire Yuanshen space! Jin Guang turned into a layer of closed town, and the resentment spirit of the lord of the kingdom was constrained, and the golden runes were faintly looming.

Resentful and soulless, knowing only destruction and destruction, he was struggling madly at the moment of repression and roaring in his mouth.

The golden aura under the suppression actually trembled slightly, and there was a slight fluctuation and instability!

You know, this is the resentment of the powerful king of the world, the strength of the power, and the state of the golden seal, it is impossible to suppress it completely, and even faintly break the imprisonment!

Once the golden seal falls, Xiao Chen Yuanshen will be shredded instantly.

And at this moment, the golden seal suddenly pressed down, and an inexplicable atmosphere spread. In this breath, Xiao Chen's golden Yuanshen suddenly became a masterpiece of gold, and he could clearly sense that in the process of this crazy release of Jinguang, his Yuanshen power was flowing wildly.

One place in Yuanshen space, a slight tremor, turned out to be another golden light burst. From this golden light, Xiao Chen felt the breath of the third avatar!

For a while, three groups of dazzling golden lights appeared in Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space, like three layers of towns stacked on top of each other, suppressing the resentment of the lord of the kingdom, but he couldn't break the slightest with how he roared. !!

However, this time swallowed up the lord's soul, but there was no power flowing out of the gold seal. The golden light on the body was uncertain, and instantly fell into the Xiao Chen Yuanshen.

At the same time, the force of the third avatar, which was forcibly extracted by Jin Yin, suddenly dissipated and disappeared from the space of Yuanshen.

Xiao Chen's golden Yuanshen became extremely dim, and an extremely weak feeling burst from Yuanshen instantly. Under the impact of this sense of weakness, Xiao Chen's steady mind couldn't bear it, only that the eyes were dark, and his thoughts fell into darkness.

The crisis in Yuanshen space is extremely incomparable. If Jin Yin and Xiao Chen Yuanshen join forces to suppress them in the third avatar, the consequences would be disastrous. This fierce battle was only in the flash of light. Xiao Chen looked up in a coma, and the figure of Rong Guo just arrived, and he swept his sleeves to make him lie flat.

The **** came out of the body, and immediately penetrated into Xiao Chen's body. After careful investigation, he only found that the power of Yuan Shen was too heavy, and his body was protected for the time being. He was unconscious, and his brow could not help but slightly frowned. . He saw with his own eyes the resentment of the lord of the kingdom that had penetrated into Xiao Chen's body, and he hadn't shredded his Yuanshen. It would be the result. Moreover, he had searched carefully, and the spirit of the uncle's soul had completely disappeared, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

As for the ancient Bodhi trees and black ghosts in Xiao Chen's Yuanshen space, it is impossible to hide the investigation of Rong Guozhu. However, although the two things are also extremely rare Yuanshen's guardian treasure, with them, they can't stop the rebellious spirit of Lu Guozhu.

Rong Guozhu took a deep look at Xiao Chen, and it seemed that there were many secrets hidden in him. But the specific reason can only be said after he wakes up.

"Xiao Qing is fine, but Yuanshen is too depleted."

"Come here, and send Xiao Qing to the lone king's account for cultivation. Without the order of lone, no one should be disturbed."

The king's tent came forward, and respectfully took away Xiao Chen. Now that Xiao Chen is in a coma, there is no resistance at all, and an accident is likely to occur. Now, in the eyes of Rong Guozhu, Xiao Chen is still worthy of cultivation, and naturally he will not be counted.

"The Lord of the Puppet Kingdom is dead, the army surrenders, and the Xiuzhen Star at his feet will be completely owned by my Rongguo immediately!" Go, it is bound to open up the killings, leave nothing in the grass! "



Rongguo's billions of troops are roaring at the same time, soaring into the sky!


The fall of Wang Ding County, the surrender of the 600 million Lao Army, and the Lao Lord's discretion.

The whole country crashed!

Rong Guozhu's order was introduced into the territory of Laos. After a brief silence, many leaders of the cultivation stars sent messengers to come to present the stars!

The kingdom of Laos has died in name, and the army of Rongguo is staring at it. Naturally, not many people will truly loyal to the monarch and patriotism, coexist with the country and die!

But there are still some of these few people.

For example, King Xing Tianyuan, who now holds the eldest son of the lord, inherits the unification and vowed to cleanse the national shame.

Ding Guogong, the younger brother of Lao Guo, brought along the three cultivating stars of Fengdi to accept Wang Xing ’s rule, and is willing to advance and retreat with Wang Xing.

In addition, some intimate forces who have relations with the Lao Kingdom have declared their solidarity, and there are not a few of them who have stayed on the sidelines.

But please drop stars, more.

Forty-nine cultivation stars under the jurisdiction of the Lao Kingdom, 25 have fallen before the war, and of the remaining 24, only those who are waiting for the army to come down and hear the wind will certainly have some, and very few will swear to death.

After receiving the military report, Rong Guozhu sneered, seized the time to rectify the army, and waited for a while to purge the army and put the entire Laos country into the territory of Rong Guo.

However, Xiao Chen never saw it.

After coma in King City that day, this is the thirty-seventh day of his drowsiness. Although he has been taken care of by military doctors, he has swallowed up a lot of spirits to restore the primordial spirit. In the recovery, the primordial spirit has never shown signs of awakening .

In addition to the front hall where His Majesty General received his royal palace, there is also an apse for rest. The construction of the palace during the war was much simpler, and there were still many palace rooms, and Xiao Chen was in one of them at the moment.

Xiao Tian, ​​a well-carved bed made of Jiangshen jade known as Wenshen Yangyuan, lay quietly on it, his face has returned to ruddy, and his breathing is even.

The beautiful and beautiful palace arrangers arranged by the two Rong Guozhu are carefully wiping his cleansing surface, supplemented with various kneadings that are conducive to physical cultivation, and the green onion fingers emit a trace of gentle spiritual power into the physical body to maintain physical vitality.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's fingers moved slightly, her eyes slowly opened.

"Sister-in-law, see Governor!"

The two palace princes hurriedly backed away, gathered their salute, and looked respectfully.

Xiao Chen remembered the moment before the coma on the King City, his eyes fell on the two palace princes, and frowned slightly, "Where is the governor now?"

"The Governor is in a coma in the battlefield. The lord ordered you to be sent to the Temple of Kings for cultivation. The two maidservants are here to take care of the governor in accordance with the lord's order." Gong Yan explained carefully.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly and waved his hand. "The governor is awake, and after a while he will leave to thank the landlord. You don't need to stay any longer, go on."


With a soft reply, the two palace princes turned and retreated.

Xiao Chen's face instantly turned into a gloom, and many secrets were hidden in his body, especially the golden seal could not be detected. After he fell into a coma, Rong Guozhu must have checked his body. If something goes wrong, the consequences would be unthinkable. Fortunately, from the moment, Rong Guozhu had not noticed the existence of the golden seal, otherwise Xiao Chen would not be left in the king's account at this moment.

This made Xiao Chen's mind slightly relaxed.

At the slightest induction, the ancient Bodhi trees and black ghosts in Yuanshen space are still listless, apparently not restored. The pale golden Yuan Shen has gradually recovered, a trace of weak and pure but powerful and continuous strength overflowed into Xiao Chen's body, and it is precisely because of this that his Yuan Shen depletion can be completed in more than one month. .

This power comes from the golden seal!

Or more precisely, the grievance of the puppet master from the golden seal.

Xiao Chen finally let go of the biggest uneasiness in her heart.

Before the coma that day, although he barely sealed the lord's grievances and was swallowed by the golden seal, Xiao Chen was not sure whether the golden seal could refine it. It looks fine now, everything is still under control.

After careful inspection in the body, it was determined that there was nothing wrong with it. The cultivation of the Great Realm of Creation was accompanied by the absorption of the power transmitted by the golden seal, which was being promoted bit by bit, one step closer to the consummation of the creation. Nodded with satisfaction.

Getting up and wearing a good armor, paused slightly, Xiao Chen stepped forward. The news of his wake-up had been heard, and Rong Guozhu had sent his army to wait outside the palace. At this moment, he showed his respectful salute and led Xiao Chen to the hall.

Rong Guozhu's face was rosy and spirited. In just one month, the breath became deeper and deeper. He raised his hands and had his own deterrent.

This is the performance of the National Games Changlong and the Universiade.

Thanks to Xiao Chen, by the way, congratulations to Rong Guozhu for fulfilling his wishes and accomplishing his great cause.

Rong Guozhu smiled, and he praised Xiao Chen's meritorious service. He only said that after the official annexation of the country, he would discuss the reward. In the meantime, there was no trace asking about the sudden dissipation of the lord's grievances.

Xiao Chen just didn't know, so he fainted, his face calm, without showing any abnormality.

Although Rong Guozhu still had some doubts, he didn't think deeply about it. The most important thing at the moment is to annex the territory of the Lao Kingdom. Not talking at the moment, talking to Xiao Chen for a moment, then let him go.

Xiao Chen got out of the king's tent, set up Guangguang and went straight to the camp of Xiao Zibu, his face was calm, but his heart frowned slightly.

It seems that the repression of the puppet state's resentment that day has aroused the doubts of Rong state, but fortunately, he has nothing else to do before putting it aside, for fear that there will be trouble in the future.

However, by then, he will establish a solid foundation, and he will be able to get rid of the lord of the kingdom only if he wants to break through the world of creation. With a golden seal in hand, Xiao Chen is full of confidence in breaking through the world of creation!

After returning to the Ministry of Characters, the convening generals calmed down, asked about some things during the coma, and waved their hands to let them back.

The generals were polite and respectful, and looked more awesome than before. The Governor ’s beheading of Abate and the restitution of General Tiger King and the soldiers killed by the Ministry of Words have long been spread in the army. Invisiblely, Xiao Chen ’s prestige in the Ministry of Words has been enhanced.

After dealing with some trivia in the army during the coma, Xiao Chen entered the left eyebrow dojo and realized the surge of power in the body, so that he could master it as soon as possible.

With a golden seal, killing students and seeking a way to repair them can continue to skyrocket, but if the surge of power is not completely under control, it may not be able to see the harm in the short term. It must be the bane in the long run.

Xiao Chen has never been lost in the surging power, and has always been careful enough.


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