Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 612: Blood prison battlefield

Rong Guozhu frowns instantly!

It was his plan to support Xiao Chen and make him incompatible with Hulei and Wuyihou. [八 [[一 [(<< 中 < 文 [

Xiao Chen lifted his head and looked at Marshal Hu Lei with a calm face. He said faintly, "Marshal Hu Lei is the leader of my army. He has been in the army for many years. He has always been a very respectable adult for Xiao Chen. She is suspected of being sheltered. Is the 20 million soldiers in Xiao's ministry's life dead? Is it possible that Marshals downplayed a successful battle in the battlefield, could these sins be wiped out? "

"The battlefield meritorious people are not only Da Sima, but the generals under the Governor are all heroes of the kingdom. They are not killed by the magical powers of the enemy, but are murdered by their own people! Fairness is bound to make my army countless soldiers! "

Although the sound is flat, it is cold and cold, there is no room for manoeuvre, and the ground is loud!

Faced with some of the strongest men in the virtual world in Rong State, Commander Hu Lei, who commanded heavy military power, was the only one who dared to confront him in the army, only Wu Yihou! But even Wu Yihou, in the face of Marshal Hulei, has never been so arrogant!

But today, Xiao Chen did just that.

For a time, the generals in the hall seemed to be shocked. Although most of them don't like Xiao Chen, they will be shaken by his behavior at this moment. Not to mention the others, just the daring to confront Hulei Marshal is enough to make them look up.

Marshal Hulei is still not angry and arrogant, his eyes narrowed slightly, instead of destroying his overall majesty, but like a tiger's eyes half open and half closed, adding a little deterrent power. Looking at Xiao Chen with a calm face in front of him, who dared to confront him or even rebuked him, the first thought that came to his mind was: It is indeed that he valued the person who wanted to win!

Xiao Chen has been making great achievements in a short time since he joined the army, and his promotion has been smooth and unimpeded. Now that he has the heavenly power that runs through the immortal mountain range, he has already nearly qualified to face him.

But he is Hu Lei, a world-class powerhouse in the real world of creation, and commander-in-chief of Rong **. Even if he is as strong as Wu Yihou, he is just barely competing against him! Xiao Chen may become his real opponent in the future, but at least for now, he does not have this qualification!

"It is not Abbat that the coach wants to protect, but a general who has made a mistake and made a mistake for the state power! The coach will not wipe out all his credits because of his temporary mistake!" Hu Mr. Lei slowly spoke, his voice was not loud, but his firmness could be clearly perceived. This is the first provocation he has faced in the mid-to-late period of the military show, no matter what, it is impossible to take a step back!

"The Lord, the minister is willing to provide security for Abate. Today, things like this will not be born in the future, otherwise the minister will kill him personally, and then plead guilty to the Lord, and also ask the Lord to watch the credit before him for surfing the Internet. On the one hand, it would be good for him to commit crimes and continue to serve the sovereign in the following war. "

Marshal Hulei's attitude is very correct. Under the circumstance of strong evidence, he did not think of shirk responsibility for Abate, but tried every means to minimize punishment.

Rong Guozhu's face was dignified, and he could naturally see the situation at hand.

Xiao Chen was suddenly struggling. As a giant with a solid position in the army, would Hu Lei face such an inferior power that he was far inferior to his descendants. Even if he knew that now Rong Guozhu needed to appease Xiao Chen, he would never make concessions at this time!

This matter is about his majesty in the army!

If he ordered the punishment of Abate, Hulei would naturally obey, but the close monarch-principal relationship between the two would inevitably create a gap, which might become the bane of the instability of the kingdom in the future!

But without punishment, with Xiao Chen's mind, he will inevitably be completely chilled. In such a way, the support in the army and the use of third-party forces, fear that accidents will occur, and dissatisfaction with the country's heart, will it be loyal to it.

For a time, Rong Guozhu also complained a bit more about Xiao Chen. Even if you are dissatisfied with Abbat ’s secret attack on the Ministry of Xiao, you do n’t have to fight directly today. What ’s waiting for you in the future is the opportunity, so why be in a hurry!

Right now he's in such a dilemma.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on Rong Guozhu, with a little hesitation on his face, and then saluting politely, he said, "Owner, Chen doesn't want to make you embarrassed, he wants to change another option, and doesn't force you to punish Abate."

Speaking of which, he paused a little before he continued to speak. "The minister asked the Lord ’s permission to allow me to fight a fair fight with Dasima. If Abata Dasima can retreat from his whole body, then this is the end of the matter today. Come back for liquidation later. "

Rong Guozhu looked at Xiao Chen's eyes and became mild for a moment. It seems that he still has moderation right now, and he is not completely stunned by the anger. He knows to be patient for a while to resolve the current rigid situation.

In the eyes of Rong Guozhu, Xiao Chenxiu is just a small creation, but Abate is a large creation. At this moment, he has made such a request and has already given up in disguise.

Obviously, this is the same thought in the minds of Marshal Hulei and many generals in the account. Only Wu Yihou frowned without a trace, glanced at Xiao Chen, and was able to kill Wu Yichang on the first day of commanding the casual camp. People who had exhausted the strength of each family in the barracks all looked like a tough and fierce character. How could they suddenly choose to give up today.

I am afraid that things will not be as simple as the people of the country and others think. But what does this have to do with him? Whether Marshal Hulei or Xiao Chen, the latest support of the country's proprietors, are his opponents to check and balance each other in Rongguo. Seeing their conflicts, he will be able to control everything in the future. That being the case, why bother to remind.

Marshal Hu Lei's face has calmed down, and he did not feel a little bit happy when he noticed Xiao Chen's concession. In his opinion, this is the normal result.

As for the challenge, it's just a step, so that he can explain when facing the ministry of Xiao Zi.

When Xiao Chen stepped back, Marshal Hu Lei naturally wouldn't chase after him, making it difficult for the country's owner to do it. After all, what happened today is that Abate had the mistake first.

So after Xiao Chen spoke, he had returned to normal, without a word.

Abate followed Marshal Hulei for many years, naturally he is very familiar with it. From his expression at this moment, he can guess the thoughts in his heart. He now arches his hand to Rong Guo, and speaks in a deep voice. "I accept it and consult with Xiao Dadu Something! "

Today, the key to Xiao Chen's identity is the key figure that Rong Guo captured Wang Ding County. Naturally, he cannot be injured, but it is not difficult to make him suffer a lot in the battle, but it is not difficult to think that such a handsome commander will be satisfied. Investigate this.

Turning his thoughts, Abate had a plan in mind, and based on his Mahayana practice, he was naturally confident ... As for an accident?

Humph! how can that be!

"Okay!" Rong Guozhu said with satisfaction on his face. "Since both of you are fighting, Gu You will answer your request."

Speaking of which, Rong Guozhu looked at Wu Yihou and said with a smile: "Wu Yihou, you should carry the **** battlefield out of the ancient immortal field with you. I wonder if we can open it up for the solitary king and Zhu Qing to enjoy it."

Wu Yihou bowed slightly and saluted, "The lord of the state spoke, how dare the minister not allow it!" There was a flash of aura in his hand between words, a boxy square, a red body square appeared in his hands, and he threw his hand and threw it. The object is directly reduced to the size of Yu Yu and falls to His Royal Highness.

"Master, please!"

Rong Guozhu smiled, "haha", without any hesitation, got up and walked, directly into the scarlet portal. This kind of self-confidence without hesitation is quite kingly.

Marshal Hu Lei and Wu Yihou followed closely and entered together.

His Highness on both sides stepped in according to his position in the army.

Inside the hall, only Abata and Xiao Chen were left behind.

"Xiao Chen, even if Ben would really attack your Xiao Character Department, what can you do?" Abbat sneered and walked towards the scarlet portal. "I forgot to tell you that Ben would have noticed that you were under the Tiger King. When he was injured, he deliberately dispatched him to lead a battle, and the enemies of the puppet state would be beheaded and killed in the battlefield. "

"Haha, if you want revenge, just let the horses come and you will be waiting for you in the blood prison battlefield."

The voice dropped, he stepped out, and the figure went straight into it.

Xiao Chen lifted slowly, his face calmed, but his eyes were trembling, no temperature at all.

Do you want to anger him?

In fact, it is absolutely unnecessary to do so ... When learning that the Ministry of Words had been persecuted and the King of Tiger was ridiculed, Abate was already a dead person in the eyes of Xiao Chen. Angry at a dead man, he would not be so stingy.

Although this would expose his hidden practices and even cause a lot of trouble, Xiao Chen did not hesitate. Some things may not be the best choice from a rational point of view, but they have to be done.

Just now.

Xiao Chen stepped forward, stepped into the blood-colored illusory portal, and when his sight was restored, his figure had already appeared in a huge square blood-colored battlefield. Looking ahead, I was afraid that it was no less than a million miles in size!

Mottled dark red shades of blood color, as if stained by a pool of blood, a strong evil spirit burst into the sky. Around this blood-colored battlefield, there are countless dark and thick viscous clouds tumbling endlessly. Among them, a ghost of ghosts emerges faintly, screaming and roaring during the tumbling, madly biting and devouring each other, but will not really die. Can struggle in pain, never live forever!

The monks who fell on the battlefield of Blood Prison, the dead souls will be pulled directly into the dark mist. The innumerable undead souls seen now are all the monks who fell on the battlefield of blood prison!

Scarlet battlefield!

Strong evil spirit!

Roar of the Undead!

All this constitutes a very strong psychological shock. If you change to a monk with a bad mood, you may be directly frightened when you come here, and it will be greatly reduced.

However, the monks who entered the battlefield today are all strong men in the army above the creation level. They are accustomed to the army's killing. Although they frowned slightly on the blood of the **** battlefield, they are not really affected by it.

When Xiao Chen entered, Rong Guozhu, Hulei Marshal, Wu Yihou and others had already sat on the suspended seats, hung high, and looked at the blood-stained ground.

Abbat stood in the blood prison battlefield, expressionless, but his eyes were cold and gloomy.

The next step of Xiao Chen's gaze was a slight sweep of his feet, a flash of light flashed outside his body, and the figure had already appeared not far from Abate, and the two were far away.

Without any words, the eyes of the two flickered sharply, and the breath of their bodies burst into bursts. The aura of flashing light turned into two meteors, approaching them instantly with a thunderbolt, killing them together.

Abate was shocked in secret, this Xiao Chen really is not an ordinary person, and because of his small creation, he can fight with him directly, although he is not in the downside, it is not an absolute disadvantage. It is extremely rare to use the creation of small creations as a powerful person who can entangle the creation of the Mahayana realm.

But he still sneered in his heart. Even so, the gap between the two was enough to allow him to easily suppress Xiao Chen's inability to move. If he was not powerful enough, he was afraid that he would be embarrassed at the moment.

Mr. Hu Lei's face was calm. He had anticipated what was happening at the moment. Seeing that Abate had the upper hand only because he was worried that Xiao Chen had not shot with all his strength, and his face became more secure.

Wu Yihou frowned slightly, a little confused in his heart ... Could it be that he was wrong? Xiao Chen was really frightened by the situation and chose to retreat temporarily. If that's the case, it would cost him to take out the blood prison battlefield.

Rong Guozhu ’s thoughts were farther away. Xiao Chenxiu was inadequate. Even if he had great achievements, he would have to be a weak point when he was sealed. However, if he was provoked by the battle of Fenghou, he was afraid that he could not cope ... Not too much trouble.

But as his thoughts turned, the situation in the blood prison battlefield changed instantly.

Xiao Chen photographed it with a palm, and a virtual shadow of the Tuhuang Mountains suddenly condensed in the empty space, which stretched for thousands of miles, mixed with a mighty force to suppress Abatai.

In the face of Xiao Chen's Void Creation Magical Powers, Abbat sneered, but saw that he had no action, and even used the power of the creation, and punched upwards! Based on the creation of his creation, relying on the power of supernatural power, it is enough to break the mountain condensed in the void.

But this time, things were a little unexpected!

With a punch, the mountain shattered in response, but it did not collapse into a gravel and then disappeared. It turned directly into a mass of earthy yellow light, suppressing his figure instantly!

This town is not strong, but it was too late to fall into it, but it was able to seal the town of Abate.

That's enough!

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