Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 602: Changing situation

The Rongguo Army was rested, and additional soldiers were secured in the occupied area. [Eight (one Chinese network

After the war resumed in January, coach Hu Lei personally led an army of 600 million straight to Yuyang County. The army drove to the battlefield, and the dazzling light shone from the sky, covering the sky like a meteor shower.

The horrible warfare rushed into the clouds, and the white tiger rolled into the air, roaring upward!

At the foot of the top quality repair star, divided into 11 counties and counties Rongguo five out of them, Lao country accounted for six.

The area of ​​each county is comparable to the size of several small thousand realms, and the city of a county is even more majestic. At a glance, you can see the city and stretch it without seeing the end.

130 million Lao Jing soldiers stationed in the city!

Yuyang County has two lines of defense, one is Dushan County and the other is Yuyang County. Now that the former has been lost, there must be no difference in the county seat. Otherwise, the army of Rongguo will be destroyed, and Yuyang County will fall, and the situation in Laos will be endangered.

Chang Yunhou's complexion was still pale, but his eyes were full of firmness. The unclearness of Dushan County's fall, thanks to the lord of the country, he continued to reuse it, making him stationed in Yuyang County. How dare he fail to do anything! If you want to break through the county, it depends on whether you are willing to pay the price!

Xiao Chen led the scattered barracks, and the soldiers coordinated with the army of 50 million!

The battle, in a flash of heat!

The 600 million troops took turns to fight, just like the most sophisticated war machine, crazy output of destruction!

Chang Ge pointed to the sky and cut it out violently. The light of magical powers illuminated the sky, covered the earth, and gathered into a mass of terror attacks like the stars outside the sky. The horror burst into the sky!

Above the city walls of Yuyang County, all the formations are opened, the power is increased to the strongest, the aura is flashing frantically, and it resists all the blasting and tearing forces. A large amount of Yuan Jing was sent to the array without hesitation. The energy was quickly consumed and cleaned up, and eventually collapsed into powder and spilled. There was also a special charge responsible for adding the soldiers to the array. Another array mage is stationed, walking on the edge of the city wall, repairing the damaged city wall array.

The ground and sky were shrouded in the power of the release of the guards, so that the entire county was immersed in the guards of the walls. I do n’t know how many mages have been used to strengthen this array for years. As long as there is a sufficient amount of Yuan Jing to supplement it, and its guarding power is strong, and there are elite soldiers stationed. Break in a short time!

The killing sound is shocking, the magical powers pass through!

The battle in Yuyang County lasted for July. Under the crazy attack of the Rongguo Army, it finally tore a gap in the city's defensive formation. Xiao Chen trembled his arm, and his army swarmed in like a tide. Constant tearing eventually made it an irresistible tide of collapse.

Chang Yunhou led his army to escape, and Yuyang County fell.

According to post-war statistics, nearly one-third of the 600 million troops of Rong State were killed, and only 40 million of the 130 million elite soldiers in Laos successfully broke through. Marshal Hulei led the Chinese army to chase and kill Xiao Chen, Abate, and others with their army to smash the counties of Yuyang County. After another three months, Yuyang County was calmed down.

Xiao Chen conquered the meritorious service of Yuyang County, and even broke through the three counties. The accumulated merits arrived in the four cities. Now there are twelve city meritorious powers in hand. Feng Hou Gongxun is worthy of the name. It has spread.

The army rested, and a half-month stay left with 100 million soldiers sticking to Yuyang County, and Marshal Hulei sent more than 300 million troops to join the army of the country's main army for 1 billion to fight in Fengyang County!

In the second half of the month, the Wuyi Hou Tongjun captured Chengyin County, and the Six Kingdoms of Wu Country had lost four of them. Fengyang and Wang Ding were still in control.

The three-way army meets and gathers 1.3 billion troops to attack Fengyang County! The main leader of Lao Guo led the troops to resist himself. After having to shrink back in April, Yuyang County fell.

The Rongguo Army suffered heavy damage, and 1.3 billion troops lost 30%. The Rongguo ordered the offensive to be suspended. At the same time, the Rongguo issued a national conscription, the new army training camps in full operation, and constantly trained new troops to supplement the front battlefield.

Lao Guo gathered forces secretly, solicited materials and sent troops to defend Wang Ding County. This star battle is a real decisive battlefield for the two countries. If the country loses Wang Dingjun again, it will completely fall into the irreversible abyss.

The lord of the kingdom will become the loser of this kingdom conquest, lose control of Xiu Zhenxing under the rule, and lose his kingdom of God!

So in this battle, he will certainly do his best!


The battle has now reached the final stage, and Rongguo has the absolute upper hand. It has ten counties. As long as it defeats Wang Ding county, it can become the real winner of this war!

The morale of the whole army is like rainbow!

Cultivation in March, Rong Guozhu with a great victory in the middle of the country prestige, the recruitment order ordered to recruit another one billion troops, the whole country to make up two billion troops, to fight Wang Ding County, want a battle in the battle!

When the army moved, the momentum was soaring!

Hao Hao Tang Tang swept into the battlefield of the last battle-Wang Dingjun!


Although Xiao Chenfeng's order was not issued, the lord of the country already had the intention. The casual military camp officially changed its name to the Ministry of Characters, and it was tentatively planned to prepare 100 million generals, all subject to Xiao Chen's temperance.

The marquis has not yet arrived, but he already has real power. Everything will be rewarded only after the war is over!

The order was issued, and the army was calm and quiet, with no objection.

After a series of fierce battles, Xiao Chen commanded the Ministry of Xiao Zi to show that he was not weaker than Rongguo ’s regular army. After experiencing the baptism of war, he gradually improved his scholarship as a stronger advantage. His combat effectiveness continued to increase, and he became a veteran army. Ministry of Trends.

Powerful, meritorious, and favored by the landlord ... Everyone can see Xiao Chen's smooth road to the clouds in the future, and naturally no one wants to embarrass him. Even the many powerful nations who had previously been convicted of crimes had to be suppressed temporarily. Now it seems that Xiao Chen has the trust of the country's owner and is very likely to become the second powerful figure in Wuyihou. They dare not act rashly before they are sure.


"Fortunately, I obeyed Brother Fan's words. Let us join His Majesty Hou together. If not, how could you and I have today in a short time?" Yunliang whispered, all sighing on his face.

Thinking of his experience since joining the army, he really felt like a dream. As the first group of generals to rely on Hou Ye, they all received due rewards. Now he and Li Huo are both temporary riding generals, only to be repaired and promoted in the future. Promotion is a natural thing. . Brother Fan Lin cultivated as a **** of progress during the battle on the battlefield, broke through the realm of destruction, and stepped into the realm of creation in one fell swoop, he was directly appointed as the captain of Sanqi.

Have you ever thought that they could one day rank among the middle and senior generals!

Li Huo has always been a figure with a good mood and mood, but at this moment he couldn't help showing his emotions when he heard his face, and nodded slightly in agreement.

Fan Lin frowned slightly and whispered: "Now most of the governors have not yet received the official seal of the founder, saying that Hou Shang is a bit earlier, and now he is in the army with a lot of people, and he is careful to provoke wrongdoing . "


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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