Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 588: Royal blood

"At the end, see the governor. (August 1st? Novel Network W>W]W}. 81ZW.COM" Zhang Liangdong respectfully salutes, and the awe in his expression is a bit heavier than in the past.

Xiao Chen raised his hand slightly, "Get up."


Looking at Zhang Liangdong, who was obviously a little cautious below, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and only after a long silence did he speak slowly, "If you expect it to be true, you should know what the enemy general's "Royal Bloodline" means?"

"At the end, I do know something." Zhang Liangdong paused slightly, still speaking respectfully.

"Talk to this supervisor and listen."


Zhang Liangdong’s face was solemn, with solemn awe, his eyes swept over the governor’s body, and then he slowly spoke, “There are countless strong among the Eight Great Emperors, but according to rumors, the world can integrate the power of its soldiers to enhance its power. Those who can, only one family can do it, and that is the Yan family of my Dayan Royal Family!" Although he saw it with his own eyes, Zhang Liangdong still couldn't help being dizzy and trembling at this moment, almost unbelievable in his heart.

The governor can combine the power of one hundred thousand guards under his command to kill enemy generals... it shows that the blood of the Yan royal family is flowing inside the governor!

Xiao Chen's heart jumped fiercely. Although there were some vague thoughts in his heart, he really knew at this moment, and his expression instantly turned serious!

In the human world, Xiao Chen got the inheritance blood of the Naga clan... But why is it involved with the blood of the Dayan royal family now, or there is a misunderstanding in it. But Xiao Chen didn't think much about it, but was thinking about the impact this matter would have on him. Today’s matter has been seen by millions of soldiers on the battlefield. It is impossible to hide it. Now the news about this matter has spread.

Although Rong State is a vassal state of Dayan, he will only surrender if he is frightened by Dayan's national power. If this matter spreads, no matter whether it is true or not, he is afraid that he will be subject to unnecessary suspicion. But thinking about it from the other side, if he really has Dayan royal blood in his body, it is hard to say in secret, but on the surface, no one should dare to directly disadvantage him, after all, no matter what, the face of Dayan royal family must be taken into consideration.

This matter can be regarded as a matter of gains and losses, Xiao Chen could not think deeply in a short time, and the royal bloodline has not yet been determined.

The spiritual stone on the table was lightly illuminated, Xiao Chen waved his hand to open the restriction, Daoxian walked in quickly, and politely said, "The governor, the commander sends a letter, please go to the military commander's account immediately and agree to seal the reward."

Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, and he waved Zhang Liangdong and Daoxian to leave. His complexion was cloudy and sunny. After a while, he sighed in his heart, whether it is a blessing or a curse. No matter what, it is always going to happen.

After standing up, Xiao Chen took only a thousand soldiers and rushed to the army station.


The handsome account of the Chinese army.

Marshal Hu Lei slowly put down the military situation related to Xiao Zibu's First World War, with a hint of surprise on his face. He chuckled out of silence for a while, and said, "The blood of the royal family of Dayan, this is really interesting." It was funny, but there was no smile on his face, and his eyes flickered.

The military commander had followed the commander for many years and knew his temperament very well. When he saw it, he knew that he had a suspicion in his heart. His heart was slightly awe-inspiring, but on the surface he still looked calm and calm, without showing the slightest difference.

"From the perspective of his subordinates, the commander doesn't have to think too much. Since the royal family of Dayan has reproduced, I don't know how many celestial bloodlines have been born from the branches and leaves. They are scattered in the territory of Dayan. Many of them are just mixed eating. The dead person is just a clan family member, and he has no status at all. Moreover, this Xiao Chen is only the ascending monk of the Little Thousand Realm, and Xu is the blood of a certain Dayan’s clan in the Little Thousand Realm on a whim. , Even now, what can I do if I ascend to the Great Thousand Realm? Returning to Dayan, I am afraid that I will only get the status of a remote and unknown ancestor. It is far better than doing something in my Rong State. With Xiao Chen’s mind, I will definitely do A wise choice will never embarrass the boss."

"The military commander's words are not unreasonable." Hu Lei reached out his hand and tapped the back of the chair lightly, his suspicion disappeared a lot, "Even if he is of the royal blood of Yan, as long as he is from Xiaoqianjie, he can use it with confidence. he."

"The commander is wise, but it is good to be more cautious. When he comes to see him, his subordinates are willing to test for the commander in order to distinguish." The military division is well versed in the way of grasping the human heart. Seeing that Hu Lei was slightly susceptible. Go, there is nothing more than enough, otherwise it would be trouble if it caused the general to doubt him. He said to help Xiao Chen, only that he felt that this person should be able to accomplish something in the future, and now he has formed a good relationship, but only if he does not cause trouble for himself.

Upon hearing this, Marshal Hu Lei nodded slightly.

But at this moment, the light flashed on the table, and the prohibition was activated, and a respectful voice from the soldiers came from outside the account, "Marshal, the commander of the Xiao character tribe Xiao Chen was ordered to come and see him, and now he is outside the account."

"Let him come in." Marshal Hu Lei sat in the commanding position, his eyes flickered, and he spoke lightly.

The big tent was provoked, and Xiao Chen hurried over, and walked to the tent to respectfully salute him, "The commander of the Xiao character department at the end of the army camp, Xiao Chen, see the commander!" With a respectful expression, his face was full of awe and gratitude. Everything is just right.

Marshal Hu Lei would naturally not feel close in his heart because of his superficial expression, but he was still satisfied with Xiao Chen's performance at the moment, waved his hand, and said, "Fine, get up and talk back."

"Thank you, handsome!" Xiao Chen saluted again, then got up and lowered slightly in awe.

"This commander has heard about you a long time ago, but today is the first time you and I have met. I heard what the monk said, Xiao Chen, you are the ascending monk of the Little Thousand Realms. I wonder if this is true?" The theme immediately brought up what I thought. Xiao Chen is the best available. If there is something wrong, he will not be a killer, but the reward is to immediately remove him from the army and send monks to closely monitor it.

Xiao Chen felt a little bit shy in his heart, knowing that he couldn't answer, but he didn't have the slightest discoloration, and said politely, "Return to the commander, Xiao Chen is indeed a small ascendant cultivator of the small thousand realms, and he entered the big thousand realms not long ago. "

The military commander chuckled at this moment and said: "Marshal, in the battlefield a few days ago, Governor Xiao combined with the strength of his 100,000 guards to kill enemy generals to reverse the situation. But the subordinates heard that the only means available in the world. Only with the blood of the Royal Family of Dayan, is it possible that General Xiao is still the nobleman who lives in Tianhuang?"

Xiao Chen's expression changed, and a trace of anxiety appeared on his face. "The military division said that Xiao Chen had also questioned his subordinates today, but he did not know if there was any misunderstanding. In the end, he will be able to establish a contract with the heavens. Thousands of realms have soared, and they have not yet set foot in the Great Yan Empire for half a step in this life. If there is a falsehood, it will inevitably be counteracted by the heavens, and the body and spirit will be destroyed!" This time, the heavenly contract has been signed, which is the most serious. oath.

If you dare to do this, there is nothing wrong with it.

Marshal Hu Lei felt slightly relieved, and his suspicion faded.

The military division apologized again and again, "I just mention it, the Governor Xiao must not be so solemn, and please don't take the blame."

Xiao Chen waved his hands again and again, "The military teacher said that he was serious. Xiao Chen joined the Great Thousand Realm and joined the army. He has received the help of the general to have the foundation today. He is very grateful and thinks about how to repay the general. The bloodline of the royal family of Yan is true and false. Xiao Chen only knows that he is a minister of the country's lord and a general under the commander. He will die in order to repay the commander's cultivation and knowledge!" The words were sincere and moved people to hear.

"Haha! Forget it, today I am summoning you for this big victory and agreeing to award rewards. Don't mention these dull topics. As Xiao Chen said, as long as you always remember that you are my minister of the military state, this handsome I will never treat you badly!" Marshal Hu Lei was secretly satisfied with Xiao Chen's performance, and finally let go of the last trace of suspicion in his heart. As the military division said, he is only a lower realm ascending cultivator, even if he has a bit of Dayan royal blood in his body, as long as he can do things faithfully, he is afraid that he will not be able to control it.

The admiration flashed in the military commander's eyes. Xiao Chen was really thoughtful, and there was nothing wrong with the response. A few words dispelled the general's suspicion, and he was indeed the number one person, and his future achievements are limitless!

Xiao Chen felt slightly relieved, knowing that he had finally passed the next hurdle. As for whether there will be any setbacks in the future, he can only take one step to see.

"Xiao Chen, this battle against the Xiao character department defeated the elite soldiers of the Million Jie country, which made our army's morale prosperous. This achievement before the war should be rewarded!" Hu Lei groaned slightly, and in the end he absolutely rewarded Xiao Chen. , Is not only a further win, but also out of the need to promote this war, "This commander now gives you two choices, one is to join our army directly, this commander will ask the leader for your merits and promotion. In order to command the regular army of 5 million from the third rank generals! For both, you continue to stay in the scattered army camp, and the commander promotes you to the third rank of scattered cavalry captains. Under his command he can hold ten million soldiers. , The power of twenty scattered cavalry generals."

"I wonder how you choose?"

Xiao Chen bowed respectfully and was not eager to speak. After a moment of thought, he slowly said, "Return to the great commander, the last will be the latter reward." The voice was calm but firm, and his thoughts were clearly set.

"Oh, do you want to be a Sanqi chief?" Marshal Hu Lei's eyes gleamed slightly, "Can you tell me the reason, you know that my army has five million elite soldiers, and its true strength is more than ten million in the scattered army camp. The recruits are much stronger. Besides, the serious third-rank military generals also have the qualifications to build merits on the battlefield, and their status is half higher than that of the generals of the scattered army camp and scattered cavalry. Why did you make such a choice?"

Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he deeply bowed and said in a deep voice: "Don't dare to hide the great commander, Xiao Chen's move is really selfish! The final general is the ascending cultivator of the small thousand realms. There is no foundation in the big thousand realms, although there is a big commander. Cultivation, but if you want to stay safe from being humiliated, you need to build a foundation and have your own strength. Take root in the army camp and command the Xiaozi Department. If you can make meritorious services in the future to divide the party, the training soldiers under your command can become Xiao Chen's future. The foundation of the army. But in addition, the commander has cultivated and promoted Xiao Chendo, and the final general also thought that one day he would become a general under the command of the general. The army camp is a new military system. If you can gradually grasp it in your hands, it is the final general. The power of, is also the bargaining chip in the hands of the general, and I will be willing to give it a try at the end!"

The meaning is very simple, staying in the scattered army camp is to train the team for himself, and also to increase the bargaining chip in the hands of the general, and even take the opportunity to show his heart, just to see whether General Hu Lei will officially pull him into his own system this time. Once agreed, even though it will be subject to some constraints in the future, the upper echelons of the Rong country can still rely on it, which will do more good than bad for Xiao Chen's rise.

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