Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 524: Scramble for origin

Xiao Chen's "Broken Yuan" is already a belief that he must die, but now because of Dragon King's shot, he has been able to survive for a while. As a result, he naturally thought of living again. ? (August 1st [{文 W) W]. ? 8> 1? Z] W]. Com

The ants are still stealthily, let alone a monk?

Xiao Chen has practiced so far, and after suffering hardships and hardships, I do n’t know how much he has eaten, and he has too many burdens on his body. There are countless unwilling and unfulfilled people, so ridiculed, how can he be willing.

The appearance of the Dragon Emperor now gave him a glimmer of hope for survival. Although it was slim, he did not want to let it go.

The assimilation and fusion of the five elements' original powers have formed the brand of Xiao Chen and Dragon Emperor, that is, they both have the qualifications to absorb the new origins of refining.

Long Huang Xiu is so strong that he has even touched the level of creation. The strength of the five elements is conceivable. After the assimilation and integration is completed, if Xiao Chen can absorb it, the huge energy supplement after the "Broken Element" will not be possible. The problem is not only fatal but also solvable, and it is even possible to make use of the power of refining to make it soaring!

Xiao Chen was so excited in her mind. Anyone who suddenly finds a possibility to continue to survive in the mortal situation can not remain calm.

But this joy lasted for a moment, and was suppressed by him.

Xiao Chen's idea works well and is quite beautiful, but the situation is quite cruel. There is only one advantage that he can absorb the Five Elements Origin, that is, there is his imprint in the origin of the freshman origin, but this is something that the Dragon Emperor has, and the advantage is almost nothing. The disadvantage is that it is full, it is seriously injured, the Yuan Shen is withered, and the flesh is blocked ... and the most desperate is the Emperor Long's cultivation. With the strength of his Yuan Shen, even if the two are fighting for the original power Attribution, Xiao Chen has no chance of winning!

The cruelest thing in the world is nothing more than the hope of survival in despair, but can only watch this hope become a little despair.

Xiao Chen was thinking hard, but couldn't find a solution. But when he saw the golden seal floating in Yuanshen space, the irritability in his heart disappeared little by little.

Golden seal!

He still has a golden seal!

Xiao Chen seemed to get his last life-saving straw, and his mind quickly turned. In the current situation, since Jin Yin has tried to prevent him from discovering the gods, and used his own strength to let him sense the external situation, obviously he does not want him to be noticed by the Dragon Emperor ... so want to come, today, Jin Yin is standing by him Here, or ... this matter, Jin Yin will help him! Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's heart was suddenly loose, and the golden seal was mysterious and unpredictable. His mighty power was far from Xiao Chen's imagination. If he was willing to take the shot, the situation would be inclined. The nervousness and anxiety went away a little, and Xiao Chen's thoughts became clearer. Now Dragon Emperor did not know that he had awoke and had a touch with the original strength of the freshman. If he could take the shot without guard, he would definitely hit him One was caught off guard and had an unexpected effect, which was also a big advantage for him.

Xiao Chen's mind gradually stabilized, and now he has retired. If he fails, there is only a dead end. No matter what, he will let go. This is an opportunity based on Bai. If it wasn't for the Dragon Emperor's shot, he would have been ridiculed at this moment. If so, why bother looking forward and looking back!

Although the decision has been made, it is not the present. He has to wait patiently until the moment when the assimilation of the five elements is complete, which is the best chance for him to make a shot. Before that, it was the most wise choice to nourish the gods with the power transmitted from the origin of the new students.

The space that was separated independently was formed by the Dragon Emperor condensing in the void. The Dragon Emperor sat cross-legged and Xiao Chen waited patiently. Both of them remained silent and silent. Time passed by bit by bit.

The large array created by the Dragon Emperor can draw the five elements of the two bodies and use the power of the front to assimilate and fuse them. The grade is naturally very high, it is quite difficult to control, and the monks are extremely demanding. Even if the dragon emperor repair is used, it is necessary to be careful to control this array, and dare not be careless. In this way, the yuanshen depletion is naturally heavier. Fortunately, the old dragon yuanshen is superb and rich. Stay round and support free.

As time goes by, assimilation has more and more origins, and the dark wounds that have troubled me for many years have been removed little by little. A sense of ease from the heart has made the emperor's mouth unable to show some joy. At present, this old dragon has a strong premonition. As long as he absorbs and refines the source after the assimilation is completed, he can break through the bottleneck, truly set foot in the realm of creation, and become a strong person under the heaven, even if he ascends After entering the Daqian Realm, you can also avoid the humiliation of being a mount for others. In the future, Gao Haikuo will let him ride freely! Breaking through this hurdle is the carp leaping into the dragon gate, and its importance can be imagined.

Now, it is not far away from this moment. The number of the origins of the new five elements is increasing, and their assimilation and dispersal are getting faster and faster. At this moment, the old dragon focused all his attention on the origin of the new student, but never thought that in this space, there was another person with the same qualifications as him.

Xiao Chen ’s internal energy disintegration was forcibly suppressed, and the power of Yuanshen no longer continued to weaken. Under the continuous absorption of external forces, his Yuanshen finally recovered a bit and could barely manipulate the physical body, but he did not have any changes, with a strong state of mind Cultivation is to keep the restlessness in mind. The more it is at this moment, the more you need to hold your breath, and you can't mess with yourself first, otherwise, once the Dragon Emperor notices that something is wrong, I'm afraid that it will kill you instantly! In order to capture the power of the five elements of the new life, the premise must also be absorbed and refined by the Dragon Emperor to complete the assimilation and integration of the source. Otherwise, if the source fusion is forcibly interrupted, I do not know what will happen. Once the elements of the five elements that are being merged are destroyed, the only chance that Xiao Chen can escape from the dead is to disappear. How dare he careless at such a moment.

Both were patiently and nervously waiting for the completion of the assimilation of the origin, but Xiao Chen was in the dark and Dragon Emperor was in the light. The former has the biggest variable of gold seal, and the latter has its own strong cultivation. Therefore, at this moment, it is difficult to determine who can laugh to the end and become the real winner ... But at the moment, Dragon Emperor is unprepared for joy, and Xiao Chen has the mentality to calculate and take the initiative.

The assimilation and fusion of the five elements' original power between the two has also reached its final stage. The core of the new elementary powers is pure in color, smooth and smooth, and the tumbles are like waves. layer. And at this moment, I was swallowed up into the perfect element of the Five Elements, and the color in the package quickly became dark. When this last touch of variegation became pure, the assimilation and fusion of the elements was completely completed.

The Dragon Emperor stood up, his face trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of excitement.

After waiting for many years, he finally waited for this moment!

When the fusion is complete, it is time for him to absorb it, change his life against the sky, and set foot on the creation!

At this moment, it seems to be passing very slowly, and every minute feels extremely difficult. But no matter how slow, there will be a moment of time running out, and the fusion and assimilation of the five elements' origins will be completely completed at this moment!

Dragon Emperor smiled long, the sound was rolling, there was no pause, the idea was slightly paused, and a powerful devouring force came from his body. After a little pause, the original strength of the newborn was pulled and deformed by a suction force like a cloud, forming a funnel shape and heading down!

Everything is exactly the way he expected, there is nothing wrong with it ... but at this moment, the mutation is sudden!

Above the void, Xiao Chen's closed eyes suddenly opened, although a little dim, but there was a gleam of cold light, and when I looked at it, it was cold in my heart. At the same time, a manipulation idea came out from his body ... blocking the origin of new students from entering the Dragon Emperor!

The assimilation and fusion of the origin of the new students has the brand of both Xiao Chen and Long Huang, and they share it. The Dragon Emperor can spread the idea of ​​absorbing devours, and Xiao Chen can naturally stop it.

The same force received two completely conflicting instructions at the same time. The partial birth instruction seemed to the master to be out of this ... This state immediately plunged the original five elements into a self-contradiction, originally directed to the Dragon King. Falling source power is also blocked by life. Unexpectedly, Dragon Emperor's desperate thoughts of being devoured were directly blocked and rejected by the freshmen's origin. Although not as serious as the original backwash, it also caused Dragon Emperor's Yuanshen to suffer minor injuries instantly, especially this origin was about to be interrupted by Shengsheng The feeling of this makes the old dragon feel like a head and a mallet, and his chest suddenly suffocates, and he almost spit out a bite of anti-blood.

Such a change, completely out of the unexpected emperor of the Dragon Emperor, was furious, and the old dragon suddenly lifted up, just to see Xiao Chen's body erect, his eyes down, and the two touched instantly. meaning!

Xiao Chen's thoughts revived.

This may be that the Dragon Emperor had already thought about it, and he had arranged the countermeasures to imprison Feng Chen, who had collapsed the power in Xiao Chen ’s body, and could also trap his Yuanshen power. Even when Xiao Chen woke up, his ideas could not penetrate the town to interfere with the Dragon Emperor's absorption of the original power. But now that he can directly intervene in the choice of the new original power, it shows that his arrangement has somehow failed.

This result undoubtedly made Long Huang's heart sink and his face became more ugly. But between the breathing of this old dragon, he has already suppressed many rolling emotions in his heart with a strong heart, and restored calm. In this life, I don't know how many storms he has experienced. Although the current things are tricky, he still can't make him mess. Even if Xiao Chen is sober-minded, I don't know how to break through his feudal power, and how can he interfere with the absorption of the original power? This matter may seem serious, but we must not forget that he is the imperial dragon emperor, who is a peerless powerhouse who has reached the forged realm! Even though he is now completely repaired at his source and cannot be used at all, this accident is enough to suppress it by his means! In addition, Xiao Chen is a seriously injured body, could he not compete with him. If he can't even cope with a serious injury to the younger generation, he will live without face.


[Long Huangdao friends got your monthly tickets. Suddenly, my confidence rose sharply. The stronger my faith in fertilizer, the brighter the wind, the more rewarding I am. 】

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