He was seriously injured when he first entered the spirit realm, fell into the territories of alien races, raised his eyes and looked blank, and he calmly responded without panic. (Eight One Chinese Website W} W) W}. 81ZW. Com

Suspended by the powerful power of the Yasha clan, he was in search of a treasure and could not help himself. He waited for the opportunity and took the chestnut from the fire, without panic.

On the battlefield of the ethnic group, he kept fighting, and was on the verge of death on several occasions. He fiercely killed Tianjiao, a corpse of each ethnic group, who became famous and never panic.

In the ancestral city, the guns and arrows were endlessly calculated, and he faced the difficulties to suppress all the powerful enemies behind the scenes and never panic.

Being trapped in a dead city, falling to the bottom of the abyss, all in despair, he was careful and cautious to find a way to live and eventually won a great opportunity, without panic.

In the Ares Palace, killings are carried out step by step. After the bloody, three stone, and cave three strong men want to kill soon, he forbears the layout and shots to kill the three realms monks, without panic.

The **** invasion was fierce, and he carefully calculated his steps to defeat the invasion and destroy the **** slaughter of the **** prison to avenge him.

Since the ascension of the spiritual realm, for the past 5,000 years, Xiao Chen ’s career has entered the darkest abyss, killings and tribulations are intertwined, waves of ups and downs, waves of dangers, and a loss of carelessness. The fruit of many years of hard work was ruined once and ended in death. But in the face of this, he was shocked, angry, resentful, hated, desperate, unwilling, but never panicked.

But holding this **** jade today, Xiao Chen was panicked for the first time, confused, and confused, but his mind was blank, and he had no thoughts. This feeling is the second time in this life of Xiao Chen.

In the early years, Xiao Chen returned home from Hanhai and served his parents in March. Although he was ready, at noon that day, Xiao Chen whispered that his parents were peacefully passing away. His mind was still in the blank, and for the first time in his life, he had pain. A heartfelt feeling.

Life is alive, the parents of the closest relatives, give life to the birth of the world, need a lifetime of gratitude, close filial piety. However, due to the destiny of the parents, their parents can't accompany one's life after all, so there are wives and children to accompany them and support each other.

The parents have died, Zi Yan, Yue Wu, Xiao Yi, and the four young women are Xiao Chen's closest people in this world ... If they also have an accident, Xiao Chen does not know what will happen to them .. Besides, there are also five brothers who are righteous, the second disciple, and the descendants of the Xiao family. They are all the closest to Xiao Chen's life. Why are they wrong? All this calamity was caused by him. I wanted to break all the difficulties and use my own strength to hold up a sky for the people close to me, shielding them from the wind and rain, so that they can be protected from the slightest damage, without having to endure all the suffering he has experienced, but I do n’t want to be This result.

Why is this happening?

Xiao Chen's breathing was getting thicker and stronger, and his breath became chaotic and unstable. Now he only has one thought in his heart. In any case, he must rescue Zi Yan and their elder brothers and others.

After a long silence, he suddenly turned around and strode out.

The ancestor carefully observed the change of Xiao Chen ’s expression. At this moment, his face changed, and his foot stepped forward. The figure stopped directly in front of Xiao Chen and said with a deep voice. “My husband knows where you are going now, but I ca n’t let you go . "

"Step aside!"

Xiao Chen was slightly low, drinking lightly in his mouth, his voice was calm but cold, without the slightest temperature.

"When the old man said, he would never give in."

The answer to him was Xiao Chen's one punch. There was no warning of a violent shot. One punch was released, releasing the power of terror. The entire elder's hall was opened instantly. . Countless monks jumped violently in their hearts, their faces pale, and they saw in each other panic in their hearts, wondering what had happened.

The monk in charge of the information department has not yet gone far, and at this moment the body suddenly snorted and turned to look at the Elder's Hall ... Although he had guessed that Lord Xiao Zu would know how to explode after knowing this, but never thought it would be so strong . Fortunately, he has now retired. If he is still in the elders' hall at this moment, even if Xiao Zu does not shoot at him, the amount of coercion will be enough to make him unable to take it for a walk and hit it in a flash.

At this moment, in the Elder's Hall, the face of the ancestors was calm, with five fingers open, and Xiao Chen's fist was fully resisted. His brow could not help but wrinkled slightly, but his feet never stepped back.

Xiao Chen was expressionless, blocked a punch, instantly changed his fist into a palm, and utterly cut off from top to bottom.

The ancestors raised their hands, the two palms intersected, and they thundered like a thunder. When the waves suddenly burst, they shattered the restrained students outside the hall, and the monk outside the hall exclaimed, lingering with a few pains.

"Wait for you to leave. Don't let anyone approach here."

With the ancestors' orders, how could the guards outside the hall dare to stay and retreat in a hurry, but all eyes were panic. Soon after Xiao Xiao entered the hall, something happened immediately. Could it be that there was a dispute with the ancestor of the ancestors ... but this momentum is too terrifying.



The hall was filled with muffled sounds. Xiao Chen and the ancestors could not move back, palms, fists, elbows, arms, shoulders, and legs all turned into cutting tools. In a small space, they were able to fight against each other, and madly bumped into each other. . Fortunately, the ancestors deliberately suppressed, and Xiao Chen had not completely lost his mind. Both of them tried to suppress the power below the destruction, otherwise they would have had uncontrollable consequences. But even so, this majestic palace was divided into ruins in the confrontation between the two.

After a long time, Xiao Chen single-handedly was stopped by his ancestors. He did not continue his shots, and slowly retracted his arms. "Well, I have a lot of emotions in my heart, and I will not make impulsive moves. People can rest assured. But This time, I must go. "The voice was a little tired, but firm and unshakable. The world is huge, and there are hundreds of millions of souls, but there are several people who are really close to him. Xiao Chen will never allow Ziyan's four daughters and five elder brothers to have a little accident.

The ancestor's face felt a slightly numb palm, and he couldn't help but have a bit of a bitter smile on his face. "My husband knows I can't help you, but you can always plan for this, otherwise you just go like this. Go to death. "

Xiao Chen was silent, shook his head, and said, "This matter can be planned, but I dare not take risks. Once there is a slight difference, I cannot bear the price."

"This matter, I don't bother to annoy my ancestors, Xiao Chen will solve it myself. I'll go quiet for a while, and then go."

After the words fell, he arched his hands and turned to leave.

The pale pale complexion has now returned to peace. The darker the eyes, the deeper and restrained, such as the abyss of the deep sea, which cannot be detected.

The ancestor was worried, and watched Chen Chen leave. He thought for a moment, flashed aura in his hand, took out a letter of jade Jank, hurriedly imprinted the information in it, waved his hand to tear the space, and raised his hand into it.

"Although things are tricky and difficult to fight, I can't really watch you go to death ... it's just a matter, trouble."


Shallow lake, Xiao House.

Yun Sheng's face was slightly white, and he had never felt that fear in the Master.

What happened?

The main hall where Xiao Chen lived was shrouded in light of restraint, and no one was allowed to approach. Yun Sheng stayed outside the hall, iron head, Telford steward, and six people including Pan Shi, Wang Hu, and Lan Qiu were all here, their expressions were all gloomy.

Inside the hall, Xiao Chen lived alone, his face was cloudy, and his eyes were full of murderous tide. As he said before, even if he knew that Scarlet Jade was a naked conspiracy trap, he would not hesitate. He is bound to go outside this line, and the sooner the better, otherwise the longer the delay, the more likely the Ziyan, Yuewu, Xiaoyi, and the four young women will be harmed. The safety of the five elder brothers, Lin Yuan and others Make him anxious.

Now that he is going, Xiao Chen has made the worst plan in his mind ... maybe this time, he has to rely on the power of the **** in the funeral flower. Once ridiculed, Xiao Chen was destined to lose a lot even if he could be reborn with the help of a funeral flower. Not to mention how long it takes to restore today ’s repairs, whether it will be dangerous for future promotion, just the loss of the golden seal in the Yuan Shen, the cost is unimaginable! And most importantly, resurrection with the power of funeral flowers is not full of certainty. Once there are some accidents, ridicule, maybe it is completely dead and there is no chance of turning over.

But even so, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate at all. The only thing he was worried about at the moment was how to protect Zi Yan and the four women. The three blood gods, the fire tribe Suha, and the master of Ziyuan all wanted to kill him and then quickly, even if he went away, and even paid the ridiculous price, they might not be able to shelter them from nothing. That's why he can restrain his anxiety, turn his thoughts quickly, and struggle to find a solution.

After half a moment, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, "Gold Seal, I know you have your own wisdom, Xiaomou asked you to take a shot today, and help me again!"


After half a day, the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen suddenly appeared on the second floor of the dojo, his eyes closed slightly, but he had a certain method to play, and disappeared into the surrounding void.

With the final invasion of his hand, a very different breath suddenly burst from him, and then spread rapidly to the entire dojo with an amazing degree.

And at this moment, regardless of whether they are in the dojo, all the monks in the dojo are stunned, and a certain binding power in their body suddenly collapses and disappears silently at this moment.

Road pattern!

After entering the dojo, the body was imprinted with the dow pattern. After that, he was the most loyal slave to the main center of the dojo. But at this moment, after this breath spreads, all the monks in the slaves of His Majesty Xiao Chen's body collapse at the same time.

In other words, at this moment, Xiao Chen granted them freedom.

In the Hall of Medical Inheritance, Ganoderma lucidum is going to search a certain medical Tao classics. At this moment, Jiao's body is suddenly stiff and her hands are dropped to the ground, but she seems to be unnoticed, her face is full of panic and confusion.

Killing black cages, realizing pure killing intentions for the killing monks, and evolving the place of origin. Today, killing things is on the right track. There is no need to do anything personally. Leng Twelve concentrates on retreat and practice. It is here to fight for more powerful power all year round. But at this moment, when the body's striatum was broken, he suddenly lifted his eyes, instead of having a little bit of joy in his eyes, he was so cold and infinitely murderous.

Bingjiadao, tacit investigation, Dieshan, Suwon, Mo Ge, and Luzuo five commanders led the exercise, the body suddenly stiff, facing each other, you can see the violent heart.

Practicing Tao, Forbidden Road, Law Enforcement Road, and all dojo spirits instantly sense the changes within this moment.

Outside the Hall of Xiao Fu, the bodies of six people, including Pu Sheng, Tietou, Telford Housekeeper and Pan Shi, were stiff at the same time ...

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