"What are you saying, seriously?" Shen Yuanzi said in a deep voice. Eight [One? Novel? Network W] W) W). } 81ZW. Com

Jade Palace ancestors arched their hands. "The younger generation and Xiao Chen are deeply enmity. Presumably the adults should have heard of it. I am completely ruined in his hands. In the matter of killing him, the younger generation and the adults are on the same line. Above all. Moreover, if the younger generation is unsure, how dare they step outside and please rest assured. "

"Okay! Your condition, this seat promises everything!" The fire tribe Suha said in a deep voice. "As long as you can really provide a chance to cut Xiao Chen, whether it is successful or not, I will protect you, if you want , My fire tribe can give you the blood vein quenching body, as long as you can survive, you can return to the Great Thousand Realms with this seat. "

The Lord of Ziyuan and the Three Blood Gods nodded at the same time, their faces were all excited.

As the ancestor of the Jade Palace said, how dare he come here without absolute certainty ... now that he has arrived, it shows that this must be true! It never occurred to them that they could take the initiative to open the door, and the three blood gods, Su Ha, and Zi Yuan were all surprised.

Although I am quite confident about this plan, it will make people feel uneasy before the deal is reached. The ancestor of the Jade Palace was relieved when he heard the words. The calmer and calmer his attitude was, the more he did n’t sell off guard at the moment, he will make a plan. Presumably, adults should know that Xiao Chen is a monk from the realm of ascension. According to the old man's knowledge, someone who is very close to him will be ascended into the spiritual world in the near future. If the adults can take the shot in advance and take it in their hands, At that time, Xiao Chen's mentality should not be left to adults to take advantage of it as a threat. It should be easy to find the opportunity to cut it off. "

"It happened." Gao slightly blooded God sneered, and then frowned slightly, "Jade Palace, is your news accurate, can you be confident?"

The ancestor of the Jade Palace hesitated a little bit, and gritted his teeth or spoke truthfully. "The junior did not dare to deceive the adults. This is a secret matter. The junior was also accidentally informed by chance. Naturally, he did not dare to guarantee 100% confidence. But from Xiao Morning performance, coupled with the attention of the ancestors, it seems that this matter is true. "Although it is the best choice to speak frankly, but at this moment really did it, the ancestor of the Jade Palace was a little worried.

Fortunately, he did not make him too anxious, and the blood-blooded **** nodded slightly. "Also, in order to prevent accidents at this moment, it is very normal to hide something. But the so-called void is presumed to be credible."

The blood gods of Michigan and Detkin nodded slightly, and Suha on the fire tribe also showed approval.

But at this moment, the Lord of Ziyuan frowned, and said with a deep voice, "The human race has led all the ascending stages to be built in the state city. Although the number is not large, it is also spread throughout the human race. Ascension monks are randomly attracted. Appeared on any ascension platform, how can I know where they are soaring and capture them. Even if I knew the news, it was not easy to take a shot. "

Three Blood God's face changed, nodding slightly.

The fire tribe Suha groaned and said slowly, "My fire tribe has a detention formation, which can be absorbed in the heart, based on cultivation, and can use the power of the heavenly induction to find desire. People, take it forcibly! Take the five of me as the team, and once the people related to Xiao Chen enter the ascension channel, I will be able to forcibly lead them away. But I want to accomplish this, You and I are afraid that you need to enter the Terran Territory. It is best to combine the detention formation with the Terran to lead the ascension platform, in order to sense the presence of all ascension monks in an instant to ensure foolproofness. "

"Because it is the Fire clan secret formation, it should be correct if you think about it, then the rest is how you and I enter the spiritual realm and integrate the detention formation into the teleportation formation. I think this matter should be resolved by the Jade Palace The method is. "The Lord of Ziyuan nodded, and the five eyes fell on the ancestor of the Jade Palace.

Jade Palace ancestor Shi Li said respectfully, "The Lord of the Ziyuan and the rest assured, as long as you enter some mustard world, Jade Palace can bring you into the spirit world. In addition, the younger generations are not talented, and they are considered to be small Status, now in charge of Huangzhou City, there is just one lead to the ascension. "

"Ha ha ha ha! In this way, things are really perfect, it seems that even God is standing by you and me, this time you and I will succeed!"

The Master of Yuan Zi laughed and was quite open.

Increased the **** eyes of the slightly blood-stained God, "If that's the case, it shouldn't be too late, you and I will start!"

"it is good!"


Dojo on the second floor.

Xiao Chen suddenly woke up from her silent realization, her brow could not help but wrinkled slightly, her face was cloudy for a while. Just before he was practicing, he suddenly felt a throbbing heart, as if something terribly bad was to be born. But this feeling is fleeting, and Xiao Chen has passed away without giving Xiao Chen a chance to grasp his taste.

When Xiu reached his realm, most of his mind-sensing experience was extremely inexperienced. This made Xiao Chen a little uneasy. He hesitated and did not continue his cultivation. He took the next step and left the dojo directly.

Put away the dojo, waved his hand to break the restraint, he stepped forward, and when he came out of the body, he enveloped the entire Xiaofu house and summoned Sheng.

"See Master!" Wu Sheng was summoned, hurriedly pushed the things at hand, and hurried forward. When the Master comes out and calls, when there is an urgent matter, he dare not delay.

"Well, you stand up." Xiao Chen sat in the temple and waved to awaken him. "I am calling you this time, I want to ask, what is the situation of the human race during this time, what is wrong with it?"

"Master Hui, when your retreat was hosted by an ancestor, everything in my clan territory was all right, and there was nothing wrong with it." Pu Sheng didn't dare to reply, thought for a moment, and then slowly spoke.

Xiao Chen nodded. He knew quite well about Yun Sheng's temperament. Not only did he say nothing, but it showed that the human race was all right ... what was the cause of the uneasiness that had arisen in his heart? After frowning for a moment, he didn't gain anything, so he had to put down the thought for a while.

Looking up at the blue sky of the ancestral city, Xiao Chen's face showed a little expectation. Although the exact time cannot be speculated, according to estimates, the period of Ziyan, Yuewu, Xiaoyi, Qingmei, and your brothers' ascension should be near. Although he has not completely solved all the troubles nowadays, with his current strength, he is enough to protect them from the slightest harm in the spirit world.

But at this moment, a thought suddenly popped into his mind, his face became extremely ugly for a moment. "Is that anxiety just because of Zi Yan, Yue Wu, Xiao Yi, Qing Mei, and your brothers soaring? "

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen didn't dare to have any delay, torn the space without a wave, and went straight to the ancestors.

Yun Sheng clearly sensed the change in the breath of Master Master. Although it is unknown, he still couldn't help showing a little anxiety on his face. Could it be possible for Master Master to do this? Just hope everything is fine.

The appearance of Xiao Chen has already appeared in the elders 'hall of the ancestral city. With his current practice, the arrangement of the elders' hall has no use for him. Behind him, he didn't pause for a while and walked straight to the temple.

In the hall, the ancestors summoned many strong human races, including the black and white emperors.

Feeling the breath of Xiao Chen, the words of the ancestor's mouth were immediately stopped, and he looked out of the hall, his face was incomprehensible. The two emperors, Black and White, turned around and saw Xiao Chen coming, respectfully saluting, "See Lord Xiao Zu!"

Respectful, awe-inspiring.

"Xiao Zu should have important matters here to discuss with his husband. You wait for the time being. The unfinished topic today will be discussed later." Ren Zu noticed Xiao Chen's uneasy mood, frowned slightly, and waved his hand.

The two emperors, Black and White, respectfully said that they saluted again before they retreated.

When the monks retreated, Xiao Chen took a seat next to the ancestors and whispered, "In the previous practice, I suddenly felt restless, and it seemed that something bad about me would be born. However, there is nothing wrong with the people. Related to my four aunts and brothers' ascension to the spiritual realm? "

The human race changed his face slightly. He naturally knew that the higher the monk ’s mind and the heavens felt, and at some point he could foresee things that were closely related to himself. When Xiao Chen felt instinctively, there must be something wrong. He groaned a little, and said, "You must not worry. The matter about the person you are close to ascending to the spiritual realm is quite secret. No one should know about it. Besides, my spiritual realm leads the ascending platforms to all states. Everywhere, they can lead them to soar, even if the news is noticed by someone with a heart, you can't respond to it. Now that you are restless, you may be caused by over-consideration. You don't have to take it too seriously. "

Xiao Chen grinned bitterly, "Although that's the case, but care is chaotic. I do feel uneasy now."

"If you are really uneasy, you will stay in the Presbyterian Church during this time. I have passed the order. Once there is a monk related to you soaring, it will be immediately transmitted back to the ancestral city by the ethnic group formation method. There must be no delay. You can get the news as soon as possible, and presumably like this, you should be more at ease. "

Xiao Chen nodded for a moment, and nodded. "I have to do this now, I just hope that no accidents will happen."

Ziyan, Yuewu, Xiaoyi, Qingmei, and your elder brothers are his closest friends in this world. The former four are the cousins ​​who are on eyebrows with him. The last five are brothers who are like brothers and sisters. No accident is allowed.

no way!


Human world.

Five thousand years have passed, and after these years of rest and recuperation, today's strong human world has emerged, and the path has entered an unprecedented state of prosperity along the way.

Hongmengdian, as the only level of power in the entire human race, integrates the strength of the entire human world, various exercises, treasures, miracles, and spirits, which are not regarded as expensive or expensive, but rely on their own strength.

It is precisely because of this competition mechanism that the Hongmeng Palace can be guaranteed a strong promotion.

The forced cultivation of the four palace masters and five dedications is the root of maintaining the existence of the entire Hongmeng Palace. Without a strong and powerful ruling class, how could such a completely unified situation arise in the human world.

But today, this complete rule may scratch the end of the period. Because the four palace lords and the five dedications are about to rise to the spiritual realm together, there are many strong men in the Hongmeng Palace, and those who are the lowest can not fall into the later realm.

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