Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 505: Five hermits

As the two sides fought, a sudden flash of light flashed across the boundary wall. Three burly men in short shirts appeared directly, and the exposed skin was rough and rough, like rocks. Bayi Chinese W] W] W]. ) 81ZW. The most strange thing about COM is that the three of them don't have any temperature, and they are full of vitality but different from any flesh and blood.

To the depths of the spiritual realm, the forbidden area of ​​the living beings, the repair of the Shi tribe!

The arrival of these three people, as expected, caused the pupils of the spirit realm to shrink, and they could not help but feel jealous. Even if the giants are destroyed and the dragons are as powerful as the emperor, they dare not take any notice when facing the three stone monks.

In the tribal battlefield trial that year, Xiao Chen participated in the auction of the Shangyuan Auction Hall. There was a monk monk who exchanged the stone of the mountain for the fountain of the ancestor of the ancestors. An undeveloped fetal stone.

The Shi tribe, one of the hermits living in the spiritual realm, lives in the south and deep of the spiritual realm, occupying the vast territory, but never actively sends monks to other ethnic realms in the spiritual realm, living a completely isolated life. But no one dares to question the strength of this group.

It is rumored that in ancient times, there was a winged human tribe deep into the spiritual realm to the south, and took a treasure from the hidden ethnic territories. It is for this reason that the ethnic communities of the spirit world have the opportunity to hide their terrified communities.

At that time, the winged people who were the peak group of the spiritual realm, after angering the secluded people who lived in isolation, finally ate their own evil fruits. The vast territory and billions of souls were slaughtered by life and blood, and the sky became red, even a few The famous winged human races destroyed the power, and none escaped and were wiped out. In this battle, the Jin, Mu, Shui, Fire, and Stone peoples of the reclusive ethnic group were exposed to the spirit world for the first time, and they won a great reputation in the First World War. Fortunately, after the **** slaughter of the winged people, the reclusive five clans quietly retreated without further killing. This made all the spirits in the spirit world secretly relieved, and the hearts of the hermits to the depths of the spirit world were extremely jealous. Thinking of the end of the powerful winged human race, even the spirit peaks such as demons, demons, and people are afraid to provoke them.

Fortunately, the reclusive five clans have never taken the initiative to enter the realm of flesh and blood. Although both parties live in the same small realm, they seem to be in two different worlds. As long as they do not disturb them, the reclusive five clans will never have trouble. . Over time, the various communities of the spiritual realm gave up the scramble for the vast area deep in the southern part of the spiritual realm.

Since ancient times, several wars in the spirit world have also been on the verge of destruction by the Xiaoqian World. Rarely have the five clans of seclusion attempted. I do n’t want to send three stone monks today. How can we not let them secretly wonder ... especially now The three stone monks, all in ruins, shocked the power of the spirit world and the three blood gods. Only the Stone clan, who is one of the five clans, can send three Destroyed Power shots. If they come out in a nest, I am afraid they have at least fifteen or more Destroyed monks! Such a peak strength is already far from the sum of the strengths of all ethnic groups in the whole spirit world, how terrible!

Just when the hearts of the people were shaking, the three stone monks whispered, "My master is in the process of hardship and must not be disturbed. You ca n’t wait for the fight to have nothing to do with my tribe. . "

This stone monk spoke, and it was another huge stone, which made the minds of the people set off endless stormy waves!

the host!

These three stone clan ruin monks opened their mouths and said they were the masters!

Is the master of the three of them, or the master of the entire Shi clan, or a more daring guess ... the master in his mouth is the co-owner of the reclusive five clans! After all, the recluse of the Five Clan Slaughtering Wings was a joint effort, which is undoubtedly the most favorable evidence.

His Majesty's control of the five major ethnic groups is even more so that the power of destruction is willing to fall into slavery ... who is the sacred master in their mouth! But one thing is absolutely certain, such a hidden mysterious giant, the expression of his will will not allow any provocation!

The face of the Three Blood Gods became extremely stiff for a moment, and the Lord of the Fire tribe Suha and Ziyuan stepped back without any trace, which has already shown their choice. No one can ignore the strong and powerful obstruction of the reclusive herds from the spirit realm, otherwise they are most likely to be the wrath of the reclusive five clans, and this cost cannot be afforded even by the ruined monks. Today's stalemate situation, with the arrival of the power of the three rock clan, completely lost suspense, the ancestors, Xiao Chen did not even show up, the thoughts of the three blood gods, Su Ha, Zi Yuan will be lost. The powerful power shown by the spirit world is horrible! The demon tribe, the earth furnace, the demon ancestor, the dragon emperor, the human ancestor, Xiao Chen, and the giant genius are powerful. In this way, the destruction of the spiritual community is as many as seven, and it is one of the five. The Yan clan even dispatched three broken powers to intervene directly. This is a total of ten broken realms! And these are just the forces exposed, no one knows how much is hidden in the secret!

Such a powerful force is enough to deter the three blood gods, the fire tribe Suha, and the master of Ziyuan from daring to arrogantly, and even watching the mighty state of the three stone realms and cave realms in this battle stiffly. Everything in secret. Although they had thoughts of muddy waters and retaliated against the human race, the shrine's strong ethnic group was brutally slaughtered, but because of the strong resistance shown by the human race to the invasion of blood prison and the secret threat of the floating world, they did not take action at this moment. It's all fortunate. Terran's sharp and fierce counterattack, as well as the deep foundation of the spirit world at this moment, is like a head-on drink, so that the two worlds can no longer dare to have any thoughts of revenge.

"Three blood gods, there is nothing to do today, you and I will just retreat for a while, plan it slowly." The master of Zi Yuan said with a deep voice, and he was unwilling, but the current situation necessitated him to make another choice.

The fire tribe Suha nodded.

The blood-stained face of Shen Zhuang was sinking like water, his eyes were spitting, he was silent for a moment, and turned away without a word.

Michigan and Detroit followed.

The three of them were murderous, trying to cut Xiao Chen and then quickly, but they were not stupid people. If the current situation continues to be entangled, perhaps the wait for them will be the joint suppression of the power of the spirit world, as well as the ancestors, Xiao Chen did not show up secretly, with carelessness, they may even put themselves in danger. Retreating at this moment is the best choice ... As for the opportunity to kill Xiao Chen, as long as you wait patiently, there will always be an opportunity.

The retreat of the three blood gods, the fire tribe Suha, and the Ziyuan Lord is undoubtedly the best solution to this matter. To be fair, the powers of the parties in the spiritual world do not want to fight with the five, even if they have the absolute upper hand under. Only disappointment flashed in the eyes of the giants. "Now that things have been settled, I will take a step first. Everyone will say goodbye." This man was very high-minded when he came, and he was very free when he walked. The figure disappeared into the boundary wall.

The attitude of the three stone monks remained unchanged from the beginning to the end. Seeing that the matter was resolved, they didn't even say hello. They simply turned around and retreated.

The demons and demons looked at each other and left.

Now that the power of the spirit world has shown sufficient strength and tough attitude, the three blood gods and others have retreated and chose to evade temporarily. If there is no certainty, they will certainly not harass the spirit world again, but this matter obviously did not end there. .


In Yunyue City, there was a hint of disappointment on the faces of Xiao Chen and Renzu. Although they completed the planned revenge on the blood prisoner by fierce and fierce means, but the retreat of the three blood gods in a safe and sound manner is still a serious problem for the human race.

In this calculation of Xiao Chen, there is another hidden purpose that has not been spoken, which is to anger the Three Blood Gods, tie the entire spirit power to the human chariot, and use their strength to kill the Three Blood Gods and the Fire Clan Su Kazakhstan, the master of Ziyuan, and others, broke the immediate crisis. But at this moment, it seems that this plot is about to fail. Although slightly disappointed, Xiao Chen shook his head slightly and had suppressed this emotion. In his calculations this time, all the goals have been completed, and if he wants more, he will be a little greedy. This time did not use the powerful hand of the spirit world to kill and kill the three blood gods, and so on, after his cultivation was promoted and destroyed, he personally killed them one by one. The beheading of the blood **** Bastard made the ninth floor of Xiao Chen Stone Pagoda a little more enlightened. He had a hunch in his heart, and perhaps the opportunity to break through the ten realms was not far away. By his means, once the promotion was shattered, it was not difficult to kill a monk at the same level with a small shop, and with careful calculations, a major event could be achieved. Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's last reluctance disappeared.

The ancestor shook his head slightly. "You and I are waiting here. It seems to be a waste of effort. It is a pity to miss this opportunity."

Waiting inside the boundary wall, carefully sensing the breath outside the boundary, once the fierce battle broke out, the two can shoot at critical moments. It may not be possible to kill the monks in one fell swoop, and the ancestors obviously regret this.

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, yet to speak, a flash of aura at the wall of the giant, the giant power figure appeared, and stepped down and appeared directly on Yunyue City. Haha laughed, "Your two are here, the old man is ready to accompany You have learned a lot about the blood and blood gods, who knows that they are so timid, and they are directly scared away! "

The ancestor smiled on his face and arched his hand. "Congratulations on the Tiger King, you congratulations on your wish, and your promotion has been ruined. The old man also has to thank you for your business today."

The tiger king of the giant tribe slightly waved, "You and I have been in friendship for many years, and the old man has received a lot of your favor in the early years. Why don't you worry about this." Speaking here, he paused slightly, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen. It ’s Xiao Chen, right? Haha, it ’s really young. It ’s much better than the two of us who were immortal. The husband would also like to thank Xiao Chen ’s friends for their support. Friends shine, these two boys may not be able to live safely today. "


[The code word actually missed the update time, don't blame everyone. 】

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