Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 503: The block of the spirit world

Xiao Chen's face was slightly pale, and his body's strength exploded with the last sword, without any reservation, the terrifying power released was comparable to a blow to the peak of destruction, to defeat the blood flame protection and complete the beheading. [August One Middle School W) W]. ? 8>1ZW. COM

Gaggle, the three blood gods of Micheli, Detejin, Suha of the Fire Race, and the Lord of Ziyuan's faces were stiff, and he looked at the green-robed monk standing on the void in the turbulence of the space with an unbelievable hell.

In front of them, Basda was cut and killed cleanly, his body was destroyed by the sword intent, the soul was swallowed, his body and spirit were destroyed, and the world was wiped out forever!

Witnessing the fall of a shattered power, such a devastating kill, made the three blood gods, Suha, and Ziyuan all feel a chill in their hearts...the shattered monk that has been rare in millions of years has fallen. , In front of Xiao Chen, it doesn't seem to be a difficult task.

This is the fact that the five people have exaggerated Xiao Chen’s power in their imagination. If he hadn’t been caught off guard and traumatized the blood **** Busta before, he would use the spatial turbulence and the power of the Yellow Spring to reduce his power to At the lowest point, I chose the best time to let Basda's mind relax and his power fell to the bottom. Perhaps the result will change at this moment.

From planning to implementation, there are many accidents during the period. If it is not for clever calculation and outstanding ability to grasp the human heart, the possibility of trying to complete all of this is almost zero. With Xiao Chen's current strength, killing Basda also requires extensive preparation and arrangement, which is enough to show the strength of the Shattered Monk. Each of them is a peerless powerhouse that can only come out of hundreds of millions of creatures. It is extremely difficult to kill them!

Fortunately, Xiao Chen's meticulous layout, perfectly grasped the psychological fluctuations of the blood **** Busta, and exploded his power to the peak level when weakening the opponent as much as possible, only by relying on his own strength to finally complete this almost incredible beheading!

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes to look calmly at the three blood gods, Suha of the Fire Race, and the lord of Ziyuan. At this moment, his body was extremely worn out, but his eyes were bright and formed. He held the small shop and raised his fingers, pointing to the five people, killing him. It has never been hidden!

After that, he never gave them any chance to make a move, and he took the next step, and the figure disappeared into the turbulence of space.

Enlarged slightly blood **** has a hideous face, and the blood outside his body flashes, he is about to chase him desperately, but he feels the breath of Xiao Chen going away with an alarming degree, his movements suddenly stiffens, and Shengsheng will take back the steps he has taken. . Facing such a degree, they had no choice but to watch Xiao Chen retreat all over. But the anger in his heart is like a volcano, intensifying, and it has reached the point where it cannot be suppressed.

The three blood gods were silent and suffocated, with a cold look on their faces, like a mourning concubine.

The blood prison was destroyed, and hundreds of millions of people were wiped out!

The Blood Prison Legion collapsed and was slaughtered!

The fourth blood **** Busta was cut down by Xiao Chen!

Everything born in a short period of time is like a sharp knife, fiercely inserted into the chest of the three blood gods, the pain is into the bone, and the blood is flowing! The ethnic bloodline that they tried so hard to continue has been cut off by life in front of them. The blood prison clansmen were wiped out, leaving the three of them alone, what's the point? Everything that was originally under control, because of the arrival of Xiao Chen, step by step out of his control, it has evolved to where it is today.

Xiao Chen! Everything is because of him!

The three blood gods, Gaglie, Micheli, and Detroit, ignited flames of vengeance in their hearts. They did not think about the fundamental reason for today’s situation because they brazenly invaded the human race in order to preserve the blood of the race. Instead, they pushed all the blame on Xiao Chen. , Now their only thought is to kill Xiao Chen desperately!

Suha of the Huo Clan and the Lord of Ziyuan also had a gloomy face, and the eyes of the two of them were filled with worry, and they wanted to dissuade them but did not know how to speak. For anyone who has experienced such a thing, I am afraid that he can't stand it any longer. But that cunning Xiao Chen must have already returned to the spirit world at this moment. If he does not come out, the three blood gods can only forcibly break into the spirit world...If this matter is not handled well, it may have a major adverse effect on the two goals. what.

"Let's go!" The blood **** of Gada sighed in a low voice, turned around and took a step forward, and went straight to the space turbulence.

The blood gods of Micheli and Detroit followed closely behind.

Suha and Ziyuan's faces were stiff, but in the end they did not speak to stop them. Otherwise, at this time, I am afraid that they will be met by the desperate anger of the Three Blood Gods.

Things are in trouble!

The five walked forward in silence, returning to the outside of the spirit world, watching the floating corpses of the Blood Prison Legion stretch for tens of thousands of miles, and the three blood gods were more murderous in their eyes.

With a wave of his sleeves, a layer of faint blood flame suddenly burst out, burning the bodies of all blood prison soldiers to ashes, suddenly turned around, looked in the direction of the spirit world, his eyes were red, and his expression was extremely calm! But it is the calmness in this tyranny that makes it more terrifying.

The three blood gods walked side by side, murderous and vigorous. The blood-colored power broke out, drifting like a thick fog, rolling like a tide, permeating the surroundings! The terrifying aura is centered on the three, sweeping wildly towards the eight wilderness!

Step by step, approach the spiritual world!

But when the three blood gods were still some distance away from the boundary wall of the spirit world, the two figures directly penetrated the boundary wall, their expressions stern. Those who came were the two demon ancestors of the demon clan, Tianding and Dilu, with a cold snort, "All disputes between right and wrong should be resolved outside the realm, and the spirit world should not be involved!"

The demon ancestor roared, the sound was rolling, and the warnings of the two shattered powers were extremely heavy!

The face of the three-blood **** with a little bit of increase suddenly became extremely ugly.

But at this moment, they didn't wait for them to speak more, the spirit light on the boundary wall flashed again, and another monk arrived. The people who appeared this time were the demon ancestors and the dragon emperor who had never appeared before. Although the fire clan Suha was led by the demon clan, and the blood prison invasion was planned by Suha himself, the demon ancestor and the dragon emperor did not dare to take any care of the safety of the spirit world.

"The three blood gods, please abide by the agreement between you and me no matter how you don't allow the body to enter the spiritual world, which will endanger my spiritual world, otherwise this seat and the dragon emperor will have to be rude!"

The demon ancestor spoke with an extremely tough voice.

Faced with the issue of spiritual safety, no matter how fierce the various races are on weekdays, they absolutely stand on the same front at this point, unanimously to the outside world.

The blood prison clan invades the human clan, yes, let's not ask about this. However, no one of the blood god-level shattered cultivators was allowed to enter the spirit world, and the human ancestors were also forced to establish a heavenly contract not to use the shattering power in the spirit world. As long as you don't threaten the safety of the spiritual world, you can fight as you wish. No one cares about this. But the Shattered Monk wanted to directly intervene in the battle, sorry, this is never allowed.

This is the thought in the hearts of all parties in the spirit world.

And they all saw the sharp and crazy counterattack of the human race. When they were secretly shocked, they saw the three blood gods coming aggressively. How dare to let them enter the spiritual world, it has blocked their possibility of entering the spiritual world long ago.

The Three Blood God's complexion became extremely stiff, the human race had never even appeared, and the four devastated monks of the demons and demons had arrived, which undoubtedly gave them great pressure. But even so, the three did not mean to shrink.

The blood **** Gaga took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "Destroying the blood prison world, causing hundreds of millions of lives of my clan to die, and attacking my blood prison barracks. More than 30 million soldiers were slaughtered, and even the fourth blood **** in blood prison. Basda was also brutally calculated to be killed by life! All of this is thanks to the human race, so **** and deep hatred, the three people in this seat will never give up easily! Demons and demons, the three members of this seat are absolutely nothing. The idea of ​​being an enemy of the entire spiritual community is actually a human deception. Today, the three of us do not want to have a dispute, but they must enter the spiritual world to obliterate the human family. Please forgive me and don't stop it! "

The person spoke in a deep voice, full of anger.

Tianding, the two demon ancestors of the earth furnace, the demon ancestors, and the dragon emperor could not help but change slightly. Although they sensed the counterattack of the human legion, they did not know that in a short period of time, there was a huge storm. .

The blood prison is ruined!

The fourth blood **** Sparta was beheaded!

Both of these two news are blockbuster bombs, even in their state of mind, they couldn't help but stay for a while when they first heard about it. It's no wonder that the three blood gods are aggressive, and look like a sea of ​​blood and blood! These two things are probably the biggest manuscripts in the history of the human race, ruining a small world and annihilating a shattered monk... But to be precise, this incident should have come from Xiao Chen's handwriting. According to the news, there was Xiao Chen's shadow in both things.

The two demon ancestors looked at each other, and they could all see the shock in each other's hearts. They never expected that the human monk whom Saint Yuji had entered into the Great Thousand Realm and entrusted them to illuminate in the dark was already so powerful!

Destroying the small thousand realms, killing the destruction realm, how easy it is to be able to make a character like this! The two old demons are grateful for their previous decision to keep their promises and protect Xiao Chen... and according to Saint Sang Li, this Xiao Chen was still a golden core monk in the mayfly world thousands of years ago, but today he has Such an achievement has unlimited potential for future growth. Not to mention the agreement with Saint Yuji, they are also unwilling to provoke such a terrifying existence, otherwise they are afraid that it will cause annihilation for the entire demons!

The eyes of the two old demons fell on the three blood gods such as Jialiu, and couldn't help but flashed a little bit of coldness in their eyes. It provokes Xiao Chen. I am afraid that the three of you will not be able to jump for a few days. Fleeing, I dare to come to the spirit world to chase and kill, I really don't know what to say!

The demon ancestor's face was slightly gloomy, and the fire clan Suha came, but the demon clan personally received him, and secretly dispatched a monk to investigate Xiao Chen's identity information. If it is revealed afterwards, Xiao Chen will definitely be against the demon clan!

Damn it!

Who would have thought that things had changed dramatically. On that day, a monk from a deserted ancient realm had entered the Palace of the Gods of War for more than two thousand years. He didn’t want his cultivation to reach the terrifying situation he is today. Although he was already cautious enough, he still Caused trouble. The most perfect solution for this matter right now is naturally Xiao Chen's fall. He can not only relieve his heartache, but also get the things agreed upon in the deal with the Huo Clan.

Suddenly, the old monster's thoughts turned sharply.


[Third update, today's update is complete, everyone knows. 】

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