Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 496: Blood Prison Collapse

Facing such horrible ancient demons, they have no resistance. {(Eight {一 Chinese W) W} W>. ) 8) 1] Z〉 W}. > COM Fortunately, the news has come out that the Lord of the Blood God must be on his way back. Once the adult arrives, this person will die.

To this point, all blood prisoners firmly believe.

For seven days, the ancient demons broke through more than 300 cities, killing hundreds of millions of blood prisoners. The root cause of the killing needs to continue to grow in the killing. After this, the source force has tended to become a success. Extra harvest.

The eighth day.

The ancient demons shot in arrogance and took the horror black demon gun after the fusion in their hands, smashing the guardian circle of the blood prison city on the ground and slaughtering another city.

But at this moment his expressionless face finally changed, his brows frowned slightly, and he looked at the void in front of him.

After counting the interest, the spatial identity appeared, and the two sides faced each other.

"Can we get started?"

The space avatar nodded, stepped forward, and the figure merged directly into the ancient magic avatar body.

The ancient demons lifted up, and in the calm and cold eyes, the colors of rampant, domineering, hot, and cruel gradually came into being. The demon is fighting between heaven and earth. If it were not for the body, would the ancient demon avatar continue to suppress his killing intentions for several days.

But now, it's finally time to burst.

Looking up at the sky, looking down at the earth, all bloody.

Suddenly, the ancient demon has a strong breath in his body, and it is crazy and soaring with a horrible degree, and constantly improves and improves!

The surrounding space is trembling violently, giving people the feeling of fluctuations and instability, and they are about to collapse. And this kind of collapse is not tearing and breaking, but a kind of destruction and collapse from its origin. Once it explodes, it means eternal annihilation.

The ancient demon is a Taoist penance, and uses the blood pool to temper the flesh, and also repairs the two supernatural powers of "Xuantian" and "ancestor demon." Comparable to bust!

Xiao Chen dispatched the ancient demons to the blood prison world and massacred, indeed, to avenge the strangling people.

But everyone underestimated his determination and fierceness.

He had already made a vow to sever the blood of the blood prisoners, and today is the time when he honors it!

The ancient demon snarled and snarled in the sky, shattering the coercion, and using it as the core point, it seemed like a raging wave swept across all directions.

The whole sky was suddenly dark, and there was a breath of destruction and death, and between the heavens and the earth, countless blood monks were shocked and pale. A desperate thought lingered in their hearts instantly, causing them to collapse instantly, crying and utterly terrible.

But today's scene, not long ago, was performed in the realm of the spirit world. At that time, countless people of ethnic groups suffered the **** slaughter in despair, and they were already destined for today.

Earlier causes, present results.

Although bitter, which represents death and blood, killed the entire blood prison community, they can only accept this result.

The ancient demon avatar's eyes flashed, and his spirits rose up, making him look like a demon, and the black magic gun in his hand trembled slightly, screaming with excitement and low noise, and stabbed toward the earth!

This shot is as fast as electricity.

This gun is irresistible.

This shot represents decay and death.

This shot represents all the resentment of the people who strangled the people.


The indescribable horror wave exploded from this shot, and the trembling space collapsed, and the turbulent force of the silver-white space burst like a turbulent sea, raging and sweeping across.

The sky crashes!

The earth is shattered!

Life is falling!

Despair, fear, resentment, unwillingness, and so on pervade the space, but after the wave of destruction has swept away, everything returns to peace and silence.

This is the explosion of destructive power!

This is the roar of the origin of space!

This is the collapse of Xiao Qian World!

The so-called destruction means that they have the power to destroy the whole thousand worlds. This is their real horror!

In the whole world of blood prison, there is not much time left, but under the shot of the ancient demon, it was wiped out and the destruction has begun. If there are more than five devastated monks here, they may be able to suppress the destruction with their own terrorist power.

But now, the monk in **** can only wait for despair in despair.

Not far from the world of blood prison, there is indeed a force that can destroy the entire world and stop it. Unfortunately, they are a little farther away. Although they have seen all this life, they can only watch it explode in front of them and cannot do anything about it.

The whole blood prison world, like a huge firework, ignites in the nothingness, releasing an extremely magnificent scene.

The disintegration of the complete world, horrible cracks, the turbulent force of silver and white tumbles, the pain and sorrow of billions of souls before extinction ... everything, forming a scene with a strong visual impact, clear and direct Shown in front of the rushing five-man team.

The faces of the three blood gods Gala, Michigan, and Detzin were full of stagnation, panic, and unbelief. After feeling the scourge of destruction that swept up, they turned into monstrous resentment and crazy murder.

The blood prison world was destroyed!

Throughout the thousands of worlds, hundreds of millions of blood prisoners died and none escaped.

Under the influence of this terrorist force, monks below the realm of destruction have no hope of living.

The fire tribe Suha looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes were full of shock, but I didn't know what he thought, his face became extremely ugly in an instant, looking at the blood prison world that was about to fall apart and dismembered, the eyes of this man were deep Mang flashed.

The master of Ziyuan's face was dignified, his brows could not help but wrinkle tightly, and he was worried.

Xiao Chen's methods were fierce, far beyond their expectations. Who could have thought that the blood prison world was directly destroyed by his cold and ruthlessness, killing hundreds of millions of monks in blood prison, killing the worst, and shaking the earth.

And the timing is just when they are close to the blood prison world but unable to stop it, which is equivalent to facing the three blood gods, letting them witness the destruction of the blood prison world ... This is the naked revenge, which is dead for the human race. Clan revenge!

In the context of the destruction of the blood prison world, a figure came from the sky, and the destruction force of Xiaoqian World raged and failed to affect him in any way.

Dark golden armor, black spear, cold like the face of a rock without any mood swings, the gun front pointed away at the three blood gods of the blood prison, slowly falling, and the killing sounded absurd. The visitor is the ancient demon avatar who personally buried the blood prison world.

"Xiao Chen! I'm going to kill you!" A growl screamed out from the blood-strewing God of God, and the blood of terror burst out suddenly. .

The blood gods of Michigan and Detroit snarled at the same time, followed closely.

The destruction of the blood prison world has completely stirred the fierceness and tyranny in the hearts of the three, and they are bound to kill Xiao Chen!

Kill him at all costs!

The three shattered monks exploded without reservation, and the breath that they could produce was extremely powerful. The momentum of the three blood gods fought desperately and frightened the masters of the Su tribe and Ziyuan, but they were slightly hesitant. Still clinging to it.

Xiao Chen's ancient demons actually had a power of destruction. This promise to them was not good news. He must take this opportunity to leave him, otherwise the endless troubles.

As for the destruction of the blood prison world ... what does it have to do with them?

In the face of the five powers of destruction, the ancient demon avatar's face was cold and without expression. He reached out and gently stroked forward, the space was directly torn, and the connected space was turbulent. The silver-white space force suddenly burst out.

Stepping out, he actually stepped directly into it, looking like he was going to retreat immediately.

The Three Blood Gods were ready to fight the battle. Seeing the culprit wanting to escape, how could he give up, throw out a punch with a few words, smashed the space directly, and drove into it.

But when they entered the turbulent space, they had lost the trace of the ancient demon avatar. He was like a drop of water hidden in the sea and disappeared without a trace. Even if the three blood gods, Su Ha, and Zi Yuan released a crazy search of consciousness, they found nothing!

After confirming this fact, the three-blooded gods' flushed faces directly rose to purple, and the anger and murderous intentions in their hearts made their bodies burn almost. The ancient demons did not give them but did not have any chance to leak!

This feeling of wanting to explode madly but nowhere, no doubt made them extremely uncomfortable.


Increase the roar of the slightly **** god, slamming a fist forward, and the horror blood burst suddenly, and the entire space turbulence suddenly turned into turbulent waves. The violent and raging power easily shattered the space, making the square billion areas into the silver and white power. In the frenzy.

The three blood gods are breathless, their eyes are red, and the whole body is almost condensed into substance, exuding an astonishing destructive power, just like the abyss demons.

The masters of the Suzu and Ziyuan members of the Huozuo group were gloomy. I thought that this shot would give them a chance to kill Xiao Chen. I didn't expect it would be such a result in the end.

Watching the destruction of the blood prison world, Xiao Chen's ancient demon detached himself and retreated ... Um, no!

Su Ha and Zi Yuan thought about something at the same time, and their faces became ugly. Since Xiao Chen's ancient demon avatar has the power of destruction, then he already has a means to easily destroy the blood prison world. If it is simply a revenge, it would be simpler and more direct to destroy the blood prison world, why bother to slaughter the city one by one. .. There is only one explanation for this, this incident was intentionally done by Xiao Chen, in order to seduce them to come.

But what good would it do for him?

Legion of Blood Remains.

The fourth blood **** Bast ...

The real purpose of Xiao Chen is to disperse their power and defeat them one by one!

The faces of the fire tribe Suha and Ziyuan became gloomy at once. If things were really as they thought, then everything they did was under Xiao Chen's grasp, and he was playing between the palms of his hands. How terrible is this calculation and the ability to control the mind!

Although the Blood Prison Legion is currently guarded by two broken monks, Basda, the fourth blood god, and Yishen Wang, the corpse king, if everything is calculated by Xiao Chen, then he must be fully prepared. People may not be able to resist.


[Third change, updated today, thank you for your monthly pass support. 】

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