Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 464: When life is public

Ares Palace, Teleport Square. Eight W]. ] 81ZW. Com

"Have you heard? The first blood sons of the blood prison clan have all investigated, and they have performed secret techniques to fuse more than a thousand blood prison celebrity powers, chasing and killing monk monks in a wild place."

"I have had several hunting teams in Sanshijie meet the blood prison monks. Fortunately, they are only targeting human monks, otherwise the old couple may not be able to return!"

"Who made the blood warrior, Sanshi, and Dongtian strong realm rumors fall into the hands of Xiao Chen in the Ares Palace? I think this is the blood **** ’s face revenge. The people take their own blame and die.

"Huh! It's just that Xiao Chen can kill the three Lord God kings in my realm? It's ridiculous. I don't know who the news came from. He Juxin will wait for the three Lord King kings to return in the future. He must repay this matter. A fair! The tribal people are far worse than my cave world. "

"Shh! Keep quiet, now that the adults in the world have gone into the wilderness, we have no power to provoke them for now, don't ask for trouble."

In the teleportation square, monks of all ethnic groups gathered and whispered, and their faces were full of glee and joy.

Although the monks in the Three Realms were not at all disturbed by the traces of Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, and the Three Kings of the Heavens, but none of them truly believed the rumors.

This is three forces that reach the ancient realm. Unless the power of Destruction is at their best, they can't think of anyone else who can kill them.

Xiao Chen is the power of destruction?

Come on, this joke is really cold.

The grown-ups must not have returned because of certain things being delayed. Perhaps, as rumored, they went to a treasure somewhere. The remaining Qugu monks in the Three Realms were secretly excited.

They know some news from the source of the world and can vaguely guess where the adults have gone. Such a miraculous treasure is naturally extremely difficult to collect, and it is normal to delay some time.

They sneered at the rumor, thinking only one thing in their minds .. Which side will the source of the world fall into? This is what they are concerned about.

The strong left, the inside of the War God Palace became much quieter, but now the actions of the blood prisoners have stirred up the excitement of the foreign strong.

When Xiao Chen stepped out of the wilderness, the possibility of being able to come back alive is almost zero, but he is of human origin after all, and once stepped on the glory of the Four Realms under his feet, they naturally liked to see the suffering of the human race as a side view.

It is precisely because of this that the transmission square has become more lively at the moment. All monks in the Four Realms have come to listen to the latest news. They gazed at somewhere in whispers, with a slightly strange ridicule.

At the corner of the square, the Tai Adao face was sinking in water, his brows were frowned, and his eyes were swollen.

A bit of worry flashed in the eyes of Fairy Mingxia, "Too good friend, today's things are a little bad. The class leader went to answer the monks in my clan, and should have come back in time. Is there an accident?"

Behind the two, the faces of several human races changed slightly.

Lone bamboo, Yunyan, Humen, Huguan, Jingyangzi and others are all here, and their faces are worried.

Due to Xiao Chen's reason, the class leader has always taken care of a few people, and they naturally do not want to see him in trouble.

Tai Adao's face was cloudy for a while, and he sighed after a while, "After that, Du Ducha had a force comparable to that of the ancient Bagua after the secret operation. Even if my masters are out, they are not his competitors. What about it? "

Mingxia Fairy's pretty face suddenly faded.

Human monks are all low, clenched fists in their sleeves, but what if they are unwilling? The people in the Ares Palace are weak. Even if they know that the class leader and others may be being hunted down by the blood prisoners, they cannot rescue them.

It is not indifferent. In order to continue the inheritance of the ethnic group, they can only choose to forbear. Otherwise, once the master of the human race is dead and the powerful aliens are shot, other spiritual communities will suppress the human race and there will be no day to stand up.

So now they have no choice but to wait.

In the silence, time passed little by little, the quieter the human race, the more solemn breath, the peripheral monks in the surrounding area sneered, eyes mocked.

But at this moment, there was a flash of light in the teleportation array, and dozens of figures appeared from it.

The person who came was the class master who was a dozen monks.

The strong foreigners saw this scene for a moment, and then slacked their lips. They secretly said that these monks had good luck, and they had been targeted by the blood prisoners, and they could even escape their lives.

Tai Adao people, Mingxia fairy, and others showed joy on their faces at the same time. From the perspective of human race, ridiculing any Ququ monk is an unbearable loss, and the class leader and others returned naturally, and they were naturally happy.

But in the sight of everyone, the class leader and others hurriedly left the teleportation array, slightly lower, with awe in their expressions, as if they were welcoming the arrival of a certain big man.

Just when the monks were in doubt, the aura in the teleportation flashed again, and a figure slowly emerged.

The qingpao had black eyes, a dull complexion, a straight and loose waist, no arrogance and domineering, calm and restrained, but its own grace and grace. The appearance of the figure instantly attracted the eyes of all monks in the transmission square.

Xiao Chen!

After seeing the identity of the visitors, the strong foreigners jumped fiercely in their hearts, then looked up at the Huangquan Grinding Disk floating behind him. If their bodies were struck by lightning, their complexions suddenly turned pale, and their pupils contracted, showing endless fear and fear!

The harsh roar of the undead soul instantly permeated the entire teleportation square, and it was clearly introduced into the ears of every monk here. It was like a soul-hunting mantra, which caused a chill in the Yuanshen, which suddenly spread to every inch of flesh in.

Augusto .. Dongfeng Rubao .. Three Heavenly Kings .. Three Realms Entered into the Wasteland Qu Guqiang, and all the souls are here.

This scene is more impactful than any rumored rhetoric. It smashed into the monks of the Three Realms, causing them to feel dizzy, and their ears "buzzed" like a thunderous roar.

Adults .. all .. stunned!

I fell in the hands of Xiao Chen!

Although I don't want to believe it, the scene in front of me can't be faked. The dead souls of adults are here, in the hands of Xiao Chen!

The whole teleportation square was suddenly dead, and no sound came out.

The monks of the Three Realms trembled, seeing the scene in front of them, they couldn't produce a little bit of curse and resentment in their hearts, all that was just like a wave of fear.

Lord Ogudo, Dongfeng Rubao, the Three Kings of the Sky and more than 300 peaks above the realm of Gu Ji San Qu, this power did not kill Xiao Chen, but was slaughtered by him.

How deep is Xiao Chen hiding?

What kind of state did he cultivate for?

Now that he can slaughter the power of the Three Realms easily, it would be easier to kill them, just by twitching his fingers, they would be extinct and disappear completely in this world.

How can they not be afraid!

How not to be afraid!

Xiao Chen lifted his robes without wind, and the Huangquan Grinding Wheel turned slowly behind him, and the ghosts of the Three Realms roared violently in the repression of the withered yellow light.

The eyes slowly swept around, but everyone who looked at him suddenly turned pale, suddenly low, and did not dare to be disrespectful.

But at this moment, a large swarm of aura suddenly appeared from the sky, and the powerful atmosphere was looming, and the monks from all walks of life in the transport square suddenly lifted up. Many strong men from the six realms floating in the sun and the moon were coming.

Xiao Chen's face was calm and there was no movement, but beyond a few ten feet away, Sun Moon Daojun had led the monks in the floating world to fall down and lay down on one knee. "Descendants of the Li family, according to the orders of the ancestors, see adults!" "

In the treasure space of the early years, although Xiao Chen was strong, he did not yet have the power to subdue the Sun and the Moon, but today he returned to the Temple of War, holding Augusto and Dongfeng as his hands, and the three kings of the sky and the dead soul. Qualified for their awe and surrender.

Although it is known that it is not Xiao Chen's power to kill and kill three people, it is enough to be able to kill the three ancient existences in the space collapse and retreat all over themselves.

The scene in front of me turned into a second shock wave that suddenly swept into the minds of the surrounding monks, making them stiff and giving rise to unbelievable meanings. I don't understand what is going on here?

Fu 6 Japanese Daojun kneels on one knee, and monks floating around 6 circles dare to arbitrarily, and kneel together.

"In order to avoid revealing the identity of the adult and causing unnecessary trouble, the brothers of the old slaves have never said the identity of the adult. His Majesty monks have many disrespects, and please forgive them."

Sun-day Daojun opened his mouth low, showing enough respect and awe.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he took a deep look at both of them. "I know the cause of cause and effect between you and me. The previous thing was cancelled, and this seat will not be held accountable."

"Thank you, Lord."

Tai Adao and Mingxia Fairy looked at each other, and they all saw that they were in a turbulent mood.

On the 6th, Moon Daojun is a horrible existence that can fight to the ancient times. No matter what the hidden feelings are, Xiao Chen must have the power to convince them, and they will willingly bow to the court. This is the dignity of the strong. If not, they will maintain a sufficient hold even if they surrender to Xiao Chen.

So count .. Xiao Chen now has at least the power comparable to ancient times!

Among human races, there has never been such a powerful existence! The war shrine is carefully treading on thin ice, and now they finally have the opportunity to stand up and exhale!

The two nodded at the same time, and took a few steps forward, one kneeling on one knee, and one politely saluting, and said respectfully, "See Lord Xiao Chen!"

The strength of self-cultivation is paramount, and Xiao Chen is naturally an adult when he has such power.

The team leader followed closely, and the remaining Ququ strong men fell to their knees.

Lonely bamboo, Yunyao, Humen, Huguan, Jingyangzi and others were even more surprised. At this time, worship was extremely devout. Without Xiao Chenshou's rescue, they might have been ridiculed at this moment. This kind of gratitude is extremely important!

Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan knelt among the monks. The venom in their bodies had been resolved. At this moment, they were filled with regret and bitterness.

But the choice of that year, it is impossible to give them a chance to come back, missed, that is, missed.

The monk Qingpao stood upright, with Huangquan's grindstone against the roaring dead soul behind him, and the monk in front of him stood on the ground. This scene, who could have thought of it when he entered the shrine more than 300 years ago?

When people are arrogant, it is so!


[Third more. Today's codeword is too tired and hard. For some reason, I have been feeling down recently, my status is very bad, and the update has been delayed. I apologize to all my friends here. Two chapters today, almost six hours, exhausted physically and mentally. Now I do n’t have a copy of the word in my hand, but I ca n’t hold it .. I am going to bed right away, get up early tomorrow morning, and postpone the first to 17 pm to try to adjust the status as soon as possible and restore stable updates. 】

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