Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 455: God and Demon Set

In the spacious cave sheltered from the wind, an old man in a luxurious black robe sat cross-legged, and several people around him guarded him carefully. Outside there are hundreds of armor-clad, resolute warriors with strong sturdy faces. The fierce evil spirit is obviously the one who has been fighting for a long time and killing the extremely heavy. Eight (<1 Chinese W) W) W). 〉8〉1) ZW. COM

But at this moment, the black robe old man snorted, his face pale, his eyes suddenly opened, revealing a sense of fright.

"Teacher!" a young and beautiful woman next to her exclaimed.

The black-robed old man waved his hand, but his face was still extremely ugly, "Morik is dead."

"Master Morik is dead!" The beautiful woman's heart jumped fiercely, slightly lower, not daring to show any strangeness.

"Damn it, which big tribe's master actually dared to kill the tribe of my Buren tribe and **** the treasure that the ancestors fancy!" Wuyuan's expression was uncertain.

This person can instantly perceive the breath of the peeping eye and take action to destroy it. His true strength is probably not under him. If the long sword treasure is really taken away by him, it will be extremely difficult to retrieve it in the future!

"Transport the spirit letter back to the tribe, attach the image of this person to it, and ask the tribe to make every effort to find out the identity of this person, and regain the treasure at all costs!"

Wuyuan put a finger on his hand, a flash of light flashed from his fingertips, and instantly hit the beautiful woman's forehead.

"Yes, teacher!" The woman did not dare to delay any time, sensing the irritable aura in the teacher's body, she hurriedly took out a golden roll of paper, closed her eyes slightly and injected the content into it, her hand moved slightly, and suddenly a flame was born. After burning, no ashes fell and disappeared out of thin air.

Wu Yuan took a deep breath, barely suppressed the anger in his heart, and was about to close his eyes to restore the blood turbulent in his body, but his face suddenly changed, and then he became savage, "Damn it! The old man hasn't gone to find you yet, so you went straight to it." Come here!"

There was uncertainty in the eyes of this old monster, and although he was full of anger, he did not lose his sense of measure.

This mysterious master is able to take the treasure, has proved his own strength, dare to go straight here, must rely on. Although he was not afraid in his heart, it would be bad if he was picked up by someone else because of a fierce battle.

After a while, the priest Wuyuan smiled grimly, "Yeyue, spread the word of the three tribes of the three tribes: Pulling Wind, Yuhuo, and Ben Lei, and bluntly said that this seat invites them to explore the spiritual veins and invite them to come here."

Although the beautiful woman was puzzled, she didn't dare to say anything more. She respectfully said yes, and took out three golden rolls of paper with her backhand, and after branding the contents, she lit them at the same time.

"I don't know who you are, but if you dare to come, I will want you to die!"

Wuyuan roared, and the voice of resentment echoed in the grotto.


Xiao Chen didn't know that his whereabouts had been spotted by the kill target, and set up a killing game to deal with him.

But in other words, what can be done if you know it.

With his cultivation skills today, between the world and the earth, except for the cultivators of the Shattered Realm, he is fearless!

All the way hurriedly, deep into the wilderness.

According to the information obtained by Xiao Chen, the entire dead world is divided into two parts by the local monks, namely the deserted area and the deserted area. There are large and small tribes in the deserted area. Although there are old corpses wandering, the power is weak, such as the Kamen tribe. Resist and barely survive.

But once they stepped into the wilderness, the number of old corpses suddenly increased, and their power soared.

According to Chalk, the most accurate and direct way to distinguish the power of old corpses is to look at the armor on their bodies. They are divided into four levels according to the degree of damage. Old corpse. The second-class half-armor corpse has a powerful increase in strength, and a strong fighter like Chalk is not an enemy to catch and fight. The third-class full armor corpse, which has exceeded the cognitive limit of the Kameng tribe, requires hundreds of fighters to cooperate with the power of the priest to kill it. As for the fourth class, it is the blood armor corpse. It is said that the old corpse of this level can even produce simple spiritual wisdom, and the power it possesses is comparable to that of high-level powerful gods. Every subordinate has a large number of old corpses. Except for the real top tribes, no one dares to provoke them.

Further up, there may be higher-level corpses, but it is no longer a secret that the Karmen tribe can know.

But this power is amazing enough!

Where did these old corpses come from? Why did it happen? Think of this completely destroyed world... Obviously there are so many secrets hidden in it!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't mean to think too much. There are too many secrets between the heavens and the earth, and those who are related to themselves have not been able to figure it out. Why bother with this? If you have enough power in the future, you don't need to worry about everything. Show clearly.

His only thought at the moment is to restore the shop as soon as possible, and then use his power to try to smash the boundaries of this world and return to the Palace of War. Now that he has officially set foot in the Eight Desolation Realms, he can only gain a rapid improvement in his cultivation level within the stone tower. He naturally does not want to miss this opportunity.

Moving forward in silence, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and the Huangquan grinding disc suddenly blasted out, and there was a loud "rumbling" in the dust ahead, and the dying corpse's roar was clearly audible.


The Huangquan millstone flashed back. Xiao Chen looked at the half armor on the ground, with a gleam in his hand, and took out the wooden box. The blood-colored armor sent a strange suction, directly swallowing the black light in it, and the edges grew like flesh and blood while squirming. .

But at this moment, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, his hand flashed again, but he summoned the small shop from the dojo, "You guys are not going to play with your ruler sister, how come you think about it."

The little shop didn't speak, his eyes fixed on the scarlet armor in the wooden box.

Xiao Chen's heart moved, "Why, do you recognize this thing?"

The shop smiled bitterly and nodded, "It was when I sensed this scarlet armor that I suddenly had these memories. It seems that my eldest brother and I have a fate, since you got this armor."

Having said this, he paused a little, and said: "This set of scarlet armor, called the armor of the devil, possesses terrifying power, but it cannot be used directly. It needs to be combined with another armor to form a complete suit."

"There are two sets of God Armor in the Great Thousand Realms, one is the Celestial Demon suit, and this is the Scarlet Demon Armor, which can devour the same powers and constantly repair it. When the repair is completed, the Demon God Helmet and the Demon God Sword will naturally spawn. The second is the Demon God suit. The same is divided into three pieces: the armor of the gods, the helmet of the gods, and the sword of the gods. These two sets of **** armors are said to be the most precious treasures from the ancient immortal realm. Wearing the armor of the gods alone, they will be attacked and absorbed vitality until they fall. If you use the Celestial Suit alone, you will not be able to wield the power that the treasure should have. Only by combining the blood of the God and Demon Suit and superimposing the power of the two, can you explode the truly terrifying power!"

"But I only remember the origin of the God and Demon suit, but I don’t know who it belongs to.. Or I used to know it but was shielded by life and erased this layer of memory, but I have the feeling that the owner of this armor Should have a very close relationship with me..."

Xiao Chen looked dazed, looking at the blood-colored armor in the wooden box, his expression became quite strange.

"Hahahaha! Big brother don't have to be depressed. It's a great opportunity to get the Demon God suit. Maybe in the future, your big brother will be strong enough, and you can collect the God suit, then you will really make a lot of money." Xiaodian Haha Laughing seemed to comfort Xiao Chen, but also seemed to vent some thought in his heart.

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly, with a faint smile on his face, "Xiaodian, you and I are indeed destined."

The laughter of the shop stopped abruptly.

And in Xiao Chen's hand, another set of armor appeared in the flash of aura, pure gold, revealing the supreme noble aura.

Celestial suit!

Even Xiao Chen hadn't even predicted this. He didn't expect that this set of treasures that he had exchanged in the Human Race's treasury in his early years had such an amazing secret!

The shop is more like being pinched by someone's neck, and there is a sharp and piercing sound in the mouth.

This world is too small!

Suddenly there was silence between the two of them, and it was a long time before the wailing of the small shop came, "Big brother, you are so lucky! Ah, ah, envious, jealous, and hate! Ahhh! You let me see no chance to catch up with you!"

"Nima! The Gods and Demon suits, this is the Gods and Demon suits, it is enough to let all the powers, giants, ancestors and other things desperately **** them, but they are now in your hands, and you Obviously I don't know their true function!"

"Well, tell me how you got them, whether there was a life of nine deaths, whether there was blood, or hit me hard, hit me to death!"

Xiao Chen's face was extremely comfortable with a smile, no matter who knew that a powerful treasure suddenly appeared in his hand, his mood would become good, "Oh, are you sure you want to know?"

The shop nodded fiercely, "Don't gossip if you are afraid of death, don't be afraid of death if you gossip!"

"Okay, then I will satisfy your curiosity." Xiao Chen said lightly, and he received the demon suit from the Wumeng tribe, and slowly said after he received the demon suit in the ancestral city elder hall.

"Ahhhhhhh! Fortunately, I have no blood. I have to vomit three liters of blood! The fool of the head of the Wumeng tribe is so lucky that he has obtained the core part of the Demon God suit, and other parts cannot be derived into a completed Demon God suit. And he actually gave it to you because of a little favor! And! And! Those idiots in the Human Race Elder Hall, can't they see the preciousness of the Celestial Suit! Actually they pointed to the forcible plug It's in your hands! Stupid! Stupid! Nima! Brother, your luck is so overwhelming, how can we confuse us?"

The small shop looked like it had been confused and was urged, and it was just these few words that kept talking.

Xiao Chen laughed loudly, not giving the boy a chance to continue speaking, and with a wave of his robe sleeves, he pulled him back into the dojo, so as not to stay in his ears and make noises.

However, this Demon God suit is really a great harvest, and it is not difficult to see the preciousness of this item from the response of the shop.

If the ancient demon clone wears a god-devil suit, it will surely be able to explode the power of destroying the world, this scene is really exciting. But it's too early now. After the Demon God suit is ready, it's not too late to go to the store to ask for the blood fusion technique.

Fortunately, I learned this secret in this deadly world where old corpses were rampant, otherwise there would be no way to repair the Demon God's suit.

Now... I can't say that I have to take some long routes and kill more corpses.


[Fourth update, today's update is complete, and you will see you tomorrow! 】

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