Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 445: Set foot in the wilderness

The sky-sharp front and the blood-stained axe, tearing up the space, carrying the irresistible horror power that utterly meets, meets outrageously!

At this moment, the whole world fell into silence.

The power of terror is entangled silently and entangled, killing each other and devouring and annihilating madly.

With one point of magical hedging as the core, the entire space was severely shredded, spreading wildly in all directions, everything along the way was wiped out, turned into dust and sprinkled on the ground, and there was no longer any.

All that remained was desolation.

But at this time, the huge sound that seemed to break the ground was "banged", like a thunder that blew in the ear, forming a terrible primordial shock, this power can even re-create the ancient **** of the ancient monks!

Xiao Chen's complexion was pale for an instant, and his feet stepped back one after the other, each step would break the space, his eyes were slightly dim, but still flickering, calm and calm, without any panic or fear.

Frost trembled slightly with his huge axe, and his figure was forced to retreat, apparently not taking advantage of this hit.

Both sides seem to be close to each other, but Xiao Chen has fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

The fissure of the sky is that he uses the source of the rules to explode the strength of the ancient pole seven songs, and then pulls the thirteen rule lines to excite, representing his most powerful force at the peak, but this blow can not cause any damage to Frost. hurt.

This **** monk's ancient pole eight peak monk, holding a giant axe, is like a **** of war, powerful and irresistible, but he can be sturdy and intact with the fierce sky front, which proves his power.

This is an infinite force to approach the ancient realm!

Now Flos, even in the face of the ancient Jiuqu monks, can still have the power to fight!

"Xiao Chen, you will die today!" Frost roared, his eyes murderous.

As long as he can kill Xiao Chen and seize the source of the world, all faults will be forgiven by Lord Ogudo, even if he knows that he himself killed and killed Xu Li.

Frost would never allow Xiao Chen to escape from him, no matter for revenge against the Lao people, or to relieve himself of his guilt.

And the power to the ancient level can make him have enough confidence!

While roaring, the person took a step forward, and the giant axe fell off.

This axe killer sounds amazing!

Xiao Chen ’s pupils shrunk slightly. This strike looked uncommon. The giant axe lifted and fell, it seemed to chop firewood, but in the sense of Yuanshen, the entire space was locked by this axe, unable to escape, unable to withstand!

This blow made him feel a sense of death.

The heart has not been defeated. In the life-and-death battle, if this feeling occurs, the battle will have no meaning to continue.

At this moment, in the Yuanshen space, the ancient Bodhi tree trembled violently, the branches clashed "snap" and "snapped", the leaves rubbed "sandy", the black ghost roared, and the more and more exquisitely imprinted the body surface, the bluer the eyes The flames are jumping endlessly, like the deep blue ocean, with the icy breath that can freeze the Primal God.

The source of the world is like a cyan sun, which is gently moved, and the gentle and peaceful cyan aura is suddenly flourishing, filling the entire space of the Yuanshen.

Xiao Chen's mind suddenly broke through the bounds of this perishable mood, which is complicated to say, but the outside world is only momentary.

At this moment, he didn't want to give birth to anger, and his mind instantly entered the state of Gujing without wave, suddenly lifted, and shot forward with one palm.

This palm, Xiao Chen has seen countless times in the realm of Stone Tower. The figure of Wei An was shot with a single palm. The man's body was smashed with a stab in the sky, and he died dead and fell into powder. Those few stars.

Xiao Chen's thoughts instantly entered a weird realm. He seemed to be integrated into the picture of Yuanshen, everything in the world became extremely clear, and the changes of every ruled line in this palm were in his induction.


The encounter between the palm fell and the giant axe, Xiao Chen's face became paler, but his appearance did not change at all, and his feet didn't even step back a little bit. With this light fluttering palm, Frost would be smashed and resisted.

There was a slight pause at this moment, and he stepped on the ground one step, a strange shock ripple burst out instantly, at the same time, covered his hands and patted.

This is the picture that Xiao Chen saw in Liangyi.

Frost's pupils contracted violently. He didn't know what was happening, but he could clearly sense that Xiao Chen was undergoing a terrible change. Once completed, even if he couldn't retreat!

Kill him!

Be sure to kill him before you finish!

This population roared wildly, and the Scarlet Axe turned into a stream of streamers.

Every time he fights, Xiao Chen's complexion becomes paler, and the corners of his mouth even overflow with thin blood, his breath is weak, his body shakes, and it seems that he will fall down the next moment. But it was in this state that he insisted on it again and again, seemingly understatement of action, but could explode terrorist power.

Frost grew more and more frightened, and a terror was born in his heart. This strong man with the peak of the ancient pole eight and holding a giant axe with almost the power of the ancient nine songs was actually afraid of Xiao Chen!

And these are not known to Xiao Chen. His entire Yuanshen has been deeply immersed in that mysterious state. He seems to have become the figure in the picture of the stone tower. All the supernatural mysteries are clear in his eyes. When rounded.

It seems that this supernatural power was originally created by him and belongs to him.

Take three steps forward one step forward, one punch, two punches, three punches, four punches!

Four punches in a row, seemingly slow, but like a storm and a stormy sea.

Three steps, three punches are all time to gather momentum, gather all the power, and integrate into the fourth punch as much as possible!

This punch is earth-shattering!


The fist and the giant axe met, and the horror sounded loud, but this time Xiao Chen was still not retreating, but Frost was smashed by hundreds of feet, his face was pale, his eyes showed an incredible color, and a trace of fear in his heart could never be suppressed!

Xiao Chen's punches and kicks gave him a sense of familiarity in each style, but he didn't know when he had met.

Until this fist hits, like the same lightning tore the fog in his Yuan Shen!

This fist is exactly the same as the picture he saw in the Stone Pagoda in the seven territories that year. The fist that destroyed the heavens and the earth caused the destruction of billions of souls, and countless stars annihilated in endless nothingness.

Frost once asked Oguto. According to the adult, that is the most powerful power of Shita Upi, which can be seen only when the sentiment reaches a very high level. Otherwise, he can only create his own magical power by understanding the upright. But the supernatural powers created can't bring the power of Shita upright to its peak.

And what Xiao Chen used at this moment was the power of the mystery of the origin of the stone tower!

Frost suddenly felt a chill in his heart, spreading his body quickly, making him cold as a whole.

He finally understood what Xiao Chen was doing. He actually used his horrific coercion to force himself into the stone tower's uprightness and desperation, in order to break through the current state.

And Xiao Chen obviously has successfully achieved his purpose.

Now that he has revealed the seven towers of the tower, the source of upright power, he can take the upper hand and fight him back. If he breaks through to the eight wasteland, Frost screams, his blood rises from the outside, and he flees madly backward!

But at this moment, it's too late!

Xiao Chen's face was bewildered, but his body subconsciously shot on his own. It seemed to be a force in the underworld, leading him into a vast world.

A figure appeared in his primordial spirit, one left punch, another punch, one front punch, one back punch, one left punch, one right punch, one forward punch, one rear punch, one figure, but It seems as if the eight-faced body is separated, and at the same time, a punch is thrown into the eight wastelands.

In the end, the integration of the eight bodies is still a fist.

But this fist can fight eight wastes!

Xiao Chen stepped and punched out!

Despair was revealed in Frost's eyes. The powerful man at the peak of the ancient extremely eight songs did not even have the slightest sound, and the surrounding space suddenly collapsed, like a force from all directions, siege him to death.

The next moment, the person's physical body collapsed, and the Yuanshen disappeared.

Frost, die!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's body trembled, and she finally awoke from the mysterious and mysterious state, feeling the changes in her body, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, spread quickly, and finally turned into a long smile.

Seven have been broken, set foot in eight wastelands!

When the injury is recovered, the self-sustainability can soar, then in this world, even in the face of ancient power, you can move forward and back!

With a move, he took away the dark blue bracelets of Frost, Xu Li, and others. This material did not know what material. Under this destructive power, he did not receive any damage. His eyes were slightly scanned. Xiao Chen had no plan to clear the battlefield , One step forward, the figure whistled away.

Today ’s battle will certainly shake the four realms, so that Ogudo, Dongfeng Rubao, and the three kings of the cave know that if you want to kill him, you must pay the due price!

And starting today, they will never lose the chance to kill him!

Not long after Xiao Chen left, two powerful breaths whistled, and the figures came directly to the place of war.

The people who came were Jellson and Montai, the blood prisoners.

The mountains and forests have been destroyed, fine and complicated broken textures appear on the lens of the earth, and the mana fluctuations in the void have not yet dissipated, which proves how horrible the fighting was!

The two ancient octopus powerhouses were pale and had horrible fear in their eyes.

Xu Li and Frost stunned together!

Treasure space, only one person can cause this, and that is Xiao Chen!

But with his power, it may be possible to kill Xu Li, how can he kill Floss! He is the strongest monk under Lord Ogudo, and he has a power with a giant axe that is close to the ancient Jiuqu realm.

"Communicate this to your lord right now!" Jellson reluctantly suppressed the panic in his heart and began to speak.

Montai nodded without hesitation, took a letter from the backhand jade Jane, branded everything, and raised his hand.

"You and I immediately leave here, gather the tribe, and wait for the Lord's order." Jelson faced Shen Rushui, but didn't want to stay here for a few more moments, checked the battlefield with Monte Thai hastily, turned and drove away. How to see it shows a taste of escape.

They are scared!


[Brothers, Taoists! The last day of the month! At the beginning of the month, Baozi said that this month's goal is to stabilize the second monthly ticket list. With everyone's full support, we did it, and even throw away the fate of more than 5o monthly tickets. This is everyone's support for buns. I am deeply grateful! There should be no more requirements, but we are only 12 votes away from the chrysanthemum of the first beacon giant! 12 votes! It only takes 12 more votes for the bun to explode the chrysanthemum of the fire **** and stand on the top of the monthly ticket list! What is the Great God? The Great God is out of reach, but now we are really close to him! Bros! Dear friends, have 12 votes smashed over and let Baozi sit on the first seat of the monthly ticket, even if it is only half an hour or ten minutes, but we can also tell people that our monthly ticket list has exploded the chrysanthemum of the fire god, this The taste is refreshing when I think of it! Ask for monthly tickets, crazy for monthly tickets! The last 12 votes, I hope everyone helps us "Tao" one step further! !! Today's bursting chrysanthemum is successful. I am afraid that I can only stay for 1o minutes. We must add another chapter like buns to celebrate what we have done before! Brothers, can you fight? !! If it succeeds at 21:00 and 22:00, the buns will wait silently! 】

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