Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 431: Hexagonal prism

Dongfeng of the Three Stone Realms is inviting. <? Bayi. 8] 1] ZW. Com

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, thinking for a few moments, and immediately nodded and agreed, "Dongfeng is like the reputation of an adult. Xiao Chen has long been eager for a long time.

The east wind is broken, the second to ancient Jiuqu strong in the Ares Palace, the only horror that can be positively shocked with Augusto, at this moment a sudden invitation, which must be catty .. Maybe it has something to do with the present.

He can contend with Augusto. In other words, if he is willing to take a shot, Guzhu, Yunyu and others are hopefully rescued. At the moment, Xiao Chen seems to be in a desperate chess game, and it is more likely to be alive.

With living pan, there is also a plan to prepare, and it is no longer a mortal situation.

So this invites him to go naturally.

Right now in the Palace of War God, even if Dongfeng is as strong as it can break, he can't do anything with him, so why should he be afraid.

The two went one after the other, in Tai'a, Mingxia and others worrying about driving away from the light, through the transmission of the formation, to the Three Stone World monk territory.

This is Xiao Chen's second visit, but because of the soaring provocation that year, the monk in the Three Stone Realms obviously did not like him, and everything he saw along the way looked ugly and gloomy, but Yilou Siyue led the way, but No one dares to be arrogant.

Xiao Chen looked calm and forced his heart to anxiety. He didn't know what Dongfeng Rubao meant now. Naturally, he couldn't expose his true heart to him, so as to avoid being in an absolute disadvantage in possible transactions.

As for the eyes of these three stone monks, he didn't even look at them, so he wouldn't take them to heart.

Although Yilou Siyue led the way, Shennian has been paying close attention to Xiao Chen's changes. When he saw him coming along, he was not proud and impatient, and could not help but nodded slightly. Some people recognized that Dongfeng Rubao had treated him. evaluation of.

"Xiao Chen is a friend, my lord is in the hall, please."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and followed him behind, Aung Rudian.

The Three Stone Realms gathered together, all of them are above Qu Gujing. The uppermost position of the hall is the east wind that breaks. At this moment, there is a slight smile on the corner of the mouth. Although it is not a little breath, it belongs to the coercion of the ancient monks. It was still faint and awe-inspiring.

Yi Lou Siyue offered to salute, holding hands on one side.

Xiao Chen stepped forward and saluted, "the younger Xiao Chen, met Dongfeng Rubao adults." His expression was calm and peaceful, and his words and deeds revealed the due awe, but there was no fear or flattering.

Dongfeng shattered his eyes like electricity. At this moment, he took a deep look at Xiao Chen and suddenly smiled. "The old man considers himself to be one of the rarest monks in the world. Otherwise, he won't have today's achievements. Compared to it, it is far worse. "

The old man paused for a moment, and suddenly said, "Gu Ji Wu Qu, with Xiao Chen's friend's card, went all out, I'm afraid that Gu Ji Qi Qu Monk can retreat with a few strokes, which has continued for just over 300 years. The progress of Xiaoyou is really appalling. Although I dare not say that there will be no future, but as far as the old man knows, the War God Palace has stood for hundreds of millions of years, and no one can compare with his friend. "

The Dongfeng sounded like a thunder, and the whole hall snored instantly, and no sound came out.

The eyes of the powerful men of the three stone circles came together, their pupils contracted, and their eyes were shocked.

Gu Ji Wu Qu!

He actually reached Gu Ji Wu Qu!

As soon as we entered the ancient realm, we were struggling. We had to work hard to accumulate a little bit of progress before we could make a breakthrough. Each step required a lot of time.

Setting foot on Qugu is equivalent to half stepping out of the limits of the ancient realm.

There are only three realms of the ancient, the ancient, the ancient, and the ancient. The ancient pole already represents the power of the extreme level of the ancient realm, and the Qu ancient realm is just a realm named by monks for a long time, or it may be called pseudo-half Step out.

The reason why it is called pseudo-half-step destruction is that although the monk Qu Gu has the power to go out of the ancient realm, but there is a great difference from the power of the destruction level. Only the ancient Jiuqu can be called Destroy the Mighty One for a real half-step!

The promotion of this level of strength is more difficult than the ancient realm by hundreds or even hundreds of times!

Today, the three stone realms who can stand in the hall are all monks above the ancient realm. Which one has not gone through tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years of hard practice before walking step by step to this day.

But now, their hundreds of thousands of years of hard work have actually been over 300 years ago .. If it were not for Dongfeng Rubao to speak, they would not believe such nonsense, but adults would say It means that this is true.

The eyes of the powerful men in the Three Stone Realms fell on Xiao Chen, thinking of the terrifying power he had always challenged, the last contempt in his heart was finally let go, and the only remaining was fear and awe.

Yes, it is awe!

How terrible this level of horror is, how dare not be in awe, how dare not be in awe!

What the adult said was true. Xiao Chen must have hidden other secrets in this body, otherwise he would never have such a terrifying length, 300 years of ancient Wuqu, if it were to be given to him for 3000 years ... Little bit!

Xiao Chen's face was calm. With Dongfeng Ru breaks into the ancient Jiuqu realm, the difference in strength between the two sides is not surprising. It is not surprising that he can see through his cultivation. "Dong Fengru breaks the reputation of adults. Xiao Chen only has some opportunities, not worth mentioning. "

It has not been denied that it is the default, without too much entanglement, and understatement has shifted the topic.

Dongfeng looked at Xiao Chen with a stunned look, and saw that his face was calm, without the slightest anxiety. He sighed in secret, this child was very human, and the meaning of appreciation was even greater, but the killings also increased.

Such juniors, who are not from the Three Stone Realm, will naturally die!

After clearing up my mind, the old man groaned a little, and said, "Xiao Chen, my friend invited you to come today. What you may have guessed, the old man will no longer waste your time in circles and I do n’t know blood prison. This is how the family wants to respond. "

Xiao Chen was slightly lower. He did not expect that Dongfeng Rubao was so direct, but his face remained calm and he faintly opened his mouth. "The younger generation knows that their strength is weak and cannot be sieged by the blood prisoners. Naturally, they will not step into the desert and take their own way. This resentment can only be liquidated in the future. "

Dongfeng Rubao leaned forward, "If the husband is willing to take a shot and help the little friend to save his friend, I wonder what the little friend thinks?"

Xiao Chensheng, "I don't know how adults need to trade."

"In the endless sea, Xiao Chen Xiaoyou met my five junior monks in Sanshijie, and during that period there were some disputes. These things have passed. Naturally, the old man will not ask, but the five juniors carried a This treasure is of some use to the husband. As long as Xiao Chen's little friend agrees to share it with me, the old man will accompany the friend through a wild cloud and misty mountain.

Dongfeng Rubao didn't make a cover, and it was directly useful to him to clarify the treasures. It is not difficult to guess this with Xiao Chen's mind. Since it is so natural, he is more sincere than saying it directly.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, a little surprised in his eyes, but didn't think about it.

This flash of surprise flashed, but did not escape Dongfeng Ruru's eyes, the old man was dull, then shook his head and smiled, "Why, Xiao Chen Tao friends have not taken that treasure into their hands?"

Xiao Chen nodded, and said lightly: "I did quit one store that day, but then there were many things and I left them behind. If I hadn't been reminded by an adult, I would have forgotten it."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, "I don't know what kind of treasure the adult said, can you tell me in detail, Xiao Chen is better to search for it, whether it is in my hands."

"It's a hexagonal prism that is about the size of a child's arm. It has a thin bottom and a thick top. If you hold it, it will emit a halo like water waves. You can go to the storage ring to find it. You should Right there. "

Xiao Chen shared a trace of consciousness, and found out the storage ring, seemingly calm, but observing the reaction of the monks in the temple in the dark.

Although Dongfeng Rubao's cover is so good that no flaws have been revealed, the other monks in His Royal Highness apparently did not have his calm state of mind. Although he tried hard to suppress it, his eyes were urgent and clear.

Xiao Chen's heart moved, and she recovered her attention without any traces. She already had eyebrows in her heart. It seems that the hexagonal prism in the storage ring is not as simple as Dongfeng Rubao said, but it is only useful.

This thing is so precious that it even has unexpected effects!

That being the case, the deal seems to be in good shape.

The consciousness swept through the storage ring and found the storage ring that was thrown in that day. I didn't want it to be a strong Yuanshen town, but Xiao Chen repaired it today and broke it. It ’s not difficult. The Yuanshen penetrated into it. What I saw was some trivial debris. The treasures of the spiritual stone were sparse and usual. However, one long box of Qingtong attracted Xiao Chen's attention. The mind was slightly moved to open it. The hexagonal prism was lying quietly. In it, there is a faint faint blue luster on its own, just like a sapphire on the sea floor, beautiful.

Xiao Chen was not anxious to take it out, and the sense of God swept through it to make sure that there was no sign of the Lord. Then the mind moved slightly. In the flash of aura, the dark blue hexagonal prism appeared directly in his hand. "I do n’t know what Dongfeng Rupo said. But this thing? "

Dongfeng's eyes fell on this object. Although he covered it very well, there was a flash of hot passing. "Yes, it is this treasure. As long as Xiao Chen Daoyou signs a dojo contract with me, the old man can take it. Ogudo saves people, and the reward is these six prisms. "

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he said faintly, "Xiao Chenxiu is low, and there is no backhand in front of the adults. If you set foot in the wild with you, you only need to move your fingers, and the younger will die without burial. It is not that the younger cannot believe The adult's guarantee, but it really does not have much convincing power. "

Dongfeng laughed, "Xiao Chen ’s little friend said very much that the old man would add content to the contract. Before the matter is over, none of my monks in the Three Stone Circles can strike at you, otherwise, he violates the contract. Endure the punishment of back to war!

The counter-phasing punishment is the heaviest punishment for the breach of contract by the Ares Palace. Once it comes, even the ancient Jiuqu repair cannot be resisted. If it is severe, it will be repaired and dropped. If it is severe, it will even be directly obliterated.

With this oath, it is quite sincere.

Xiao Chen respectfully salutes, "Thank you for your generosity. The juniors are compelled to protect themselves. Please forgive them. However, holding this thing, the juniors' pillars do not seem to be hard. You can pinch them with Qu Guxiu as a little force. It ’s broken, so I need to be careful to avoid accidentally damaging it and damaging Dongfeng Rubao's treasure. The matter is settled, and the adult should sign a contract. "

While talking, Xiao Chen appeared a ghost of a runner above his head, slowly turning.

Dongfeng Ru nodded his head with a grinning smile, and penetrated into the consciousness, making sure that there was no verbal trap. Only then did he imprint his own spirit and the contract was completed.

Xiao Chen had a slight smile on his face, and arched his hand. "Which is the case, I also ask the adults to make some preparations, and send the strong ethnic groups to the wilderness and fight with the blood prisoners. Naturally, they must be a bit more cautious. The juniors also I need to prepare for it. The teleportation will meet at noon tomorrow. What's the matter? "

"Okay, that's it."

"The junior said goodbye." Xiao Chen saluted, turned and strode away.

The smile on Dongfeng Rupo's face disappeared little by little after Xiao Chen left, and finally became gloomy and watery, his eyes flashed coldly. "Did you see that this is not only an amazing length, this mood is also perfected. Very accessible, at least none of my descendants in the Three Stone Realms can compare with it. The old man had an exotic slave in his hands, who wanted to unlock the imprisonment of the Yuan God, killed Xiao Chen with his hand, and took the pillar without destroying the contract and destroying Austria. Gudu swallowed this sub-rebate for promotion. But Xiao Chen apparently noticed it, so he warned the old man not to act rashly, otherwise he would destroy the crystal pillar. He has realized that the key is important to my Three Stone Realms. Son, you have a terrible city! "

"But the more so, the older my husband can't stand you anymore. When I enter the wilderness, I will definitely kill you, or I will become a big trouble in the future!"

In the hall, the monks of the Three Stone Realms were all low and silent.


[The third update today, the update is complete, goodbye to you all tomorrow! 】

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