Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 416: Depletion of coins is a problem

Stone Tower, Four Realms. ? Eighth} W>. } C) O) M

Aura of light flickered, and Xiao Chen's figure was teleported away, slowly opening his eyes, showing resentment in his eyes.

Being interrupted from that state of deep immersion is undoubtedly annoying.

Stepping under his feet, he stepped into the stone chamber subconsciously, but was pushed out by a shock force and could not step into it.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly heavier, and a trace of consciousness penetrated into the dark blue bracelet. His face was slightly stiff, and then turned into a bitter smile.

Crystal coins have actually run out.

More than twelve thousand coins, in other words, the equivalent of one hundred and twenty-eight chances to enter the stone room, each lasting one month. In this way, Xiao Chen has been in the stone tower for ten years and August.

But in the practice of sentiment, the past ten years have been gently sprinkled like flowing water at the fingertips, and the silence has passed.

Xiao Chen's brows were tightly frowned, and a little headache appeared on her face. It was quite uncomfortable to be interrupted by the feelings. It was even more uncomfortable when she could not continue.

This taste really bad.

Looking up at the entrance in front, Xiao Chen was silent for a moment and turned to leave.

Without crystal coins, stone tower cultivation will be forced to come to an end, although unwilling, but helpless.

For the implementation of the rules of billions of years in the Ares Shrine, Xiao Chen still did not want to challenge.

The most important thing now is to get crystal coins!

Xiao Chen stepped out of the stone tower hurriedly, his brow was unable to bear a slight wrinkle, and finally woke up from the state of crystal coins full of his brain, sensing the sight of the dark observation, sneer in his heart, and it was really patient.

For ten years, he had been standing in front of the stone tower.

But soon this sneer turned into shame. Since these guys were stubbornly guarded outside the tower, it means that the person who secretly wanted to calculate him has not given up. In this case, it would be more difficult for him to get crystal coins!

If you want crystal coins, you must have beast crystals. Beast crystals are only available in the desert, and once he enters the desert, waiting for him is bound to be endless strangulation.

Xiao Chen's complexion became gloomy, his gaze glanced around, and he whispered to the teleportation array.

As he relied on, no one in the God of War dared to take action against him, but he couldn't take any action to teach these guys. It would be the best way to choose to turn a blind eye, otherwise, he would only find himself unhappy.


In the awe of the teleportation monks, Xiao Chen spoke lightly.

"Taoyou treats less."

The teleportation monks are also in the ancient realm, but Xiao Chen showed enough awe in front of him.

After a few breaths, the aura of light flashed, Xiao Chen's figure disappeared, and he reappeared the next moment, already in the human race teleportation.

The monk in charge of caring for the human race saw the person clearly, his face suddenly changed, and he saluted politely, "I've seen the Lord."

Xiao Chen nodded, leaving without any pause.

Nowadays, he naturally wants to ask for help from the strong ethnic group, but I don't know if Tai A and Ming Xia have thought of the countermeasures.

A few moments later, Xiao Chen entered the residence of Tai Adao people under the leadership of the class leader. This old man and fairy Mingxia were already waiting.

The host is polite.

Xiao Chen said respectfully, "The younger generation has seen two adults."

Tai A and Ming Xia nodded slightly, their eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and a dazzling burst of light suddenly burst into their eyes. "Mid-term ancient!"

The two spoke in a deep voice, with a sense of shock.

Xiao Chen didn't conceal it, nodded his head directly, and responded to Tai A and Ming Xia's ancient six-word practice, but he didn't cover it, so he could easily see his true practice.

The host's face shuddered and turned suddenly, with a wry smile on his face. "Xiao Chen, you are really cautious, only to conceal the true cultivation in front of the old man, only showing the breath of the late ancient times, I actually did not see through."

Xiao Chen's face was calm. "Please forgive me, but it is better to keep the matter secret. Once it spreads, it will inevitably set off waves again."

Tai Adao people nodded slowly, "Xiao Chen said well, with such a degree of progress, in just ten years, he had crossed a great realm and was more than enough to provoke the uneasy powers of the foreign powers, and they would definitely act."

"Everything, be careful with some subtleties."

Speaking of which, the old man paused slightly, and his eyes fell on Xiao Chen. "Can you tell the husband, in the past ten years, how much have you realized the stone tower?"

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, and said respectfully, "Master Hui, the younger generation is now in the Four Elephant Realm."

Although some speculations have been heard, Tai A and Ming Xia are still shocked to hear him speak with shock and comfort at the same time.

In ten years, he broke through the three realms and entered the four elephants. In this degree, the War God Palace exists for hundreds of millions of years, and I still don't know who owned it.

It seems that the true gods have mercy on the people, and given such younger generations, they are destined to lead the people to rise and march toward glory!

The host's mouth was bitter. Although he secretly warned himself not to compare with this perverted guy, his eyes could not help turning red!

Four Elephant Realm!

Actually broke into the Four Elephant Realm!

I think he can also be regarded as a senior with a tough mind. It took tens of thousands of years before he reached the state of ** bit by bit. Although the stone tower is getting deeper and deeper, it is more and more difficult, but he doesn't think ** Two realms can block Xiao Chen for too long.

Maybe it won't take long before he will be turned against by this kid.

This matter really should be said, people die more than people, and goods are lost, although vulgar, it is the most reasonable.

The class leader is low, and he does not want to see this guy again, so as not to lose heart, and also wants to take a shot and teach him once!

After all, Tai'a is a strong player in the ancient six songs. Even if she was shocked, she quickly returned to her senses, with a little puzzlement in her eyes. "Why did you stop suddenly and leave the stone tower after breaking through?"

Xiao Chen laughed bitterly without much speech.

Mingxia Fairy revealed a thoughtful look, "But the crystal coins are gone?"

The Taoist Taoist suddenly shook his head again and again, and secretly said that he didn't think of this. At this moment, he looked gently at His Royal Highness, the junior with the hope of the future of the human race, and saw him nodded.

"When I first entered the shrine, I did exchange some crystal coins, but in the past ten years of cultivation, I have exhausted it."

Mingxia Fairy shook her hands as if she had thought of something. When they practiced that year, they went to the stone tower to comprehend it once, and they had to wait for a period of time before they could reach the second time.

But the little guy in front of him stayed in the stone tower for ten years and did not leave half a step. In other words, he should have been perceiving cultivation in the past ten years.

Hmm .. how many coins did he get when he entered the palace?

Although it was an extremely simple arithmetic problem, she asked, "Xiao Chen, how much did you get for the first time you exchanged for crystal coins?"

Tai Aoyou frowned a little, but at this moment suddenly heard the response from His Royal Highness, but felt that it was dark for an instant, and could not help but cough.

The host's captivated company rolled his eyes and secretly calculated a simple account, but it made him even more crying.

Sure enough, the high breakthrough degree is not in vain. The loss of this coin really can't hurt.

One year in the stone room, in December, at least 12 thousand crystal coins are needed. If you exchange them for beast crystals, there will be 4,000 in the late ancestors of ancient times, 40,000 in the late ancient times, and 400,000 in the late ancient times.

The hall suddenly became quiet.

Tai'a recovered easily, staring at Mingxia and seeing each other's hearts in vain.

It seems that if you want to fully cultivate Xiao Chen's rise, this loss can not be underestimated.

The more the stone tower breaks upward, the more difficult it is. Even if Xiao Chen has talents that ordinary people can't reach, but if he wants to make breakthroughs one after another, I don't know how many crystal coins it will cost.

"Xiao Chen, you go to the apse, the old man summoned the strong among the clan to discuss this matter. It is inconvenient for you to show up, but you can listen."

Too frowned, and whispered.

Xiao Chen also knew that this matter was quite tricky, claiming to be, going to the apse and waiting.

The host didn't need to tell him to give the gift, turned and hurried away, but his eyes looked slightly heavy.

I'm afraid it won't be easy.

After half an hour, all the monks who could walk away from the war shrine came together, although they were puzzled, but none of them dared to whisper and whisper, and all of them were slightly low, maintaining sufficient awe.

Two adults, Tai A and Ming Xia, sat up high, and the remaining seven Ququ monks took their seats on both sides.

The lone bamboo, Yunyan, and the brothers Humen and Huguan stood in the crowd. Jing Yangzi got the crystal coins. After three enlightenments, he finally gained something. He stepped into the ancient pole realm. Under his shelter, the three went out to hunt twice. But it also has some gains.

Just wondering what happened today?

The Tai Adao people did not let everyone wait for a long time. They coughed, attracted all eyes, and said lightly. "To call you and wait today is a matter that needs to be discussed. This matter is related to your immediate interests. My husband and Mingxia Fairy also It's not easy to make arbitrary decisions. "

His Highness monk's heart was a little stunned, and his expression became more solemn.

As mentioned earlier, most monks are selfish, and things related to them will naturally pay special attention.

Tai Adao's brows frowned slightly, and it seemed a bit difficult to speak. He sighed for a moment of silence. "Ten years ago, my human monk Xiao Chen spurred the stone tower to move. Confirmed with the fairy Mingxia that Xiao Chen felt the cultivation in the stone tower, and her performance qualifications were indeed far from ordinary people, and the length was extremely fast. According to this trend, she will definitely become my tribe-level power in the future. "

His Highness monks are discolored, rejoicing and jumping for joy, but the complex envy and jealousy are not uncommon.

Lone Bamboo, Yunyan, Humen, and Huguan are delighted and excited for Xiao Chen.

The monk of the next Gu Ji Wu Qu frowned, slowly speaking, "Tao Daoyou, you called me to wait here, is that what this is about, should there be hidden feelings?"

The monk Yu Zuge nodded all his head, apparently seeing this.

"What the old man said was related to Xiao Chen." Tai Ah's face was slightly dignified. "You should know that Xiao Chen has spurred the transformation of the stone tower and has become a thorn in the eyes of a strong alien. If you want to kill it quickly, remove me. The future threat of the human race, in other words, in his current state, he cannot leave the God of War at all. Once he enters the wilderness, even if the old man and the Mingxia fairy join forces, he may not be able to shelter him. As a result, he cannot obtain the beast crystal through hunting. Exchanging crystal coins, without crystal coins, you cannot continue to cultivate in the stone tower, and his cultivation will be interrupted by students. "


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