Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 406: Tyrannosaurus Sharpening Stone

The host nodded, and Jing Yangzi stepped back a few steps to stand respectfully, his eyes flashed on Xiao Chen, and the appreciation was unabashed, "Xiao Chen, this seat has heard Jing Yangzi know everything, what you do well!"

"As for the pressure on the Blood Prison and the Three Stone Realms, you don't need to keep your heart in mind. Although the War God Palace is dangerous, our strong human race will not see you in danger, and rest assured. [八 (一 中文 网)

When the class leader valued Xiao Chen, he directly stated that it was much colder to others.

Xiao Chen respectfully saluted, "Thank you Master."

At the same time, the monks of the demon and the demon returned to the strong men of the ethnic group. A bit of surprise came from the face of the demon monk in the Palace of War God, and Xiao Chen apparently learned the information from Emperor Cheng's mouth. However, the face of the monster tribe was slightly gloomy, and his eyes were not good.

"Huh! Class leader and friend, Xiao Chen, your descendant of the clan, is a very fierce means. I can't help but be vicious against monks from outside the region, and can also be severely punished by monks in my spiritual realm, and my team ’s place in a war god's palace has been abolished!" The monster tribe sneered.

The host smiled calmly, and his expression was calm. "Yu Zhudao's words are heavy. Although Xiao Chen's decisive decisiveness, he is by no means a fierce person, otherwise he would rescue fellow monks at the endless sea. As for the fierce hand, what does this mean? If the old man takes a shot, I'm afraid it's not just abolition of the qualification to enter the God of War Palace. "

Yuba's face froze, and the chill in his eyes became a little heavier.

"The two Taoist friends hold back for a while, don't be seen by other monks in the Four Realms." Shen Chou Shen Shen said.

The host nodded and said, "Heshan Daoyou said it well. In that case, I won't talk much about it."

Yuba gave a humming sound.

The warriors and monks from the Five Realms gathered, and the various clans in the spiritual realm guarded against each other. If they had not been unanimous when facing foreign enemies, they would have been suppressed by monks from the Four Realms.

At this moment, the teleportation circle in the square lighted up again, but this time it was the monks of the Three Stone Realms. After leaving the teleportation team, the strong men in the Three Stone Realms in the War God Palace greeted.

I don't know what to say, the two old men in Sanshijie suddenly became gloomy, and there was a cold mang at the bottom of their eyes that swept towards the monk monk, obviously what was in their minds.

The monks from the Fu 6 Realm and the Dong Tian Realm successively teleported and merged with the monks from all walks of life in the Ares Palace. The low-smiling man and the glamorous woman in the Flo 6 real changed slightly, even the burly and burly man flashed his eyes Shocked.

The monks in the Three Realms apparently knew what had happened, and their eyes swept through the realm of spirit and blood prison, which was quite interesting.

The three blood prisoner strong faces were gloomy, and the Five Realms teleportation was finally at the end, reflecting the eyes of the monks in the Three Realms, would they not feel the same.

Something must have happened!

Maybe things have to do with spiritual monks!

Just as they thought, the teleportation array in the square lit up again, and more than a hundred figures emerged from it.

At the same time, the monks around the teleportation array flashed in front of their eyes.

Although the news has been known for a long time, monks from the Five Realms War God Palace, including the host, the yuba, and the rivers and mountains, could not help but took a hard breath, and his face instantly turned into a solemn color.

Except for Bonor and Boran, the telepathic monks from the teleportation were all pale, their bodies were exhausted, and a hint of decay was on the verge of extinction. If only vitality is cut off, they will not be so shocked. The key point is that these strong warlords can clearly sense the injuries in their bodies, as if they were extracted by the vitality of life. The Primal Gods are no longer complete!

They were shocked by the fierceness of looking at them, who were all shooters. The 127 blood prison monks have been completely abolished!

"Who! Who! I'll tear him up!" The Blood Prison snarled for one of the three strong men, his eyes instantly turned red, the horror of courage suddenly burst, and the red blood rose into the sky. , Exuding a terrible evil!

A heavy gasp sounded from his mouth, like a demon from hell.

The monks in the floating world and Dongtian world changed their faces slightly, and their eyes gave birth to dread. Looking at the monks in the spiritual world, they were grateful.

The Five Realms in the God of War Palace secretly fought against each other, and they did not know how many monks killed each other. At this time, they were naturally happy to watch from the wall.

Sanshijie looked at the two elders and saw the chills in each other's eyes, but hesitated slightly and didn't show it. He waved slightly and signaled not to interfere in today's affairs.

The setting sun of the Changhe River stands respectfully behind, but looks across the square and looks at the place where the people of the spirit world are located.

This Xiao Chen was seriously injured!

On the endless sea that day, he was indeed bluffing, but what made Changhe sunset ashamed was that he was actually deceived and frightened by this person and didn't dare to shoot. He watched him leave, which made the long river known for his thoughts and eyes The sunset is hard to accept!


The lunatic who has offended the Blood Prisoner will be in constant trouble in the future, see if you die!

When the sunset of Changhe's mind was turning, the other three strong members of the Blood Prison stepped forward at the same time, and Qu Guxiu burst into violent bursts.

Bonour and Boran both turned pale and fell on their knees at the same time. "The three grown-ups are one of Xiao Chen's juniors. I don't know what kind of vicious means they have used, and they have devoured the blood of the monks of our tribe. That's what made them end like this. "

"I and I have trouble doing things, and I ask adults to forgive me!"

The blood prison monks are cruel and cruel. This is also true of others. This is also the case among their own monks. They can multiply to become the strongest small world in the surrounding area, and even swallow the three small worlds. Now they still enslave the two small worlds. The cruel competition and elimination of monks of this tribe!

Among the blood prison monks, even the same brothers and brothers were enemies facing each other before they were approved by Zongmen. Each of them needed to kill countless monks and step on the blood of the dead to grow up. In this way, the blood of the **** monk strongman has a steady stream of blood, and has always maintained a very powerful position.

Most of the strongmen who grew up in this brutal killing are resolute and decisive in their murderous actions. If they are dissatisfied, they will impose serious rules, and it is even impossible to kill the killer.

"Waste!" The roaring bloodthirsty screamed sharply, but he didn't see any movements. Both Bonour and Boran stunned at the same time, rolling on the ground, making the two faces pale suddenly, mouth and nose. Spilling blood, but dare not have any dissatisfaction, wantonly forgiveness in trembling.

Because they know that if they dare to show any dissatisfaction, the Tyrannosaurus will really kill them!

This is the coercion and punishment of the superiors among the bloodline monks' bloodlines, which are rooted in the bloodlines, but the prohibition of the Temple of War will not be touched.

"Who is Chen Chen!" Tyrannosaurus turned and looked at the place where the human race was located, and a roar suddenly appeared in his mouth.

The host's face was gloomy, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Why, is it possible that your monk monk is obstructing the road, and my monk is not allowed to take the shot, don't you feel that you are too aggressive?"

The two people, Yuba and Shanhe, did not retreat when they went out, and at the same time sneered at the same time.

In the Ares Palace, even if they are not here, the Tyrannosaurus and other people dare not do anything. Otherwise, once the manual killing is out, they will be forbidden and wiped out by the Ares Palace!

Xiao Chen frowned, stepped forward, looked calmly at the **** tyrannosaurus, and said lightly, "Xiao Chen is below, I wonder what the tyrannosaurus has to teach?"

The tyrannosaurus suddenly turned and looked at Xiao Chen. His **** eyes seemed to have strange magical powers, which could mobilize the dark negative emotions of the monk's heart, and one could not help but have a thought of killing and venting.

At the same time, the person's blood flickered outside, his body's breath exploded, and he suddenly turned into a streamer, just like the same **** meteor, carrying the breath of destruction, and went straight to Xiao Chen.

The chill is pressing!

Unfamiliar areas, powerful enemies, showcasing murder, if you change to another monk, you must be shocked and subconscious to resist, but Xiao Chen's face is calm, there has been no change from beginning to end, and even her eyes have not blinked.

The Tyrannosaurus figure stopped within three feet of him, the two eyes were facing each other, and they could even hear each other's breathing clearly.

The corner of Xiao Chen's mouth suddenly lifted slightly, with a taunt of mockery flashing in his eyes. "The seniors of Tyrannosaurus are indeed arrogant. If you want to avenge the monks of later generations, even if you do, the younger generation is here."

Looking at Xiao Chen's face, the blood in the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus was even better, and he took a few breaths, and his eyes fell on Xiao Chen's face. "Boy, you must not be too arrogant, unless you never leave the God of War in the future, Otherwise, this seat will make you regret that you were born in this world! "

"The account between us, there will be time to liquidate slowly in the future."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and Sisi turned coldly, "Master Tyrannosaurus rest assured, since the juniors came to the War God Palace, they are ready to deal with all situations. If you want to liquidate, the juniors must be accompanied to the end!"

The voice is calm, not humble, but it has its own pride and self-confidence.

Tyrannosaurus sneered, and using his cultivation as a calculation, Xiao Chen's failure was shameless, and naturally he would not continue to say, "Let's go!"

The monks of the blood prison family respectfully claimed that they had left in a big step under the leadership of the three men such as Tyrannosaurus.

The host's face was ugly. "This tyrannosaurus has a deep calculation. Fortunately, Xiao Chen has a calm heart and has not made an impulsive move, otherwise even the old man cannot protect you once the ban is triggered!"

Shanhe nodded silently, his face was equally gloomy.

As for the monster yuba, it was slightly low at the moment, and a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, but there was a faint chill flowing deep in his eyes, and there was an enemy of the blood prison clan in front. He was afraid that he would be calm in the future.

Fortunately, he had anticipated this, and although he was afraid of it, he had no fear.

The stronger the pressure, the more it can stimulate the potential, making him soaring all the way.

He used this blood prison tribe as a sharpening stone to help Xiao Chenang climb the avenue.


[Fourth, the update is completed today, and I ask for your monthly pass support! 】

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