Under the sea, the lonely bamboo and the clouded face were dignified, and their eyes were helpless. Bayi

Now that the monks of the Blood Prison are blocking the entrance to the War Temple, they will certainly be found if they want to enter it. Things are a little difficult.

But at this moment, Lone Bamboo's face suddenly changed, "Oops, it was revealed!"

In the low drink, the sword in his body exploded suddenly, and the red lotus extinction sword trick suddenly operated, gathered the swordsman and wrapped himself in the sea like a fish swimming in the sea, tearing the sea, reaching the extreme.

Yun Yan followed, with a pale face.

In the middle of Zugu, they are two, and now they have been locked. The distance between the two sides is rapidly shortening.

"Stop, and flee, and the two of them will take a shot." There was a cold drink from the blood prison monk in his ear. As if he didn't hear it, the backhand chopped it down with a sword.


A blast of swordsman fired, cut the whole sea openly, and headed for the approaching breath.


Leng He came, and the two blood prison monks took a hand in hand to shoot down, and the thick blood mist directly swallowed and wiped away the sword-monger.

"Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing, the sea of ​​blood is suppressed, see where you two fled!"



The blood sea virtual shadow behind them suddenly evolved. With a backhand shot, the two blood sea virtual shadows fell directly into the dark sea water.

With the integration of the two seas of blood, the waters of the surrounding endless seas suddenly turned into blood red, as if the blood had converged, and a strong imprisonment force burst from it.

The blood sea of ​​the blood prison monk is a supernatural power that has been continually sacrificed from the beginning of his monastic practice. Cast for the foundation.

Both Guzhu and Yunyan showed anxiety on their faces at the same time, and tried to urge the mana to escape, but they did not escape too far, and the seawater around them had become scarlet.

The next moment, the amount of repression suddenly burst, and the two of them moaned at the same time, their faces turned pale, their bodies were directly suppressed, and they could no longer move at all!

Two Taigujing blood prison monks suppressed the blood sea, they could not resist, if it was not for catching their livelihood, they could even squeeze them into powder with the help of blood sea pressure.


The monk monk entered the sea with a sneer, and sealed the body of the two to practice. One caught a broken water and went straight to the temple of war.

Thousands of miles away.

"Master, Terran monks have caught it."

Diversity and diversity.

"Killing the **** monk, I ca n’t escape, but I still have one more person. When I catch the last monk, I ’ll take them together and sacrifice my monk in the heavenly spirit." The three monks in the late ancient times of the Blood Prison nodded slowly.

"Your monk monk is arrogant and overbearing. He actively attacked my monk in the turbulence of space. It is ridiculous to be killed. It is also worthy of being called a hero. It's ridiculous!" Gu Zhuhan said, knowing that he would die There wasn't much fear in the down. "Kill if you kill, don't delay time. Xiao Chen Daoyou was counted as a trespasser, and now he has fallen into the endless sea, you can't wait."

In the past two years, Gu Zhu and Yun Yan calmed down and thought over the events of the day. The more they felt strange, the more they thought about the unusual behavior of the two after returning to the sea, and they were more sure of their thoughts. .

Xiao Chen must have been conspired by the two, otherwise there would be no accident with his careful temperament.

"Dead?" Bloody frowned, "Fortunately, if he falls into my hands, he will endure endless pain and death, which is cheap for him."

"Now that people are all caught, don't delay, just start the blood sacrifice here, burn the blood of your gods, and rest the souls of our monks."

Blood sacrifice is a very cruel punishment among the blood prisoners. After the monks are imprisoned, their essence blood is ignited by mystery, the soul is burned with essence blood, and endless suffering is endured. Yuanshen, so that it will not wither and collapse early.

The essence and blood are exhausted, and Yuan Shenfang will die.

With the huge essence of the ancient monk, once lit, it can even burn for a day and a night. During this period, the monk Yuanshen will suffer unimaginable pain, which is much more painful than frying people in a frying pan!

The higher the cultivation, the more pain it will bear.

The monks of the Four Realms changed their faces.

As for the fingers, Nie Yan, and Liu Shiyan, their bodies were stiff, and they breathed in large mouths, as if they had been drawn from the strength of the whole body, their eyes were full of despair.

Right now they are being sealed, their bodies are restrained, and they have no chance to commit suicide. They can only passively endure all this.

Gu Zhu's face was terrible, but he suddenly raised his eyes, and looked at the finger stubbornly, "Finger, now you and I will die, and the gods will die out forever. I just ask you one question, is it you and that day * * He Tu shot, Xiao Chen Daoyou. "

His finger shook his body, and it seemed as if he suddenly turned back, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face. "Hey, you're right, that Xiao Chen is so pretentious, relying on his three ancestor slaves for his blessing, If he was anything by his own power, he would dare to draw his hands in front of me. At the depth of the sea that day, I joined forces with ** He Tu to blast him into the dark sea floor, and took the opportunity to escape, presumably now he has already been The undersea beast swallowed up the bones. I have done a good thing and sent him back to the west early, otherwise he might suffer the blood sacrifice with us today. "

Yun Yan's pretty face was cold, and he was shameless!

Guzhu's eyes suddenly burst into endless murder, and he screamed angrily. "Sure enough, it's you, the mean villain, that I had doubts about Xiao Chen Daoyou's accident, but unfortunately I didn't take the opportunity to kill him for revenge. By the way, Xiao Chen Daoyou saved his life! "

"Although lonely and indifferent, he is still a man with clear grievances. Today, I want to go to Huangquan with you, a villain. It is really unlucky!"

Even the eyes of Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan looking at their fingers were full of contempt and indifference.

"Hahahaha! You and I are dying, and we are all superficial, why bother to behave here again, even if I mean despicable, you are not going to be killed by the blood prison monks with blood sacrifices with me! Since you one All of them were so obsessed with Xiao Chen that they begged him to come to you! ”The finger master knew that he was going to die, his face was sullen and smirk, and his face was distorted and terrible.

This change is beyond the expectation of all monks. No one had expected that at this time, the monks of the tribe actually revealed such a secret. Is this a breakout before death?

The monks of the Four Realms responded indifferently, and the blood prison monks sneered.

But at this moment, there was a figure slowly walking out of the monk in the cave heaven, his face was calm, and his eyes were calm.

"Gu Sijie, what are you doing, come back soon!"

"You're crazy, dare to get involved in the blood prison monks!"

"These monks have nothing to do with us. They die when they die. Gu Sijie, you don't have to do stupid things. Come back and talk about anything."

"Come back soon!"

Several monks in Dongtianjie anxiously opened their mouths, and immediately attracted the eyes of the monks from the Five Realms here, and fell on the monks in the entrance, and could not help but frowned slightly.

What does this cave monk want to do?

It was in these incomprehensible glances that the comer slowly said, "No need to call, I have been waiting for a long time. As a friend, Xiaomou will watch you scorn, and you will pay for your stupid behavior. "

The voice is calm, but there is a touch of confidence. Although not strong, it is enough to make any monk feel clearly.

When speaking, his appearance began to change, his height dropped slightly, his red skin returned to normal whiteness, black eyes, black, a blue shirt, standing in the air, looking down at the repair of more than a hundred blood prisoners, his posture was safe.

"Xiao Chen!" He pointed to the lord as a duck pinched his neck, a sharp shriek screamed in his mouth, his pupils contracted violently, and his face showed an incredible color.

Xiao Chen's appearance caused a strong psychological impact on him. The power of the undersea beast that day he could see clearly. How could Xiao Chen's power escape this way!

He should have been ridiculed!

Where the monks of the Three Stone Realms were, the river surface was instantly stiff, and his eyes were completely gloomy.

"Xiao Chen is a friend!" Gu Zhu and Yun Yan exclaimed, "You are not dead?"

Xiao Chen nodded to the two, with a slight smile on his face. "After some chance, I fortunately saved my life. Now it is also a joy to be able to meet with two Taoists again."

Nie Yan and Liu Shiyan looked at each other, and they all saw that each other's hearts were sour and slightly low, and they did not dare to look at Xiao Chen.

"Ha ha ha ha! Well, I still have some regrets in my heart, I failed to kill all the monks who killed my tribe. I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself. If so, you will stay together and bear the blood offering!"

Bloody laughed wildly, single palm stretched out and fell commensurately.

Taking his ancestors' later cultivation as an example, he can instantly win over this barren ancient monk!

With his eyes widened and his face grim, he was going to watch Xiao Chen be subdued and scoff with them!

He is going to die, and this kid must not live alone!

** Hetu showed a sense of relief. Even if he could escape from the undersea beast by any chance, he still has to fall into the hands of the blood prison monk.

Xiao Chen, you are destined to escape!


Only when you die can I truly sit back and relax!

The monk of the Five Realms dropped his eyes and shook his head slightly, showing a little compassion on his face.

This tribal monk could have died, or even disguised as a cave monk to enter the temple of war, but he actually appeared on his own initiative.

Do not live by yourself!

At this moment, witnessing the **** shot, no one believed that Xiao Chen could resist.

Maybe for a moment, he will be subdued and dragged away like a dead dog.

Xiao Chen's face was a little dignified, and the blue robe was hunted by the wind blowing in that palm. In the black drum, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of coldness appeared deep in the dark bottom chill.

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