

There is nothing and silence, but it can be revealed by the Primal Induction. At this moment, Xiao Chen is completely in a turbulent wave. This wave is the terrifying wave of extinction. It can easily wipe out any monks below the destruction. [Eight? One {<< Small

Seven auras of aura flashed, eight floating bells suspended above their heads, and a slight tremor exuded layers of aura, enveloping Xiao Chen's whole body. A thin film formed by Jiuqu's soul-relief medicine covered the head and trembled gently. In Yuanshen space, the ancient branches of Bodhi shivered and shivered, the light shone, the ghosts roared, and the blue eyes fell, and the wave of invasion of stagnation suddenly stopped and was swallowed directly by its open mouth.

After layers of barriers, the sound waves of extinction that can finally affect Xiao Chen's body are gone, but the power of Yuan Shen's destruction power can still easily create any ancient monks!

However, at this moment, Xiao Chen ’s golden Yuanshen burst suddenly, and a faint golden light emanated from it, enveloping the ripples of destruction that swept away. Under this golden light, the destruction ripple was suppressed like a quagmire, and it quickly weakened and annihilated. In the end, even if it touched Xiao Chen Yuanshen, it could not cause serious damage, and it was still within Xiao Chen's tolerance.

Xiao Chen was tense and relaxed. If the Bodhi trees and black ghosts had evolved together, he would have broken most of the sound waves into Yuanshen's space, and he would never be so relaxed now.

But now that he's okay, it's obvious that the eight-armed arm will be in big trouble.

The robe sleeve swung away the dojo, Xiao Chen stepped forward, and the figure turned into a stream of light moving fast in the belly of the eight-armed swallowing heaven chapter. Yuan Shen could not leave the body, but could only inject mana into his eyes and looked for it. Something.

"That's it!" Xiao Chen stopped for a moment, his eyes fell on the meat wall directly above.

The eight-armed swallowing chapter is different from other wild beasts. Its eight feet are underneath. The body is like a huge mushroom head. The digestive organs are in the middle of the body. To kill it, you must choose the attack direction. Otherwise, even this monster The skin is thick and thick, and I don't know how long it takes to kill it.

And Xiao Chen chose the place where the purple-red folds in the belly of the Eight-armed Tuntianzhang found according to the Ganoderma inquiries were collected. The folds full of meat walls were derived from this, linking one by one. It all comes down to one point.

This point is called the psychic point.

Daqian World, with eight arms swallowing up the might of the chapter, is as powerful as the monk who destroyed it, but there are still countless people who can kill it. When dissecting its body, it is naturally very clear about the physical structure of this monster.

The reason for the name of the psychic point is because it rises from this point, it can directly lead to the brain of the eight arms swallowing the heavenly chapter. As long as it can drive straight through, even if this thing is so powerful, it can't escape the end of death.

As for the spirit, the beast does not have the wisdom, the spirit cannot condense, but the body dies!

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, his eyes flickered sharply, and a single palm inside the robe sleeve protruded.

Mengmeng Huangguang suddenly appeared, condensed directly into the Huangquan Grinding Disk, and under the urging of Xiao Chen, its energy source exploded with only the remaining power, making the word Huangquan **** and red, carrying an endless destruction atmosphere, and crashing down!


Must succeed!

In the next step, as long as it is verified that the Huangquan Mopan can indeed block its self-healing ability by engulfing some energy in the eight-arm swallowing heaven chapter, this can be done!


There are absolutely no surprises, be sure to succeed!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed fortitude!


Huang Quan's large disc fell suddenly, and among the loud noises, the purple-red inner wall of the eight-armed swallowing sky chapter was ripped apart, but the weird thing was that no fragmented flesh was spilled. Under this attack, all of it withered and collapsed. The dots overflow directly into the Huangquan Grinding Plate.

With the integration of the light spot, the nearly exhausted energy source of the grinding disc was suddenly supplemented by strong power, and it quickly became full. After only one time of swallowing it, it was able to restore most of its loss!

However, at this moment Xiao Chen's main energy was not put on it. He stared at the inner wall of the Eight Arms Swallowing Heaven Chapter by the Huangquan Mopan. The flesh and blood was strangely white and rotten. Forces infiltrated all around to expand the scope of destruction. However, at the same time, among the flesh and blood of the Eight-armed Swallowing Heaven Chapter, there was also a sudden burst of vitality, which caused the flesh and blood to grow rapidly during the peristaltic movement. Under the effect of the corrosive force, the wound was still shrinking and recovering, but slowly. To the extreme!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with joy, and the results obtained by Huang Quan Da Mopan had exceeded his expectations. It seems that he still underestimated the power of this supernatural power.

Too late to think too much, he drank a little, Huang Quan Da Mo Pan did not stay in the slightest, and once again turned into a streamer slamming down. The source of power within it was like a strong and powerful heart, releasing a powerful force.

The unicorn soul beast growled excitedly and roared. Obviously, Huang Quan's great grinding plate devoured the mysterious power in the eight-armed swallowing heaven chapter, and it also had great benefits for it.


Huang Quan's large grinding disc was dropped again. Without waiting for the eight arms to swallow the Tianzhang's self-healing ability to heal the wound, he was severely torn again, and a deep pit was scored several times. No trace of blood spilled.

The dense light spots overflowed and were swallowed up again by Huangquan's large grinding disc, which caused the loss of its power source to rise again sharply, and reached its peak state in one fell swoop.


Within a huge dark trench somewhere in the endless sea, a horrible beast that stretched for tens of thousands of miles lay quietly on the ground. Eight huge tentacles showed a dark color like steel. It is hard to imagine how horrible it is. Even without any magical power, the power of the flesh alone is enough to turn the river and release the power of destroying the world. The eyes fall, forming a strong visual impact, making people pale. .

This wild beast is the eight-armed swallow-up chapter that has been transferred to continue to sleep after waking up.

To it, the events of that day were just a small episode in a long life, but sometimes some small links that were not noticed would lead to unimaginable destruction and even bury themselves.

Without warning, two arms with tens of thousands of feet in the Eight Arms Swallowing Heaven Chapter suddenly opened, and there was endless anger, and a wild roar suddenly appeared in his mouth. Eight huge tentacles moved instantly, carrying destruction. The power of heaven and earth, moving fiercely, fell wildly in all directions.

The bottom of the sea suddenly stirred an endless dark tide, and the entire surface of the sea set off huge waves, surging and imposing!

Although the eight-armed swallowing chapter is sealed, the essence can not produce spiritual intelligence, but the wild beast could make it feel a strong threat when it was attacked by the psychic point in the body, especially the power of the attack could actually swallow it Energy, making its physical healing ability almost completely ineffective.

This power gave it a familiar feeling. The color of doubt flashed in his eyes, and finally remembered that this power came from the little bug that awakened him from a few days ago!

Damn it!

Damn it!

This tiny reptile is not dead yet, he ran into the stomach and continued to cause damage to it!

The eight-arm swallowed up chapter was completely angry, and a horrible breath burst from its body, and the eight main tentacles burst violently, smashing the bottom of the sea and generating cracks, forming countless new huge trenches, and breaking through the seawater. There was a rough sea.

But no matter how roaring and roaring it is, it can't cause any damage to the small bugs in its body ..


Xiao Chen's face was cold and cold, sensing the violent shocks and fluctuations in the entire space. His appearance remained stable without any change in his hands, and his movements remained the same without any pause. In his mind manipulation, the Huangquan Grinding Disk blasted up with the godly point as the core!

Fortunately, after this supernatural power mutation, you can supplement yourself by devouring some of the power that spilled after the flesh of the prey collapsed, making supernatural power almost no need to consume Xiao Chen ’s vitality, otherwise this horrible shot, even if Xiao Chen ’s constitution has obtained Naga The blood of the clan has been completely transformed, and Shouyuan has no beginning and end. It can be compared with the sun, moon, and stars, and it will never survive. It will definitely not be able to support the crazy output of Shouyuan in a short time!

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Chen has the possibility of beheading and killing the eight arms and swallowing the heavenly chapter. Otherwise, he who is waiting for him will be held in solitary confinement until falling down or being promoted to destruction and even higher levels after countless years. Get out later.

Consecutive bombardment, with the Tongshen point as the core, a hundred-foot-sized flesh and blood channel was smashed open, about a thousand feet long, already deep into the eight-arm swallowed heaven and blood, and the flesh and wound that had begun to tear down below had been repelled clean The complete healing of the decaying power in flesh and blood made Xiao Chen completely fall into the flesh and blood channel, but his degree of tearing was still far beyond the self-healing degree of the eight-armed swallowing Tianzhang flesh.


Huang Quan's grinding disc blasted out again, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and a cylindrical treasure with a slap length appeared in his hand, and he raised it without hesitation.


The next moment, the shell of the object collapsed into powder, and there were countless thin needles with faint metallic luster.




The fine sound of fine needles stabbing into the flesh is like sand grains falling to the ground. The denseness is incalculable. Each one is deeply penetrated into the flesh and blood of the Eight-armed Swallowing Heaven Chapter, releasing the toxins carried on it.

The eclipse broken soul powder is a highly toxic substance refined by the left eyebrow's medical path. After contamination with flesh and blood, it can dissolve, spread rapidly, and spread to the entire body of the eight-armed swallowing heaven chapter.

Xiao Chen's face was indifferent, and his eyes were cold and cold. Now he has to get out and only have to kill the eight arms to swallow the sky chapter. Otherwise, what is waiting for him is death or the imprisonment of all ages. In this case, all he can do is Kill this monster!

at all costs!

By all means!

Be sure to get out as soon as possible!




Above the sea, eight tentacles from the sky shot from the bottom of the sea, stirring the waves in the Fangyuan Sea, sweeping by terror, and banging, like a sky fall, like a landslide!

The anger of the eight-armed swallowing heaven chapter spread out, causing countless wild beasts to flee in panic. Even the monks in the five realms changed their faces after sensing this breath, and they turned away from each other and dared not approach the slightest point. .

From the beginning of the anger to the gradual horror, and finally the roar of despair, the Eight-armed Swallowing Heaven Chapter raged for half a year in the sea, and finally it was quiet.


In the flesh channel, Xiao Chen stood by his hands. One hundred-foot-sized millstone carrying the mighty power of the sky was bombarded in front of him. Every time he fell, he could dig out a depth of dozens of feet. The more power, after being swallowed by Huang Quan's disc, a lot of light spots seemed to have lost its effect, and the internal power was also exhausted. Now it can only sink into the ocean floor, waiting unwillingly for death to come.

The red flesh and blood channel makes people feel nauseous from the bottom of his heart, but Xiao Chen stayed here for a full six months, and what he did every day was to drive Huang Quan's big disc to constantly bombard the channel, dull, lonely, and depressed.

But he all endured it in silence, his face was indifferent, his mind kept absolute calm and cautious, and he could control Huangquan Mopan's strongest attacking force in the shortest time. Although he has occupied the absolute advantage, Xiao Chen dare not care at all. He was able to kill the Eight-armed Swallowing Heaven Chapter, which is a result that can only occur under various causes and conditions. It cannot be copied, cannot be reproduced, and no difference can be made. When he appears, he will fall into a state of no avail.

After all, with his real power now, he didn't have any shot qualifications in front of the Eight-armed Tuntianzhang, and he would be easily wiped out.

So, how dare he carelessly.

The Eight-armed Swallowing Heaven Chapter is dead, or is in danger of dying, and the power in the body is weirdly swallowed by Huang Quan's grinding disc. Now how powerful a power is contained in this supernatural power, even Xiao Chen himself cannot estimate it!

Although I don't know how it can swallow the energy in the Eight Arms Swallow Heaven Chapter, but obviously this is not a bad thing. And if Huang Quan wasn't able to grind his magical power this time, he would be bound to die in the belly of the Eight Arms Swallowing Heaven Chapter.

As for conquering this horrible beast, Xiao Chen is not unthinkable, but the eight-armed swallowing heaven chapter has no wisdom. Even if he enters the dojo, he cannot imprint the dow pattern. Moreover, with his current practice, he has not yet brought it into the dojo. power.

You know, after all, this thing is the barbaric beast equivalent to destruction!

Subconsciously turning, Huangquan Da Mopan Shentong shot suddenly, and numerous manipulations and circulations, this supernatural power is more and more handy.

But this time, after Huang Quan's disc was blasted down, his eyes suddenly opened up.

A low muffled sound came, Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, and Yuanshen's sense that the eight-arm swallowed Tianzhang's breath has always disappeared completely.

This horrible monster from the thousands of realms finally lay down after resisting for half a year!


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