Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 381: Blood Prison

Faced with the different looks of the five people, Xiao Chen responded indifferently. His behavior was natural and plain, and he did not deliberately approach or be aggressive. He made a judgement in his heart through interaction. ? Eighth} W>. } C) O) M

It is not easy to know that the Shangchengfu is too deep and has a lot of thoughts.

Lone bamboo practises kendo, though indifferent but with a clear-minded look, it should not be the man with a dangerous mind.

Nie Yan seems to be peaceful and amiable, but it is this one that Xiao Chen is the most invisible among the five. He has resentment with his master, but he can show the slightest lightness. This is the only one. The ability to hide your mind is alarming. What's more, taking his Taigu peak cultivation as his example, he was able to make his fingers jealous, and obviously had some reliance. This person has been placed on the unassociable list by Xiao Chen.

Liu Shiyan, who looks like a wave-shaped skeleton, is the fox spirit that eats people and does not spit out bones, but her eyes are always clear and clear, but she has mastered excellent standards in ambiguousness. In a nutshell, I still don't forget to occasionally collide with Xiao Chen, but I didn't really get a cheap one, which is obviously also a powerful role of the fox spirit of Tianzihao.

As for Yun Yan, his appearance is indifferent and cold, but in the eyes of Xiao Chen, he is a poor man. He has to hide his true self with indifference, but it is the least threatening of the five.

However, this is only a judgment made by his own experience through daily contact, and whether it is correct or not needs to be verified in the future to know.

But through the cultivation of five people, he can also get a judgement. The God of War Palace really has a terrifying background. The minimum threshold for recruiting monks turned out to be the ancient realm. It is enough to know how powerful it is. A little bit dreadful.

When he observed everyone secretly judging, the remaining five naturally had their own calculations, and each had an account in their hearts. After all, they were all people who had been floating on the road for many years. If they did n’t even think about it, how could they be safe? Live to this day.

The ancestors rarely appeared, most of them were driving the crystal shuttle, but would they not notice the temptation and approach of Xiao Chen's six people, but he did not know for what purpose he did not intervene in the matter and left it alone exhibition.


In a blink of an eye, March passed. On this day, Xiao Chen was in the room, and the crystal shuttle suddenly shocked. His eyes suddenly opened, and he got up and pushed the door outward.

At the same time, five people, including Zhizhi and Lone Bamboo, appeared in dismay, and six went straight to the hall.

The face of the human ancestor was sinking like water, the eyes were cold, and a layer of light and shadow was suspended in the void in front of him. Through the restraint, the external image was projected onto it.

In this turbulent endless space, Crystal Shuttle actually met the other monk on the road, and was obviously attacked by the other monk.

"Monk in Blood Prison!"

The master and Nie Yan apparently recognized the strange and scary treasures of the whole body, their faces changed greatly, and even their eyes were frightened.

Xiao Chen and others showed incomprehension on their faces, and the two hurriedly whispered to explain something about the blood prison world. After listening, several people's faces became quite ugly.

The blood prison world is a small world far away from the spirit world. More precisely, it is a world on the verge of collapse, which is about to reach the limit of reincarnation. Once it collapses, all the blood prison worlds are imprinted in the body. The monks are to be ridiculed, and no one is spared except for the ascension of the monks. And even more critically, the blood prison world has occupied the three other thousand worlds for three times to survive, reaching the limit of the laws of heaven and earth. This way can not continue to extend the life of the blood prison world.

As the longest-running Xiaoqian world, the spread of long-term years is destined to make the blood prison world ’s level of cultivation extremely high, even more than one level of the same level, and the situation of collapse and destruction will make blood prison even more. The monks of the world are fierce and aggressive.

They have reached the end of their lives. There is no difference between early death and late death, so the intractability of monks in the blood prison world is far beyond the ordinary monks' imagination.

It is rumored that the two Xiaoqian Realms adjacent to the Blood Prison Realm have now been occupied by the Blood Prison Realm. Numerous monks have been enslaved, their souls are painted with charcoal, and the sky is blood-stained!

The spirit world is far from the blood prison world, and the two sides have not confronted each other, but they have long known about the fierce blood prison monks.

The ancestor hummed, and said in a cold voice: "There are treasures in the blood prison world that are almost the same as the old man's breath. You operate to resist the pressure of the crystal shuttle, and the old man controls the treasures and see if they can be thrown away."

After pointing at the faces of the Supreme Master, Nie Yan, and others, no one hesitated to hesitate at this moment, nodding their heads to repair.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, and his body's mana flowed.

The next moment, the whole space shuddered, and then there was a mighty pressure sweeping down, and the aura of light on the inner surface of the crystal shuttle flashed, and the engraving matrix textures successively lighted up, bursting out a dazzling aura.


In the turbulence of space, the crystal shuttle suddenly burst into terror, soaring more than several times, and immediately disappeared into the turbulence of space and disappeared.

Not far from the crystal shuttle, there is a round treasure with red blood like a devil's eyes, full of strong evil spirits.

"My lord, they fled." The survivors of the blood prison world are the blood prison monks. They look emaciated, and their skin is red and bloody. Everyone is full of strong evil spirits. In this round treasure, a blood prison The monk whispered.

A total of thirteen blood prison monks are a cold man with a fleshy tail and a spiked tail, but their appearance is quite similar to the human race, except that their eyes are weird blue, and the lips look like blood on them. , Extremely red.

At this moment, I heard that the corners of the blood prisoner's mouth slightly curled up, revealing a touch of cold color. "In this crystal shuttle, there is a fellow who has the same breath as me. If he can kill and swallow his blood, he will definitely let me Gu avatar has evolved again, and can accommodate more of my strength to come. "

"Catch up, you must not let them run away. Such wonderful hunting opportunities are rare."

"Yes, sir!"

The surrounding blood prison monks suddenly showed excitement.

call out!

This **** treasure like a devil's eyes soared and turned into a **** scary rainbow, like a meteor who was chasing after it!

Inside the crystal shuttle, Xiao Chen and others clearly saw the blood rainbow chasing after him in the rear, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

The face of the ancestors was sinking like water, and he shot with all his strength, pushing the Crystal Solitaire to its peak state, and his degree suddenly increased by a few points, but even so, he still could not escape the pursuit of the monks in the rear.

The two sides are one after the other, just like two big fish in the silver and white water, one is crystal clear and the light is shining, the other is red and bloody.

For half a month, even if the ancestors shot with all their strength, they could not escape the pursuit of the blood prison monks, but the distance between the two sides continued to shrink. According to this trend, it would not be too long before they would be caught up.

"Be careful, it seems that you can't get away easily this time. Sooner or later you will be caught up. The old man controls the crystal shuttle to stop and has a fight with this blood prison monk, so as not to let them despise my people! "

What ancestors of the ancestors cultivated, if Xiao Chen and others were not taken into account, would he be chased and killed for half a month, and a little bit of anger was born in his heart.

After a while, the crystal shuttle degree began to decrease, and the monks in the rear seemed to perceive the movements of the ancestors. Instead of decreasing, they were a little faster, blocking the road in one fell swoop.

The ancestor snorted, and stepped out to appear directly in the turbulent space. In the later period, the ancient ancestors burst into bursts, and their overwhelming power instantly forced the turbulence of the surrounding space away, exposing a calm space of thousands of miles.

Xiao Chen and others looked at each other, followed by leaving the crystal shuttle.

And at this moment, not far away from the **** treasure, the blood flickered, and thirteen figures appeared in an instant, with the color of the mouth of the man with a sharp tail on the back of the flesh-winged tail. steaming.

"Blood prisoner friends, you and I are far apart. There is no resentment between each other. I do n’t know why I keep up with me?" The ancestor said with a deep voice, his eyes fell on the blood prisoner as a monk. The pupils contracted slightly, revealing the fearful color.

"My blood prisoner fancy the prey, and I will only try to capture it without any reason." The flesh-wing human blood prisoner strong man sneered, "Human race, I am the master of Bastar. The blood of your body, sacrifice them to me, and blend into the body of the great Lord Bastar. This is the glory of your life! "

The face of the ancestor suddenly became extremely ugly. "It seems inevitable today's war. If so, let the old man talk about the magical powers of the blood prisoners and Taoist friends, and see how powerful you are. How dare you say so? ! "

Even if it is a late ancestor avatar, the combat power it can explode is comparable to the limit of ancient power.

The blue eyes of the blood prisoner Bastar suddenly turned into red, and his head was rumbling, burning like flames, "Come on, strong human race, the great Lord Bastar will kill you with your own hands. And draw your blood! "

"You each choose from your own prey, and whoever can grab it will own it!"

The roar didn't fall, the **** wing of the **** clan-like powerhouse began to shoot fiercely, and the figure suddenly turned into a streamer whistling and shooting!

"Be careful yourself!" The ancestor sang aloud, the momentum suddenly burst, one step out of a sudden battle with the blood prisoner strong, the blood was swollen with blood, the fighting spirit of the two sides were away from each other, apparently did not want to affect the juniors around them , The horrible loud noises continue to explode like a thunderous thunder, and the slightest destruction can still be clearly sensed even through the turbulent flow of space!

"Hmm! The strong human race has already fought against Lord Bastar, and no doubt we will die. Let's take an early shot and kill all of them." An ugly monk monk opened his eyes, his eyes hot and bloodthirsty.

"Hey, you don't have to be so cold-blooded, Sarri. The monk men on the opposite side can kill them, but can the two beauties stay and let us live happily and talk again?" Another blood prison monk was full of obscenity and obscenity Color, he laughed.

The words fell, and Liu Shiyan and Yun Yan became chilly.

"Master Bastar said, whoever can grab it will own it, and the master will not interfere in how to deal with it. If you don't want it, you will have to shoot first!" Suddenly, a thick blood burst burst out covering him, and Liu Shiyan flew away. Obviously, he was more interested in this charming woman.


"Shoot, don't let Kaboka take the lead!"

"This tribal beauty covers her face, but her figure looks enough to hook people up, it must be a big beauty!"

"Grab it!"

The blood prison monks are fierce by nature, practice some weird blood power, and their mood is even more gloomy under the influence. With the approach of the collapse of the blood prison world, most of the blood prison monks are fierce and indulgent. The magical powers are fierce!

Liu Shiyan sighed angrily, "If you want to take advantage of your aunt and grandma, it depends on whether you have this life to enjoy!"

Yun Zhi was more chilled all over his body, and Lianbu fell without saying a word.


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