Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 373: Black robe white robe

Light waves rise from the tide of water and fire, densely and densely, all coming from the veins of the jade palace that fell into the monk's body, and the memory of thoughts was erased, leaving only There is that pure elemental mana. [? ([Eight {One small ([W?.? 8] 1? Z} W.COM

Xiao Chen was expressionless, as if the gods waved their hands, millions of light clusters came together, disappeared into the body directly.

At this moment, the Lord of Hanlin, who was searched by the soul, slowly opened his eyes, and just saw the scene in front of him. The jade palace mansion was destroyed, and millions of bloodline descendants became extinct.

The weird eyes suddenly widened, and what Fu Ziwen said before his death was echoing in his heart.

"Xiao Chen! Xiao Chen! You have a vicious heart. You will be killed by cruel means in the future. All monks in Xiao House must not die!"

The Lord of Hanlin growled wildly, and at this moment he had forgotten all his fears.

Xiao Chen didn't say much. With a wave of his robe sleeve, the body of the master of Hanlin trembled suddenly, then dissipated like weathering, and turned into vanishing powder completely disappeared. His body's mana was once again closed down by Xiao Chen's refining and refining, as a make up for Sheng Cheng Two things.

At this point, in addition to the ancestors of the Jade Palace, the entire vein of the Jade Palace is cut off!

"Xiao Chen! Don't you forget that you are also my Terran monk. If you kill my Terran monk so much, do you really regard the rules of the community as nothing and think you will not be punished!" Roaring and roaring, chills in his eyes.

Zugu's breath burst, and the whole world was enveloped in a blast.

Xiao Chen's chest was dull and his face was instantly white, but his black eyes were brighter and brighter than ice. "The people Xiao killed have all reasons for killing them. How can the ethnic rules punish me?"

"Monks of the Jade Palace, they have no worries or grievances with you. Even if there is deep hatred, it is enough to just remove the evil. Why should they kill such evils early on, and they have a reason to die!"

The more angry the monk in the black robe, the stronger the momentum.

"Under heaven, there are endless creatures, all struggling to survive. If I do not destroy the blood of the jade palace, my own monk from Xiao House will fall into his hands. In this case, Xiao Mou is willing to bear all the sins and wipe them out. , Protect me from Xiaofu. "

"I am not a saint. I can treat all living beings equally. Xiao Chen shelters only those around me. This is a sinful thing to you, but in my opinion, I have a clear conscience, with different perspectives, and no right or wrong."

Xiao Chen's face turned paler, but his back was still straight, his eyes sharp, and he never wavered.

"Sophistry! Today, let your words dazzle your lotus flower, and you will never get over it. If you are as fierce and vicious as you, if you cannot be severely punished, what rules will there be in my family after all? It is not a mess of the rules!"

The black robe monk's eyes showed a sloppy color, and his robe sleeve waved. There was a sudden burst of regular power, swept across the space.


On Thursday, the king ’s eyes were exposed with horrific murder, roaring in his mouth, and the figure burst into the air. He guarded Xiao Chen behind them, and the four of them teamed up and punched forward, but their faces couldn't help but change slightly. Step back even a few steps.

The King of Kings joined forces to fight with this black robe monk.

The man in the black robe hummed. At this moment, the breath fluctuations in his body were about to continue to shoot, but his face shuddered, and he suddenly turned to look above the clouds, with a little stubbornness in his eyes.

A man in a white robe appeared, stepping out of the air with a slight smile on his face.

"The friends in black robes are too impulsive. What you see today is Xiao Chen's pain. But the killer is exaggerated, but also excusable. It is too much to take the initiative to charge him with death. . "

The man in the white robe had a mild voice, and the figure had come to the scene, and he slightly arched toward Xiao Chen. "Xiao Chen Daoyou, under the white emperor's white robe, already has a reputation for Daoyou, and today it really deserves its reputation."

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, but his pupils shrank slightly, and his gaze drew slightly on the white robe. Then he smiled and said, "The white robe Daoyou talked heavily, Xiaomou didn't dare to take it."

Although this white robe does not show the breath, Xiao Chen can feel a slight wave of rule power fluctuations from him. This person is also an ancestral power! And judging by the change in the look of the black robe, its repair must be unfathomable.

Bai Pao heard the smile converge on his face, revealing a little dignified color, and slowly shook his head, "If before today, although I heard the reputation of Taoist friends repeatedly, I would not take it seriously, but what I see today is I look at Xiao Chen Daoyou. "

Speaking of this, this person's eyes glanced at the King of the Big Thursday, "The power to sit on four ancestral monk servants is enough to treat the people equally, and I also ask Xiao Chen Daoyou not to be modest. "

Xiao Chen stunned, and then nodded with a smile. The white robe said clearly that the king only valued him because of the king on his seat. Although it was direct, it was a narrative of facts. Otherwise, even if Xiao Chen's qualifications were against the sky, The current practice is, how can we sit on an equal footing with Zu Gu Da Neng.

This person was straightforward, but it would not be annoying, but he felt that he was open-minded and had a good heart.

"Hmm!" The black robe snorted coldly. Seeing that the white robe and Xiao Chen had a good conversation, his eyes became more gloomy. "White robe friends, you and I came to you, just what happened today. Just sit back and watch! "

"This Xiao Chen is clearly taking advantage of the opportunity to commit murderous crimes. He killed more than a million monks in my family in a short period of time, and cut off the veins of the jade palace. Such hard-hearted people who are addicted to killing must be punished severely!"

At this moment, the ancestor of the Jade Palace had broken free from the **** of the Four Spirits, his face was pale, his eyes were red as evil spirits, staring at Xiao Chen hard, breathing heavily but not making impulse, standing slightly behind the black robe .

The white robe was indifferent, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Only the sky is clear, you and I can see it all clearly. This jade palace has a lot of evil behaviors, not only has it been repeated three times until Xiao Chen's friends died. Worked secretly with the Demons to assassinate my Terran monks. And more importantly, the black robe Taoist friends should not forget that 20,000 years ago, the demon Dragon King Nocha in the extraterrestrial battlefield broke into the Terran territory and killed all the way, such as Entering no one's realm, causing millions of people's army to be swallowed up by the army of the demon army, I think through the light screen picture today, this matter should have been explained. "

"Private aliens, betrayed our army's military materials, and caused millions of monks to kill the hands of the demons. This crime is enough to condemn the extermination of the tribe! Even if Xiao Chen Daoyou slashed the jade palace in one vein, what can he do? If you calculate carefully, Xiao Chen Daoyou opened a mass of unsolved tragedy for my people, and even removed the evil, it would be good for my people! "

The look of the black robe suddenly froze, but he never thought about it when he was so angry. Now his thoughts have become clear. It is hopeless to attempt to convict Xiao Chen from the pulse of the jade palace. Now he shifts the focus, and said, "Even jade It ’s not a pity that Gong Yimai died, so what is wrong with other monks in the ancestral city? There are even strong people with tens of thousands of days and above, and there is no lack of ethnic peaks. How much resources does the ethnic group need to spend to cultivate them? What? "

The white robe smiled and slowly shook his head. "Mr. Xiao Chen said that there was a cause for the killer's killing, even if he really relied on cultivation to kill many monks in the ancestral city? With the power he now controls, he is enough to get ethnic immunity."

Zugu's power, the crime of non-renegade negligence, all are spared, this is a human pardon!

The black robe hummed, but couldn't find a rebuttal, and his face was ugly.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, his eyes glanced at the two unfortunately cultivated monks, and a little puzzled in his heart.

The ancestral power of Zugu, whose status is extremely honorable, is the peak of the ethnic group. On weekdays, they are all characters who can not see the dragon, but now they suddenly appear in the ancestral city. There must be hidden feelings in them.

Moreover, the black robes set the enemy on Thursday and the king still holds a little upper hand, it is definitely not the first time to enter the ancient ancestor realm!

It seems that things today may not be as simple as they seem.

Fortunately, the black robe and the white robe are not the same. If not, maybe things will be troublesome. Although Xiao Chen is not afraid, he is unwilling to fall into this situation.

"Friends in black robes, you have done your best for today. The old man remembered it, and he will have a return in the future." The old ancestor of Jade Palace spoke slowly, his voice was dead and there were no emotional fluctuations. If you do n’t want to spoof others, you will definitely do it yourself in the future, and pay back all this debt. ”

During the conversation, the old man's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, his mouth suddenly raised, revealing a trace of horror, "Xiao Chen, today you really have the opportunity to uproot my entire jade palace, but the old man did not fall in the end, in the future Waiting for you will be my endless revenge. Maybe you will not be able to kill you in a short time, but all monks in your Xiao House will become the object of revenge for the old man. I want you to watch them die one by one!

"Xiao Chen, you will regret what you did today, you will regret it."

After speaking, the ancestors of the Jade Palace laughed strangely, hissing like a ghost, horrifying.

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the killing in his body burst out.

The white robe frowned lightly. At this moment, he took a step forward, hiding in front of Xiao Chen, and whispered, "Xiao Chen's friend, the ancestor of the Jade Palace has become an ancient monk. Today, you must not kill him by hand, otherwise Even Lord Baidi cannot protect you. "

The ancestor of the Jade Palace obviously knew the situation at hand, his face was unbridled, his eyes were still red, and his whole body was rolling and rolling!

Xiao Chen stared at the white robe, only a moment later he retracted his eyes, and said lightly, "The day when the Lord of Hanlin attacked me, he was a monk in heaven and earth, but now for just hundreds of years, Ben I have beheaded him and uprooted the jade palace. Although I ca n’t kill you now, I do n’t need to wait too long for you, Xiao will have unstoppable power and kill you at that time Damn, who dare stop me! "

"If you want revenge, it's best to hurry up as soon as possible, or maybe you can't wait for you to find me Xiao Fu's mischief, Xiao has already approached you to kill you completely."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm, but she thundered, falling into the ears of the white robe, black robe, and jade palace ancestors. They instantly changed their faces, and the latter two looked more rigid.

There is no falsehood in what he says, and it is precisely the length of this horror that makes it even more frightening.

Heipao took a deep look at Xiao Chen, and could not help but have some regrets. If the Lord Heidi did not accept the loyalty of the Jade Palace ancestors, he might not have the opportunity to take this Xiao Chen into his hands, but now it is too late to say these.

Watching the white robe deliberately defend Xiao Chen, the two sides were quite close, and his eyes flashed sharply.

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