Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 368: See you, master and apprentice Xiao Cheng

Xiaocheng. Bayi Middle SchoolO}M]

In recent years, there have been constant harassment by surrounding cities, accidents of many businesses inexplicably, and some people's secret and intentional hints, which have led to the inevitable decline of Xiaocheng and the continuous decline of fixed residents.

The reputation and heritage built over two hundred years of hard work have been exhausted in these short decades.

"Master Tong Cheng, it's not that you don't want to stay in Xiaocheng for a long time. It's really that the business has reached an unsustainable level. There is one thing I didn't tell you. The goods shipped from other places were robbed two days ago. This is the third time this year, and if this continues, we can't bear it."

Tongyuan's boss smiled bitterly, his face showing a little guilt.

Tong Sheng slowly shook his head, and his voice was low and hoarse, "Tie Dongjia doesn’t need to be like this. You can support till now and become the last evacuated businessmen in Xiaocheng. It is already a great friendship for my Xiao Mansion, and I can deal with your difficulties. understanding."

The old monster Duan abolished Tong Cheng's cultivation base, destroyed his foundation for rebuilding the avenue, and even more insidiously isolated the vitality of his body. It could not be supplemented by any foreign objects, so that he would slowly grow old in decades like an ordinary person. Now it is old and decayed, extremely weak.

"Oh! Master Tong Sheng can understand my difficulties, and the old man is relieved. Today, I was forced to wait for my fellow Daoists to leave. If the situation in Xiao Mansion improves slightly in the future, I don’t need an adult’s call. Let's reopen the shop again." Tongyuan's owner handed over his hands, his expression sincere and without pretense.

The owners of dozens of shops in the surrounding area nodded, their faces solemn.

On the day of Xiaocheng, Tong Sheng led his teacher to suffer, and he did not hesitate to damage himself to preserve the power of Xiao Mansion, allowing him to establish a very high prestige in Xiao Mansion and the entire Xiaocheng, so even if he has no cultivation in the past few decades, But no one dared to be disrespectful to him, otherwise the angry Xiao Mansion monk would tear it to pieces at all costs.

"Friends of Taoism, you and I are so good to get together, and to be able to persist until today before leaving has already given me extra friendship from Xiao Mansion. If you need help from Xiao Mansion in the future, you can speak up."

"The old man will not be far away. Fellow Daoist walk slowly."

Tong Sheng clasped his fists, but his eyes flashed a bit of sadness. To this day, Xiao Cheng is truly defeated. Although he has worked very hard to do it, he still has not secured the foundation of Xiao Mansion.

Master Master, the disciple has done his best. Maybe it won't take too long before the disciple will leave. I hope you don't blame me.



The faint sound of footsteps came from the city gate, seeming to have inexplicable magic power, and instantly attracted the eyes of all the monks here.

A figure gradually appeared in the sight of everyone from far to near.

He has black eyes, black eyes, a blue robe, and his face is calm. He came quietly, his breath was flat, but there was inexplicable pressure, which made people tremble unconsciously, and his eyes showed awe.

Tong Sheng saw the incoming person clearly. After a short period of sluggishness, tears in his old eyes rolled down. The strength from nowhere made him break away from the support of the left and right monks, and quickly stepped forward and fell to his knees.


A low growl, mixed with countless ups and downs, excitement, joy, grievances, sadness, everything.

At this moment, Tong Sheng did not face any calmness of the situation. He burst into tears and cried loudly, just like the helpless orphan, and now finally found a relative to talk to.

With tears, the liver and intestines are broken!

Tietou's eyes instantly turned red. This man who held the magic knife every day exercised his mind with magical nature, endured endless pain and never screamed tears directly, fell to his knees with a puff, and knocked on the ground!

"grown ups!"



Behind Tie Tou, a group of Xiao Mansion monks knelt down at the same time.

As for the owners of the merchants who are about to withdraw, their faces are dull at this moment, and they have obviously not recovered from the scene in front of them.

Over the past few years, there have been many forces that explicitly requested and secretly wanted to subdue the power of Xiao Cheng, but they were all rejected by the Xiao Mansion. Could it be that Xiao Mansion had nowhere to go and had secretly taken refuge in a certain power, but it looked like the situation right now.

Xiao Chen looked at the old man kneeling in front of him, sensing his frailty and aging, took a deep breath, his hands in the sleeves of his robe trembled, and he reached out to slowly pull him up.

The appearance is old and old, but the familiarity of the year can be vaguely seen. This is his disciple. The ethnic battlefield has protected him for a hundred years. He promised to give him the respect of the whole world and the disciple who will not be insulted by anyone!

"Tong Sheng, I'm back as a teacher. I will repay you for everything you have endured. I will make up for everything you lose. I only hope you don't resent being a teacher."

Xiao Chen rarely promises people, but if he says it, he will definitely do it.

This is his promise to Tong Sheng.

"It's good for the master to come back. No matter what happened, the disciple would never dare to hold any grudge against the master. Without the master, the disciple might have already fallen, and the disciple is willing to bear everything now!"

Tong Sheng shook his head desperately, only joy and grievance in his eyes.

Xiao Chen was silent, and a murderous intent emerged from his heart, and it skyrocketed with an astonishing degree, causing his eyes to instantly turn into awe-inspiring, and no more temperature flowed in it.

"Tietou, all of you get up. Since this seat returns, you will all receive the rewards you deserve. When this seat is in trouble, you can persist in it, and you will treat each other with sincerity in the future!"

"I will follow the lord to the death!"

Tietou and the Brother Xiao Mansion behind him roared at the same time.

But at this moment, two pressures suddenly burst from above Xiao Cheng, and the entire city was covered with a brazen fall, "Tong Sheng, the time limit has come, I wonder if you have considered things clearly?"

"Hand over Xiao Cheng obediently, the two of me can let you, the cultivator of the Xiao Mansion, leave safely, otherwise I will stop blaming me for waiting for my cruelty and leaving you all behind!" The other person yelled.

From the breath sense, these two people are all at the peak level of the ethnic group.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and slowly turned to look at the two Yunxiao. Behind them there were more than a dozen monks, all of them powerful, and the weakest also had the three levels of heaven and human.

"Master, these are the two people secretly instructed by the old monster Duan. They are the masters of the two nearby cities. They have repeatedly embarrassed Xiao Cheng with me and forced me to give up the prize Xiao Cheng." Tong Sheng explained in a low voice, his face Show hatred.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, his eyes flashing sharply.

"Huh? It seems that there are other guests here today, boy, today's matter advises you not to intervene, otherwise you will die because of this. Don't feel wronged!" One of the peak cultivators sneered, apparently aware of the bottom Abnormality.

"Dare to come to me in Xiaocheng and go wild, since it's here, then don't leave!" Xiao Chen said lightly, waved his robe sleeves, and the whole space was shaken silently, and then another wave of destruction swept out.



Above the clouds, the two peak cultivators of the ethnic group and the dozens of celestial and human realm powerhouses behind them had not yet reacted at all, their bodies had exploded in a blast, turned into powder, form and gods!

With Xiao Chen's current cultivation base, the peak cultivator of the tribe can be destroyed by backhand!

Xiao Chen's spiritual consciousness dispersed and instantly enveloped the entire Xiaocheng. With a wave of his robe sleeves, he led Tong Sheng and the others to tear the space and return directly to the Xiao Mansion, leaving behind the shop monks with shocked expressions.

"Father, everything has been cleaned up. When do you think we will leave?" Tie Family's son asked in a low voice.

"Get out? Take out everything in the storage ring for me, let's not go!"


"Ah what, I didn't hear me say it, so I immediately ordered to take things out and wait and see before making a decision!"

For a time, dozens of shops that were about to leave Xiaocheng opened again quietly, and the news about the return of Xiao Chen from Xiao Mansion spread with an alarming degree.

The entire ancestral city suddenly boiled, and a dull and depressive aura slowly condensed, as if wind and rain were coming.


"I will tell you carefully about what happened after I left the ancestral city. I want to see who secretly made a move against my Xiao Mansion, so I can settle with them one by one!" Xiao Chen sat high and said lightly.

But it is this calm appearance that is gestating a terrifying storm, once it bursts, it will be earth-shattering!

Xia Tong Cheng, Tie Tou and other officials in the Xiao House stood respectfully, but the Telford butler's face was excited, and his old face was flushed, which is enough to know the agitation of his mind.

"Master, rest assured, although the disciples have been exhausted for resisting these years, they still remember all those who secretly shot them. I remember all the blood debts in my heart without forgetting them. What I'm waiting for is Master's return. I am asking for justice in Xiao Mansion."

Tong Cheng's mind was agitated, but his almost exhausted body made him unable to withstand such violent mood swings, and he breathed sharply.

Xiao Chen's complexion instantly became extremely ugly. His divine sense came out and penetrated into Tong Sheng's body. With a low snort and a wave of his sleeves, there was a sudden burst of mighty vitality, breaking the town with the force of destruction and letting all the vitality into Tong Sheng. Sheng inside.

The vitality entered the body, and there was a "cracking" bone crisp sound. Tong Sheng's old state was reversed with naked eye visibility. The shriveled flesh body became plump again, and the wrinkled skin was restored smooth and smooth. Even the body was lifted up a few points and directly restored to its original state. Looks like.

Although his cultivation level still hasn't recovered, the vitality in his body is comparable to the peak monk of the ordinary race. The physique has been forcibly tempered by Xiao Chen, and his cultivation aptitude has been directly upgraded to several levels. This is also something Xiao Chen has for him. supplement.

"Thank you, Master!" Tong Cheng felt the vitality inside his body, his heart was excited, and his eyes were red again.

He only knows the preciousness that he possesses when he loses it, especially when he is helpless to watch himself a little bit weak and old, and even on the verge of decay and death, this kind of beauty that is lost and restored becomes more cherished!

After a while, Tong Cheng cleared up his mentality, and then slowly opened his mouth, telling every bit about what happened after Xiao Chen left.

After Xiao Chen listened, his face became calmer, and there was even more coldness in his dark eyes.

"You step back and let this seat be alone for a while."

Tong Cheng, Tie Tou and others did not dare to delay any time, and respectfully withdrew after the salute.


[The great new book of the desert, the country is born, you all support me, and the portal downstairs is attached! 】

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